
  • Netflixの番組を見ました。番組の名前は「ブルーゾーン」です。番組のテーマは長生きです。






    I watched a programme on Netflix. The title of the programme is ‘Blue Zone’. The theme of the programme is long life.

    Older people live in the Blue Zone. The elderly in the Blue Zones are healthy and live a long life - some are 100 years old. There are Blue Zones in many parts of the world. Famous Blue Zones include Okinawa in Japan, Sardinia in Italy and Costa Rica.

    This Netflix programme introduced the lives of elderly people in the Blue Zone. It was interesting.

    There seem to be some similarities in the lives of the Blue Zones. For example, they walk a lot and eat more vegetables than meat. Herbal tea, red wine and goat's milk were introduced as drinks. Then, they take good care of their families. I meet and chat with people every day.

    The life in the Blue Zone made me think about valuing my friends. I have loved my alone time since I was a child, but recently it has changed a bit. In order to be a happy 100-year-old like the people in the Blue Zone, I think I should treasure the people around me. After watching the programme, I immediately invited my friends for tea.

    The Blue Zones programme also talked about the purpose of life, but I didn't really understand that part as it was obscure.

  • 土曜日にロンドンのマーケットに行きました。マーケットで昼ご飯を食べました。日曜日は友達と電車でイーストボーンに行きました。イーストボーンで海を見ました。たくさん歩きました。




    On Saturday I went to a market in London. I had lunch at the market.

    On Sunday I went to Eastbourne by train with friends. I saw the sea in Eastbourne. We walked a lot.


    There is a big park in East London. It is called Victoria Park. On Saturdays there is a market near the park. I bought pad thai from a Thai food stall and ate it. There was also a stall selling kimchi, so I bought one. There are a variety of kimchi. There are kimchi with Chinese cabbage, kimchi with radish, kimchi with red beetroot, etc. There was also vegan kimchi. After the market I went to the park. There was a frisbee event in the park. It looked like fun.


    My friends and I had arranged to go walking together, but the weather looked bad. The weather forecast said it was going to rain, but it looked like it might be cloudy some of the time, so we didn't know whether to go or not. We had bought our train tickets ahead of time so we decided to go.

    It takes about one and a half hours by train from London to Eastbourne. From there, a 10-minute bus ride and you are at the sea. Eastbourne is famous for its white cliffs. You can walk along the cliff tops for miles and miles, and we walked leisurely for a couple of hours. The weather was cloudy for the first half of the walk and rainy for the other half. I got a bit wet but it was a nice refreshment because of the great scenery. We stopped at a pub before heading home. There were lots of wet dogs in the pub.

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  • うちに車があります。私は車でスーパーや仕事に行きます。車のスピードに気をつけています。

    町の道路にはカメラがあります。カメラは車のスピードを見ています。道路の制限速度(スピードリミットは)だいたい30マイルですが、学校の近くや静かなところは20マイルです。ゆっくり運転しなければいけません。車を運転する時、私は携帯電話のGoogle Mapを見ています。Google Mapで私の車のスピードがわかります。とても便利です。


    私は運転する時、あまりスピードを出しませんが、制限速度が20マイルの時は本当にゆっくり、ゆっくりです。アクセルを強く踏まないように気をつけなければなりません。Google Mapで自分のスピードがわかるのは助かります。

    また、道路にはときどき、すごいスピードで運転している人がいて、怖いです。そういう人もGoogle Mapを使って欲しいです。

    I have a car at home. I drive to the supermarket and work. I am careful about the speed of the car.

    There are cameras on the roads in town. The cameras watch the speed of the cars. The speed limit on the road (speed limit) is usually 30 mph, but near schools and in quiet areas it is 20 mph. I have to drive slowly. When I drive, I am looking at Google Maps on my mobile phone, it tells me the speed of my car. It's very useful.

    Have you ever been caught speeding? For example, if you drive 25 mph on a 20 mph road, you will be photographed by CCTV. And you have to pay a fine. The fine is expensive.

    I don't drive very fast when I drive, but when the speed limit is 20 mph, I drive really slowly, slowly. I have to be careful not to push too hard on the accelerator - it's helpful to have Google Maps to see how fast I'm going.

    Also, sometimes there are people driving very fast on the road, which is scary. I wish these people would also use Google Maps.

