
  • You nerded up. You stood up and did the big, scary thing. You created that funnel.

    But…it didn’t go as well as you hoped.

    Even after promoting your lead magnets and running ads, the sales came through at a frustrating trickle. We’ve all been there - especially as busy business owners who don’t necessarily have the time to perfectly optimise our funnels.

    When you feel like your funnel’s a flop, it’s too easy to come to the conclusion that funnels don’t work - or at least, not for you.

    But what if I told you there was a workaround that could save you time and create higher conversion rates, all with you becoming a marketing expert?

    Today, I’m introducing a new, easy way to create funnels that might just change everything for you and your business: stacking multiple, imperfect funnels.

    While creating more than one funnel might sound ambitious, it’s actually all about working smarter, not harder.

    So join me and learn about this time-saving, high-converting strategy that will transform those trickles into floods of sales!


    How To Make Sales Everyday Masterclass

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  • Ever wondered what differentiates the huge successes of top-tier online businesses from the rest of the pack?

    It's not just luck or a massive ad budget; it's usually a mix of savvy strategies and behind-the-scenes tactics that most people never see.

    Luckily for you, I’m no good at keeping secrets!

    Today I'm sharing exclusive insights from our private podcast, The Secret Funnel Files, to pull back the curtain on what some of the biggest names in the industry are doing to skyrocket their sales and profits.

    I’ll break down the exact numbers and strategies of names like Amy Porterfield, Jenna Kutcher and Evelyn Weiss to show you how they’re using below-the-surface strategies to massively boost the sales and profit - and how you can implement them too!

    These hidden strategies are not optional extras. They are essentials for scaling and sustaining a successful online business. No matter how far you are into business,  they’re essential for you too.

    In the next episode, I'm actually going to help you break down and figure out how to start implementing one of these strategies and begin making evergreen sales right away.

    Click the link below and make sure you don’t miss out!


    The Secret Funnel Files

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  • You know those big names you follow online, the ones with the impressive income claims and mind-blowing success stories? Ever sensed that there's more beneath the surface?

    You’re absolutely right.

    The truth is, the real magic happens with the strategies you don't see – the ones running quietly behind the scenes, often making up 30 to 40, even up to 60%, of the successful revenue.

    That's right, without these tactics, many of these influencers and entrepreneurs would be running close to or at a loss. And yet, these strategies are rarely shared or discussed.

    But don’t worry, today I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing the invisible strategies that truly drive success.


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  • Ah, the magical world of email marketing.

    It can be a confusing space to navigate, especially when the rules seem to be constantly changing.

    Naturally, I get asked a lot of questions about how to approach it and the best practices for increasing engagement with our email list.

    Today, I’m doing a quick Q&A with the most common questions I get, so you can start to apply some super effective strategies to your email marketing campaigns.

    The questions we’ll cover are:

    How often should I email my email list?How often should I promote to my list?What are good open rates? What size list do I need to start selling products?What percentage of my email list should I expect to buy?What size list do I need to create a funnel?

    These kinds of questions are definitely ones we should all be asking, because when we don’t know what we don’t know, we can end up making some really big mistakes.

    I hope these answers have given you some clarity and guidance around optimising your email marketing, and if you have any other burning questions on the topic, feel free to send us a DM over on Instagram at @hellofunnels!


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  • We love seeing crazy ROIs roll in for our clients.

    Even more if they’re the result of a very simple ad campaign.

    For Zach Spuckler, the strategies he implemented from our Weightless Magic Program achieved some seriously impressive numbers - we’re talking a 21x ROI.

    Zach is an internet OG and founder of Heart, Soul & Hustle, a marketing company that turns course creators into profitable business owners. Using our strategies as well as adding some damn clever ones of his own, he had an incredible experience that you’ll want to hear about if you’re looking to create jaw-dropping results of your own.

    Zach generously offered to break it all down and show us how he made it work, including how he generated $4,828.60 cash in hand in just two and half days.

