
  • Just like life, homeschooling has it's ups and downs. It can be so hard at times and that's when we wonder if, as moms, we're actually cut out for it.

    Today's guest, Meg Thomas, of Called to Homeschool is here to share with you just what you should do when homeschool feels hard. And how about those days you think that you're going to lose your mind? Well, she's got something to say about that too.

    Grab that load of laundry that needs folded and let the kids play a little longer and listen in on this conversation!

    ♥ Leigh

    Meg's website: www.coachmegthomas.com

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/called-to-homeschool/id1456539406

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachmegthomas

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachmegthomas

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzMwB9lH7UvLX0VUdKLhfUg

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    GET YOUR TICKET FOR LITTLE BY LITTLE HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

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    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    109. In What Way Should A Homeschool Mom Respond to A Negative Attitude? A Few Solutions To Tackle This Common Challenge

    138. My Top 3 Daily Habits That Keep Me On Track As A Busy Homeschool Mom

    175. Discovering Your Purpose in Homeschool--What You Really Need to Focus On!

    224. What Year Round Homeschooling Can Look Like And How It Can Be The Answer To All Your Bad Days

  • When you were little and thought about what you wanted "to be" when you grew up, homeschool mom probably wasn't top of the list. Or maybe not even on the list!

    But, here you are: a homeschool mom. Not only are you responsible for all the regular motherhood duties, now you've got education on your to-do list.

    I totally get it. It was never a part of my plan. And yet, here I am, a homeschool mom who wouldn't trade this role for anything.

    And I want you to come that very same conclusion. Today's episode will draw on my own personal journey in hopes that it will help you to embrace the homeschool lifestyle.

    ♥ Leigh

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    GET YOUR TICKET FOR LITTLE BY LITTLE HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

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    Listen to these related episodes:

    134. Are You An Introvert or Extrovert Homeschool Mom? Why It Matters and How It Affects Your Homeschooling

    158. You Don’t Have to Lose Yourself in Homeschooling Any Longer! Find Out How to Grow in This Season

    192.Get the Balance You Want in Your Motherhood, Marriage, and Homeschool: Is It Possible to Be Content?

    234. How Our Family Has Lived On A Single Income For Over 20 Years And Thrived

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  • You're probably totally on board with your homeschool not needing to resemble a public school schedule. But, you have curriculum, goals, and great ideas that you want to make sure you actually get to.

    Do you need to buy a planner? Get super organized with a calendar? Write out detailed plans? Wing it every day?

    Well, it really depends.

    I'm sharing five options with you today. Take a few notes and then think about what you've learned and decide what will serve your family best this homeschool year.

    ♥ Leigh

    GET YOUR TICKET FOR LITTLE BY LITTLE HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    77. 3 Steps to Set Up Your Homeschool Calendar and Be Successful at Planning and Carrying Through With It

    187. How to Go From Inconsistent in Your Homeschool to Actually Carrying Through With Your Plans

    279. Back To School: How To Choose The Right Homeschool Curriculum For This Year

    284. Skill Subjects Vs. Content Subjects: What Are These? And What Do They Have To Do With Homeschooling?

  • What does it look like to change your view of learning? Most likely, you went to school. And that helped to shape your understanding of education.

    But now, you're hearing people talk about school and education and how it can look different. The benefits sound just like what you'd like for your children. And you're ready to take those next steps.

    You're in luck! I've got that very thing for you in today's episode.

    Let's make some big changes in the way you homeschool, but in a little by little way that creates new ways of viewing education.

    ♥ Leigh

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    GET YOUR TICKET FOR LITTLE BY LITTLE HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

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    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    282. Is School Getting In The Way Of Education? Learn How To Deschool Yourself So Your Homeschool Can Be Amazing

    284. Skill Subjects Vs. Content Subjects: What Are These? And What Do They Have To Do With Homeschooling?

    283. When Your Why For Homeschooling Is Bigger Than Academics: Yvette Hampton Of Schoolhouse Rocked On Creating A Discipleship Focused Homeschool

    260. Is Any Of What You Are Doing in Homeschooling and Motherhood Worth It? Take A Glimpse Into Your Future

    36. 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Homeschooling: What My Public School Education Didn’t Tell Me

  • Every day as a homeschool mom can be full with the regular to-do list, home education, activities, experiences, meeting personal goals, and so on and so on. This requires you to be fully present and on for all that is happening in your day.

    But, with a full day and many needs to meet, it can easily and quickly deplete even the most energetic homeschool mom.

