Den 4. Væg er en podcast om dansk scenekunst. Vi taler om teater og med teater. Hver anden uger udgiver vi en podcast, der både indeholder anmeldelser, reportager fra det danske scenekunstliv og interviews med relevante personligheder. Vores mål er at kunne åbne scenekunstens magiske verden op for endnu flere – og særligt unge! Gennem vores anmeldelser håber vi at kunne fungere som guider for, hvor det er allerfedest at smide sine måske sparsomme kroner henne.
Hot and Bothered is all about the power of romance culture. We analyze romance novels and movies to better imagine our own happy endings. Episodes release weekly on Tuesdays.
CURRENT SEASON: Hot and Bothered (Movie Edition)
We make Hot and Bothered because we are interested in the way that love stories have impacted our lives and culture. For our fifth season of the show, we’re turning our attention to romantic films. Vanessa and Hannah McGregor dig into the canon of romantic films, from Titanic to Twilight to When Harry Met Sally, (just to name a few). Every other week they do a close scene analysis of how each movie ends, always asking the question ‘what does this movie believe about love?’
SEASON 4: Live from Pemberley
In Live from Pemberley, we continue our deep-dive into the classic texts of romance literature. This season we take a close look at the most famous Romance novel of all time: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Every episode, Vanessa Zoltan and Lauren Sandler read through the book, talk with experts, and ask themselves the question ‘is this still a story for our time?’
SEASON 3: On Eyre
Vanessa Zoltan and journalist Lauren Sandler embark on the English class you always deserved, diving deep into Jane Eyre through the themes of power and desire. Discussions range from ideas of class and colonialism to sex and gender as Lauren and Vanessa explore the roles of oppression and inequality, empowerment and rebellion in the text. Major “Eyreheads” and first-time readers alike are invited into Lauren and Vanessa’s conversation as they grapple with this complicated work—and as they try to figure out if Jane Eyre is a book they want to pass on to their daughters, and to future generations.
SEASON 2: Twilight in Quarantine
You may remember BFFs Vanessa & Julia from their all-star advice giving in Hot and Bothered Season 1. In this season they’re sheltering in place in different cities, but they’re getting on the phone three times a week to read and talk about Twilight. On Twilight in Quarantine, they work their way through the Twilight saga one chapter at a time, giving brilliant well-informed advice to Stephenie Meyer’s characters along the way. Advice like: “have you considered talking to each other about your feelings?” and “maybe you shouldn’t kidnap people.”
SEASON 1: Writing Romance
Season one of Hot and Bothered follows ten first-time romance writers as they try to write their own romance novels. Each episode explores a particular romance trope and why we love it so much. Along the way, Julia Quinn, writer of the Bridgerton series, gives weekly assignments so listeners can follow along in the process. Season one was made in collaboration with Spoke Media.
Hot & Bothered is produced by Not Sorry Productions, a feminist organization that produces podcasts, educational content, live shows, and immersive experiences with the explicit goal of addressing the spiritual needs of its participants. Through community, rigor, and ritual, we treat traditionally secular things as if they were sacred. To learn more about what we do, visit
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Fifty plus years ago, James Rado, Gerome Ragni and Galt MacDermont combined forces to create a musical that would go on to change the cultural fabric of the modern world. Today, we build upon that rich history with a series of interviews featuring those who originally brought the message of peace and love to life, eight performances a week; the cast and crew. Together we will discover how they became involved with the show, how it impacted their life and learn where their lives led them after their final sun shone in. Please join us as we travel back down that road of beads, flowers, freedom and happiness with HAiR: the american tribal love rock podcast.
Hosted by Matthew Herrmann and produced in association with The HAIR Company (Michael Butler, Matthew Herrmann, Conwell Worthington, Jon Cutler and Jeanne Cutler) with special assistance by Nina Machlin Dayton at the HAIR archives -
Raw, true, alternative storytelling. Join Michael, Natalie and Chris as we personally introduce and share stories told at Natural Born Storytellers. Honouring each with our own anecdotes and great conversation, you’ll feel as though you’re sitting together, sharing stories with friends.
Natural Born Storytellers create fun, supportive and welcoming spaces for people to share true stories from their lives. Pop along to our events if you feel inspired to share or hear these stories told live.