    So, grab a pen and paper and get ready to learn about the best ingredients you need to create the ROIs you’ve been dreaming of.


    Want to try the Waitlist Magic campaign for yourself? Join eCourse Society - https://empire.hellofunnels.co/society-trial

    Connect with Zach:

    Website: https://www.heartsoulhustle.com

    Instagram: @zackspuckler

    Program: The Facebook & IG Ads for Listbuilding Bootcamp

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  • The way we consume things is changing.

    We’re so distracted and overwhelmed as a society, that even the way TV is produced is different.

    For example, producers like Netflix are developing shows to cater to two screens: the TV, and the phone in our hand we’re scrolling through as we watch.

    If this kind of behaviour is true across all mediums, what do we do to keep our audience engaged through our marketing?

    Today, our guest Kennedy from Email Marketing Heroes is here to let you in on the secret that has helped his and his clients’ businesses not just reach, but engage more and more people. Kennedy is a dear friend of mine, a marketing genius and one of the brains behind the Countdown Hero Timer.

    Whether you're aiming for more sales, more appointments or just want to grow a fiercely loyal audience, he has some actionable strategies and insights on reaching your goals and making more sales faster - all from your email list.

    We chat about the importance of establishing a core email list, why deepening relationships with the people on it is more important than your subject line and how consistent you need to be with sending to your list in order to stay visible.

    No matter the number of people currently on it, your email list holds so much potential in helping you make the kinds of sales you’re really after. Master the art of engagement with the humans whose attention you have right now, and you’ll be on the fast track to significantly boosting your sales.


    Countdown Hero Timer

    Connect with Kennedy:

    Website: https://www.emailmarketingheroes.com

    Podcast: The Email Marketing Show

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  • Too often, making a sale feels like trying to get blood from a stone.

    You’ve poured your heart, soul, time and money into creating your offer, but when it comes to launch time, the sales count leaves a lot to be desired.

    So what can we do to make sure our offer not only sells, but sells OUT every single time?

    The answer: you need to create a “hells yes” offer. This means your offer is crazy valuable, clear to understand and exactly what your audience needs.

    Today, I've got a simple exercise you can do to make sure your offer is irresistible to your ideal client and infinitely easier to sell.

    I recommend grabbing a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, finding a quiet spot and diving into these 7 questions that will help turn your offer into one that’s undeniably a “hells yes” to your audience!

    What is the #1 Thing Your Ideal Client Wants? How Long Do They Actually Want It to Take? What Do They NOT Want to Have to Do to Get It? What Have They Tried Already That Hasn't Worked and Why? How Stressed About Money is Your Target Market Right Now? What Feels Risky to Them About Your Offer Now? What Has Changed in Your Market Recently That Impacts Them?

    These questions are powerful tools to help you create a sold out offer every time you launch. Not only that, but take the time to ask them and you’ll be well on your way to helping your clients kick some serious goals!


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  • So, you’ve created a funnel. You designed it, built it, got it up and running. But now what?

    You’ve still got the same problems in your business as before, and it certainly didn’t make you the overnight millionaire you secretly hoped it would.

    It might not be that you have a bad funnel. It could be that you just don’t have all the other pieces in place to make it convert how you want.

    Today, we’ll explore the importance of having a solid funnel strategy - the first step in optimising your funnel to perform at its best.

    I take you through common mistakes I see people make once they’ve created their funnel: rushing to ads, avoiding ads altogether and neglecting their existing email list.

    I then share some ideas to consider to really get your funnel working, such as knowing your numbers, upselling and planning live promotions.

    Want to grow your list? I introduce you to the Traffic Trifecta, the three systems you need in place to build your marketing machine:

    Content Marketing Paid Ads JV Promotions

    In a nutshell, having a beautifully designed funnel is just the beginning. To succeed, you need a rock-solid strategy that includes testing, optimising and engaging your audience consistently. Implement these steps, and your funnel can become a sales powerhouse.

    So let’s make a start on getting that funnel to make sales for you, expand your list and ensure your business continues to grow.


