Подкаст о том, как помочь себе в трудные времена и как поверить в себя.
Автор подкаста - трансформационный коуч, бизнесвумен и мастер спорта по марафону Акмарал Нурлан. Для связи: [email protected]
Welcome to DEAR THERAPIST! I'm Jasmin Schott Carvalheiro, clinical psychologist, somatic therapist & Somatic Experiencing trauma therapist. This podcast is for those eager to learn about somatic therapy & holistic healing methods for individuals & couples. I will speak about my unique blend of science-based methods & shamanic healing techniques. In our new season, featuring episodes in both German and English, you'll find solo sessions, interviews, and deep conversations with fellow therapists. Let’s dive in together into these fascinating topics and explore how we can deeply heal and connect.
Featuring CoHosts: QEEG Legend Jay Gunkelman the man who has read over 500,000 Brain Scans, Dr. Mari Swingle the Author of iMinds and Pete Jansons
NeuroNoodle uses technology to improve the quality of your life. We discuss symptoms such as ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression and the different ways they can be addressed via Neurofeedback, Brain Maps, QEEG, and Talk Therapy
Want to come on the show? Have a topic? [email protected]
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За последние годы здоровый образ жизни превратился в огромную индустрию. Она объединяет самые разные понятия и направления. И как и в любой гуманитарной сфере, в ЗОЖ существует множество белых пятен, мифов и заблуждений. Подкаст студии SoundStream «ЗОЖ: правда и ложь» будет разбираться в главных из них. Ведущие Катя Акулич и Игорь Лисник обсудят и попробуют разобраться, каким советам стоит следовать, от чего отказаться и что изменить в своем миропонимании, чтобы правильно вести Здоровый Образ Жизни.
Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — [email protected] -
Our mind and body can be transformed through the simple act of walking. That’s why Dr Alex George has made this new, ambient podcast. It supports his mission to get us all out stomping, so whether you’re taking the dog out, hiking up a mountain or maybe you simply need some fresh air, Dr Alex and his guests will be here every week as your loyal stomping companions. Every week Dr Alex George is joined by a guest to find out how we can use their expertise to help us become a healthier version of ourselves, mentally and physically. You’ll wind through uplifting and thought-provoking conversations with a soothing backdrop of birdsong, crashing waves or the breeze gently rustling through leaves. Each episode is split into three parts, designed to be listened to on three short stomps, or one long one. So put on your headphones, follow @thestompcast and join us on a good old stomp.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sleep meditations, sleep sounds and sleep stories to help you fall asleep easily. If you're exhausted, but can't sleep, suffering from insomnia, or your mind is spinning with anxious thoughts, press play on an episode to relax your body and calm your mind. Listen every night to sleep deeply so you can feel refreshed and rested. Sleep meditations are guided by Katie Krimitsos, and Sleep Stories are guided by Rebekah Romberg. Brought to you by the Women's Meditation Network.
Psiholoģe un psihoterapijas speciāliste Ginta Ratniece dalās ar savām pārdomām un pieredzi... -
Mentālās veselības podkāstu sēriju galvenais mērķis ir informēt par to cik dažāda, kompleksa un pietiekami bieži mīklaina ir mentālā veselība. Šajās podkāstu sērijās Tu uzzināsi, kas ir psihiskā jeb mentālā veselība un, ko Tu vari darīt, lai par to rūpētos. Kā arī Tev būs iespēja iepazīties ar dažādiem mentālās veselības jomu pārstāvjiem.
Podkāstu vada psiholoģe Simona Raize.
Podkāstu tekstuālos ierakstus veido topošā psiholoģe Baiba Blaus
Iesaki sev vēlamo tēmu vai speciālistu vai piesakies uz sarunu pats. -
Hosted by Chloe Dulce Louvouezo, Life, I Swear shares reflections from Black women about trials in their lives that have helped them heal, connect and process. A continuation of her published book, Chloe shares conversations and personal prose centered on personal stories that offer insights told through the lens of Black women.
Cutting edge strategies for the Certified Health Coach!
