Ένα podcast για τα μοναδικής ομορφιάς και βιοποικιλότητας ελληνικά δάση, με την Αθηναΐδα Νέγκα. Μια βόλτα στα δεκάδες διαφορετικά δασικά συμπλέγματα, από την Ροδόπη με τα ψυχρά κωνοφόρα μέχρι την Κρήτη με το Φοινικόδασος του Bάι και την ημιερημική χλωρίδα, για να γνωρίσουμε αυτόν τον ξεχωριστό δασικό πλούτο και να μάθουμε πώς θα τον προστατεύσουμε σαν πολύτιμη κληρονομιά για τις επόμενες γενιές. Θα ξεκινήσουμε με «το ταξίδι του σπόρου» και το σημαντικό έργο που γίνεται στο εκκοκκιστήριο και στο φυτώριο της Αμυγδαλέζας, θα μας μιλήσουν δασολόγοι, περιβαλλοντολόγοι και ειδικοί επιστήμονες, θα γνωρίσουμε τα είδη που απειλούνται, όλα τα πουλιά και τα ζώα τους δάσους και θα γυρίσουμε σελίδα-σελίδα το υπέροχο «Πράσινο Βιβλίο» της ελληνικής φύσης.
To mark the re-launch of the Large Hadron Collider, the world's most powerful particle accelerator, this album examines how an accelerator works, why the LHC failed in 2008 and what scientists hope its high-energy collisions will reveal. The audio tracks feature Dr Stephen Serjeant and Dr David Broadhurst from The Open University and Dr Dan Faircloth and Dr Bruce Kennedy from the Science and Technology Facilities Council's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. They share their passion for this immense machine that will recreate, on a tiny scale, conditions that existed just after the Big Bang. It is hoped the LHC will provide a glimpse of the theoretical Higgs boson and explain the origin of mass. It may also discover a new family of supersymmetric particles and provide an insight into the nature of dark matter. Looking to the future, there is a sneak preview of the LHC upgrade plans, and a particle accelerator of the future, the Next Linear Collider.
Within the field of social sciences the terms social construction and social constructionism are frequently used, particularly in relation to social policy. This unit will enable you to achieve a greater definition and understanding of these terms. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.
Charles Darwin is one of most famous scientists of the nineteenth century, but what was he like as a child, a father and a husband? How did his emotional response to the world affect his scientific theories? And how widespread is his influence today? This album looks at Darwin's rich and complex legacy. Ruth Padel, one of his direct descendants, offers a series of unique insights into Darwin the man, through recollections of childhood conversations with her grandmother, readings from family letters and her own cycle of biographical poems. Within the scientific world, Darwin remains an inspirational figure both for evolutionary biologists and for many other practitioners. The Nigerian scientist, Sheila Ochugboju, reveals how influential Darwin has been on her own career, and Professor Colin Pillinger of The Open University compares the voyage of the Beagle with his recent mission to Mars. The album concludes with a visit to the Grant Museum of comparative biology at UCL in London, which is dedicated to Robert Edmond Grant, a professor of biology who was an important early influence on Darwin.
The tracks on this album were produced by The Open University in collaboration with the British Council. They form part of Darwin Now, a global initiative celebrating the life and work of Charles Darwin and the impact his ideas about evolution continue to have on today’s world. © The British Council 2009. -
This podcast was created to help parents around the world with the “biggies” of family life. Play Therapy Community will present a fresh, insightful episode once a week, usually on Thursday mornings.
On this podcast, we will cover topics such as picky eaters, struggles in school, behavioral issues, grief and loss, and so much more. We’ll also delve into specific diagnosis such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Learning Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc. Difficult topics, such as parenting through separation/divorce, depression, anxiety struggles, relationship struggles, and such will be explored as well.
As the host of Play Therapy Community, I feel honored that you are joining us on this journey for knowledge to truly help our children in a way that honors their mind, body, and soul. My name is Jackie Flynn, and I’m a Licensed Psychotherapist, Registered Play Therapist, Education Specialist, Adolescent Life Coach and a Parent Educator. -
Hvorfor skal du lytte til os? Vi er to nørder med en en stor passion for naturvidenskab. I vores podcast gør vi op med de dårlige analogier og unuancerede forklaringer, der dominerer formidlingen af naturvidenskab og forskning i nyhederne. Vi formidler komplekse naturvidenskabelige koncepter og forskningsnyheder og snakker om dem så alle kan være med.
Føler du, det er noget for dig, så lyt med - det er gratis. Hvis du har ris eller ros eller forslag til afsnit, så skriv til os på [email protected] eller find os på sociale medier.
Tobias Wang Bjerg og Villads Lundsteen Jacobsen er to tidligere formidlere fra Science Museerne i Aarhus og nu PhD studerende indenfor henholdsvis biomedicin og kernefysik. -
Take a glimpse into the world of applied positive psychology with The Flourishing Center. Each episode includes three sections giving you insights and hacks into a living an authentically happy and flourishing life. In the first segment, Science Says, uncover new research in positive psychology and how to apply the science to your life. In the second segment, we showcase a Life Hack which is a proven and practical action you can do today to boost your productivity and wellbeing. In the third segment we enter the Practitioner's Corner where we interview with a guest positive psychology practitioner. Guests include teachers, parents, therapists, entrepreneurs, managers, coaches, doctors, teenagers and others, who have been trained in positive psychology, and are applying the science in unique ways in their unique sectors of the world.
Whether you’re new to agroforestry or you’re a seasoned professional expanding your knowledge base, the Center for Agroforestry's podcast series is a source for learning and inspiration. We'll explore topics ranging from forest farming medicinal plants and mushrooms, to soil and water conservation with hedgerows and buffers, and everything in between.
Subscribe to this podcast on your preferred podcast app, and stay tuned as we share the multitude of ways farmers and landowners, researchers and educators are working to reintegrate diverse woody perennial plants into multifunctional landscapes. -
TI Pod er en podcast fra Teknologisk Institut Uddannelse, der løbende giver ny, faglig inspiration til dit arbejdsliv.
Vi sætter fokus på forskellige temaer inden for den brede vifte af områder, som du finder på Teknologisk Institut – bl.a. personlig udvikling, ledelse, projektledelse og it.
Gennem interviews med faglige eksperter får du gode råd, tips og tricks, der kan hjælpe dig i dit arbejde. -
Voted Best Podcast Episode of 2016 by ProductHunt, The SuperHuman Academy Podcast (previously The Becoming SuperHuman Podcast), hosted by lifehacker & accelerated learning expert Jonathan Levi interviews extraordinary people such as Dave Asprey, JJ Virgin, Robb Wolf, Hal Elrod, Joe Polish, Wim Hof, and many more to bring you the skills, tips, and tricks to overcome the impossible. From physical fitness to learning and memory, we seek to understand optimal performance and superhuman abilities through engaging conversations and interviews with some of the world's most interesting people.