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    Are you consistently podcasting, yet your show doesn't seem to be growing? Many podcasters face the same trouble. Thankfully, there is a simple solution to this problem. In this episode, Andrew Wang shares that the breakthrough you're seeking for your podcast can be accomplished simply by refining and changing your format into something more unique and even revolutionary. Get ready to experience an increase in downloads and receive more recognition for your podcasting efforts!



    00:00 Introduction: The Challenge of Standing Out
    02:50 Creating a New Podcast Category
    04:18 Making Meaningful Changes to Your Podcast
    05:15 Going Live: Offering an Interactive Experience
    06:13 Revamping the Format: From One-on-One Interviews to Guest Panelists
    08:08 Streaming to Multiple Platforms and Proactively Promoting Episodes
    09:07 Being Intentional with Guest Selection and Planning Episodes
    10:35 Dare to Be Radically Different: Key to Podcast Growth


    To stand out in the podcasting landscape, it's important to be unique and create a new podcast category.Making meaningful changes to a podcast requires introspection and looking for inspiration outside of the podcast category.Going live and offering an interactive experience can help differentiate a podcast.Revamping the show's format, such as having multiple guest panelists, can make the podcast a great networking tool.Streaming to multiple platforms and promoting episodes proactively can contribute to podcast growth.Being intentional with guest selection and planning episodes in advance can create a cohesive and strategic podcast catalog.To grow a podcast quickly, it's essential to be bold, memorable, and dare to be radically different.


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    Do you ever rewatch your podcast episodes and wonder how you can level up your home studio setup to look more like the pros? Many of us have been there but put it off because we're worried it will be a lot of work and break the budget. But this isn't the reality! In this episode, Junaid Ahmed explains the 4 key elements for enhancing your audio and video so you look and sound like the best of the best. Get ready to impress your audience by improving your podcast home studio setup!



    00:00 Introduction
    01:00 The Importance of Presentation
    04:55 Talent Lighting
    07:20 Camera Quality
    08:20 Room Treatment
    12:12 Conclusion


    Being a great podcast guest is about more than just what you say. It's about how well you present yourself, even from a distance.Invest in a good quality microphone to ensure excellent audio quality. Avoid using built-in laptop microphones.Proper lighting is essential to make yourself stand out on video. Use three-point lighting to light yourself effectively.Invest in a good quality camera or use your smartphone as a webcam for better video quality.Treat your room for audio, lighting, and video to create the best possible picture. Avoid distractions in your background.By focusing on these four aspects, you show the podcast host and audience that you take your role as a guest seriously and are committed to providing value to their show.


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    Have you ever missed time with your family or friends because you were up late working on producing your next podcast episode? Most podcasters can relate! But it's time to ensure this doesn't happen again! In this episode, Joe Casabona explains how you can create and implement automations into your podcast production process so you can begin to reclaim your time. Get ready to cut out 12 hours per week from your podcast production without the quality of your episodes suffering!



    00:00 Introduction
    02:27 The Power of Automation and Delegation
    03:25 Understanding Automation
    07:17 Determining What Tasks to Automate or Delegate
    09:38 Tools for Automation and Delegation
    13:01 Examples of Tasks to Automate or Delegate
    14:53 Conclusion


    Automation and delegation can save podcasters a significant amount of time and effort.There are four types of tasks that can be automated or delegated: common and easily repeatable tasks, infrequent but high-effort tasks, tasks that require specific timing, and tasks that can't be forgotten.By asking specific questions, podcasters can determine which tasks can be automated or delegated.There are various tools available for automation and delegation in podcasting, such as Make, Zapier, Apple's Shortcuts app, Airtable, Notion, and scheduling tools like Calendly.Tasks that can be automated or delegated in podcasting include booking guests, sending episodes for editing, publishing episodes, emailing the mailing list, creating transcripts, uploading to YouTube, creating images, social media sharing, finding clips to share, and gathering show notes.