As Health Coaching becomes more popular by the day, it is vital that we are able to use all of the resources available to us to create thriving practices in order to provide our clients with results that they truly want. The Health Coach Academy interviews experts of various disciplines to help us understand the concepts that will make our business boom all while keeping up with the latest health and wellness trends so that we are better able to serve our clients. Join us as we obtain the tools necessary to strengthen our industry’s reputation as major players in the
health and wellness movement. -
Full of Beans is on a mission to reduce eating disorder stigma and increase ED awareness by drawing in on collective experiences and the importance of shared conversations.
Listen weekly for inspiring conversations with Han and her guests, ranging from those with lived experiences to researchers, clinicians and charities, all with one aim: to increase society's understanding of eating disorders and end the stigma associated with them.
By integrating personal stories with research and clinical insights, Full of Beans fosters a compassionate space for exploring eating disorders.
We believe in the power of mutual support, so our mission is to amplify as many voices as possible, creating a network where individuals find strength and understanding together.
Please note that these podcast episodes should not be used as a replacement for therapeutic support.
For more support please visit the BEAT or First Steps ED website, or visit your local GP. For more information, check out The Full of Beans Website or follow the Full of Beans podcast at @thefobpodcast.
Relationship advice and exploration. Two experienced and passionate relationship therapists, Angela Dierks and Tom MacKay, talk about all aspects to do with building fulfilling relationships, dating and marriage advice. All successful relationships start with a good look at yourself. Learn more about your relationship style and what makes you tick in relationships - the good, the bad and the ugly. We explore challenges that you might face when dating or in your relationships such as arguments and conflict, miscommunication, stress, anxiety, depression, low self esteem and much more. We consider how you can understand and change your behaviour and build more hope, resilience and strength. And we provide you with plenty of insight and advice on building a long lasting and successful relationship whether you are currently dating, just set out in a relationship or are in an established relationship or marriage.
Johnny Elsasser is giving a voice to the unspoken burdens that men carry. The Art Of Masculinity bridges the gap between the high performance that men strive for and the community that allows men to be vulnerable in their pursuits. While each man has his own personal struggles, Johnny explores the common strengths, weaknesses, potential in men today and lays out a framework for growth that all men can apply to their lives.
Привет! Меня зовут Катя, я живу в Таллинне и в этом подкасте с гостями обсуждаю вещи, которые происходят вокруг нас. Мы говорим про отношения, креативность, экологию, равноправие, психологию и просто осознанное отношение к себе и миру. Присоединяйтесь! :)
Подкаст можно поддержать на Патреоне -
Написать мне письмо - [email protected]
Подписаться на меня в инстаграме - -
Vai Tu esi dzirdējusi par meditāciju, bet nezini kur un ar ko sākt? Apsveicu! Tu esi īstajā vietā! Šeit atradīsi meditācijas katrai gaumei un noteikti kādu, kuru gribēsi atkārtot katru dienu!
Mana misija ir parādīt Tev - meditēt, tas ir viegli!
Lielākais Meditāciju kanāls Latvijā.
Seko līdz ikdienas video lekcijām Instagramā: Ommmsome vai meklē Youtube: -
These ain’t your Momma's divorce conversations.
On The D Shift we explore a range of different topics of interest for women of all ages going through separation and divorce. Guest experts share insight and strategies to navigate the challenges of going from married to single with confidence, clarity, and conviction.
Each episode provides inspiration, education, and motivation to help women take control and re-define their life through divorce and other transitions. -
In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um die Selbständigkeit als Gesundheitsexperte.
Du spielst mit dem Gedanken dich selbständig zu machen oder du möchtest dein bestehendes Business zum wachsen bringen?
Egal, ob du dich als Personal Trainer, Ernährungsberater oder Health Coach bezeichnest - hier bist du richtig!
Was du brauchst, um in der Gesundheitsbranche richtig Business zu machen, Marktsegmente für dich zu gewinnen und du aus deiner Soloselbständigkeit langfristig dein eigenes Unternehmen aufbaust, das erfährst du in wöchentlichen Folgen in unserem Podcast.