Velkommen til programmet, der nysgerrigt vil undersøge alle de tendenser, der kommer til at vende vores alles liv på hovedet.
I denne programrække vil fremtidsforsker Liselotte Lyngsø og iværksætter og forfatter Lars Tvede kigge ind i fremtiden for at se, hvilke tendenser, der lige om lidt vil skylle ind over os alle. Ved hjælp af Lars Tvedes Supertrendmaskine får vi masser af bud på, hvilke trends, der kommer til at ændre måden vi kommer til at leve på. Velkommen til fremtiden.
Værter: Liselotte Lyngsø og Lars Tvede
Research og tilrettelæggelse: Denis Rivin
Producent: Kim Pihl-Vester -
Nature Biotechnology's First Rounders podcast is a series of conversations with founders, financers and developers from biotech's past, present and future.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Fuel for Thought Podcast is the world’s first podcast about renewable fuels.
Sylvain Verdier and Mikala Grubb from Topsoe, look into some of the most pressing topics about renewable fuels, covering the whole value chain of renewable fuel production, including feedstock supply, conversion technology, legislation, sustainable aviation fuel and much more.
Together with a series of key industry players, experts, and influencers they discuss some of the challenges facing the industry, so you can benchmark your business, learn more about what is driving our industry and where it is heading. -
Kom med ind i ELværkstedet – en podcastserie fra Siemens Danmark, der lader dig dykke ned i ny teknologi og trends fra lavspændingsverdenen. Emnerne spænder bredt, lige fra produktnyheder og installationsbeskyttelse over til energioptimering, markedsstandarder og cloud-baseret software. Alt sammen med hverdagens arbejde i sigte, så du hurtigt får overblik over de praktiske anvendelsesmuligheder og bliver opdateret med ny viden på farten eller i en ledig stund.
Så arbejder du med elinstallation eller tavlebyggeri, er du kommet til det helt rette sted. Tilmeld dig og modtag automatisk besked, når en ny episode er ude.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mindset Monday was created to cut through the fog of your weekend each and every Monday. Monday is not something you should dread. Monday should be used as a new beginning, to try new things and strive for improvement.
Each week Austin provides seemingly simple yet impact Evidence-Based tactics, tools, and techniques you can implement in your own life. Each week we focus on two specific action items. In the morning Austin provides an overview of each topic and how you can begin to utilize each in your life starting today. Then, at the end of the day Mindset Monday will provide you with the long form raw materials to really dig in and take your new tools to the next level.
Examples of topics include how to negotiate like a FBI Hostage Negotiator, how to influence like a secret agent, overcoming your fears from an astronaut who went blind in space and much more! -
Welcome to The SynBioBeta Podcast: Conversations with synthetic biology’s leading thinkers on building a better world with biology. Hosted by John Cumbers, founder and CEO of SynBioBeta, where tech meets bio and bio meets tech.
Stay updated on the latest news in synthetic biology, check out our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media:
We know it’s alarming. Our streets and cities are flooding, our forests are burning, sea levels are on the rise. Our shared home, planet Earth, is threatened by man-made climate change. But did you also know that we already have the solutions to stop the escalating climate crisis?
In this five episode podcast series we explore the solutions and dive into why the key to reaching our collective climate goals lies with the global energy sector and a systemic, swift transition from black to green energy. You will meet experts and strategists driving green transformation and understand the different components needed to get there in time to protect our home.
Ørsted, the worlds most sustainable energy company, is publishing this podcast series to inspire everyone to take action now. -
“Minoritetsfeminisme” er udgivet af Mino Podcast i samarbejde med Mino Ung - både i København, Odense og Århus. Denne podcastserie har til formål at fejre, hylde og anerkende den minoritetsetniske kvinde og alle de kampe, der dagligt kæmpes. Lyt til 31 stærke og modige minoritetsetniske stemmer, der hver giver deres bud på hvorfor det er særligt vigtigt, at sætte fokus på minoritetsfeminisme. Afsnittene bliver offentliggjort hver dag i marts-måned - følg med her!Produceret af: Aviaja
Overalt i verden er der én dagsorden, der overstråler alle de andre globale og lokale problemstillinger og det er den globale opvarmning. Og i kernen af dén problemstilling ligger spørgsmålet om, hvor vi i fremtiden skal få vores energi fra: De fossile brændsler som kul, olie og gas skal skiftes ud med nye vedvarende energiformer. Mange af dem kender vi i forvejen: Sol, vind og vand. Så hvordan får vi bedst prioriteret dem? Er der andre energiformer og løsninger, som vi skal fokusere noget mere på i den grønne omstilling? Og hvordan skal vi som borgere, og politikere på Christiansborg, forholde os i denne her omstillingsproces? Det er det, som denne podcast, ‘Nye Vinde’, handler om.
I hvert afsnit inviterer Nynne Bjerre Christensen, eksperter i studiet for at gøre os klogere på et tema i vores søgen efter, hvordan vi skal producere strøm i fremtiden. Velkommen til. -
Do you have a niggling feeling, a secret hope, that work could be more joyful, more fun and (maybe) a little bit wilder? Do you sense deep down that doing great work doesn't need to be a slog?
In Why Play Works, Lucy Taylor and Tzuki Stewart hear the stories of people who are radically reshaping the idea of work as play - from play practitioners to academics to organisations who take play seriously.
How can working on serious problems be fun and delightful? Is play the opposite of work, or is it actually how we unlock success? How can reconnecting to our playfulness create more fulfilling and enlivening experiences of work?
We investigate how we can harness the power of play to boost resilience, improve well-being and foster collaboration, connection and creativity in the way we work. -