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    Do you ever feel self-conscious when sharing transparently about yourself? This can be a hindering struggle for many of us! Increasing your confidence as a podcast guest is key to showing up in a way that serves listeners. In this episode, Michael Ashford shares how you can deliver your message with more confidence by addressing specific facts and providing clarity. Get ready to raise your confidence so you can leave a more memorable impression on podcast hosts and listeners!



    00:00 Introduction
    01:27 Showing Up Confidently as a Podcast Guest
    07:47 Answering the 'So What?' Question for the Audience
    08:44 Clear, Concise, and Authentic Communication
    11:36 Listening to Yourself: Learning and Improving
    12:31 Conclusion


    Guests on podcasts don't need to be actors or performers, they should focus on being storytellers and bringing their unique perspectives and wisdom to the conversation.It's important for guests to answer the question 'so what?' and make sure that the audience can relate to and find value in the stories being shared.Guests should be clear, concise, and specific in their communication, and speak authentically and naturally.Guests should listen to themselves and learn from their experiences to continually improve their podcasting skills.


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    Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you cannot get podcast listeners to take action after listening to your podcast? You're not alone! However, by using Monroe's Motivated Sequence, we discover a framework for effectively persuading listeners to a call to action. In this episode, Jennifer Arvin Furlong shares 5 steps for creating a podcast call to action that listeners follow. Get ready to start converting listeners into action-takers!



    00:00 Introduction to Monroe's Motivated Sequence
    03:18 Chapter 1: Grabbing the Audience's Attention
    05:03 Chapter 2: Establishing a Need for Change
    08:18 Chapter 3: Presenting the Solution
    09:17 Chapter 4: Visualizing the Future
    11:31 Chapter 5: The Call to Action


    Monroe's Motivated Sequence is a valuable tool for creating an effective call to action in a podcast.To grab the audience's attention, use tools like rhetorical questions, startling statistics, or personal stories.Establish a need for change by explaining the problem and why the audience should be concerned about it.Present the solution in a practical and easy-to-follow way.Help the audience visualize the positive future if they take action and the negative consequences if they do nothing.End with a clear and specific call to action.


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    Do you ever find yourself struggling to connect with podcast hosts? Building your experience as a podcast guest can be tough work! Thankfully, there is a strategic way to ensure you connect better with hosts and their listeners. In this episode, Joel Bouchard shares how philosophical reflection can lead to more productive and fulfilling conversations! Get ready to refine your purpose and approach so that you can start connecting with hosts and listeners on a deeper level!



    00:00 Questioning Yourself: Becoming a Better Podcast Guest
    01:57 Fixing the Disconnect: Using Philosophy in Podcasting
    03:51 The Three Types of Podcasts that Accept Guests
    05:42 Asking Questions and Listening: Keys to Being a Great Guest
    08:31 Knowing What You Have to Offer: Targeting the Right Podcasts
    09:59 Engaging in Conversation: Serving the Host and Audience
    11:25 Podcasting with Purpose: Finding Happiness and Fulfillment


    Question yourself and understand your purpose for podcastingUse philosophy to address unexamined traits and have meaningful conversationsDifferent types of podcasts require different approachesAsk your host questions and listen to their questionsFocus on what you have to offer and engage in conversationHave fun and let podcasting leave you feeling happy and fulfilled


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    Many podcasters stress about securing sponsorship because they believe they must first reach a certain threshold of downloads. The truth is you don't need to wait! You can land your ideal sponsor before reaching any substantial podcasting milestones. In this episode, Lindsey Epperly challenges the misconception that landing sponsors require big numbers and a long-term track record. Instead, Lindsey shares how building win/win/win relationships is the key. Get ready to start landing ideal sponsors for your podcast regardless of your downloads!



    00:00 Introduction and Personal Experience
    00:55 Applying the Entrepreneurial Mindset to Podcast Sponsorships
    03:18 Creating a Business Plan for Your Podcast
    04:40 Securing Founding Members as Sponsors
    05:08 Identifying Win-Win-Win Relationships for Sponsorships
    08:50 Asking for Investment Ahead of Growth
    12:00 Taking Control of Your Podcast Trajectory


    Craft a strong value and vision proposition for your podcast to attract sponsors.Identify win-win-win relationships that benefit your listeners, sponsors, and yourself.Create a business plan for your podcast to define the value you bring and how you will be compensated.Analyze your competitors to understand how you can stand out in the marketplace.Be confident in asking for investment ahead of growth and be open to learning and adapting your pitch.Overcome imposter syndrome and believe in the value you add to potential sponsors.


