Osrednja jutranja informativna oddaja Druga jutranja kronika prinaša analizo najbolj aktualnega nočnega dogajanja, predvsem pa napoveduje teme, ki bodo zaznamovale dan. Je strnjena, verodostojna, zmeraj aktualna – in najbolj poslušana radijska oddaja v Sloveniji. Vsak dan ob 7.00 na Radiu Slovenija.
Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Danes do 13h, Dogodki in odmevi, Po Sloveniji Radijski dnevnik in Zrcalo dneva. Naročite se lahko tudi na kratka poročila v podkastu Novice Radia Slovenija. -
U Vizi četvrtkom govorimo o najnovijim svjetskim krizama i događajima, o globalnim izazovima i trendovima. Sve to poslušajte u dinamičnim, uvijek aktualnim novinarskim reportažama i u razgovorima s najboljim domaćim i stranim vanjskopolitičkim stručnjacima, analitičarima i diplomatima.
Discussions of Truth - Miami incepted weekly online radio program. Hosted by Mr. Trottier. The show is: Independent. Unfiltered. Live and unbiased. Donate NOW
Wednesday evenings. 5pm EST. Thought provoking. Listen LIVE on - Miami radio. Focusing on toxins and other harmful chemicals which flood our environment, Im calling out big box corporations for their carelessness. Deep State corruption. As epidemics like diabetes, opioid abuse, cancer and heart disease are all products of being exposed to these poisons - together we work to make a change for our future generations. -
Radio Galaksija je popularno naučni internet portal koji promoviše nauku i naučni metod, naučno obrazovanje, naučnu pismenost, filozofsku pismenost, kritičko mišljenje, kao i osvešćivanje javnosti o štetnosti pseudonauke, antinauke i loše nauke. Teme kojima se Radio Galaksija bavi su teme iz oblasti astronomije, fizike, biologije i svih srodnih nauka i tehnologije, ali i iz istorije i filozofije nauke, kao i konteksta u kom se nauka danas nalazi u društvu. Radio Galaksiju uređuje i vodi Dušan Pavlović.
Više na: -
Bite sized summaries of the latest legal technologies + who should use them + guest interviews. -
Miloš i Nebojša su hemato-onkolozi u Vašingtonu koji pričaju o svemu osim o poslu. Davne 2020-e to je bio kovid, sada nauka, medicina, tehnologija, AI, život u Americi i posete Srbiji.
Miloš: @miljko na X-u, na internetu
Nebojša: @SkorupanMD na X-u
Priključenija: @prikljucenija1 na X-u -
The American Mind Podcast uncovers the ideas and principles that drive American political life. In each episode, we engage Claremont Institute scholars, co-conspirators, and critics in thought-provoking discussions about the real causes of our current political and cultural reality. We explore these ideas with an eye towards restoring American civic health.
The Roundtable is a weekly show, hosted by our editors and publisher with a unique blend of joviality and intellectually stimulating conversation, boosted by an occasional glass of whisky. Each episode focuses on a handful of topics that carry significant weight in the debate of ideas for the best path of American life, both privately and civically. Of course, we do reserve some time for fun in each show.
Occasionally, we produce special podcast features on individual topics with commentary from the top thinkers in America today. Think of American Mind Podcast specials as succinct audio-documentaries.
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The American Mind, The Roundtable, and our specials are productions of the Claremont Institute. The mission of the Claremont Institute is the recovery of the American idea—the timeless principles that have made America great since its founding. -