Our podcast is produced and edited by Green Barge Audio, with original theme music from Nic Sims. -
Ein Podcast von Johannes Falkenburg und Oliver Hübel: Oliver und Johannes sprechen in diesem Podcast über ihre gemeinsame langjährige Leidenschaft: Tai Chi / Taijiquan, Qigong, Kongfu - und alles was dazugehört. Mal flapsig erklärt, mal nerdig - aber immer mit Qi. Eine Themenlandschaft, die sich irgendwie verbindet und die auch sie irgendwie verbindet.Staffel 1 hat 7 Folgen: Jeden zweiten Donnerstag gibt's eine neue Folge.Webseite: erleuchtung-garantiert.deGlossar: [email protected]
______________________This podcast utilizes sound effects from and the following list of sounds from :
Fra dans på scenen, på film og til anmeldelsen. Hvordan kan krop og dans røre os og vække følelser i os? Og hvad skal vi overhovedet bruge det til?
Dansk Danseteater udkommer nu med en række bevægende samtaler med danseeksperter fra vidt forskellige perspektiver på dans. I studiet har vi alt lige fra anmelderen til den kunstneriske leder og danserne selv i et princippet umuligt forsøg på at italesætte et sprogløst sprog – nemlig dansens væsen.
Vi taler om emner, der er relevante for dig, som er nysgerrig på at opleve danseforestillinger, men måske ikke helt har knækket koden til, hvorfor og hvordan du bedst skal gå til det. Og er du danse-aficionado, får du mulighed for at komme ind i maskinrummet og tankerne bag både det at arbejde med dans og forskellige kunstneriske processer omkring dansen. Værter bag mikrofonerne er prøveleder for Dansk Danseteater, Patricia Seron Pawlik, og teatrets projektudvikler, Anne Sophie Gertz.
Nogle episoder vil være på engelsk, mens andre er på dansk, alt afhængigt af, hvem vi taler med. Det vil fremgå af hvert enkelt afsnit. Vi håber, I vil tage godt i mod. Rigtig hjerteligt velkommen til ’SANS FOR DANS’.
Denne podcast er producereret af Dansk Danseteater.
Grafik: Søren Meisner
Dance on stage, on screen and in the review. How can the body and dance move us and arouse emotions in us? And why should we use it at all?
Danish Dance Theater is now releasing a series of moving conversations with dance experts from different perspectives on dance. In the studio, we have everyone from the critic, to the Artistic Director and the dancers themselves - in a basically impossible attempt to articulate a language without language - the essence of dance.
We talk about topics that are relevant to those of you who are curious about experiencing dance performances, but perhaps haven't quite cracked the code on why and how best to go about it. And if you are a dance aficionado, you will have the opportunity to get into the engine room and the thoughts behind both working with dance and various artistic processes around dance.
The hosts behind the microphones are rehearsal director of Danish Dance Theater, Patricia Seron Pawlik, and the companie's project developer, Anne Sophie Gertz.
Some episodes will be in English and others in Danish, depending on who we are talking to. This will be indicated in each episode. We hope you will enjoy the show. A very warm welcome to 'Sans for Dans'.
This podcast is produced by Danish Dance Theater.
Icon image: Søren Meisner
Inside the Dancer’s Studio is a podcast from NCCAkron that brings listeners into the process of creating dance. Through interviews with choreographers from across the United States, Inside the Dancer’s Studio dissolves the mystique of dance-making into engaging fun and deeply human conversation.
Inside the Dancer’s Studio is hosted by NCCAkron’s Executive/Artistic Director Christy Bolingbroke, who poses a set series of questions about craft, process, and perseverance. This program is perfect for budding dancers, dance-makers, creatives, and anyone who has ever built something from scratch. -
Making a Meal of It is for eaters of all appetites who want to reimagine and reinvigorate their relationships with food, food culture, and food systems. Taking a deep dive into the ways we feed our bodies, psyches, and societies, the podcast helps make sense of the complexity that makes food so fascinating. Each episode unpacks a specific subject or theme, while host David Szanto—a professor, writer, and artist from Montréal, Québec—weaves in stories from his own diverse experience in food. Interviews with experts explore a range of themes, from food retailing to fatphobia, cocktails to fermentation. Wordplay and humor infuse tasting conversations with David’s semi-willing partner, Maxime, illustrating how each of us responds differently to smells, flavours, and textures. And a final segment featuring innovators in art, politics, and science rounds out the menu, as they respond to the Making a Meal of It “Food Questionnaire.” So sit down, grab a spoon, and dig into our most important and intimate relationship—food!