  • 先週、湖に行きました。そこでブラックベリーを摘みました。今日、ブラックベリーのアイスティーを作りました。




    Last week I went to the lake. I picked blackberries there. Today I made blackberry iced tea.

    Every year I look forward to going to pick blackberries. I picked a lot of them this year too. I often make blackberry jam and crumble. The iced tea is the first time for me.

    It's easy to make. First, wash the blackberries. Put them in a bowl. Add sugar and mint. Add a pinch of baking soda. You can also use lemon. Then mash the blackberries and puree them. Add tea to it - hot black tea. Wait for about one hour and it is ready. When you drink it, add water to dilute it.

    To mash and puree the fruit, use a colander. This will remove the seeds from the blackberries and make it smooth. Smoothing with a colander is called backstraining. Cooking vocabulary. You can also make a syrup instead of puree. In this case, warm the blackberries and sugar in a saucepan. Make it like a jam and then back strain. Blackberry iced tea tastes refreshing and is like juice. It is delicious and has a beautiful colour.

  • 先週の土曜日に夫と湖に行きました。湖で友達と待ち合わせしました。友達は3人家族です。





    Last Saturday I went to the lake with my husband. We met up with friends at the lake. My friend is a family of three.

    My friend's family lives in Brighton. They have a child, an 11-year-old boy. The lake is an hour's drive from London.

    It is also about an hour from Brighton.

    We first had lunch in front of the lake. Then we walked. The lake is very big and it also is surrounded by forest. It was nice and cool in the forest.

    We picked blackberries and took them home.

    There was a Premier League match that day. My family are Arsenal supporters and my friend's family are Brighton supporters. Brighton has a Japanese player, Mitoma, so we support them too. The guys were walking around and checking the football news from time to time. Brighton won 3-0 and Arsenal won 2-0. It was a fun Saturday as we saw friends for the first time in a long time, the view of the lake was soothing, and the football result was good.

  • おととい、カレーを作りました。日本のカレーです。とり肉のカレーです。今日、魚屋に行きました。イカを買いました。イカをカレーに入れました。




    A day before yesterday, I made curry. This is Japanese curry. It is a chicken curry. Today, I went to the fish shop.

    I bought squid. I put squid in the curry.

    I make a lot of curry so I eat it every day - the second day's curry is better than the first, and the third day's is even better. But eating the same curry three times is a bit boring, so I get a bit creative.

    Recently, I like to add seafood on the third day. In particular, I recommend squid. I buy fresh squid from the fish shop. But you can also buy frozen seafood mix from the supermarket.

    When I asked if I could take a photo at the fish shop, the guy did a funny pose for me. He was surprised when I said I wanted to post the photos on my Japanese blog. He checked the photo and gave me the OK.

  • 夏休みに旅行をしました。2週間行きました。ねこはうちにいました。うちで、るすばんしていました。





    I travelled during the summer holidays; I went for two weeks. The cat was at home. She was home, playing house. The cat's name is Mirin. Mirin is a sensitive cat. When she is stressed, she doesn't eat much food. I was a little worried.

    I asked a neighbouring junior high school student to cat-sit for me. She came to our house even twice a day. She fed him, cleaned the toilet and played with Mirin. She was very helpful. The cat sitter girl sent us photos during the trip.

    The first week's comment was ‘’She looks a bit lonely. But she came out. I was relieved. Mirin is a quiet cat, but she likes to be near people. The next week she sent me more photos. Mirin was lying around on the sofa, showing her belly. She seemed to get on well with the sitter. I felt completely at ease and was able to enjoy my trip.

  • 夏休みに旅行に行きました。クロアチアに行きました。日曜日に帰りました。クロアチアの空港でおみやげを買いました。まめのジャムとビスケットです。




    I went on a trip during the summer holidays. I went to Croatia. I returned on Sunday. I bought souvenirs at the airport in Croatia. I bought some bean jam and biscuits.

    Croatia was hot, the sea was beautiful and I had a lot of fun. There were many islands. The islands were green with many trees. It reminded me of Izu and the Seto Inland Sea in Japan. We went from the airport to a big island by car and boat. The name of the island is Corčula.

    There were many pine trees in Croatia. Pine trees smell good. They are lighter green than Japanese pine trees.