    To be honest, I failed in this area of having enough energy each (or most) days for too many years. I didn't know what I know now. If I could go back, I would definitely want a do-over in this area because I can see how not having enough energy led to me being tired and grumpy.

    Today's episode is all about 6 ways you can re-claim your energy and feel ready to take on the homeschool day!

    ♥ Leigh

    GET YOUR TICKET FOR LITTLE BY LITTLE HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

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    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    157. Simple Steps to Make Positive Changes in Your Health As a Homeschool Mom

    173. A Simple and Sustainable Approach to Health and Fitness For the Homeschool Mom with Evgenia Arasim of At Nourished Motherhood

    242. Unlearning Diet Culture and Discovering Weight Loss In My 40's: Training For My Old Lady Body

    240. How To Overcome Mom Anger And Have More Patience With Your Homeschool Children With Elizabeth Andreyevskiy of Emotionally Health Legacy

  • We don't have to homeschool alone. Yes, it's just mom doing the day in and day out of mothering and home educating the children.

    But we can learn so much from each other. None of us will homeschool exactly the same way, but some of the best things happened in my homeschool when I learned from other moms.

    Today's guest, Katie Hedrick from Joy at Home podcast is truly an encouragement to mothers. She and her husband felt the call to homeschool and made that big adjustment in their lives a few years ago. Now, she is homeschooling three children in all three of the different education age ranges and she has so much to share with you.

    Pull up a seat at the table as we have a fun conversation!

    ♥ Leigh

    Katie's website: https://katiehedrick.com/

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/joy-at-home-homeschool-christian-mom-homeschooling/id1519279335

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katielynnhedrick/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsKatieHedrick

    GET YOUR TICKET FOR LITTLE BY LITTLE HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    241. Can You Successfully Homeschool On A Budget? 8 Ideas To Help Your Family

    250. Help Your Children Fall In Love With Homeschooling: Education Doesn't Have To Be Boring

    256. Keeping Your Eyes On the Big Picture And End Goal of Homeschooling

    275. 5 Tips On How To Increase Your Patience With Your Homeschooled Children

  • Eek! Today is the day that I can finally spill the beans! And invite you to the very first Little by Little Homeschool Conference.

    This announcement has been a year in the making when my heart first began to stir with this desire to gather together. There have been ups and downs and a lot of God telling me to wait on his timing.

    And now here we are today...inviting you to join me, some amazing speakers, and other incredible homeschool moms for a day that is going to fill you up!

    Details are in this episode, as well as at www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

    Hope to see you there!

    ♥ Leigh

    GET YOUR TICKET FOR LITTLE BY LITTLE HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/conference

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    246. The Truth About Why Homeschooling Has To Be Your Most Important Priority In This Season of Life

    254. If I Could Have A Complete Do Over Of Homeschool, What Would I Change? Lessons Learned Over 13 Years of Homeschooling

    264. The Truth About Why It Isn't Easier To Put Your Home Educated Children In School

    282. Is School Getting In The Way Of Education? Learn How Tp Deschool Yourself So Your Homeschool Can Be Amazing

  • What if homeschool is also about learning how to navigate the world? I think many families are starting to realize this.

    Sure, there is much to gain from curriculum, but kids are so open to learning and we can open the world to them by being intentional about teaching them life skills.

    Most of us went to school and our days were filled up for all of those formative years. And then, poof...we were expected to navigate the real world. I remember feeling lost in so many areas because I hadn't been fully prepared for life out on my own.

    But, as homeschool parents, we can use these years and the time we have with our children at home to teach them the ins and outs of of life.

    I've got a jam-packed episode for you today. Grab a pen and paper and get ready to take some quick notes!

    ♥ Leigh

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    153. The Worst 4 Mistakes You Must Avoid In Your Homeschool: Confessions From A Veteran Homeschooler

    179. It’s Your First Year Of Homeschool: 4 Tips I Wish I Knew From Day One

    220. I Love Being With My Homeschooled Kids But The Teaching Part Makes Me Frustrated And Angry

    256. Keeping Your Eyes On the Big Picture And End Goal of Homeschooling

  • Normally, I keep my opinions about most homeschool topics to myself because we all need to come to our own conclusions. We each need to do what is best for our child, knowing there is no right or wrong way to homeschool, as long as each family is being true to their vision and goals.

    But now that we've been chatting here on the podcast for over 2 years, I thought a little candid breakdown of my thoughts on a few "controversial" homeschool topics would be fun. Remember, we're all friends here and this is purely my take on things. You can have a completely opposite opinion and we can both still homeschool and be friends.

