Join Jameson, Quincy, Davie and their Queer bohemian friends as they romance, investigate, and brawl their way through Victorian London's heart of darkness in this Lovecraftian horror actual-play.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast Antonija Šibera o knjigama i šire. Gotovo svaka epizoda donosi pokoji citat iz knjiga koje Šiber preporučuje, a ponekad i ismijava, a neke su epizode posvećene prije svega knjigama, i knjige su u njima glavna tema. Mnoge su epizode potaknute i aktualnim temama, ali te su teme sagledane obično drukčije od svega što se čuje u medijima. U dobroj književnosti, filozofiji i esejistici, pa i onoj staroj tisućama godina, često se može naći zdrav i posve aktualan pogled koji našim uobičajenim i svakodnevnim kritičarima redovito promiče. Knjige, uostalom, ne postoje u vakuumu. One postaju i ostaju kroz one koji ih čitaju, u svom vremenu.
Вы на подкасте ЖПТ, где мы, Оля и Маша, два практикующих психолога, рассказываем про жизнь, разбираемся в психологии и исследуем творчество.
В эпизодах про жизнь мы делимся актуальными жизненными темами, жалуемся на унылый ноябрь и мечтаем о летних каникулах.
В эпизодах про психологию мы говорим просто о сложных вещах: об отношениях, злости, зависти, потерях, кризисах, одиночестве и многом другом.
В творческих выпусках мы рассказываем о страхе белого листа, муках вдохновения, рутине, ошибках и, конечно же, о внутреннем критике.
К нам будут заходить интересные гости, которые, надеемся, поддержат и вдохновят вас своими мыслями и опытом.
Мы делаем подкаст искренним. И иногда, как хвост виляет собакой, мы двигаемся за темой в живом и открытом диалоге, приходя порой в новые и неожиданные места.
Выбирайте интересующие вас темы в записанных выпусках и услышимся в новых эпизодах.
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Goethe hatte seine Mittwochsgesellschaften. Wir haben unseren Podcast „Mittwochs bei Goethe“.
Dieser Podcast mit Eva Mühlbacher, Deutschlehrerin am Goethe-Zentrum Verona, richtet sich an alle fortgeschrittenen Deutschlernenden, die noch mehr über die deutschsprachige Welt wissen möchten.
Der Titel „Mittwochs bei Goethe“ ist eine Anspielung auf Goethes philosophische Mittwochabende, an denen er Freunde und Bekannte zu sich einlud, um mit ihnen philosophische und philologische Themen zu diskutieren. Genau so ist der Podcast gedacht: jeden zweiten Mittwoch erscheint eine neue Folge! Die Themen reichen in einer bunten Mischung von „Kultur“ und „Kunst“ über „Literatur“ bis zu „Geschichte“. Eva Mühlbacher spricht über Buch und Film, Geschichte und Gegenwart und über Literatur und ihren Bezug zu unserer Realität.
Für alle, die speziell ihr Hörverstehen überprüfen möchten, zum Beispiel zur Vorbereitung auf eine Prüfung, findet sich für jede Folge ein Single-Choice-Fragebogen auf der Website des Goethe-Zentrums Verona.
„Mittwochs bei Goethe“ – der Podcast für alle, die nicht genug von Deutsch kriegen können! -
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories narrated by Hugh Bonneville.
A woman struck dead after hearing a haunting whistle. A series of child-like drawings scrawled throughout a country estate. A prize horse wandering the moors without an owner.
To the regular observer, these are merely strange anomalies. But for the master detective Sherlock Holmes they are the first pieces of an elaborate puzzle.
New episodes every Thursday. For ad-free listening and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started. Or, if you’re on Spotify or Android, go to -
Lovers by Shan is an education-first space where listeners come to better understand their own intimate lives through the life lessons and expertise of others. Shan’s mission is to empower everyone to be their own intimacy expert in the bedroom and beyond by treating guests of the podcast as educators in their own right.
Past guest include Kelly Rowland who taught us about being a sensualist. Becky G who shared the importance of healthy love in an unhealthy body. Kerry Washington who warned about the dangers of keeping secrets. Kamie Crawford who taught us about the joys of breaking up. Jesse Reyez who reminded us that it's alright to admit you're the one who let a good one get away.
When we paused in 2023 we had 5.1 million listeners and 8 million YouTube views. Excited to see how many lives we can impact in 2025 with our fresh look and approach. -
Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations in Greek while on campaign between 170 and 180, as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement. These memos survive and continue to inspire others to this day. These writings take the form of quotations varying in length from one sentence to long paragraphs. He explicates the Stoic philosophy that the only way a man can be harmed by others is to allow his reaction to overpower him. He shows no particular religious faith in his writings, but seems to believe that some sort of logical, benevolent force organizes the universe in such a way that even "bad" occurrences happen for the good of the whole.
View our entire collection of podcasts at
All Librivox recordings are in the public domain -
Tune into DOM MEETS WORLD, a brand new weekly Vodcast hosted by Dom Gabriel from Netflix’s Perfect Match, as he welcomes new guests each week to explore the highs and lows of their current dating lives, share advice for listeners in all stages of their love lives, play some juicy games, and most importantly: get real!
Želite li naučiti kako biti organizirani i efikasniji? Brain Books podcast će vam predstaviti najbolje knjige koje će vam pomoći u tome.
U ovom podcastu analiziramo knjige koje vam mogu pomoci da postanete najbolja verzija samog sebe.
Više o knjigama i svemu ostalom saznajte na našem IG podcast.brainbooks: -
Listen to 'John Buchan Unbound', hosted by Buchan's granddaughter and biographer, Ursula Buchan, and historian Michael Redley. Explore the depths of John Buchan's world through the eyes of his characters and the lens of history. Listen in for a unique journey into a literary icon's legacy.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Intimate, personal conversations with the biggest talents from professional theatre, tv, film, and more. Hear their secrets, what makes them laugh, stresses them out, and how they manage the anxiety of success. We feature both stars and creatives such as producers, stage managers, directors, press and marketing agents, or even the people who own the theaters or productions themselves.
This is a podcast for artists, made by artists. With over 2 decades of experience in film and theatre both as cast and creative, host Alan Seales speaks with Broadway, TV, film and beyond’s biggest talents to learn more about not only how the world of theatre and performing operate, but also what makes it so real and human. In-depth, personal, behind-the-scenes conversations will highlight special details of the industry that most people may not know exist, will always find out what makes the guests love their craft, what makes them tick, and what truly inspires them.
Part of the Broadway Podcast Network. -
Do you feel stuck? Did you think you would be somewhere else in life by now? Join singer-songwriter duo Jill and Kate, as they sell their belongings, hit the road, try to re-ignite creativity, and get fun back in their lives. They're taking a journey and they're taking you with them...discussing what to do when life doesn't go the way you planned. They aren't afraid to talk openly about failure, fears. and how to get fun back in your life--they'll even be interviewing "fun-spiration" guests. This podcast will hopefully make you laugh, cry, and inspire you to get unstuck too.