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  • Are you getting low open rates on the emails you send to your list?

    If you’re like most people out there, you might be getting email open rates of between 10-20%. Now, this might mean you’ve either been a little neglectful of your list or have been bombarding your audience with too many offers. Unfortunately, it’s showing!

    But don’t worry - I have a really simple process to help you re-engage your list, increase your open rates and give your email list a little CPR.

    In this episode, I’ll take you step-by-step through that strategy so you can keep your audience engaged and make sure your emails don't end up in the spam folder!

    We’ll explore cleaning out your email list, segmenting your most engaged contacts and A/B split testing subject lines. I’ll also give you some ideas on crafting emails that will give your email list a little jolt of life.

    Getting your emails moving again really can be simple, and I’ve seen firsthand how powerful these steps are in giving that email list a little jolt of life. So, tune in and get ready to revamp your email marketing today!


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  • Let’s be real - launching has always sucked. But in 2024, it sucks just that little bit more.

    For many of us, especially those without huge teams, the process of preparing, running, and recovering from these launches leaves little time for anything else.

    But fear not: there is a way around all of this. Today, I’m taking you through a new and exciting way of launching that is less stressful, potentially more profitable and just a whole lot better overall.

    Now, I’m sorry to say that I won’t be recommending stopping launching altogether or giving up on live events. Instead, I’m talking about evergreen launches and the power they have to transform your workflow.

    These smaller, more frequent campaigns can be reused, repeated and partially automated, giving you back your precious time and providing consistency in your revenue.

    So, if you're fed up with the traditional launch model and ready to discover a new way of doing things, this episode is for you. Join me as we explore evergreen launches as your easier and more profitable way to launch!


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  • Who actually loves sales calls? I know there are a few people who thrive on them, but for most of us out there, that’s not a reality.

    These days, closing sales via Instagram DMs has appeared as this holy grail alternative to those anxiety-inducing sales calls. However, for many people, it has actually just created more work.

    So, what’s the solution?

    Today, I’m taking you through some practical ideas to help reduce the time spent on answering the influx of questions in your DMs and make your sales strategy a whole lot more efficient.

    We’ll explore the realities and problems that come with DM sales, and my favourite solution to mitigate them: automation!

    Automating messages can save a whole lot of time and energy, and you likely already have the tool to best execute this with: ManyChat.

    I'll walk you through my experiments and findings over the last couple of months, illustrating how automation can be a game changer for your customer engagement.

    So, tune in now and let’s get those DMs working for and not against you!


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  • Most launches these days are using more time, effort and revenue than they’re giving back. It too often feels like there’s just no payoff for the amount of hours we spend on trying to make them work.

    So what’s the answer? While you might be tempted to throw in the towel and give up on launching altogether, I'm here to tell you that stopping launching isn’t it.

    Today, I’m sharing another behind-the-scenes look at our recent UFW live event—a three-day extravaganza that was incredibly fun and value-packed. I’ll take you through some of the biggest aha moments from those three days, as well as how to implement some practical strategies to combat those live launching blues and start making more sales.

    So, strap in and get ready to learn how to transform your business, one simple piece at a time. I can guarantee that if you take the first step today, you’ll look back in a few months and be amazed at how far you’ve come.


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  • Want to know the secret to selling out your offers consistently?

    Well, you’re in luck, because today I’m sharing a snippet from Day 2 of our UFW live event that blew our attendees away and armed them with some crucial strategies to sell their offers with much more ease.

    With so much marketing advice making the rounds online, it can be really confusing to know what the best path to take is. But I have some good news for you: you don’t need to be a sales and marketing expert to make more sales.

    In this episode, we’re talking about a simple reframe that will highlight what you should actually be focusing on to move the needle forward in your business.

    I discuss how creating an irresistible offer is more important than being a sales and marketing guru, and share practical ways to set your pricing correctly. We’ll also explore how to approach delivering your program in a way that best suits both you and your ideal clients.

