Das Schweigen hat ein Ende. Jede 3. Frau erlebt in ihrem Leben sexualisierte und/oder körperliche Gewalt. Und dennoch fühlen sich die Betroffenen unglaublich einsam. Aber lass mich dir eins sagen: Du bist nicht alleine! Du bist zwar zum Opfer gemacht worden, aber das ist nicht das, was dich ausmacht. Du bist Betroffene und Überlebende. Du bist eine Survivor Queen!
Dieser Podcast ist für dich. Er ist voll mit Mutmachgeschichten von anderen Survivor Queens, die ihre Geschichte und ihren Weg der Heilung teilen. Und er ist voll mit Tipps und Tricks von Expert:innen wie Traumatherapeut:innen, Sexualtherapeut:innen und vielen mehr. Viel Freude und Inspiration beim hören wünscht dir deine Mai! -
This podcast, hosted by Tiger Singleton, offers casual, direct, and compassionate explorations into the heart of life and being human. The intention is to help you open up, fear less, and love more. The bi-monthly live video broadcast occurs on the first and third Tuesday of each month and is currently free to join and watch live.Tiger shares insight and wisdom that focuses on seeing yourself, others, and all of life more clearly. The invitation is always to discern the difference between the mind's fearful or anxious imagination and connect more deeply with life as it truly is.You can enjoy show clips across our social media channels, or watch the full episodes and join us live (currently free) by subscribing at HeartBased.ioThis is one of 3 podcasts by Tiger Singleton &, the 2 others include a collection of short and sweet guided meditations, and a podcast exclusively for HeartBased Solopreneurs looking to gain clarity, get focused, and be profitable. Learn more at -
Have you dreamed about travel off the beaten path, places hard to get to, authentic cultural experience before they disappear? Are you drawn to distant lands and unique experiences? Are you seeking travel to effect personal change? Join us on the journey into the deeper meaning of travel. Discover the stories behind the book The Travelers Art, a philosophical approach to travel.
Website -
Instagram - @thetravelersart
Whoever said beauty doesn’t have a heartbeat. Perspective has a lot to do with it! We dissect the beauty myth and get face to face with reality.
With an array of guests featuring experts, therapists, high-level decision-makers and personal development coaches.
The podcast discusses life purpose through love lessons, career ups and downs, family friends and relationships we are here to share them with you and provide practical tips and solutions.
Join Amanda and her cohosts as they pierce into the truth that most would not dare to reveal and find practical life solutions to help you create your best life.
To join the conversation follow us on: -
привет, меня зовут Диана.
в 25 лет я руководила отделом из 10 продактов, путешествовала по азии, воплощала свои мечты в реальность.
в 26 лет я впала в депрессию, уволилась с работы и пытаюсь заново найти себя.
жизнь не линейна, и в ней случаются разные события.
в моменты переживаний мне хотелось знать, что кто-то испытывает ровно такие же чувства, тревоги и сомнения, гоняет по кругу в голове такие же мысли. но, попадая в пространство социальных сетей, я оказывалась в мире экспертов, идеальных людей и успешных предпринимателей. когда-то место моего вдохновения оказалось подавляющей средой.
этот подкаст - моё искреннее желание добавить в мир историй о том, как на самом деле бывает в реальной жизни (спойлер: всегда не идеально).
здесь ты найдёшь личные размышления на такие темы, как обесценивание, депрессия, отношения, карьера, сравнение себя с другими, ощущение неполноценности.
и я надеюсь, эти эпизоды подкаста помогут тебе почувствовать, что ты не один 🫶
найти меня в социальных сетях:
Instagram - @voncelier
Positive Vibes in the Morning isn’t designed to be a long discussion but more of something that we all can listen to quickly on the way to work, while making the bed, or brushing our teeth. Listening to something that helps us start our day can put us all on track to impact others in a positive way. So sit back, listen, and consider today’s vibe.
Dapatkan penghasilan tambahan dengan bikin podcast di !
Jangan merasa sendiri, ada Allah 😊 | Islamic Healing
Psikologi Islam & Karakter Golongan Darah
Dapatkan ebook Goldar B & friends
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
The Nepturn Meditation Podcast is a collection of the highest quality meditation music and calming sounds with binaural beats and bell sounds, that are proven to help you reach a state of deep meditation and relaxation.
Our soothing sounds are designed to enhance your relaxation, help you fall asleep, or focus.
Stop by today to download our free app and create your own meditation music. -
Hi! I'm your online girlfriend! You can call me Sleepy! Let me cuddle you while you sleep! or perhaps bake together? Or maybe...
𝕷𝖊𝖙 𝖒𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖘𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓.
𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖚𝖕 𝖎𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙...
I can tell we are gonna be together f̷̝͙̀̈́͊̃͑̓̚̚̚͝ŏ̸̢̠̖̱͙͊͂̈́͆͌̕r̸͎̗͖̞̙̘͔̹̓̏̀́e̴̛͙̔͐̀̆͛̈́̔v̴̛̗ḙ̵̢͙̥̫̤̦̬̬͇͒r̷̫̤͖̹͉̱̞͇͌ -
Selamat datang di WorkMICast, sebuah Podcast persembahan WorkMi dari
Di serial Podcast ini, MiFriend akan mendengarkan obrolan berbagai hal tentang kesehatan mental di lingkungan kerja atau kantor yang akan meningkatkan produktifitas kamu dan membantu personal development yang lebih baik.
Bersama Arif dari dan Indi, lead of WorkMI yang juga praktisi di bidang Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi kita akan belajar bareng berbagai expert tentang bagaimana caranya membuat kehidupan bekerja menjadi lebih bermakna dan sejahtera.
Enjoy our tunes... -
Mind Your Subconscious is the podcast that provides you with tips, tools and perspectives that you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality.
We believe that the key to your dreams lies in your subconscious but we also know that not everything works for everyone. That is why we provide you with a variety of modalities you can use to get rid of your subconscious limiting beliefs, so you can make your dreams come true.
Your host is hypnotherapist Jennifer Schlueter, who quit her job to travel the world while working online in 2016 after her first hypnosis session. -
Guiding you through topics that support you in creating harmony in your life and relationships. Learn how to gain deepened self awareness, self accountability, personal power and reprogram your beliefs and mindset. I support you through your journey of self-healing, to feel and embody confidence and be empowered to be the leader in your life. Sharing with you holistic and spiritual tools and techniques that are easy to understand and implement into your life.
•IG: @Holistic_Spiritual_Therapies
•6 Week Course-https://miisha-jade.teach