    I also saw many grapevines on the island of Korcula. There was a winery in a large vineyard. When I was walking around, I often saw fig trees. Then there were interesting bean trees. I had never seen such beans before. There were a lot of long, brown beans on the ground.

    I was very happy when I found an illustration of these beans in the souvenir shop at the airport. The beans were called Rogaci in Croatian and carob in English. There were jams and biscuits with Rogaci in them, so I bought some. The biscuits look like choco chips. It also tastes like cocoa. They were tasty, not too sweet and had a gentle taste. I haven't eaten the jam yet.

  • 今週、日本の友達の写真を見ました。友達はうなぎを食べていました。うなぎは7月の食べ物です。おいしそうでした。私はうなぎが大好きです。ちょっと贅沢な食べ物です。イギリスの日本食スーパーでも買うことができますが、高いですから、たまにしか買いません。日本では7月の終わりにうなぎを食べる習慣があります。友達の写真を見て、私も食べたくなりました。オンラインで注文して、今日食べました。おいしかったです。うなぎを食べて、オリンピックの開会式を見ました。日本にいたら、たぶん、うなぎ屋さんに食べに行ったと思います。子どものころから毎年夏に食べていました。イギリスにいても食べられてうれしいです。日本の食べ物を買いたい時はいつもWASOという店で買うんですが、何でもあるし、配達が速くて、とても便利です。

    This week I saw a photo of a Japanese friend. My friend was eating unagi (eel). Grilled eels are a food for July. It looked delicious. I love unagi (eel). It is a bit of a luxury food. You can buy it in Japanese supermarkets in the UK, but it is expensive, so I only buy it occasionally. In Japan, there is a custom to eat unagi at the end of July. When I saw my friend's photo, I started to want to eat it too. I ordered it online and ate it today. It was delicious. After eating the eel, I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics. If I was in Japan, I probably would have gone to eat at an unagi (eel) restaurant. I have eaten it every summer since I was a child. I am glad I can eat it even in the UK. Whenever I want to buy Japanese food, I always buy it from a shop called WASO, they have everything and the delivery is very fast so it's usuful.

  • 先週の金曜日は仕事が休みでしたから、美術館に行きました。とてもいい天気でした。美術館の名前はDulwich Piture Garallyです。私のうちの近くです。車で15分ぐらいです。今、日本の版画の展覧会をやっています。




    Last Friday I had the day off work, so I went to the museum. It was a very nice day. The name of the museum is Dulwich Piture Garally.

    It is near my house. It takes about 15 minutes by car. Right now they are holding an exhibition of Japanese woodblock prints. Japanese prints are famous for their ukiyo-e prints.

    But there are no Ukiyo-e by Hokusai or Hiroshige in this exhibition. I saw works from a more recent period than the Edo period.

    The theme of the exhibition is the Yoshida family of artists. Around 1900, there was a couple called Hiroshi Yoshida and Fujio Yoshida, who were both artists. They left many works.

    Especially, Hiroshi Yoshida's works are famous. I particularly liked Fujio Yoshida's flower series in the exhibition. The colours are vivid and they are modern. When I look at them, I feel energised. The Yoshida family's children are also successful woodblock artists. They are a family of artists, but each of them has a completely different style, which I found very interesting.

  • 木曜日の朝、カフェで日本語のレッスンをしました。カフェのとなりにパン屋さんがあります。レッスンの後でときどき、パンを買います。この店のパンは高いですが、おいしいです。今、ロンドンの食べ物は何でも高いです。お店にいろいろなケーキがあります。私は赤いケーキが気になりました。とても大きいケーキで、ガラスケースの中の、一番上にありました。名前はブラックフォレストケーキ。黒い森のケーキ。すてきな名前です。その時は買いませんでしたが、いつか食べてみたいです。ほかに、すてきなケーキの名前と言えば、モンブランがありますよね。山の名前のケーキです。バウム・クーヘンもいい名前です。ドイツ語で木のケーキ、という意味だそうです。あと、フランスのオペラ・ケーキもおしゃれな名前です。すてきなケーキの名前を知っていたら、ぜひ教えてください。

    On Thursday morning, I gave a Japanese lesson at a café.

    There is a bakery next to the café. I sometimes buy bread after my lessons. The bread in this shop is expensive, but it is delicious. Right now, everything is expensive in London. There are various cakes in the shop. I was interested in the red cake.