    Are you ready to add a little spice? Well, it's all right here in this episode!

    ♥ Leigh

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    27. Homeschool Co-Ops: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly--Should Your Family Join or Avoid?

    28. Why Parents Shouldn’t Focus on the Best Homeschool Program for a Child and What You Should Do Instead

    73. Hope for the Homeschool Mom Who Is Questioning Her Decision to Homeschool Her Children

    91. How to Know Once and For All That You Are Doing Enough in Your Homeschool

  • As a homeschool mom, it can often feel intimidating to hear the jargon of the academic world. It can make you feel like you don't know enough to home educate your child.

    I felt that same way too. And it's my goal in today's episode to give you clear explanations for skill and content subjects. Then, we'll talk more in-depth on what this looks like in your homeschool family.

    Why does this matter? Because I know that your confidence will build when you begin to learn the terms and definitions that you'll hear tossed around within educational circles. But, more than that: once you know the information in today's episode, you'll have the freedom to homeschool with so much more joy.

    ♥ Leigh

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    259. The Different Types of Homeschool Moms: Which One Are You?

    275. 5 Tips On How To Increase Your Patience With Your Homeschooled Children

    277. 15 Benefits of Homeschooling You May Not Realize in 15 Minutes

  • The first question most homeschool families ask is something about curriculum and the academic part of home education. Sure, that has it's place. But, what if it isn't the most important thing about these years with your children at home?

    Today's guest, Yvette Hampton, of Schoolhouse Rocked is sharing what she discovered on her journey as a new homeschool mom. Her encouragement of shifting your why and focus, along with her candid answers about the ups and downs of being a homeschool mom is going to be just what you need as you kick off this school year.

    Grab that pile of laundry that needs to be folded and pop those earbuds in because I've got a treat for you today!

    ♥ Leigh

    Yvette's website: https://schoolhouserocked.com

    Podcast Link: https://schoolhouserocked.com/the-schoolhouse-rocked-podcast/

    Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolhouseRocked

    Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/schoolhouse_rocked/

    Pinterest Link: https://www.pinterest.com/Schoolhouse_Rocked/

    YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9fmNhPsTZ7LwZFc99SmYIA

    Schoolhouse Rocked Movie: https://schoolhouserockedmovie.com

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    51. How to Create a Homeschool Vision and Goals and Why These Help to Choose Your Curriculum

    74. Homeschooling With Toddlers and Preschoolers Around: Practical Tips to Succeed in the Homeschool Day with Young Children

    100. Why the Reasons You Are Homeschooling Matters and How To Figure That Out...Plus, Let’s Celebrate!

    138. My Top 3 Daily Habits That Keep Me On Track As A Busy Homeschool Mom

  • So much about homeschool has to do with our children. And rightly so. But, did you know that when homeschool parents have the right perspective, it trickles down to their children? And then homeschool becomes more enjoyable for the entire family!

    One of the major sticking points for moms and dads is the relearning of what education really can be. We have years of indoctrination and conditioning to work through. But, today's episode is going to give you the place to start...along with where to continue to circle back to when you get off track.

    Let's learn together how to deschool so you can create an amazing homeschool!

    ♥ Leigh

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    36. 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Homeschooling: What My Public School Education Didn’t Tell Me

    40. 3 Reasons Why You Are the Best Teacher For Your Child and Why You Don’t Have to Outsource Their Education

    66. Two Essential Homeschool Approaches Every Mom Needs to Know Because it Will Completely Change Your Child’s Education

    169. Unschooling: Why This Style of Homeschooling Is On the Rise and the Main Focus of This Type of Education

    250. Help Your Children Fall In Love With Homeschooling: Education Doesn't Have To Be Boring

  • 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week for 365 days a year and that is a lot of time to fill up, but also not a lot of time as a homeschool mom.

    The home education of your children is a priority, but how can that fit into a family's daily life? And how does it become a center block to the day?

    If we fail to plan, we plan to fail. And this is so true for homeschool. Without a plan, you simply could easily neglect and forget about your educational goals and curriculum. You've taken the time to evaluate and be purposeful in your purchases, so how do you fit it all in?

    Let's tackle the subject of setting up your homeschool schedule. There are many things to consider and you'll unpack what will serve your family best in today's episode.

