THE FOCUS FILM PODCAST is a new podcast where hosts and guests discuss what they watched in the past month. New releases, old classics and hidden gems, there's no filter, no editing and no planning. Just a drink and a chat about film.
with hosts Gareth Bradwick & Ellis Barthorpe
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Astu junaan matkalle Harry Potterin maailmaan. Mukana matkallasi ovat Terhi ja Anna. Kuuntelemasi podcast käsittelee kaikkea Harry Potterista. Luemme läpi Harry Potter kirjat ja yritämme lisätä teidän ja meidän tietämystä velhomaailmasta. Jokaisen kirjan jälkeen omistetaan jakso kirjasta tehdylle elokuvalle. Tervetuloa mukaan! Jaksot joissa puhutaan ja käsitellään kirjasarjaan liittyen kuolemaa ovat E-merkittyjä.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Leffatutka - Analyyttiset amatöörit -podcast on kahden elokuvia rakastavan toveruksen ylläpitämä kepeämielinen arvostelusarja, jossa puidaan tätä lukuisten elokuvien merta lävitse. Olemme kaikkia genrejä myötäilevä, klassikoista inhokkeihin taipuva kokonaisuus, joka tarjoaa tavantallaajan näkökulmalla leffa-arvosteluita, toinen käsi sydämellä ja toinen mättökulhossa.
Tiivistettynä Leffatutka antaa elokuva-arvosteluita leffojen ystävinä, EI ammattikriitikkoina.
Suosittele, ehdota, kuuntele!
Leffavinkkejä voi pistää esimerkiksi suoraan sähköpostiimme: [email protected]
SPOILERIVAPAAT tekstiarviot yms. siistiä kamaa löytyy täältä: -
Doctor Who fan Hoai-Tran Bui has never seen Star Trek. Now, these two friends and fellow pop culture enthusiasts are on a new continuing mission: to watch, understand, and hopefully enjoy the biggest science fiction franchise they have never seen...and talk about it with someone who has.
Une fois par mois, Mymy et Fab voient ou revoient un film qui leur a plu — et qui sans doute vous a plu aussi, et discutent autour du film.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Each episode, Paul Matwychuk (film critic for CBC Radio and EIGHTEEN BRIDGES magazine), Heather Noel (owner of the alternative video store The Videodrome), and Erin Fraser (curator of the Graphic Content and Reel Family Cinema series at Metro Cinema) watch a double feature of two thematically related films, one "arty," the other "trashy," and then debate which one deserves to win the week.
Comedian Rick Ramos sits down and talks current theatrical releases and offers suggestions for additional movie watching choices. A film fans dream come true, WatchThis is about the art, beauty, and possibilities of cinema. Each week Ramos discusses the greatest films ever made (including those that you may have missed) as well as the artists that have created these films. He also goes further in discussing how much these films mean to him and how much they will - hopefully - mean to you. Enjoy!
Become a Paid Subscriber: podcast network all about fandom. At Fandom on the Rocks, we break down our favorite pop culture trash and treasures to highlight the good, process the bad, and uncover the ugly. When the binge watch turns into a hate watch, pour a drink and join us to unpack our complicated feelings about the media we consume. Welcome to our community of people who (really do) love stuff.
Join us as we realize our dream to watch, review, and discuss EVERY HORROR MOVIE ON NETFLIX. Hopefully we discover a new favorite movie ... or a new least-favorite movie! Watch along at home if you dare, or just let us decide if a film is worthy of a "View It," "Queue It," or "Screw It." New episodes every Thursday.
Not affiliated with Netflix. -
Killer Fun explores the intersection of crime and entertainment. A couple times a month we watch a television show, movie, read a book, play a game or delve into other forms of entertainment that involve crime - both real and fictional. Join Christy and Jackie for some well-researched facts - and laughs - every episode. We don’t LIKE crime, but we are fascinated by it. Christy is a super-sleuth when it comes to internet research and Jackie has a Master's degree in Psychology from Harvard.
Email us: [email protected]
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