Not Defined by Endo Podcast, hosted by Endometriosis Warrior Teniola Ogunro, is created for and dedicated to women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis or who suffer from symptoms that they suspect to be caused by endometriosis. Every week, Teniola shares her own experiences, interviews health professionals and endo specialists who provide their much-needed insight and speaks to fellow endometriosis warriors who know what it feels like to live with and fight an incurable disease.
We are on a mission to solve for sugar. Live a sweet and healthy lifestyle with the team from RxSugar. Talking about Fitness when living with T1D/T2D, Diabetes Misconceptions, Diets (not dieting - High Carb, Low Carb, Keto, Paleo, Vegan, etc), Diabetes friendly foods, etc, Low Sugar Lifestyle, Healthy Recipes, Special Guests, a little about RxSugar, new product announcements/sneaks and more! Email us at: [email protected]
Welcome to the Health Yeah Life Podcast with Karin Banghart!
Karin is married to the love of her life, a Mom of 5, Mimi of 6, a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and a Gut Health Advisor.
After a colon cancer diagnosis in January 2020, she embarked on her health journey to learn how to live a better life—sharing with you so that you can make healthy choices for yourself and learn not only through her but alongside her.
She is excited to share practical information to enhance your overall well-being and is grateful to be interviewing others in the health and wellness sector.
If you are interested in living a life, you can say “health yeah” to…. You are in the right place! -
• Top 2% Globally Ranked Podcast •
Are you stuck Googling, “Why do I feel bloated all the time?” or wondering if the food you ate will ever stop fighting back? Maybe your pants can’t decide if they’re too tight or too loose, or you hit that 2 PM wall where sheer willpower is the only thing keeping you going. Stress feels like a constant companion, whether from the everyday chaos of life or lingering tension from years past. Maybe you know it’s tied to your digestion, or maybe you’re just stuck in the cycle: stressed about your gut issues, and your gut issues making you even more stressed. If bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, brain fog, fatigue, and overwhelm sound all too familiar—you’re in the right place!
What if you could feel better, eat without fear, and actually enjoy food again—all while having more energy, managing stress, and finally taking control of your health?
Welcome! I’m Tasha—wife, homeschooler, and natural health educator. The stress of trauma and significant life events disrupted my digestion, leading to fatigue, brain fog, eczema flare-ups, weight gain, insomnia, torn ligaments, irregular menstrual cycles, motility issues, anemia, malabsorption, and vitamin deficiencies. After trying countless approaches, I discovered simple, time-tested principles that transformed my health. Now, I’m here to help you take control of your digestion and feel your best again.
Each week, you’ll learn:
• Gut Health & Root Causes: Understand how stress impacts digestion and why your body reacts to food—even “healthy” options. Discover ways to restore your gut health and break the stress-digestion cycle.
• Ayurvedic Holistic Nutrition: Use food, herbs, and spices to ease discomfort, support digestion, and heal naturally—without complicated diets or expensive supplements.
• Simple Methods: Practical, holistic routines to reduce stress, improve gut health, and boost energy.
If you’re tired of one-size-fits-all solutions and ready for sustainable, faith-based methods that fit your busy life, join me each week to learn how to thrive—not just survive! It’s like having your own holistic digestion coach right in your back pocket!
Connect with me: Share your wins, struggles, or questions at [email protected]—I’d love to hear from you! -
Zdravý zo stravy je podcast, ktorý rozpráva o skutočnej a nedocenenej hodnote zdravej výživy a životného štýlu. Spoločné v ňom odhalíme spôsob ako sa chrániť pred chorobami a zvrátiť ich priebeh. Nahliadneme na váš tanier a pomocou prevratných vedeckých štúdií a výskumov vám ponúkneme iný pohľad na jeho obsah.
Hi and welcome to Whispered Reading ASMR. You can call me V. I created this podcast because one day I was meditating and asked my guides how I could help the collective as soon as possible from my own home. I was guided to create this podcast along with the corresponding YouTube channel. Check it out at
SOM TÁ, ktorá napriek životným ,,príležitostiam” si udržala svetlo v srdci, radosť v očiach, optimizmus a mnoho ďalšieho krásneho… Možno aj preto sa život diaľ, aby som mala skúsenosti skrz, ktoré sa viem vcítiť do do vás a nasmerovať tam, kde cíti vaše Ja nie ego, že sa chce posunúť. Nemám žiadny patent iba žijem život v spokojnosti, ľahkosti, jednoduchosti a bola by som veľmi rada, keby sme tak žili všetci (teda samozrejme kto chce, pretože slobodná vôľa je prvoradá). Aby sme prebrali zodpovednosť za svoje životy a prijali samých seba ako DAR, ktorým SME. Som ŽENOU v každom zmysle chápania, cítenia, vnímania.
Vítejte u podcastu Guru do kapsy.
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Vstupte do platformy Guru do kapsy a aktivně navyšujte celosvětovou úrověň vědomí.
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***Christian Weight Loss + Sustainable Weight Loss Method ***
Welcome to Thirty Pounds Down, a podcast for Christian women seeking to achieve a healthy body and weight, naturally. Topics include eating less for weight loss, the power of plant-based foods, healthy habits, and how our faith is at the center of it all. We cover weight loss struggles and challenges from a biblical perspective and provide divinely inspired solutions that are easy to implement. As a retired nurse caregiver turned holistic nutritionist, Christian wife, organic gardener, and vegan home cook, each episode draws from my personal experiences. Including the 2-Meal-A-Day method that has helped me and others find freedom from overeating and achieve permanent weight loss. Join me for practical solutions and inspiration to achieve your dream of a healthy body and weight.
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Glenda Hill
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#1 Subscribe or follow the show to stay tuned and grow along with me.
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A fun podcast with your host Emily Vaughn, about life, health, emotional health, and conscious living, to take along with you on your hot girl walks, to the gym, or while you’re in the kitchen making delicious food. Designed to make you feel like you’re chatting with a bestie while also learning.
Protonové centrum a přináší podcast Protonoví bojovníci. Jedná se o projekt, který má obrovský úkol – ukázat, že s nemocí se musí bojovat a že se dá vyhrát. Moderátor Honza Musil každý týden představí zajímavé hosty, kteří se s rakovinou utkali. Někteří jako pacienti, někteří jako lékaři a další stáli nemocným po boku, i když přišly těžké chvíle. Tak se pojďme dát do toho.
Zdravie nie je len o zdravej strave a športovaní. Zdravie je komplexná záležitosť. Ovplyvňuje ho viac ako 10 kľúčových faktorov, o ktorých sa dozviete práve podcaste Dr.Dool.
Spomínané faktory pomáhajú ľuďom a zvyšujú kvalitu ich života ako celku. Praktické tipy a inšpirácie, ktoré vás prevedú labyrintom sveta zdravia, vám dajú cenné informácie ako sa o seba starať komplexne a udržateľne.
Podcastom Dr.Dool vás sprevádza farmaceut Michal Drdúl. -