What’s it like to hike and live in the backcountry for 5 months? Host and thru-hiker & YouTuber Kyle Hates Hiking (Kyle O’Grady), who has completed every last step of the Appalachian Trail, interviews other thru-hikers, peak-baggers, and backpackers who are almost as crazy as him. Is life while thru-hiking really as glamorous as the social media stars make it out to be? Is pooping in the woods really that big of a deal? Find out these answers and more on Trail Tales.
En podcast der udelukkende handler om løb - for alle løbere. Om du løber hurtigt eller langsomt, 5K, halvmaraton, maraton eller ultraløb, på trails i skoven eller tæsker asfalt på landevejen. Runcast er for dig, der interesserer dig for løbets DNA og alt omkring det. Kort sagt - om løb for løbere!
BIG WOODS BUCKS PODCAST is a knowledge-based podcast dedicated to teaching people the skills, tactics, and techniques needed to become a successful hunter by taking each of you along on our adventures. Hosted by legendary whitetail tracker Hal Blood and co-hosted by Joe Kruse and Lee Libby, listen as they share the vast knowledge they have of big woods deer hunting. They are some of the best big woods deer hunters in the world. Education through entertainment is the corner stone of our business.
Podcast om friluftsliv og vandring. Vi giver gode tips & tricks, inspirerer til vandreture og vandreruter, har interviews og meget mere. Vi taler om alle aspekter i friluftslivet, og har fokus på shelters, teltture, hængekøjer og meget mere. Besøg vores hjemmeside hvor du finder 1000+ gratis artikler på
Welcome to the Ready to Run Podcast, hosted by Kurt Roeser, DPT (physical therapist and sub-elite long distance runner) and Efren Caballes, DO (sports medicine physician).
The goal of our podcast is to engage in thoughtful discussions with athletes, coaches, clinicians, and researchers to share knowledge within the field of sports medicine and inspire progression in the sport of running.
We hope to empower individuals to navigate injuries, reduce injury risk, optimize training and performance, and provide listeners with the tools needed to get Ready to Run! -
Løb med Løbetosset er en podcast for dig, der gerne vil nørde løbetræning en lille smule. I hvert afsnit stiller jeg skarpt på et emne indenfor løb, som forhåbentligt kan inspirere og hjælpe dig til at finde større løbeglæde - og nå nye mål i dit løb.
Jeg ultraløber, løbetræner - og selvudnævnt løbetosse, så det handler om løb og intet andet. Fra én løber til en anden!
This show is for the 35+ woman that has been trying to figure out this running thing on her own or doesn't know where to start! Every episode we take the guesswork out of how to train smarter, faster, and run for life without nagging injuries. Let's make running or walking into our 40s, 50s and beyond your best yet!
Dr Latisha, physical therapist, certified run and nutrition coach has been helping women for many years now tackle aches, pains, build strength and break mental barriers to living their best life on and off of the pavement! -
Løbeakademiets podcast er en podcast, der er lavet af løbere til løbere. Vi dykker ned i diverse løberelateret emner og tager en snak om dem. Du vil i podcasten kunne finde en masse brugbare tips til løb. Tips omkring væskeindtag, tips til løbestil, bud på træninger op til et halvmaraton, racestrategier, sko reviews og meget mere. Har du spørgsmål eller ideer til emner, som vi skal snakke om, så send os en mail på:
– Jeg vil gerne inspirere andre og vise, at man godt kan træne sig op til at løbe, selvom man er en tyk dreng, skrev 42-årige Johnny Bech Jensen til Runcast, da vi i sommers søgte en person, vi kan følge mod sit første maraton.
Johnnys historie er på alle måder beundringsværdig, og det bliver spændende at følge ham hele vejen til målstregen i Johnnys første maraton. -
Fascinating interviews with people who work or play in the great outdoors. In this climate of depressing reports (Starving polar bears! Plastic in the oceans!) I want to turn from the tsunami of negative news and focus on what’s wonderful about our world. My aim is for you to fall in love with this gorgeous world of ours. I want you to notice the infinite storm of beauty that surrounds us. I want you to pause as you scurry out to your car and notice the bird song around you. I want you to step outside and step into wonder. I want you to fall in love with this outside life. If this sounds like you then these are your people and this is your tribe. Subscribe!!
This podcast will go through how RED-S has impacted me both mentally and physically in my running career so far. Will explain the different training camps I have been on previously and what I’m looking to do in the future. Will also try and bring on athletes to speak more about this topic. The main aim is to make this whole podcast quite enjoyable for listeners!
Join hosts Matt Chittim and Jason Macaluso as they bring you up to speed on the leading stories at the intersection of business and endurance sports. Matt and Jason deliver breaking news, as well as deep dives and guest interviews on the topics that are impacting the endurance sports world. So pour yourself a cup of coffee and plug into the BSD.
Om de store oplevelser man får af at hoppe i det kolde. Om hvordan man gør. Om hvad der sker i kroppen. Om alle de gode virkninger: man bliver glad, gir større fokus, man sover godt om natten og smertelindring.
Både til garvede vinterbadere og dem, som vil igang, men syns det er svært. Både kolde bruse bade, havet eller hvordan man nu vil hoppe i det kolde vand. -
Finally a podcast with everything you've ever wanted for the HYBRID outdoor athlete. This podcast explores the world of endurance feats and outdoor adventures with athletes who specialize in hybrid outdoor sports. Our host and guests have completed incredible feats from thru-hikes to ultra runs, bike packs, mountaineering, splitboarding, climbing, and everything in between (even some entrepreneurship)! Tune in to expand your mind, learn the best ways to deal with adversities, and become inspired to do something outside the box!
On this podcast we talk to black athletes about overcoming adversity and how that transfers over to sport. We talk training, nutrition, mental endurance, as well as black history in endurance sports. Listen in, your guaranteed to learn a few things. Support this podcast: