Doubt, fear and frustration are common feelings before and after a child or adult is diagnosed with ADHD. Dawn Brown, MD, psychiatrist and the MD with ADHD, moves listeners from feeling dissed as you discard the common view of ADHD as a mental health disability and transform your child’s (and the family’s) life into the bliss that comes with a lifestyle optimized for Amaze-Ability™. Supermoms, superdads, kids and adults use these proven strategies, tools, and resources to determine what is possible in a life touched by ADHD. Become one of the real-life success stories like the ones you hear on From ADHD to Amaze-Ability™.
Look... every couple struggles. You fight too much; you're bored; sex is either okay (or rare); maybe you're even considering divorce. OR... maybe your marriage is actually pretty good, but you want to go deeper. In this podcast, straight-talking marriage therapist Zach Brittle tackle the most common complaints virtually every marriage experience. Along the way, they reveal the science behind strong relationships and talk about what's really going on for couples. Topics include conflict, communication, compatibility, money, sex, in-laws, infidelity, time-management, future dreams, and more. If you want relief? A deeper connection? A new way forward...? Then you've got to find out what's REALLY going on in your marriage. That's what this podcast is about. You can learn more about Zach, and his alternatives to traditional therapy at
De Vogelspotcast zorgt ervoor dat je vanaf nu wat vaker omhoog kijkt! Wereldrecordhouder vogels kijken Arjan Dwarshuis gaat wekelijks op vogelsafari met jeugdvriend Gisbert van Baalen, die nog geen kraai van een ekster kan onderscheiden. Samen ontdekken ze de meest uiteenlopende vogelsoorten, aangevuld met veel beginnersvragen en mooie anekdotes. Van de meest spannende natuurgebieden tot het park waar je dagelijks doorheen wandelt.
The place for heart-centered parents looking for evidence-based parenting strategies and advice to raise compassionate, responsible, resilient kids.
Bringing her diverse education and background helping children and families, Colleen Sims provides you with effective, positive parenting strategies backed by science. She shares her conversations with other experts and those making a difference in the lives of children and families.
Join us over at to continue the conversation! -
The Modern Moms Club is a tribe of women who come together to navigate the ins and outs of motherhood. I know it can be scary but you don’t have to go at it alone!
We will dive deep into all the questions we have as new moms from everything during pregnancy, postpartum care and of course all things baby and body! -
Wanneer de conventionele wetenschap een collectieve karaktermoord pleegt op het autistisch brein in onze Westerse samenleving, wordt het hoog tijd voor een boeiende emancipatorische podcast die het dogma en de miskleun rond autisme weerlegt.
Ann Verdonck, zelf autistisch en haar levenspartner Pol Dauwe, delen hun ervaringen en expertise over de schoonheid en relevantie van het autistisch brein voor de ontwikkeling en de toekomst van onze maatschappij.
Dit is een podcast door en voor ouders van autistische kinderen en bij uitbreiding al wie te maken heeft met het fenomeen autisme.
Een wetenswaardige hoogvlieger over ons, neurodiverse mensen. -
The Disconnected Dad follows Seth Dahl a pastor from Northern California as he disconnects from the internet and all media whenever he’s with his family. Come along on his enlightening, honest and heartfelt journey of reconnecting with his family while his disconnects from the internet- and yep, that includes social media, so no instagram, snapchat, facebook or anything else!
Take a ride with family nutrition expert Maryann Jacobsen as she deconstructs what it really means to be healthy and happy at all ages and stages. Whether it’s an expert she’s interviewing for her latest book, a health-related topic families need to know about, or the latest nutrition news, you’ll be glad you tuned in. Each episode arms you with credible information, expert advice, and modern-day strategies for creating a healthy family in the 21st century.
Ein unqualifizierter Podcast über Kaka, Kotze und die Sehnsucht nach Schlaf. Von und mit Carmen und Stan.
