Sorgulayıcı düşünce ve bilimsel yönteme gönül vermiş bir grup skeptik ve bilim tutkunun bir araya gelmesiyle kurulmuş Yalansavar ekibinin resmi podcastı. Yapımcılığı ve sunuculuğunu Dr. Işıl Arıcan'ın üstlendiği bu podcastta her bölümde farklı ekip üyeleri ile eleştirel düşünce ve şüphecilik hakkında sohbet edecek, mantıksal safsatalara ve argüman irdeleme yöntemlerine değinecek, sözdebilimden paranormal iddialara, şarlatanlıktan yanıltıcı haberlerde dek muhtelif asılsız iddiaları irdeleyeceğiz. (
This is an ADHD podcast but if you are looking for tips, strategies, or methods to become a better person, then I am afraid your search will not be ending here. In the ADHD community, there are plenty of people offering to help ADHD people be more productive. My wife and I are ADHD. We don't want to help you change.
We want you to see you are not alone by allowing you access into our lives and into the lives of other ADHD people who are happy to be ADHD. We hope you will Join us as we put the awe in awesome! -
Welcome to the world's #1 dental hygiene podcast! You will get up-to-date information with some real life application. Andrew and his panel of cohosts are exactly where you are, dental professionals looking to get better! We may not be experts, but we will do our best to get them on the show! Please rate and review us on iTunes or your favorite podcast app and enjoy the show!
Your source for inspiration and insight from the world's foremost modality founders and movement experts. Get tools and tips to bring more body intelligence into your life today and hear the stories about their formative years that these luminaries rarely tell during their trainings.
Your host is Mark Metz—publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine and founder of the Dance First Association. Thanks for sharing this podcast with your friends and welcome to the movement for a better world! -
The Detox, Lyme and Health podcast was created for those struggling with chronic health conditions who are looking for both the upstream source of their symptoms and natural, sometimes unconventional, ways to regain vibrant health.
Dr. Jay Davidson focuses on tackling health issues at the root cause, with specific emphasis on drainage, parasites, Lyme, co-infections, mold, heavy metals toxins, latent infections, pathogens, and more. -
Here at Drug Discovery World (DDW) we've been publishing articles written by leading experts in the Drug Discovery, Pharmaceutical, and BioPharmaceutical industries for over 20 years.
DDW has grown as a quarterly business review of drug discovery and development, and now we've created this podcast to allow you to listen to our articles on the go.
In our journal and this podcast, we cover topics surrounding: drug discovery; drug development; business; chemistry; enabling technologies; informatics; personalised medicine; screening; therapeutics, and much more.
For the podcast we have selected recent, relevant and popular scientific articles, so that you can listen to all of the best content from Drug Discovery World. We hope you enjoy. -
[ Ваши результаты = ваша система мысли ]
Привет, я Инди Гогохия. Я выступила в более 50 городах России, трижды собрав Олимпийский. Возможно вы также читали одну из моих 3х книг бестселлеров. Меня интересуют незаурядные темы – квантовая физика и нейронауки, которые объясняют работу нашего мозга и процесса мышления.В своём подкасте я буду говорить про ментальное здоровье. Мы также будем приглашать успешных людей из разных сфер, чтобы понять, как работает их система мысли, которая привела их к результату.
Instagram @gogosh_a
ТГ-канал с эксклюзивным контентом и прямыми эфирами: -
Cochrane produces systematic reviews which are recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based health care resources. Listen to Cochrane review authors explain in plain language the evidence and findings of their high-impact reviews. In 5 minutes or less, healthcare professionals to patients and families can understand the latest trusted evidence to help make better informed decisions.
Кокрейн выпускает систематические обзоры, которые признаны высшим стандартом ресурсов для здравоохранения, основанных на доказательствах. Послушайте, как авторы Кокрейновских обзоров простым языком объясняют доказательства и выводы своих высоко-импактных обзоров. За 5 минут или меньше, все, от специалистов здравоохранения до пациентов и их семей, смогут понять самые последние достоверные доказательства, которые помогут принимать решения, обоснованные или информированные доказательствами.
Dating advice, Sex advice and Relationships Advice or relationship advice for Men. Learn how to talk to women, how to improve confidence, improve relationships and how to have great sex. Interviews include dating experts, dating coaches, pick up artists (PUA), scientists, relationship counsellors and psychologists. All with dating tips, relationship tips and sex tips.
Cochrane proizvodi sustavne preglede koji su prepoznati kao najviši standard izvora informacija o zdravstvenog skrbi utemeljenoj na dokazima. Slušajte autore Cochraneovih sustavnih pregleda kako jednostavnim jezikom opisuju rezultate i dokaze iz svojih utjecajnih radova. U 5 minuta ili manje, svi, od zdravstvenih djelatnika do pacijenata i njihovih obitelji, moći će razumjeti najnovije, pouzdane dokaze koji će pomoći u donošenju boljih odluka.