Neretai mažieji Lietuvos leidėjai ne tik skaito ir leidžia knygas, bet ant jų miega, su jomis gyvena, o kartais net jas valgo... Didžiajame popierinių knygų vandenyne jie plaukioja po vieną ar kelis, nes yra maži. Nors sudėjus į krūvą didesni nepasidaro, bet trumpam susitikę mielai dalinasi savo džiaugsmais ir negandomis.
“Ieškau atsakymų” yra erdvė, kurioje keliami drąsūs klausimai apie žmogaus teises ir vyraujančias išankstines socialines nuostatas. Kartu su savo pašnekovais čia ieškome kelių į atviresnę visuomenę. Pasitelkdami asmenines istorijas, atskleidžiame tarp mūsų esančią socialinę įvairovę.
Welcome to “Heatwaves of Change” from the Climate Democracy Initiative. We urge you to listen to something new today... In an era where the climate crisis is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, “Heatwaves of Change” serves as guidance for those who are creating a more sustainable and equitable future.
Each episode, your hosts will guide you through new themes and in-depth guest interviews. We share honest stories of individuals, communities, and experts who are involved with climate action and democratic engagement. We go beyond statistics and data and delve into personal experiences. We are breaking down complex climate science and policy topics into inclusive, accessible, and engaging discussions.
Our core is exploring the intersection of the climate crisis and democracy. Our goal is to empower listeners to be a part of the solution and gain the knowledge they need to address the climate crisis. The issues we tackle are complex, but by tuning in, you can make informed decisions for a better future.
Listen to “Heatwaves of Change” today! Available on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon podcasts. -
This podcast is about the advancement of rare disease research told by health professionals, researchers, parents, and advocates. This podcast is for you to learn how newborn screening research saves the lives of babies every day through discoveries of new technologies and treatments. You will hear stories from experts who treat babies, the families who care for them, and the researchers who make it all happen.
Welcome to Taking Control Of Your Diabetes® - The Podcast, an edutaining show all about highs and lows of living with diabetes. Hosted by Dr. Steve Edelman and Dr. Jeremy Pettus, both endocrinologists who have been living with diabetes themselves since they were 15, we’re discussing the important topics that people living with diabetes need to know—and no topic is off-limits.
From the latest advancements in diabetes medications and devices, to interviews with some of the best minds in diabetes, to personal stories about the ups and downs of dealing with this condition 24/7, we’re tackling what it means to live with diabetes in modern times. And we promise to make you laugh along the way, because sometimes we just need to laugh at the craziness that comes with living with diabetes.
Tune in for a new episode on the last Monday of every month! Like what you hear and want to help us grow? Please rate and review this podcast so we can reach more people living with diabetes!
VISIT: | FOLLOW: | EMAIL: [email protected]
Tu rêves de poser ta dem' pour changer de vie ? Tu veux un job avec plus de sens pour ENFIN t’épanouir dans ta vie professionnelle ?
Bienvenue sur Pose ta Dem’, le podcast qui t’aide à réinventer ta vie professionnelle avec audace et sérénité.
Chaque semaine, retrouve :
👉 Le lundi est consacré aux échanges.
Découvre "Le Parcours", un échange entre une coach Pose ta Dem’ et un·e ancien·ne démissionnaire ou "L'Expert", un expert vient partager son parcours et donner les clés de son succès.
👉 Le jeudi est consacré aux conseils.
Découvre "Pépite de Coach", un conseil concret d'un·e coach pour t’aider dans ton changement de vie ou "La réponse", Charlotte répond à une question posée par un·e auditeur·rice !
Abonne-toi pour ne pas louper un seul épisode ⭐️
Pose ta Dem’, c’est ce podcast, mais aussi un média avec des articles et interviews, c'est la communauté, mais aussi les programmes d'accompagnement et de formation.
Rejoins la communauté !
Retrouve-nous aussi sur
(LT) „Ant Agile Sofos“ tai pirmasis Lietuviškas Podcast įrašų ciklas nagrinėjantis Agile metodiką. Jo sumanytojai bei laidų vedėjai tai trys Agile Coach‘ais dirbantys ir ilgametę patirtį šioje srityje sukaupę Agile metodikos entuziastai.
Ant Agile Sofos komanda taip pat teikia konsultavimo ir mokymų paslaugas įvairiomis su asmeniniu, komandų ar organizacijų efektyvumu susijusiomis temomis. Padedame tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek ir labiau pažengusiems pagilinti savo žinias, efektyvinti darbo principus ir pasiekti geresnių rezultatų. Mūsų tikslas – jog Agile mąstymas atneštų kuo daugiau naudos kuo didesniam ratui įmonių Lietuvoje.
Kviečiame susisiekti su mumis, klausytis tinklalaidžių, užduoti klausimus ir dalintis savo komentarais Agile temose bei įkvėpti vis daugiau žmonių pabandyti šį veiklos organizavimo būdą.
(EN) "Ant Agile Sofos (On the Agile Couch)" is the first Agile themed lithuanian podcast diving deeper into agility and methodology of agile. Co-founders of this podcast are 3 Agile Coaches practitioners with extensive experience from this workfields.
On the Agile Couch team also provides agile trainings and consulting in various, personal, team or organizational efficiency related topics. We can help everyone - ones that are just starting their journey or more experienced individuals and companies. We strive to make your working environment more efficient and to reach better results by applying Agile principles. Our goal - to help agility adoption bring as much as possible benefits for organisations in Lithuania.