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    Do you ever struggle with knowing where to focus your podcasting efforts? Many podcast hosts and guests get confused by all the noise in the podcasting space and, as a result, end up focusing on the wrong things. But it doesn't have to be this way! In this episode, Alban Brooke, Jordan Blair, and Kevin Finn (Hosts of Buzzcast) share their insightful perspectives on what podcasting is really all about. Get ready to level up your understanding of podcasting so you can focus on what matters!



    00:00 Introduction and Ad Placements
    02:16 Downloads vs. Human Listeners
    03:39 Listener Consumption and Completion Time
    06:19 The Unique Nature of Podcasting
    08:11 Dispelling the Myth of Video as a Requirement
    11:18 The Importance of Focusing on What Matters
    13:37 Evolving Buzzcast Based on Listener Feedback


    Ad placements in podcasts should be well-placed and considerate of the listener's experience.Downloads in the first seven days of an episode can be a good indicator of subscriber engagement.Listener consumption and completion time of episodes are valuable metrics for understanding audience behavior and planning content.Podcasting is a unique medium that allows for multitasking and a more personal connection with the host.Video is not necessary for podcasting success and should not be seen as a requirement.Podcasters should listen to audience feedback and make adjustments to improve their shows.The Buzzcast team has implemented features like fan mail and AI transcription based on listener feedback.Recommended podcasts include 'On Fire with Jeff Probst,' 'Never Enough,' 'The Journal,' and 'The Jasmine Star Show.'


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    Did you know that over 80% of people who start podcasting as a host or guest fail within their first year? Thankfully, there is a process that will ensure you're in the 20% of podcasters that make it to their first year and beyond! In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo shares 6 steps that you can follow that will help you avoid failure and thrive as a podcaster on either side of the microphone. Get ready to be positioned for long-term success in podcasting!



    00:00 Introduction and the Importance of Being Intentional
    00:57 Being Intentional for Success in Podcasting
    04:17 Chapter 2: Clarify Your Avatar
    06:09 Chapter 3: Focus on Consistency
    08:04 Chapter 4: Invest in Yourself
    10:32 Chapter 5: Foster Community
    13:23 Chapter 6: Do It for One Person
    14:19 Conclusion


    Being intentional and focused is crucial for long-term success in podcasting.Strengthening your why and clarifying your avatar are important steps in staying motivated and serving your audience effectively.Consistency is key in podcasting, and it is better to do less consistently than to do more sporadically.Investing in yourself and finding tools and systems that maximize your time and enjoyment can help sustain your podcasting journey.Fostering community and building relationships with your audience and fellow podcasters can provide support and inspiration.Doing it for one person and serving your ideal listener can have a significant impact and bring fulfillment to your podcasting journey.


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    Do you ever feel it's impossible to become a full-time podcaster or content creator? Although this feeling is familiar among most podcast guests and podcast hosts, it doesn't have to be this way! In this episode, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Scott Jeffrey Miller about his transition from corporate C-suite executive to full-time content creator. Get ready to hear the raw journey of someone who made it happen and how you can follow in Scott's footsteps!



    00:00 Introduction and Background
    04:36 Favorite Form of Content Creation
    06:00 Being Fearless in Content Creation
    09:47 Dealing with Overwhelm in Content Production
    14:30 Knowing When to Stop and Pivot
    25:46 Aligning Podcasting, Book Launch, and Content Creation
    30:04 Book Recommendations for Podcast Guests and Hosts
    31:31 Final Thoughts


    Content creation is a job and should be treated as such. It requires effort and dedication to create and promote content effectively.Fearlessness is key in content creation. Don't be easily embarrassed or discouraged by negative feedback.Find your audience and speak directly to them. Don't try to be all things to all people.Living in the future can help you stay motivated and in control of your destiny, but it's important to also be present in the moment.Take time to celebrate your wins along the way. Recognize and appreciate your achievements.Recommended books for podcast guests and hosts: 'Rise Above This Story' by Karina Kilcone, 'The Gift of Struggle' by Bobby Herrera, and 'The Perfect Ten' by Dave Linegar.