    Despite the economic waves, your business can thrive with the right adjustments. Little tweaks add up, whether it’s pricing, promise or payment options. Remember, our goal is continuous improvement – the layer-by-layer approach often leads to the most substantial gains.


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  • I recently held an epic three-day experience called “Unf*ckwithable Live”. This was a live online event packed with value to help business owners make more sales and thrive, no matter what the economy is doing.

    We received such amazing feedback from this event, I couldn’t resist sharing the top three takeaways with you. So, pick up your pen and paper and get ready for some serious value bombs that you can take right into your business:

    Speak Your Audience’s Language

    Getting in front of lots of people is one thing, but how do you make it so that they remember you? The answer: You need to learn to speak their language. We’ll explore learning your audience’s pain points and how to communicate with them in their own words.

    Create Impactful Lead Magnets

    Once you’ve uncovered the right messaging, it’s time to create lead magnets that tie to your talking points. I talk about the 20-minute rule, where any freebie you offer should take no more than 20 minutes to consume. A concise and impactful lead magnet lets them see immediate value, making them much more likely to buy your paid offers.

    Can You Afford to Pay for Your Customers?

    This might look like a weird question, but hear me out: once you’ve nailed offers that sell with ease, you’ll know exactly how much you can spend to acquire new customers safely. You can dive into the marketplace of paid ads and put them on repeat. It’s a bit like having a superpower – you’re protected against any market ups and downs, and you’ll keep making sales no matter what.

    Now, don’t be scared off by these strategies if you don’t have the greatest budget or all your systems in place yet. They’re the end goal, the stuff we’re always working towards. Just start with connection, and you’ll be on your way to kicking all your business goals.


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  • Have your sales stalled, plateaued or even started to decline? If so, please don’t beat yourself up.

    It’s not just you, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with you. It’s happening to some of the biggest and longest standing businesses out there.

    So, let’s take a deep breath, dust ourselves off and look at this six-step plan that will help you increase sales, maintain growth and stay proactive in these challenging times.

    We’ll step through:

    Getting clear on your numbers Identifying and focusing on profitable offers Adapting and optimising your offers Making more frequent offers Growing your audience Optimising existing processes

    Remember, you don’t have to be a marketing expert to start seeing growth again, but you do need to take some practical steps towards getting there.

    If you need help, that’s precisely what we do at eCourse Empire. Head over to hellofunnels.co/empire  for more details. Remember, even if your sales have slowed, you can turn things around with the right strategies. Looking forward to seeing you inside when you’re ready!


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  • Have you ever been told that you could be just "one funnel away from a million dollars"?

    While this sounds pretty enticing, I’ll be honest with you: it’s just a much-quoted line of BS. The truth is, relying on just one thing for your business is terrible advice.

    So, what can you do instead that works easier, better and faster?

    Today, we’ll explore creating a sales ecosystem, which includes these three main components:

    Email Engine: The Heartbeat of Your Business Social Selling System: Engaging Your Audience Evergreen Launching: Sustaining and Growing

    By integrating these three systems, you can create a resilient sales ecosystem with multiple revenue layers. This approach gives you control, flexibility and peace of mind.

    So, if you’re tired of running on the spot and hoping things work out in your business, give these strategies a try. I guarantee it’ll give you the confidence you need to plan and grow strategically.


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  • I recently celebrated a big milestone – five years in business! Reflecting on this journey got me thinking about how different it's been from my first online venture, a blog. Market maturation is a big reason why.

    Remember those free-wheeling blogging days? We were all about sharing knowledge and building communities. But as the market matured, things got more competitive. Higher-quality content became the norm, and established media crowded the space. That's market maturation at work!

    The online course industry, my current playground, is experiencing a similar shift. Those early days felt like a gold rush for creating and sharing knowledge. Now, market maturation is changing the game. There's more competition, and learners expect top-notch production and in-depth content.