    ♥ Leigh

    BACK TO HOMESCHOOL BUNDLE: No coupon code needed! Enjoy Your Homeschool Blueprint and The Tidy Home bundled together in one amazing deal from today through 11:59PM EST on Friday, August 9, 2024 https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/bundle

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    252. Creating a Unique Education for Each Homeschool Child To Equip Them For Successful Futures w/ Lisa Nehring of Truth North Homeschool Academy

    257. I Am So Strict. How Do I Loosen Up With My Homeschooled Children?

    265. Busting Common Homeschool Myths How: How To React And Respond To People's Comments

    275. 5 Tips On How To Increase Your Patience With Your Homeschooled Children

  • Being a stay at home homeschooling mom is a lot of fun, but it isn't without it's challenges. One of those being the keeping up with all of the chores and housework. It is never ending and can make us feel like giving up altogether.

    There is hope though! And it doesn't have to be all or nothing. A manageable chore system is within your reach.

    And today's episode in the back to homeschool series is all about helping you create realistic goals in order to keep up with the housework while you home educate and raise your children.

    ♥ Leigh

    BACK TO HOMESCHOOL BUNDLE: No coupon code needed! Enjoy Your Homeschool Blueprint and The Tidy Home bundled together in one amazing deal from today through 11:59PM EST on Friday, August 9, 2024 https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/bundle

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    7. Why Making Homemaking a Priority Leads to Success In Your Homeschooling and Parenting

    14. Simple Meal Planning Strategy for the Homeschool Mom with Young Children and How This Meal Plan Takes Away the Stress

    164. 5 Dependable Tips to Make You a Hospitality Rockstar and Help Your Homeschool Family Open Your Home to Guests With Confidence and Excitement

    276. Can A Homeschool Mom Mom Really Do It All? Examining Priorities And How You Spend Your Time

  • One of your top concerns, if not the top one, is which curriculum should you use to homeschool your children? And there are a ton out there to choose from, which I'm sure you have discovered.

    In this week's series all about back to homeschool, let's tackle the elephant in the room: curriculum. I have a very specific method for choosing curriculum and resources for your family and we're going to scratch the surface of that today.

    Grab your homeschool mom notebook and a pen because you're definitely going to want to write down these steps. And then, let the fun begin! I'm also going to tell you one important step once you've made your selections. You won't want to miss that!

    ♥ Leigh

    BACK TO HOMESCHOOL BUNDLE: No coupon code needed! Enjoy Your Homeschool Blueprint and The Tidy Home bundled together in one amazing deal from today through 11:59PM EST on Friday, August 9, 2024 https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/bundle

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    120. 9 Styles of Homeschool and How To Know Which Is Best For Your Family

    153. The Worst 4 Mistakes You Must Avoid In Your Homeschool: Confessions From A Veteran Homeschooler

    176. 5 Must-Haves For Your Homeschool: Find Out the Basics You Need to Get Started This Year

    196. Are You Losing Your Homeschool Child’s Attention During Lessons? 5 Ways to Keep Them Engaged

  • It's well known how important reading is for your homeschool children. But, as a parent, you know that each of your children is different and an individual, which comes with challenges as you home educate.

    You really want them to learn to read well and enjoy reading so that they continue with it beyond their homeschooling years. But, there is also the question of what to read, when to read it, and how to go about getting better with reading comprehension.

    Today's guest, Jamie Erickson, of The Unlikely Homeschool will help you answer all of those questions...and more! She's been homeschooling her 5 children and currently has 2 graduates, along with an informative blog and amazing books.

    I promise that this episode will give you the next step wherever you find yourself in your child's reading journey, along with equipping you so that you may inspire them to choose really good books.

    ♥ Leigh

    Jamie's website: https://jamieerickson.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheUnlikelyHomeschool/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unlikely_homeschool

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    89. How to Create the Love of Reading in Your Homeschooler and Why This Is Important for Their Education

    151. What’s the Big Deal About Reading Aloud to Your Child? Top Benefits and Reasons to Include This In Your Homeschool

    170. How to Begin and Stay Consistent With Reading Aloud During the Homeschool Day

    204. How YOU Are Sabotaging Success in Your Homeschool and 4 Steps to Get Out of The Cycle

  • From the outside looking in, most people {homeschoolers included}, look at just the academics and measure success by that standard. But, really, homeschooling is an entire lifestyle. Every part of your life can be knit together with the home education of your children.

    Sure, homeschoolers can go to college, be entrepreneurs, get great jobs, achieve levels of success. But what if, at the same time, there were lifelong benefits to these years at home with parents?