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    We all desire to be unforgettable podcast guests. But few of us make an intentional effort to ensure that we're remembered by podcast hosts and listeners. In this episode, Jen Rogers explains the three essential steps for becoming a memorable podcast guest. Get ready to captivate hosts and their audiences and take your podcast guesting skills to the next level!



    00:00 The Power of Podcast Guesting
    03:20 Serve: How to Serve the Host's Audience
    04:17 Extract: Finding Key Concepts and Keywords
    09:10 Trust: Building Trust with the Host and Audience


    Podcast guesting is a powerful way to build momentum and revenue for your business.To become a memorable guest, you need to serve the host's audience first.Extract key concepts and keywords from the podcast you're guesting on to create a unique and engaging talk.Building trust with the host and audience is essential for a successful guesting experience.


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    Many podcasters struggle with the fear of sounding awkward or rambling when recording solo episodes. But the truth is that with the right strategy, you can create impactful content that resonates with your audience. In this episode, Isabella Sanchez Castañeda debunks common myths about solo podcast episodes and explains how to create engaging content that captivates your listeners. Get ready to establish yourself as a thought leader and market your business with captivating solo episodes!



    00:00 Introduction: The Power of Solo Episodes
    02:48 Hooking Your Audience: Grabbing Attention
    04:27 From Essay to Episode: The Five-Paragraph Structure
    06:38 Engaging Your Listeners: Transitions and Recaps
    07:55 Empowering Your Listeners: Conclusions and Calls to Action
    08:51 Becoming an Authority: Growing Your Thought Leadership


    Solo episodes are an effective way to market your business and grow your thought leadership.The structure for a solo episode is similar to a five-paragraph essay, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.The introduction should include a hook, background information, and an orienting statement.The body paragraphs should cover the main points of the episode, with clear explanations, examples, and stories.Transitions between points help keep the listener engaged.The conclusion should empower the listener and include a call to action.Following this structure will help hosts stay on topic and provide valuable content.


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    As the world continues to discover the power of podcast guesting, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be selected as a guest. Thankfully, there is something you can do to stand out from the masses. In this episode, Lauren Cockerell shares how top PR agencies pitch to get on podcasts as a guest. Get ready to revolutionize your approach to podcast pitching so you can secure more guesting opportunities than ever before!



    00:00 Introduction and Overview
    01:30 Common Pitching Mistakes
    08:12 Researching and Building Relationships
    09:37 Crafting Great Pitches
    11:34 Offering to Promote the Episode
    12:33 Final Takeaways


    Caring about the person you're pitching to and their audience is the most important secret to pitching success.Avoid common pitching mistakes such as not customizing your pitch, sending vague or overly long pitches, and pitching to irrelevant shows.Research the podcast you're pitching to and tailor your pitch to their specific show and audience.Build a genuine relationship with the host by being yourself and making their life easier.Offer to promote the episode and show that you value cross-promotion.Show that you care and value the host's time to become a favorite guest.


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    Are you a podcast host struggling to monetize your show? You're not alone! Very few podcasters have ever reported making money with their podcast. Thankfully, there's a simple path to becoming a profitable podcaster! In this episode, Shannon Boyer explains the three key elements to developing a helpful online course as a source of revenue and audience engagement. Get ready to start making money through your podcast!



    00:00 Monetizing Your Podcast with Online Courses
    01:21 Curating Content for Online Courses
    08:16 Adding Application Lessons to Your Course


    Curate your content based on what your students want to learn and achieve.Include the three types of learner interactions: learner-to-content, learner-to-instructor, and learner-to-learner.Provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills outside of the course.Value in online courses comes from carefully curated content and meaningful learner interactions.


