Óvissuferð sem þú vilt ekki að missa af !
[email protected] -
The NCAA Podcasts channel uses multiple different shows (NCAA Social Series, Inside the NCAA, College Sports Conversations) to interview individuals who have unique insight into the world of college sports. Produced by the NCAA, episodes delve into the most pressing topics of the day and offer behind-the-scenes points of view from those who shape college athletics.
Former Arsenal and England National Team striker and BBC Match of the Day pundit Ian Wright is joined by a rotating panel of friends and special guests to discuss the latest football headlines, as well as the broader social issues impacting the sport and the world at large. Listeners can expect reminiscences from Ian’s playing days, his perspective as one of England’s leading sports pundits, as well as some chat about some of Ian’s cultural passions, especially music and film.
Styrktarþjálfararnir Guðjón og Villi eru stjórnendur þáttarins. Þeir miðla þekkingu sinni og reynslu til hlustanda varðandi styrktarþjálfun íþróttamanna. Í hverjum þætti verður farið í hvernig skal auka afkastagetu hjá íþróttamönnum.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Menn og málefni FH eru krufin til mergjar í hlaðvarpsþáttum sem enginn málsmetandi knattspyrnuunnandi má missa af. Þáttastjórnendur fara ofan í kjölinn á brýnustu málum félagsins hverju sinni í bland við að baða sig upp úr fortíðarljóma fyrrum daga.
Umsjón með dagskrágerð er í höndum Orra Freys, Jóns Páls og Doddason bræðra. -
Líkt og í öllum þvottakörfum landsins þá er þar að finna mismunandi efni og mismunandi liti. Í þessum þáttum munum við einmitt ræða allt á milli himins og jarðar þegar kemur að íslenskum körfubolta. Tökum viðtöl við hetjur úr hreyfingunni og veltum fyrir okkur hlutum sem allir ættu að tengja við.
The Chelsea FC Podcast That Doesn’t Take Itself Too Seriously | #1 in Canada 🇨🇦 | New Episodes Every Monday & Friday 💙
Enquiries/Opportunities: [email protected] -
29029. What do those numbers mean to you?
To many, they represent the highest point on earth Mt. Everest, to others, 29029 is a community bonded by human achievement, adventure, and the best of humanity. It's a group of likeminded people who take on significant challenges and experience life, the way it should be. To some, 29029 is an opportunity to craft their unique stories.
And we're here to bring those stories to life.
29029 is a new category of endurance sport — the challenge is to hike the equivalent height of Mt. Everest. A challenge for your mind, body, and soul -