Ehrliche und ungeschönte Gespräche zweier Neu-Eltern, die sich als blutige Anfänger durch die neue Alltagscrazyness zwischen Kaka-Windeln, Baby-Kotze, Schreianfällen und Blähungen kämpfen. Heikle Themen wie unangenehme Geburtsfolgen, konfliktgeladene Impfdiskussionen und neue Beziehungsherausforderungen werden von Carmen und Stan mit ausgeprägtem Halbwissen, mehr oder weniger qualifizierten Kommentaren und eigensinnigem Humor auf den Punkt gebracht. -
Supporting women emotionally & spiritually on the motherhood journey.
Three psychotherapists, moms, and friends share stories & interviews about pregnancy, fertility, parenting, motherhood and much more. The Honest Mama founders are Sophie Darch McEntee, LMFT, Melissa Divaris Thompson, LMFT and Claire R. Colaço, LMFT. -
Oxygen Show podcasts bring you the most current relationship advice, suggestions, and practical ideas available. This is advice you can act on right now, tonight, tomorrow…or whenever you need it the most.
Get ready to join our host, Noel Meador, as he interviews the top relationship authors, speakers, and experts each week. These interviews can help you grow, get through a trouble spot, or make an already good day great!
Whether you’re dating, engaged, newly married, or empty nesters, you’re sure to gain value from our interview today. -
Een goede zwangerschap en bijbehorende geboorte zijn ontzettend belangrijk bij de start van het moederschap. Ik ben Sylvia de Groot, ik ben zelf moeder van 3 kinderen, heb mijn eigen Online Yogaschool en leer al jarenlang vrouwen hoe ze zwanger zijn, bevallen en het moederschap zo ontspannen mogelijk kunnen beleven. Ik laat mij inspireren door mijn mede moeders, want...Hoe doen zij het allemaal?Ik hoop jou en al die andere moeders en soon-to-be moeders te kunnen inspireren en je tips te geven die je mogelijk helpen om voluit te genieten van deze bijzondere fase in je leven!
The Golden Hour Podcast brings you experts in all areas of health and wellness to share practical tips on how to live out a healthy life. Sisters and hosts of the show, Suzi and Rose, are on a mission to bring golden health nuggets to the everyday woman. They break down daunting health topics and provide clear takeaways to fuel extraordinary health. All with a good dose of candid humor and examples from their own lives. After all, living a healthy lifestyle should be fun and empowering!
We are proud to present a series of podcasts for parents Breastfeeding Outside the Box, where we aim to support the nourishing and nurturing of babies in exceptional families - families who historically have not received the help and support they need and deserve. Our exceptional families include adoptive, intended, and foster families; gender and sexual minorities; families with special needs babies; parents who have had breast surgery; mothers with IGT or low milk production for other reasons; exclusively pumping mothers; and more.
Pediatrician and author Dr. Jim Sears and Health Coach Hayden Sears are here to answer your parenting questions, discuss a wide range of topics related to raising healthy families, and share stories from the Sears household. From pregnancy and behavior to health and nutrition, follow us on this crazy and wonderful journey that we call parenting.
Around the meal table, needs are met. As participants we celebrate the common solution to our physical need - bread. While we do so, bread of another type is broken as well. Help, hope and encouragement are shared to meet the needs of our struggles, heartaches and questions. Breaking Bread is reminiscent of these life giving conversations. This podcast strives to meet some of our common needs through our common solution – The Bread of Life.
Tamar, een queer cisgender vrouw met een handicap, en Sophie, een queer transgender vrouw, proberen samen een kindje op de wereld te zetten. In de podcast Mensje in de Maak doen ze verslag van hun avonturen in ivf-land. Elke één a twee weken - afhankelijk van de hoeveelheid ivf-actie - nemen ze een aflevering op, en vier weken later verschijnt deze online. Met elkaar en met luisteraars praten ze over ivf-pogingen, hormonen en enge horror-puncties. Maar ze bespreken ook hun ideeën over queer ouderschap, gehandicapt ouderschap en hoe ze hun hopelijk toekomstige kind willen grootbrengen in deze gendernormatieve wereld. Als het nou maar lukt...