Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black holes work? Do you wonder why you get emotional each time you see a certain movie, or how on earth video games are designed? Then you’ve come to the right place. Each week, Sean Carroll will host conversations with some of the most interesting thinkers in the world. From neuroscientists and engineers to authors and television producers, Sean and his guests talk about the biggest ideas in science, philosophy, culture and much more.
Velkommen til et livsfilosofisk samtalemagasin, hvor jeg, Mannah, taler med forfattere, undervisere, healere og tankeledere om livsmestring.
At mestre sit liv har mange facetter til sig, og derfor spænder emnerne vidt og bredt. Det er på den måde en podcast, du kan stemple ind og ud af, alt efter hvilke emner der fanger din interesse. Men jeg elske at have dig med på hvert et skridt af vejen. Mit håb er at samtalerne vil inspirere dig til at finde den vej, kun du kan gå.
Mit overordnede ønske er at fremme viden og visdom, der åbner for højere bevidsthed og indsigtsrige perspektiver på eksistensen og os selv — på en så laid back måde som muligt.
Astrologi er blevet en slags livline for mig til at forstå, hvad der foregår under overfladen, så også det kan blive set, hørt og elsket. Spørg mig om Terapeutisk Astrologi hvis du vil høre mig tale meget længe - men i den her podcast er det de mange forskellige stemmer, jeg er optaget af. Jeg elsker at interviewe mennesker med noget vigtigt på hjertet! Indimellem stempler jeg ind med et astrologisk filter på temaerne.
Det er dit liv, vi taler om! - Derfor er det jo sjovere, når du er med.
Terapeutisk Astrolog og Interviewer
Kontakt mig her: [email protected]
Engelsk Podcast: -
Dybden og selvrefleksionen er omdrejningspunktet, når værten, Kasper Andersson, inviterer en gæst til samtale, der kredser om det liv, vedkommende har levet, og hvordan dannelse, meningsfuldheden og de mere eksistentialistiske spørgsmål i tilværelsen påvirker identiteten. Et program om skæbnen, tvivlen, dannelsen og det, der definerer os.
Intet er planlagt og alt kan ske, når René Fredensborg hver fredag inviterer kendte danskere på et lille glas og god tid. Gæsten medbringer musikken, mens Fredensborg sikrer, at samtalen stikker dybt eller stikker helt af. Der skal nemlig være plads til grin, gråd og alvorsord, hvis Syvkabalen skal gå op.
In the world of structure, stress, and seemingly meaningless tasks, it can be easy for one to feel lost and empty. Move beyond career success and access true mental wellness and personal fulfillment as we take you through the landscape of the emotions and personal discoveries that shape who we are. The Observatory podcast, is a space for authentic discussions, dedicated to helping you discover or rediscover meaning in your life. Rooted in the wisdom of their own experiences, our hosts Scott and LaRae Wright started their journeys as accomplished executives, with their successful and lucrative 9-5 jobs with Fortune 100 companies and in the finance industry. Unsatisfied with restrictive environments that demanded a disconnected, curated self, these successes gave them meaningful insights into who they weren’t and led them to the path of truly empowered self-discovery. Their journeys have opened their eyes to the possibilities of their own futures and they want to help you do the same. Each week, join us in our commitment to helping you navigate everything from entrepreneurial dreams to personal transformation with stronger clarity of who you truly are.
Join us on the journey towards financial independence and being unconstrained. Your host, Myles Wakeham, explores the art of financial sustainability and individual sovereignty resulting in a debt free lifestyle. If you want to be challenged by a contrarian, think outside the box and go against the grain, this show is for you. Myles has spent his life doing the polar opposite of the "social mantra" in multiple countries and this has resulted in extraordinary results. Open your mind to thinking different, and getting MUCH better results for your finance, freedom and family.
In the early days of the HIV epidemic, cities pioneered the urban AIDS response. The Fast-Track Cities podcast series tells that early story and relates what cities are doing today, more than three decades later, in solidarity with a global effort to end AIDS as a public health threat. Subscribe now to hear the entire series!