    It was a very big cake and it was at the top in the glass case. The name is Black Forest Cake. Black Forest Cake. It's a lovely name. I didn't buy it at the time, but I would like to try it one day. Another nice name for a cake is Mont Blanc. It is a cake named after a mountain.Baumkuchen is another good one. It means ‘tree cake’ in German.Also, the French Opera Cake is a stylish name. If you know of any nice cake names, please let us know.

  • もうすぐ夏休みです。来月、私は家族で旅行に行きます。うちにねこがいますが、ねこは留守番です。みなさんはペットがいますか。旅行の時、どうしていますか。
    It's nearly summer holidays. Next month I will be travelling with my family. I have a cat at home, but she is staying at home. Do you have pets? What do you do when you travel?
    There is a neighbour who has a cat. She said she would not recommend a pet hotel. She also said she would cat-sit for us. I would be grateful. The trip is for two weeks. If she visits every day, how can I thank her?
    I looked on online forums. There were many different opinions. Many people gave money as a thank you. For a week's cat-sitting, this could be £50-100 cash or a voucher. Considering the minimum wage right now in the UK, many people said they would give £10 a time if they were to give money as a thank you. For a week's cat-sitting, £70 if the person is close to home. For someone whose home is far away, it's around £100, including transport costs.
    Other people said, "£100 is too much. It's rude to the person".
    Actually, I thought so too and was concerned about it. I think the person you're thanking to will be very hesitated.
    I think they probably don't expect any return gift at all, so it might make them feel uncomfortable.

    There were also many comments such as.
    'A voucher for about £50, plus a bunch of flowers and a card.' 'We help each other, so no money, just a bottle of wine or something.'
    I can see that people are thinking about all these things so that they don't make the other person feel uncomfortable.
    The best idea I found was that people asked junior and senior high school students, rather than adults, to give them some pocket money. There are junior high school students in my neighbourhood, so I will ask them.

  • 先週、イギリスで選挙がありました。労働党が勝ちました。保守党が負けました。







    There was an election in the UK last week. The Labour Party won. The Conservative Party lost. Kia Starmer of the Labour Party became the new Prime Minister.

    I was reading the news online on 4 July, election day. There were photos of the polling stations. There were many dogs at the polling station. This is very British news.

    It is the first time in 14 years that politics is run by the Labour Party in the UK.

    I don't have the right to vote, but of course, the politics of the country I live in is important.

    On Sunday there was an election in Japan. It was an election for the Governor of Tokyo. I am from Tokyo and lived in Tokyo before I came to the UK, but right now I am in the UK so I cannot vote for this election. If I was in Japan, I would have gone to vote.

    On Sunday there was also an election in France. It was the National Assembly election. The results were big news.

  • イギリスの夏は短いです。今年の夏は寒いです。でも先週と先々週、イギリスに夏が来ました。




    The British summer is short. This summer is cold. But last week and the week before, summer came to Britain.

    I went to the swimming pool on a hot day. The outdoor pool is refreshing.

    I made hiyashi chuka for dinner. It is cold ramen. I put vegetables, egg and ham on top of the noodles. The colour is pretty. You eat it not with soup, but with sauce. It is lighter than normal ramen.

    I went camping at the weekend. The weather was good and we had a lot of fun. The campsite is near the sea. It is on a hill and has a nice view. When a boat goes by, it looks like it's flying in the sky. Sometimes seagulls come to this campsite. When we go out and before we go to bed, we have to put away our food so that the seagulls don't mess with it. It's been very cool this week, like autumn. The British summer may be over. But it is still July. May the hot days come again.

  • 今週は日本の天皇陛下がイギリスを訪問しています。皇后陛下の雅子さまもご一緒です。





    This week, the Emperor of Japan is visiting the UK. Empress Masako is also accompanying him.

    They arrived in London on 22 June.

    Yesterday, there was a welcome ceremony at Horse Guards Square in London. After the ceremony, they went to Buckingham Palace in a carriage with the King and Queen. I watched a bit of live footage on YouTube. The blue sky was beautiful and it was a spectacular ceremony.

    They have been visiting various places in the UK. There have been some welcoming events.

    My friend, to my surprise, was invited to the reception and attended it. She was interviewed by Japanese TV.

  • 私のうちにねこがいます。とてもかわいいです。先週は元気がありませんでした。




    I have a cat in my house. It is very cute. Last week it was not well.

