Living Heritage is about people who are engaged in the heritage and culture sector, from museum professionals and archivists, to tradition bearers and craftspeople - all those who keep heritage alive at the community level. We talk about their work, their passions, and the day-to-day safeguarding of culture and tradition.
Welcome to RESPARK YOUR LIFE, the world’s foremost podcast to respark the fire within you to live life on your terms. Dust off the cobwebs of life on automatic, and grab the excitement and changes you desire but have been hesitant to reach for. No, you likely won’t fly faster than a speeding bullet nor leap tall buildings in a single bound, but you will indeed be moved powerfully, day by day, with increasing ease, to take those little steps that will lead to huge changes.
If you are driving a motorboat fast due south and you want to go in a different direction, don’t yank the steering wheel. Make a tiny change and, within moments, you are traveling safely in a totally resparked direction to live life on your terms.
Your host for this Podcast is Raymond Aaron, author of a New York Times Bestseller plus 143 other published books. You will hear stories and learn lessons from his extraordinary life to respark the fire within you to live YOUR life on your terms. -
Classic lit with a modern tone, every other week.
From the creators of Myths and Legends, comes an altogether same-but-different podcast set in the world of classic lit. These are the stories of Dracula, The Time Machine, The Three Musketeers. They're stories written by Jane Austen, Shakespeare, and H.P. Lovecraft, but with a casual, modern tone. Listen as Jason and Carissa Weiser breathe new life into the classics and tell the stories of some of the greatest books ever written. -
If you love immersive, fact-based and responsible true crime storytelling... Canadian True Crime is for you.
Join Aussie-Canadian host Kristi Lee as she carefully unravels some of Canada's most compelling crime cases. With meticulous research and a trauma-informed approach, Kristi goes beyond the headlines to uncover surprising truths about crime — and the criminal justice system.
Find out why Canadian True Crime is Canada's top independent podcast.
Listen ad-free and early:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're Eamon & Bec! We’ve cultivated a community of 1M+ on YouTube, created Habit, and most importantly became new parents to Frankie Lee. Our lives have changed immensely in these past few years but through it all, our roots have deepened.
While we've always shown up authentically online, there’s so much more of us that we want to share with our community. Reroot is a safe space where we explore the essence of who we are as individuals. As seekers of community, we hope this podcast continues to be an extension of our mission to foster open, healthy conversations.
Connect with us on Instagram: @rerootpod and @eamonandbec. -
New episodes of The Tom Bilyeu Show drop every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and new guest episodes drop every Tuesday!
Uncover the truth behind the headlines and memes in an unbiased pursuit of what’s real.
From interviews and reactions to debates on the most important topics of the day, this podcast will challenge everything you know about current events, the economy, culture, and more. Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory helps you thrive in our complex world.
Hosted by Tom Bilyeu, a prominent entrepreneur and co-founder of the billion-dollar company Quest Nutrition, Impact Theory covers what matters today. From geopolitics and economics to AI, science, future tech, and beyond, Tom breaks down complex topics into their fundamental elements. Learn how to see the world clearly so you can navigate even the most disruptive era. -
For all of human history, we've been trying to figure out what humanity's superpower is. It's clear that we've outpaced every other animal on the planet but how? We're not the biggest, the fastest or the strongest. It turns out our superpower is our social intelligence. We have an amazing capacity to learn from each other.
As kids, we're like little sponges blindly copying culture from the people around us. The cultures into which we were all born evolved to fit very old agricultural environments. Each contains timeless wisdom about human affairs but none of them is ideally suited to navigating the ever-changing environment in which we find ourselves.
So, what do we do? We accept that we are all in unfamiliar territory and that nobody knows what they're doing. In fact, we're all just making it up as we go along. To a certain extent, that's all humanity has ever been doing.
The goal of Mixed Mental Arts is to steal the best cultural software from everywhere and apply the core principle of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." Welcome to the dojo! We're excited to learn from you. -
JOLSID podcast is about Decoding Life & Hacking Success with the help of Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology and Bio-hacks.
This podcast will provide you with the scientific facts and cutting edge research that you can apply to your daily lives, in order to enhance your cognitive performance and significantly improve the quality of your life. -
Kendall Rae is a true-crime content creator on YouTube who has used her platform to spread awareness for victims and their families. Now she is bringing episodes of her YouTube true-crime series to podcast format, to hopefully create even more awareness around the cases she covers. Kendall's approach to true-crime content is empathetic and always approached with victims in mind first. Join Kendall in her journey to spread awareness and bring justice to those who need it most!
The world is more mysterious than most people are comfortable imagining. We cross paths with the mystical from time to time and may not even notice it. If we do, we quickly return to our usually mundane daily existence. But what if we not only acknowledged the unknown, we investigated it and spoke with those in the know? That's what co-hosts Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess, and co-executive producer Tess Pfeifle do at Astonishing Legends. Over 100 million downloads and hundreds of thousands of listeners have discovered the thrill of exploring the mysteries of our world, showing that the unknown can be both captivating and intriguing. Welcome to Astonishing Legends!
Welcome to The Garyvee Audio Experience, hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, vlogger, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk. On this podcast you'll find a mix of my #AskGaryVee show episodes, keynote speeches on marketing and business, segments from my WEEKLYVEE video series, interviews and fireside chats I've given, as well as new and current thoughts I record originally for this audio experience!
Distorsion est un podcast à propos d'histoires étranges de l'ère numérique. Emile et Seb scrutent les bas fonds de l'Internet afin de dénicher des cas inusités et d'en faire l'analyse pour vous. Au menu: true crime, disparitions, phénomènes internet, dark web, catfish, creepy pastas, conspirations.
The AI Effect is a new limited run podcast series exploring themes around the Canadian AI ecosystem. Amanda Lang co-hosts with Accenture’s Jodie Wallis to examine the extraordinary pace of AI’ s technological growth, and the rewards, and perils for individuals, businesses, and society. This podcast was produced by Antica Productions.
La mission du PodCast L'École du Succès, propulsé par Martin Latulippe, CSP HoF, vise à déinstitutionnaliser le succès, ses enseignements et ses leçons, et les rendre accessible à plus de 10 millions de francophones qui désirent se réaliser pleinement. À tour de rôle, entrepreneurs, athlètes, artistes et leaders de différentes sphères de la francophonie mondiale viennent livrer, en toute humilité et dans un style convivial, leur histoire, les leçons apprises et les expériences vécues qui leur ont permis d'atteindre leur plus haut niveau d'excellence. Au-delà de rendre accessible ces informations via différents médias sociaux, L'École du Succès vise surtout à inspirer les gens à mettre en action ce qu'ils entendront, de là notre slogan: Vivez ce que vous écoutez!
Dans une ambiance sombre, votre humble narrateur vous raconte les histoires vraies de tueurs en série et de crimes sordides, mais aussi les mystères insolites des quatre coins du globe. Un peu comme on se raconte des contes effrayants pour se faire peur autour d'un feu de camp, Ars Moriendi nourrira votre fascination pour le macabre en suscitant une réflexion sur la fragilité et la cruauté de la race humaine et la nature qui l'entoure, à travers ces faits historiques mystérieux qui façonne l'homme de demain. Un podcast qui vous fera découvrir que la réalité dépasse toujours la fiction. Memento mori...