    But here's the good news: market maturation can be your friend! In the episode, I share three key takeaways I've learned to navigate this evolving market:

    Find your niche and own it. Don't try to be everything to everyone. Become the go-to resource in your specific area.Show up and connect with your audience. People buy from people they know and trust. Build relationships by consistently showing up, providing value beyond your courses, and fostering a community.Offer courses more frequently. Ditch the launch-and-disappear strategy. Embrace an evergreen approach with smaller, more frequent course offerings.

    By understanding market maturation and implementing these tips, you can position yourself for long-term success in the online course world.


    Resources mentioned: Hello Funnels Live Event

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  • Are you finding it difficult to sell your online courses or offers right now? Let's be honest, things have gotten tougher lately, and I’ve been having so many conversations in our community and in my DMs about just how slow things are.

    So what’s the secret sauce to actually making sales? For 90% of us, the answer isn’t in our marketing - it’s in the offer itself.

    Before you go and try new selling tactics or binge on other people’s launch debriefs, let’s look at the basics. Is your offer the right fit for you? Does it suit the life you’re hoping to live, as well as address the needs of your audience?

    Today I’m going to run you through:

    Creating the Right OfferAligning Your Offer with You and Your MarketUnderstanding the MarketUnderstanding YouThe Result: A Win-Win Offer

    So, have a think about what you really want for your business. How do you like showing up? How do you like to sell? There’s no wrong answer here, and once you figure out how to tweak your offer to maximise your time, energy and joy, you’ll be on the right track to seeing your online sales grow.


    Resources mentioned: Hello Funnels Live Event

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  • Let's face it, launching online programs in 2024 is rough. It just keeps getting harder, and there's no magic bullet on the horizon. If this sounds like you, constantly launching but with fizzling results, you're not alone.

    So, what's the answer? We need a sustainable, manageable system to remove the launch cycle without sacrificing income.

    Forget the one-size-fits-all funnel. We teach our clients to build an ecosystem that consists of three parts:

    Social Sales System (aka InstaATM): This is your sales engine on autopilot, powered by the magic of ManyChat and a few automations..

    Email Engine (aka M3 Funnel): This is your tireless salesperson, working 24/7 to turn leads into sales with a nurturing sequence.

    Evergreen Launches: We're not ditching launches entirely, but we're making them evergreen.

    This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme – it's about building a sustainable business. After a few months of implementing this ecosystem, you'll not only have a well-oiled sales engine, but you'll also have a system that pretty much runs on autopilot. This frees up your time and energy to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and serving your clients.

    We've got a free tool to help you see the potential – a calculator that lets you plug in your numbers and project your monthly revenue with this system in place. Head over to hellofunnels.co/quit (as in "quit launching") to check it out.


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  • I love webinars. They're still one of my favourite ways to convert online, but let's face it – people's consumption habits are changing. I have seen so many business owners struggling recently with very low attendance rates, dismal consumption rates on their webinars and they’re starting to wonder whether webinars are dead.

    Well before you throw the whole strategy out, I’ve got three simple tweaks that can help your webinars convert for the sophisticated 2024 consumer.

    Audio on the Go: Your New Secret Weapon

    Repurpose your webinar as an audio recording, basically a podcast episode. This lets folks consume your content while they're commuting, exercising, or tackling chores.

    Snackable Content: Bite-Sized Knowledge Bombs

    Let's be honest, attention spans are shrinking faster than a free sample table at Woolies. Instead of one long webinar, why not break it down into bite-sized, 10-minute modules? Think of them as "snackable content" – easy to digest and perfect for busy schedules.

    The Mini-Webinar: Your Warm-Up Act

    Imagine a supercharged version of your webinar, condensed into a power-packed 10 minutes. This "mini-webinar" is a game-changer for warm audiences – people who already know you and trust your expertise. Use it to pique their interest and nudge them towards the next step, whether it's applying for your program or booking a sales call.

    Remember, by staying adaptable and meeting your audience where they're at, you can keep your webinars converting like crazy in 2024 and beyond. Just like anything in business, our customers needs change and it’s up to us to adapt. Just because a long webinar used to work, doesn’t mean it always will. If you’re willing to shake things up, you’ll see your conversion rate increase.


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