We do invite you to contact us, listen to our podcasts, raise questions and share your own experience or insights about agility adoption and inspire more and more people to try this mindset - AGILE. -
How did the planet's richest people make their billions? From celebrities and secretive CEOs to sporting legends and tech titans, Simon Jack and Zing Tsjeng find out, and then decide whether they think they’re good, bad, or just another billionaire.
Ever wondered how Taylor Swift went from country singer to money-spinner? How Amazon boss Jeff Bezos came to launch one of the biggest corporations of the internet age? And how six-time NBA champion Michael Jordan made his fortune with Nike? Good Bad Billionaire is here to analyse the minds, motives and money of some of the world's wealthiest individuals. No detail is too small and no story too wild to uncover.
Join us on a global journey, discovering all we can about some of the richest people on the planet. We hear about billionaires in Russia, China, New Zealand, India, Nigeria and the UK. In the United States, there are those who made their money in Silicon Valley, on Wall Street and high street fashion.
Exploring the lives of Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, El Chapo, Narayana Murthy and Kim Kardashian, this podcast paints a vivid picture of business, entrepreneurship, capitalism and how our world really works.
In season two, we learn how the likes of Jerry Seinfeld, Peter Jackson, Doris Fisher and George Soros came to join the billionaires' club. We explore how Tiger Woods went from a child golfing prodigy to the world’s highest paid athlete, how a communist mime artist became the boss of fashion house Prada and how Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich bought an English football club. Find out how Mukesh Ambani became Asia’s richest person, and how Patrice Motsepe became the first black billionaire in a post-apartheid South Africa.
Plus, we examine some of the biggest names behind the technology shaping our world – the founders of TikTok, Google, ChatGPT, Alibaba and Bumble.
But it's not just how these billionaires made their money; it's what they did with it next. Ultimately, Simon and Zing consider whether they think these people are a force for “good”, the opposite, or somewhere in between.
Join Simon Jack, business editor for BBC News, and journalist, author and podcaster Zing Tsjeng as this podcast unravels tales of fortune, power, ambition and moral responsibility, and invites you to make up your own mind: are they Good, Bad, or Just Another Billionaire?
We’d love to hear your feedback. Email [email protected] or drop us a text or WhatsApp to +1 (917) 686-1176.
To find out more about the show and read our privacy notice, visit
5AM - podkastas, kurio tikslas padėti nors vienam žmogui žengti žingsnį į priekį link geresnio gyvenimo.
Esminė mūsų pokalbių vertybė - atvirumas, nes tik taip galėsime sukurti reikšmingus pokalbius, kurie kam nors padės gyvenime.
Kalbinam žmones, kuriais tikim ir kurie tikrai gali padėti kitiems! -
SaaS Talks: From Lead to Close is the top B2B SaaS sales podcast in short-form audio. You'll learn how to schedule more demos, build a bigger pipeline, and close at least 50% of your demos. Every episode will be short and to the point so you don't have to waste time listening to sales fluff.
Each episode is less than 10 minutes and cuts out ALL of the fluff. There will also be a special monthly guest every month where they'll give practical tactics to improve your sales skills.
Now you can listen to it during your bathroom breaks, in-between meetings, or anytime you want! -
Industrial Talk is about celebrating the women and men of industry and manufacturing. We celebrate these innovative leaders and companies because they make our lives better and are changing the world for the better! These passionate leaders collaborate, innovate and educate with speed and purpose to positively impact people and communities around the world. Industrial Talk in collaboration with industry and manufacturing leaders address topics that include: Digital Transformation, Big Data, Industry 4.0, IoT, IIoT, AI, ML, Optimization, Edge, Cloud, Asset Reliability, Maintenance, 5G, Sales, Marketing and Branding and strategies for success. This is a podcast that is focused on Getting Stuff Done and learning from individuals and companies that have been there and have a track record of success. We celebrate a bright future in industry and manufacturing from with women and men dedicated to making our communities and world a better place.
ENERGYMARKETING ist ein Podcast von Stefanie Bruns für erfahrene Experten, Coaches und andere High Achiever, die auf der Suche nach einem Soulaligned Success sind.
Hier wirst du deine Unternehmer Identität, deine spirituelle Reise und die Skalierung deines Seelenbusiness massiv vorantreiben.
Folge dem Tribe, abonniere unseren Podcast und verpasse keine Episode. Teile ihn mit deinen Freunden und sichere dir unsere kostenfreien Materialien auf -
Ką tiria rinkos tyrimai? Ar tikrai jų reikia? Ar galima jais pasitikėti? Norime demistifikuoti šią sritį ir nusprendėme, kad atėjo laikas apie tyrimus kalbėti(s) paprastai. Todėl mes trys rinkos tyrimų entuziastės – Rita Klebonaitė, Diana Žardin ir Dovilė Končak – pradėjome tinklalaidę „MR Hackers“ (angl. Market Research (MR) Hackers) – erdvę, kurioje galime atvirai diskutuoti apie tyrimus bei jų pritaikymą versle, kalbinti pašnekovus ir ieškoti paprastų atsakymų į sudėtingus klausimus, o klausytojas galės įsitraukti į mūsų kuriamą turinį, siūlant temas ir keliant klausimus.