O podcast Novo MindSet, produzido por Marcelo J. Bresciani, é uma celebração da vida com uma abordagem motivadora e um foco no mindset positivo, oferecendo dicas de motivação, estratégias de sucesso e programação neurolinguística para promover o desenvolvimento pessoal e a melhoria da qualidade de vida. Em um mundo em constante evolução, este programa proporciona uma nova perspectiva sobre as transformações nas relações, trabalho e consumo, incentivando a mudança de mentalidade e fornecendo ferramentas valiosas para superar desafios e alcançar o sucesso na vida
Welcome to Heartfelt Hustle, where we nurture our mental health and well-being while thriving as empathetic entrepreneurs. Together, we create a supportive space to explore, share, and grow through real stories and practical strategies. Whether we’re tackling deadlines, navigating creative challenges, or seeking emotional wellness, Heartfelt Hustle offers the guidance and inspiration we need. Join us as we celebrate successes, learn from setbacks, and embrace vulnerability in our entrepreneurial journey. Together, we can create a fulfilling and sustainable path to success.
Sou terapeuta e acredito que a relação que temos com o nosso mundo interno molda a nossa experiência de vida. No podcast Conflito em Paz, trago reflexões, ferramentas e práticas para ajudar ouvintes a aprofundar o autoconhecimento e transformar conflitos – dentro de si e nas suas relações.
Contato: Instagram @conflitoempaz | -
Jessica and Ellie Michaels are two former gifted kids that became messy adults. The married couple discuss their lives as two neurodivergent people and how being neurodivergent has impacted their lives. In addition to discussing their lives, the duo educates listeners about what neurodiversity is and some of the intricacies that go only with it. Occasional interviews with experts and those living under the neurodiversity banner will give listeners more insight into this world to help under the umbrella that is neurodiversity. New episodes of Gifted Kid, Messy Adult drop on Wednesdays.
Is self development actually a 'real thing'? Or is it just a bunch of scam gurus out to make a fast buck? It certainly is true that things are not always quite as the marketing suggests, but... In these rapidly changing times where our personal ability to adapt (and adapt fast) has become key, this is something we ALL really need to know.
Join us, James Tripp and Alex Crowe as we discuss how to get more of what you want from life by combining neuroscience, Hypnosis, guerilla psychology, NLP and more. Each episode we answer your questions and provide powerful, difference making knowledge.
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Mindful Productivity is intention and awareness of your current mental state, energy capacity, and external demands that help you better manage how you take action in the present moment to get things done sustainably. Sarah Steckler is here to help you create a more mindful and productive life and business. The Mindful Productivity Podcast is your go-to resource to learn and incorporate practical applications of mindfulness and productivity into your daily routine. Design a fulfilling life & business you love as we dive into topics surrounding mindful living, habits, productivity skills, business organization, entrepreneurial mindset, and goal execution with life lessons along the way.
Entendendo o mundo através de histórias interessantes. -
Freud explica ou Freud implica? Já passou da hora da psicanálise descer de sua “torre de marfim” e se tornar mais acessível (no sentido mais amplo do termo).
Neste podcast, o professor e psicanalista Alexandre Patricio abordará temas do cotidiano sob a ótica da teoria psicanalítica. Porém, quem disse que não dá para entender a psicanálise de uma forma mais leve e prática, fugindo dos jargões acadêmicos?
Como em uma mesa de bar, estaremos sempre cercados de amigos e convidados que irão participar frequentemente das conversas.
Também estou lá no Instagram: @alexandrepatricio -
Venha conhecer o CELGCast, o Podcast de Saúde Mental do CELG - o Centro de Estudos Luís Guedes.
Promovemos conteúdo de qualidade para profissionais e interessados em Saúde Mental.
- Departamento de Psiquiatria e Medicina Legal da FAMED/UFRGS
- Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA)
- PPG em Psiquiatria e Ciências do Comportamento da UFRGS
- Outras Instituições
- Alexandre Annes Henriques (T02 e T03)
- Lívia Hartmann Souza (T01 e T02)
- Marcos da Silveira Cima (T01 e T02)
Das unschlagbare Duo Samira und Dominik aus München arbeitet mit Leidenschaft und Herzblut daran, Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten und ein grandioses Leben zu führen.
Viel zu viele Menschen leben ein unglückliches und fremdbestimmtes Leben. Ihnen wurde beigebracht, dass es normal ist, wenn man unglücklich ist und man sich mit dem zufrieden geben soll, was man hat. Wenn du mehr wolltest, wurde dir gesagt, dass es sich nicht gehört. Anderen Menschen geht es nämlich viel schlechter als dir. Also hast du aufgehört zu träumen.
Ja, es gibt Menschen, denen es noch schlechter geht. Dennoch ist nichts Gutes daran, wenn du ein bescheidenes, unglückliches und unerfülltes Leben lebst. Du bist nicht auf diese wunderschöne Welt gekommen, um zu leiden, ständig einzustecken und nichts für dich zu verlangen. Du hast es auch nicht verdient, ein Leben lang Geld- und Beziehungsprobleme zu haben.
Mit uns an deiner Seite, wirst du wieder strahlen und spüren, wie sich leben anfühlt. Wir zeigen dir einen Weg, wie du trotz anspruchsvoller Umstände deine Hürden und Blockaden überwindest und dir das holst, was dir zusteht. Starte jetzt mit uns. -