    I know there are. And today, I'm going to share 15 benefits that you might not have thought about. Whether you're about to start homeschooling for the very first time and need a confirmation to your decision or if you've been at this for a while and need a reminder {or redirection}, may this episode get you excited about the homeschool year!

    ♥ Leigh

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

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    Listen to these related episodes:

    86. Scared Your Homeschooler Won’t Be Ready For the ”Real World?” 6 Tips to Ensure They Succeed Upon Graduation

    98. Practical Tips For The Homeschool Mom Who Is Overwhelmed With Full and Unpredictable Days

    133. HELP! I’ve Lost My Motivation To Homeschool: Can I Just Quit Now?

    177. 6 Steps to Lay Down Busy and Create the Homeschool Lifestyle Your Family Will Thrive In

  • Ah, the age old question all moms ask themselves. Sometimes it's out loud. And other times, it's a little voice in the back of your mind.

    "Is it possible to do it all?"

    Homeschooling kicks this question up a notch and often leaves moms feeling defeated. And you know that isn't the right mindset to have day in and day out with your family.

    Let's examine this question and I'm going to give you my honest answer. But, I promise to follow it up with the exact steps that will equip you to stop questioning and doubting yourself.

    Grab a pen and paper for this one!

    ♥ Leigh

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

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    Listen to these related episodes:

    82. How to Build the Best Bond and Relationship With Your Homeschool Elementary Age Child: Motherhood and the Younger Years

    141. Where the Real Learning of Homeschool Happens: How A Homeschool Mom Can Confidently Taps Into These Resources

    166. 3 Excuses You Need to Stop Making if You Want to Enjoy Homeschooling

    229. How To Know If You Are Doing Enough In Your Homeschool: 4 Questions To Ask Yourself

    242. Unlearning Diet Culture and Discovering Weight Loss In My 40's: Training For My Old Lady Body

  • The concern over patience...and the lack of enough of it...holds parents back from homeschooling all the time. And once you begin homeschooling, it's what makes you question if it really is best for your children to be home with you all day.

    Is it possible to grow in patience as a stay at home homeschool mom? I think it definitely is as I've seen my own level of patience increase over the years.

    And I'm sharing 5 tips to help you grow in your patience so that you and your children can see the benefits!

    ♥ Leigh

    JOIN THE MENTORSHIP PROGRAM https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/mentorship

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

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    Listen to these related episodes:

    229. How To Know If You Are Doing Enough In Your Homeschool: 4 Questions To Ask Yourself

    251. What I Base Every Decision On In My Motherhood, Homeschool, And Homemaking

    260. Is Any Of What You Are Doing in Homeschooling and Motherhood Worth It? Take A Glimpse Into Your Future

    266. Balancing Hormones For The Homeschool Mom Who Wants Lots of Energy And To Feel Great With Leisha Drews of Happily Hormonal

    172. 5 Ways to Help Instill Faith in Your Homeschool Child and Why It Is Worth the Time

  • Do you ever wonder if your homeschool kids are going to turn out okay? You're on the "road less traveled," so it's easy to wonder what the outcome will be.

    Monica Swanson had a similar thought when she began homeschooling her boys. And now, she's graduated 3 from high school and is enjoying continuing the journey with her 13 year old.

    From all the years of homeschooling, she has grace and wisdom to encourage the next generation of homeschool moms: that's you! She didn't step into this decision with all the answers, but through the ups and downs, she found her way and wants you to do that as well.

    Join me in this encouraging conversation that will help you to figure out your priorities in homeschooling your children.

    ♥ Leigh

    Monica's website: http://www.monicaswanson.com/

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-monica-swanson-podcast/id1468061855

    Becoming Homeschoolers: https://rstyle.me/+gEvmDmYKnhLQ_fmnWNCFHw

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheGrommom

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monicaswanson_

    DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

    CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

    Website - https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com

    Newsletter - https://littlebylittlehomeschool.subscribemenow.com/

    Community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/homeschoollifestylecommunity

    Follow - https://www.instagram.com/littlebylittlehomeschool/

    Connect - [email protected]

    Listen to these related episodes:

    65. Homeschool Mom Comparison Trap: Is It a Real Thing? 4 Tips to Get Out of This Cycle of Thought

    147. Simple 5 Step Plan For The Homeschool Mom Planning Next Year’s Curriculum

    231. Create & Raise Independent Homeschool Learners That Don't Need Mom to Teach Them Every Lesson

    269. Why I Don't Stress About Homeschooling Highschool: Record Keeping And Counting Credits For Traditional and Unschooling Subjects