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    Gaining exposure for your brand and business can be overwhelming in today's noisy world. Thankfully, there is one medium that develops "know, like, and trust" faster than any other. In this episode, Chris Williams explains how to leverage podcast guesting to grow your business and position yourself as an industry expert. Get ready to revolutionize your podcasting game and take your business to the next level with these game-changing strategies!



    00:00 The Importance of Strategy in Podcasting
    01:29 Positioning Yourself Well During Podcast Guest Appearances
    04:21 The Power of Post-Interview Follow-Up
    05:16 Staying Organized and Nurturing Relationships
    08:30 Identifying Opportunities for Joint Ventures and Partnerships


    Podcasting does not automatically lead to money, clients, or opportunities. A clear strategy is necessary to achieve desired outcomes.Position yourself well during podcast guest appearances by prioritizing the host and encouraging the audience to engage with them.Create a memorable experience by delivering aha moments that resonate with the audience and demonstrate your expertise.Follow up with the host after the interview, sending a relevant and co-branded gift to strengthen the relationship.Stay organized and nurture relationships over time using a CRM to manage and track connections.Identify opportunities for joint ventures and partnerships by finding complementary products or services in your network.


    🎁 Want 5 quick ways to level up as a podcast host, guest, or agency that you can read in less than 5 minutes? Visit https://PodMatch.com/Free! (No email address required)

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    Are you a podcaster struggling with impostor syndrome? You're not alone. Over 70% of high achievers experience it, and it can lead to blame, regret, and disappointment. Thankfully, there are simple coping mechanisms to help you overcome these feelings! In this episode, Tara Halliday explains the surprising root cause of impostor syndrome and how to get free from it. Get ready to begin developing unconditional self-worth to start breaking the vicious cycle!



    00:00 The Experience of Imposter Syndrome in Podcasting
    03:54 Recognizing and Managing Imposter Syndrome Symptoms
    07:37 The Root Cause of Imposter Syndrome
    09:02 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Changing Beliefs and Developing Unconditional Worth


    Imposter syndrome is a common experience for podcasters, causing feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy.Imposter syndrome is not low self-esteem or a medical condition, but rather a normal functioning that can be managed.There are three types of imposter syndrome symptoms: imposter syndrome thinking, physiological stress, and imposter syndrome behaviors.The root cause of imposter syndrome is a belief that your worth as a human being depends on your performance.To overcome imposter syndrome, it is necessary to change this belief and develop unconditional worth.


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    Are you struggling to convert your podcast listeners into paying customers? Conventional wisdom says it's challenging. But it doesn't have to be! In this episode, Liz Wilcox explains how she turned podcast listeners into email subscribers and then converted 100% of them into sales! Get ready to learn the 3 email secrets that you can apply to your own podcast strategy to skyrocket your sales!



    00:00 Introduction and Personal Experience
    02:23 The Email Staircase
    03:19 The Power of Owning Your Email List
    04:18 High ROI and Real Connections with Email Marketing
    05:15 Gaining Followers and Nurturing Them as Friends
    09:04 Converting Friends into Customers: The Importance of Selling and Knowing Your Subscribers
    12:26 Summary and Conclusion


    Email marketing allows you to own your audience and have a high return on investment.The 'email staircase' involves turning followers into friends and then into customers.To gain followers, you need to get visible and actively promote your content.To turn followers into friends, show your investment in their journey, be relatable, and stay top of mind.To convert friends into customers, you need to sell and stop guessing by getting to know your subscribers.


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    Do you find it challenging to get testimonials for your brand or business? Look no further than your own podcast! In this episode, Ben Albert reveals a game-changing strategy that will transform your podcast into a social proof gold mine. Get ready to earn endorsements and leverage social proof to elevate your podcast's credibility and your brand/business's reputation, gaining more listeners and customers!