    My cat is a very good girl. It is quiet. She doesn't misbehave at all. She is always relaxed. But last week she peed on the bed. I washed the bedding and sheets. The next day she peed on the bed again. I had to wash them again. It's a lot of work. And this is a bit strange.

    The cat's toilet is in front of the washing machine. It is noisy when I am washing. Then there is a big window next to the toilet, which has a view of the garden. The neighbour's cats often come to the garden. The cat probably didn't want to go to the toilet. I put the cat's toilet in a quiet room.

    After peeing on the bedding, she pooped in the room. It seems she was ill. Then she stopped eating. She didn't go to the toilet. I changed her food. Whatever I tried, she was low in energy. On the evening of the third day, the cat was walking for the first time in a long time, so I gave her some treats and she ate them all. Then she suddenly got better. She quickly learnt where the new litter box was, and she didn't make any more litter box mistakes. She's still a good girl after all. I'm very happy.

  • 6月の第3日曜日は父の日です。きのう父に贈り物をしました。アイスコーヒーのセットを送りました。




    Iced coffee for Father's Day

    The third Sunday in June is Father's Day. I gave my father a gift yesterday. I sent him a set of iced coffee.

    My father likes coffee. It is hot in summer in Japan, so iced coffee is delicious.

    At first I thought I could easily buy it online. But there are many different types of iced coffee.

    Black, with milk, latte, with sugar, without sugar, etc. There are so many brands, it was hard to choose.

    When I realised I had been researching for about an hour. I wanted to buy coffee in an environmentally friendly unlabelled PET bottle or in a paper packet, but they only had large 1-litre sizes, so I didn't buy them. I ended up with a set of 24 bottles of coffee in 500 ml PET bottles, the slightly sweet, low-sugar type.

    Despite giving it a great deal of thought, I became less and less confident after the shopping was done. Coffee can be bought from vending machines and convenience stores in Japan, and 24 bottles might have been too many. Dad, be careful not to hurt your back when you pick up your box!

  • 先週の土曜日に友達とお茶のワークショップに行きました。お茶の話を聞きました。そして、そのお茶を飲みました。日本茶じゃありません。中国茶です。









    Last Saturday I went to a tea workshop with friends. We listened to a talk about tea. And then we had the tea. It is not Japanese tea. It is Chinese tea.

    There is a tea workshop every Saturday at a tea shop in London. It's a small but nice shop. The tea is different every week. Explanations are in English.

    First Saturday: oolong and pu'er tea

    Second Saturday: black tea

    Third Saturday: green tea

    Fourth Saturday: oolong tea

    We gathered at the shop at 10 am. There were seven participants. 6 women. One man. There was one couple. There were five first-timers and two second-timers.

    We had tea after listening to the explanation of each tea one by one. Starting with a refreshing tea, there was also an easy-to-drink, tasty tea and an aged, bitter tea.

    Apparently, sparkling oolong tea is popular in restaurants these days. The woman sitting in front of me said that she doesn't drink alcohol and would be happy if there were stylish sparkling oolong tea when she eats at a nice restaurant.

  • 日曜日はとてもいい天気でした。庭でバーベキューをしました。そして、いちごのデザートを食べました。



    Sunday was a very nice day. We had a barbecue in the garden. And we had a strawberry dessert.

    I love the British dessert Eton Mess. I eat it every summer. It's easy to make. You eat strawberries and meringue with fresh cream. You can also add raspberries or blueberries.

    You can make the meringues at home, but I bought mine from the supermarket. I love the combination of the crunchy texture of the meringue and the sweet and sour strawberries. It's fun to mix them with a spoon and eat them while messing them up.

  • 今日、病院へ行きました。私の病院じゃありません。ペットの病院です。




    I went to the hospital today. Not my hospital. It is a pet hospital.

    Animal hospitals are called vets in Japanese.

    It was the first time I went to a vet in the UK. They implanted a microchip in the cat. The cat looked worried. She was a good girl and I was proud of her.

    I wanted to ask about pet insurance at the vet's reception, but I was not able to get any information. They said that vets are not allowed to recommend insurance companies. I see. Someone was sitting in the waiting room with her dog and kindly told me. The person's dog was 10 years old. I was surprised when I heard the price of the insurance; I thought it was for a year, but they said it was for one month.