Host/Producer: David Szanto
Music: Story Mode
True horror stories written by those who made it out alive. First-person accounts narrated and produced in an anthology of terror and suspense. To hear your story on the show, send it to [email protected]
"Godnathistorier" er den podcast du lytter til - lige før du gør dig klar til natten. Her får du små og store fortællinger, undfanget af lyttere som dig selv. Alle er velkomne til at sende historier ind - og de bedste udvælges og bliver til Godnathistorier. God fornøjelse - og sov godt...
I Parforhold #UdenFilter snakker selvværdsscoach Louise Luckow og parterapeut, sexolog og antropolog Julie Houe om alt hvad parforholdet indebærer, uden filter! Alle oplever til tider svære udfordringer i parforholdet og derfor deler vi åbent og ærligt ud af vores egne erfaringer i vores parforhold, så færre af jer skal føle sig afmægtige og alene! Vi kommer omkring kommunikation, opvækst, traumer og intimitet, og vigtigst af alt, hvordan man kan skabe en dybere forbindelse, mere nærhed og ikke mindst en større tryghed i sig selv og i sit parforhold! Intet er perfekt og alt er råt og ærligt!
Bliv medlem af vores loge på facebook:
Følg os på Instagram: -
Lydbogen er udgivet af Forlaget Havana, og kan streames eksklusivt i Saxo Premium.
Da brødrene Emil og Theis Midé Erichsen i 2013 drog ud på en tre år lang jordomsejling, tog de danske seere med. Sammen med deres far, TV2-værten Mikkel Beha Erichsen og resten af familien, har brødrene flere gange sat 'Kurs Mod Fjerne Kyster'. De har besøgt 17 lande, krydset to oceaner, dykket med hajer og haft over 30 mennesker med til søs på skibet Havana.
Lydbogen "Hej Far Kære Emil" er indlæst af forfatterne selv, så det er fuldstændig som at komme ind i samtalen mellem far og søn, når de deres rejsebeskrivelser og mails til hinanden, og taler åbent om ansvaret som skipper, om hjemve, om tvivlen og om alle de udfordringer, der også følger med, når man følger sine drømme og tager ud i det ukendte.
Gør klar til at drømme dig væk til fjerne kyster og blåt, blåt vand.
Vi håber, at du vil nyde bogen. Såfremt, at du ikke kan vente på næste episode, kan du høre hele bogen og anden bog i serien "Alt godt fra Havana" med Saxo Premium. Læs mere på
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Med Mad i Munden er en podcast fra Samvirke som ser nærmere på madens rolle i et samfund, hvor mad er ikke bare noget vi skal blive mætte af. Maden er blevet en slagmark, hvor vi udfolder vores identitet, vores passioner og vores værdier.
I hver episode besøger Andreas Grubbe Kirkelund et menneske, som har fundet sit ståsted i madens verden. Emnet bliver ikke nødvendigvis belyst fra alle tænkelige vinkler, men du får en bid af en person med klare meninger om hvad madens rolle bør være - og forhåbentlig bliver du lidt klogere. -
Gyldendal Podcast er både til dig der spiser bøger til morgenmad, og til dig der måske ikke læser så meget. Du vil høre nogen af landets mest litteraturbegejstrede og belæste bog-entusiaster fortælle om det vigtigste, det smukkeste, det mest inspirerende, sindsoprivende, grusomme eller geniale, de har læst – og om hvorfor netop dén bog har sat et særligt aftryk på dem og på verden. Og vi vil invitere dig med ind i forfatterværkstedet til en snak om både skriveprocesser, skriveglæde og skriveblokader hos nogen af landets største, bedste og mest elskede forfattere. Dine værter er Silke Fensman og Sigurd Hartkorn Plaetner. Velkommen til!