Reklamer lokker med gode tilbud og løfter om klimakompenserede rejser, status, succes og mere sex. Det tror ædruelige mennesker selvsagt ikke på, men alligevel køber vi. Selv ting vi ikke har brug for. Men vi kan ikke kan fortsætte med at bruge løs. Det ødelægger jorden. Vi undersøger vores eget og verdens forbrug for at blive klogere på, hvad det har af konsekvenser både for os selv, hvem vi er, og hvordan vi trives og for samfundet og vores planet.
’Styrket samarbejde’ er en podcastserie, der sætter spot på, hvordan uddannelsesinstitutioner kan opbygge et stærkt samarbejde. Både i de formelle fora med ledelse og medarbejderrepræsentanter og i det direkte samarbejde mellem ledere og medarbejdere. Med fem episoder dækker vi temaerne ’Fælles fokus på opgaven’, ’Medarbejderinddragelse’, ’Synlighed og gennemsigtighed’, ’Retningssætning og prioritering’ samt ’Professionelt råderum’. I hver episode besøger journalist Michael Christophersen en uddannelsesinstitution; i en af episoderne også en forvaltning. Desuden optræder faglige eksperter i de fem episoder: Chefkonsulent Line Arnmark, ledelsesforsker Klaus Majgaard og arbejdsmiljørådgiverne Karen Albertsen og Hans-Jørgen Limborg fra TeamArbejdsliv. Du kan finde podcast-serien på Podcast-serien ledsages af et skriftligt materiale på Udgivelse ved BFA Velfærd & Offentlig administration.
Lyt med på podcast-serien ’Viden på Tværs i kommunerne’. I denne serie får du viden, værktøjer og inspiration til, hvad der foregår på de kommunale arbejdspladser. Serien ser på emner som psykisk arbejdsmiljø, stress, rekruttering, tværfagligt samarbejde, kompetenceudvikling og afbureaukratisering. I episoderne fortæller ledere og medarbejdere fra skoler, plejecentre, jobcentre og bosteder, samt forskere m.fl. om de erfaringer, de har fået gennem tværfaglige udviklingsprojekter, hvor arbejdspladser går nye veje i forsøget på at udvikle velfærdssamfundets kerneopgave. Fællesnævneren for projekterne er, at de både gavner medarbejdere, ledere og borgere.
Podcasten er produceret for KL og de faglige organisationer i Forhandlingsfællesskabet. Læs mere om projekterne på -
Welcome to the Urban Insight by Sweco podcast – focused on action-oriented discussions, where science, facts, data and expertise mix with entertainment and an interest in developing sustainable cities and societies.
Urban Insight is an international knowledge platform where we bring experts together to develop new innovations, ideas and solutions on how to plan and design sustainable cities and societies. Together with Andreas Gyllenhammar, Chief Sustainability Officer at Sweco, we invite guests from the world of science as well as the business community, citizens, and political decision-makers.
We focus on the biggest challenges of our time, exploring the citizens perspective and highlighting best practises from frontrunner cities and organisations around the globe. We discuss the best solutions and how to scale up together.
Since 2018, the Urban Insight initiative reached 28 million people through news, press and media.
Enjoy our podcast series highlighting key actions to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and beyond!
You find more insights on our webpage:
About Sweco
Sweco is Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy. Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 18,000 architects, engineers and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How can all settlers on Turtle Island engage more deeply in reconciliation? Everyday Reconciliation, the latest show from the 2020 Network, looks to answer that question. Host Elin Miller talks to Indigenous and non-Indigenous experts and community leaders about their work towards reconciliation, and what everyday actions we can all take to build a just future for this land.
This series from The Democracy Group podcast network will explore how the 2022 midterms could impact the health and stability of American democracy. We’ll go beyond horse race politics to look at bigger trends in election administration, media, voting rights, and more.
Each episode will come from one of The Democracy Group’s podcasts that focus on democracy, civic engagement, and civil discourse. Our network includes shows from Penn State, the University of Virginia, the Campaign Legal Center, and the Common Ground Committee. -
Mapping the universe through discussions about physics, art, economics, philosophy, and more. The search for meaning through connections from one domain of knowledge to another. Finding the code that connects the substructures of the universe.
For video recordings of these podcasts:
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