    00:00 Digging the Well Before You're Thirsty
    02:20 Building Social Proof
    03:48 Creating a Conversation-Based Show
    04:48 The Plus-Minus-Equal Framework
    05:45 Relationships Equal Recommendations
    06:41 Asking for Nominations and Reviews
    09:01 Utilizing Google Reviews
    10:25 Being Unforgettable
    11:22 Making the Ask at the Right Time


    Dig the well before you're thirsty by consistently looking for opportunities and resources.Podcasts can be turned into a social proof goldmine by building relationships and creating impactful content.Social proof, such as testimonials and peer recommendations, is a powerful tool for attracting customers.Interview-based podcasts provide a platform for building relationships and establishing social proof.The plus-minus-equal framework can help in identifying and connecting with mentors, prospects, and peers.Building relationships through podcasts can lead to recommendations, referrals, and collaborations.Asking for nominations and reviews from guests can enhance social proof and attract more business.Utilizing Google reviews can improve online visibility and credibility.Making the ask for testimonials and reviews at an emotional high point can increase the likelihood of receiving positive responses.


    🎁 Want 5 quick ways to level up as a podcast host, guest, or agency that you can read in less than 5 minutes? Visit https://PodMatch.com/Free! (No email address required)

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    Let's face it, many people are podcast guests these days. However, very few stand out as "the best guest" among listeners and podcast hosts. Thankfully, there is a way to ensure that you reach that status! In this episode, Billie D Jauss shares 5 essential steps that only the best podcast guests know to follow. Get ready to quickly become a highly sought-after podcast guest who yields results and secures repeat invitations from hosts!



    00:00 Researching the Podcast
    00:28 Understanding the Podcast's Audience
    01:23 Listening to Episodes and Understanding the Flow
    02:20 Tailoring Your Message to the Audience
    02:50 Serving the Host and Their Audience
    03:19 Following the Podcast's Guidelines
    03:47 Answering Questions Succinctly
    05:00 Respecting the Podcast's Timeline
    05:26 Following the Podcast's Guidelines
    06:24 Answering Questions Succinctly
    07:48 Presenting Offers at the Appropriate Time
    08:17 Respecting the Podcast's Timeline
    09:14 Offering a Gift to the Audience
    10:13 Recap of the Five Key Ways to Provide the Best Content
    10:42 Sending a Thank You and Sharing the Episode


    Research the podcast and understand its audience before appearing as a guest.Tailor your message to the specific audience and serve the host and their audience.Follow the podcast's guidelines and answer questions succinctly.Respect the podcast's timeline and present offers at the appropriate time.Send a thank you and share the episode to enhance your guest experience.


    🎁 Want 5 quick ways to level up as a podcast host, guest, or agency that you can read in less than 5 minutes? Visit https://PodMatch.com/Free! (No email address required)

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    Have you ever wondered what it would take to sell your podcast? For most of us, selling a podcast seems like an impossible task. But that’s not the case. In fact, it's not only possible to sell your podcast, but there's also a path to follow to make it happen! In this episode, Anjel B. Hartwell shares the 7 crucial steps she took to sell her podcast. Get ready to uncover what it takes to begin positioning your podcast for a future sale!



    00:00 Introduction and Background
    00:57 Knowing When to Let Go
    03:39 Making Decisions as a Podcaster
    04:09 The Healing Journey of Men on Purpose
    05:07 Opportunity to Sell the Show
    07:06 Approaching the Potential Buyer
    08:29 What the Buyer Was Looking For
    09:21 Importance of Name and Intent
    09:51 Ranking and Reach
    10:19 Value of Rolodex and SOPs
    10:47 Revenue Generation and Team
    11:17 Consulting and Transition
    12:44 Selling and Growing a Sellable Show


    Knowing when to let go of a podcast is crucial for growth and success.Building a sellable show requires considering factors such as the show's name, ranking, reach, revenue generation, SOPs, and team involvement.Finding the right buyer for a podcast involves understanding their goals and aligning them with the show's brand and purpose.The process of selling a podcast includes transferring assets, setting up a succession plan, and consulting with the buyer during the transition.


    🎁 Want 5 quick ways to level up as a podcast host, guest, or agency that you can read in less than 5 minutes? Visit https://PodMatch.com/Free! (No email address required)