Relationship Truth: Unfiltered is a place for people of faith to find real answers when it comes to destructive relationships.
Leslie Vernick is the author of seven books, including the best-selling, ”The Emotionally Destructive Marriage.” She has dedicated her life to cutting through the religious confusion and teaching women to grow in their relationships: with God, with themselves, and with others. -
Beloved, The Divine Woman Podcast is an invitation to awaken to a higher level of consciousness, heal old wounds, and live in harmony with nature, source, and spirit.
Join Priestess Amanda Sophia and spiritual thought leaders as they discuss ancient spiritual teachings from The Celtic Wheel and share tips on how to live from a place of sovereignty, joy, and connectedness. Each episode will empower you to connect with your inner divine feminine. Weave these sacred teachings into every area of your life and emerge fully confident of your innate worth.
Tune in, Beloveds. You are welcome here. -
Sunday Homilies and Theological Reflections with Fr. Josiah Trenham - Weekly homilies and theological reflections recorded from the amvon of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, California. This podcast is sponsored by Patristic Nectar Publications, a publisher specializing in resources for Orthodox catechesis. We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your spiritual quest, and we hope that your listening experience is an edifying one.
Delaney and Bev are co-hosts for the ‘She is Becoming’ podcast. Delaney (under 30) and Bev (over 60) are a multi-generational duo with lively discussion - they enjoy learning from each other and learning from guests that they interview. Together they tackle relevant topics and study the Bible.
Jump Start Your Joy is a podcast by Paula Jenkins, a business coach and podcast producer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Inspired by the quote “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day (Henri Nouwen),” this lively show looks at the inspiration, intention, and action that lead to joy in your life, the world, and other people's lives.
You were made for fulfilling relationships. Listen each week to stories of people finding hope and encouragement in their relationships so that you can too. Host and award-winning author John Certalic, together with his guests, share principles of life-giving relationships.
John’s relationship story starts with his birth to a single mother and placement in foster care for the first 16 months of his life. From this comes four different careers, 53 years of marriage to the same wife, and much he has learned about relationships. John draws from all this, along with inspiring stories from his guests, to share how you can find more fulfillment in the relationships you were made for. -
Pogovori s poti samospoznavanja. O izzivih življenja, odnosih, naravi in osebni rasti.
Pogovarjava se:
Eva Brovinsky in
Mojca Juvančič
Echo Community Church is a church in White Marsh, MD serving our community all around Perry Hall, White Marsh, Parkville, and beyond. We are all about being and making disciples of Jesus and promise simple worship, solid teaching, and safe programs for your whole family. We would love to have you as our guest! Service starts at 9 AM & 11AM every Sunday!www.EchoChurchOnline.com868329
Listening for Clues invites you into conversations that discover clues, rather than solutions to life’s problems.
Our current series, "Good News!" features weekly conversations with people who are making a difference, large or small. We want everyone to know what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how. So, our listeners and viewers can experience the good news and go out and make a difference themselves. Join the journey with Jon Shematek and Lauren Welch, Episcopal deacons, as we explore whatever lies ahead. Visit us at or send a message to [email protected] -
Dr. James Howell is the head pastor at Myers Park United Methodist Church in Charlotte, NC. Throughout his career, he's developed meaningful relationships with a wide spectrum of people, and he's taken time to learn each of their stories. Maybe I'm Amazed is a collection of amazing conversations James has with amazing people experiencing everyday miracles.
"Marriage Coaching for Love, Laughter, and Overcoming Adversity" - We met on a blind date and when we got engaged 4 months later, my heart was pierced...not by Cupid's arrow, but by a serrated steak knife and that's when our journey began. That's when we realized we both Married Into Crazy! We are just Real Folk sharing real talk about Love and Life while occasionally tackling a few taboos, stereotypes, and misconceptions confronting the institution of marriage (and relationships at large). Though we can't speak for everyone, we can offer our unique perspective. If you've ever wanted to be a fly on the wall and listen to another married couple’s random conversations, stick around and get your "ear hustle" on with a couple that truly Married Into Crazy!!!
Podkast serije revije Sensa in hkrati prostor neskončne širine in globine, človeške iskrenosti, modrosti, duhovnosti in najrazličnejših življenjskih (pre)izkušenj, ki jih iskreno razkrivajo vedno zanimivi sogovorniki. Je prostor najrazličnejših idej in nazorov, ki razpirajo nova obzorja in odstirajo tančice naše nevednosti.
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