The Ken McElroy Show is your weekly meet-up where real estate entrepreneur and CEO Ken McElroy shares his personal experiences and the strategies he’s implemented throughout his career, from his first job as an apartment manager to today, having successfully scaled up to over $1 billion in real estate investments. Each week, Ken and his co-host Danille delve into a wide range of topics related to real estate, including entrepreneurship, current events and their impact on investors, the investor’s mindset, and the best practices for a thriving business. Their guests have included a diverse range of authors, entrepreneurs, and investors, such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jaspreet Singh (“Minority Mindset”), and Brandon Turner (“Bigger Pockets”). Their conversations are candid, occasionally irreverent, and always informative. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.
Searching for a podcast filled to the brim with the best from thought leaders? Open to reframing the way you think about money, emotions, behavior, and time? Take The Long View® with Matt Hall will help you learn to live richly. Subscribe now for stories and conversations that will put the odds of long-term success on your side.
PowerLunch går i dybden med magt, medier og erhvervslivet over tre retter mad - og løfter diskussionen til et internationalt perspektiv. Din vært er Nicolai Bonnén Rossen. Kontakt: [email protected] eller via @powerlunchdk - Musik: SilentCrafter – Fallen Kingdom
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This podcast takes you on an exhilarating journey into the heart of the crypto and blockchain revolution. Join our host, Paul Barron, a seasoned expert in blockchain, Web3, technology, and media. He and his co-hosts delve deep into the ever-changing world of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and Web3, and their incredible potential for reshaping our future of business and investment opportunity.
Bonus - Paul Barron breaks down market sentiment in each episode on top crypto projects along with chart analysis by Evan Aldo
Each episode explores cryptocurrencies and blockchain's latest developments, news, and utility. This podcast goes beyond the headlines; it's a glimpse into the minds of visionaries, companies, and investors shaping the future. The hosts engage in insightful conversations with industry leaders and innovators, uncovering their strategies, visions, and predictions for what lies ahead in the ever-evolving crypto landscape. Discover how blockchain disrupts traditional business through Web3 and decentralized finance, where the possibilities are limitless.
Dana Howell and Evan Aldo -
Lær at investere og bliv opdateret på aktiemarkederne med denne podcast. Podcasten udkommer hver fredag og varer ca. 30 minutter og fokus er på forskellige temaer under “paraplyerne” investering, opsparing og privatøkonomi.
Disclaimer: Ophelias Invest Talk er ikke økonomisk rådgiver og dermed ikke ansvarlig for dine økonomiske valg. Investering er risikabelt. -
I Ejendomsinvestoren diskuterer vi successer, fejl, konkrete ejendomshandler og de små detaljer, der vil gøre både Du og jeg til successfulde ejendomsinvestorer.
Podcasten vender forskellige investeringsstrategier, den økonomiske cyklus, den dygtige investors mindset samt vitale detaljer omkring lånestrukturer, forhandlinger, lead-generation, juridiske dokumenter og meget mere.
Bliv en del af fællesskabet I Facebook-gruppen "Ejendomsinvestoren - Bliv ejendomsinvestor". -
Velkommen til programmet, der nysgerrigt vil undersøge alle de tendenser, der kommer til at vende vores alles liv på hovedet.
I denne programrække vil fremtidsforsker Liselotte Lyngsø og iværksætter og forfatter Lars Tvede kigge ind i fremtiden for at se, hvilke tendenser, der lige om lidt vil skylle ind over os alle. Ved hjælp af Lars Tvedes Supertrendmaskine får vi masser af bud på, hvilke trends, der kommer til at ændre måden vi kommer til at leve på. Velkommen til fremtiden.
Værter: Liselotte Lyngsø og Lars Tvede
Research og tilrettelæggelse: Denis Rivin
Producent: Kim Pihl-Vester -
Podcasts fra FINANS. DET DER TÆLLER udkommer hver mandag, og ser frem mod ugens væsentlige begivenheder i verdensøkonomien. BUNDLINJEN udkommer hver fredag, hvor et skiftende panel debatterer aktuelle emner og historier fra erhvervslivet. FINANS WEEKEND kan høres fra klokken 05.00 hver lørdag - her møder du en af Finans-redaktionens medarbejere og kommer med bag arbejdet med erhvervsstoffet. GRØNNE PENGE er vores podcast om den grønne omstilling. Den udkommer to gange om måneden - det samme gør LEDELSE MED LOUISEN ORBESEN, Finans ledelsespodcast. VALG I USA - vores dækning af det amerikanske præsidentvalg udkommer hver torsdag morgen kl. 05.00 og vores LYN-ANALYSER og PERSPEKTIV dryppes ud på kanalen i et løbende flow.
The Desire To Trade Podcast has for goal to help you develop Forex trading skills for more freedom. I interviewed some of the most successful traders from around the world to uncover their lessons and help you become a more profitable trader.
This is the #1 trading podcast dedicated to helping you get profitable and scale up your trading! -
On Unsupervised Learning we probe the sharpest minds in AI in search for the truth about what’s real today, what will be real in the future and what it all means for businesses and the world. If you’re a builder, researcher or investor navigating the AI world, this podcast will help you deconstruct and understand the most important breakthroughs and see a clearer picture of reality. Follow this show and consider enabling notifications to stay up to date on our latest episodes.
Unsupervised Learning is a podcast by Redpoint Ventures, an early-stage venture capital fund that has invested in companies like Snowflake, Stripe, and Mistral.
Cohosted by Redpoint investors Jacob Effron, Patrick Chase, Jordan Segall and Erica Brescia. -
Grønne Pengetanker er en podcast, hvor bæredygtighed og investering er omdrejningspunktet. Vi dykker ned i nogle af de udfordringer, vores planet, klima og samfund står overfor, og giver dig et indblik i, hvordan du med investeringen af din opsparing kan være med til at gøre verden til et endnu grønnere sted. Podcasten udkommer hver anden uge.
Værter: Chefanalytiker Jacob Hvidberg Falkencrone og ESG-specialist Mads Steinmüller.
Denne podcast er markedsføringsmateriale og udgør ikke investeringsrådgivning.
Vær altid opmærksom på, at historisk afkast ikke er en indikation af fremtidigt afkast, som kan være negative.
Rådfør dig altid med dine professionelle rådgivere omkring juridiske, skattemæssige, finansielle og andre aspekter, der kan være relevante for at vurdere egnetheden og hensigtsmæssigheden af en investering. -
5-4 is a podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks. It's a progressive and occasionally profane take on the ideological battles at the heart of the Court's most important landmark cases; an irreverent tour of all the ways in which the law is shaped by politics.
Subscribe to our access our premium episodes & much more at
Listen each week as hosts Peter, Michael, and Rhiannon dismantle the Justices’ legal reasoning on hot-button issues like affirmative action, gun rights, and campaign finance, and use dark humor to reveal the high court's biases. Presented by Slow Burn co-creator Leon Neyfakh, and hosted by Rhiannon Hamam, Peter Shamshiri, and Michael Morbius. 5-4 is a production of Prologue Projects.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.