
  • “Don't feel like just because you set a goal, you need to be this hero who can achieve any goal.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) discusses the significance of setting manageable, personalized, and flexible business goals aligned with company objectives. She shares practical strategies from her experiences in growing a $100M business, and the common goal-setting pitfalls for improved business outcomes.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:19) - #1: Making goals personal and incentivizing correctly

    (2:53) - #2: The need for flexible goals

    (5:51) - #3: Measuring progress and tracking success

    (8:23) - #4: Setting realistic and achievable goals

    (11:10) - #5: Avoiding the pitfall of too many goals

    (13:47) - Tools and tips for tracking goals

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “How can I be someone of such character that I earn the respect of other people of high character?” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) underscores the importance of effective leadership, trust, and harnessing discretionary effort in fostering a high-performing team. She shares the key principles of investing in team members, inspiring dedication, and cultivating an efficient team culture through her actionable advice and personal anecdotes.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:20) - Operationalizing leadership

    (2:57) - Discretionary effort: leading by example

    (8:13) - The power of belief in your team

    (14:40) - Investing in people: a long-term strategy

    (21:42) - Having personal accountability

    (26:24) - The essence of leadership

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “If you feel really bad about trying to accomplish something, you probably don't have the support that you need.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) delves into the critical role a supportive partner plays in achieving personal and professional success. She explores the detrimental effects of a mismatched partner on potential growth, emphasizing the importance of aligning goals for mutual success.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:32) - Choosing the right partner

    (2:30) - The cost of insecurity

    (5:26) - The power of supportive partners

    (10:25) - Conflicting goals in relationships

    (15:17) - Aligning goals for mutual benefit

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “What's going to stop you or prevent you from achieving the goal?” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) shares key strategies for scaling businesses and reveals her five-step goal-setting process, critical for achieving success. Learn the importance of simple problem-solving, focused attention, and measurable goals to avoid common business pitfalls and ensure sustained growth.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:40) - Why most businesses fail

    (6:25) - Step 1: Identifying the core problem

    (9:07) - Step 2: Creating a hypothesis to solve the problem

    (13:04) - Step 3: Defining actions and responsibilities

    (15:51) - Step 4: Setting measurable goals

    (17:24) - Step 5: Anticipating obstacles

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “Because at the end of the day, if I know and I'm damn sure that I need to make that change, then I'm not negotiating it.“ Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) shares her experiences and strategies in scaling businesses, emphasizing the power of embracing change and innovation for business growth. Listen as she discusses overcoming resistance, leveraging team skills, and how adaptability can lead to significant achievements like selling a company or boosting team resilience.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:37) - The power of positive behavior change

    (2:39) - Adapting to technological advancements

    (3:56) - Navigating business model shifts

    (5:20) - Leadership strategies for managing change

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “How you behave and what you do next in front of your whole team while they're watching is completely up to you.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) provides strategies for managing and transforming team behaviors to foster business growth and adaptability, emphasizing the role of effective leadership and the 'thought model'. The podcast offers practical techniques for facilitating change, highlighting the importance of problem-solving and growth-oriented mindsets for navigating market shifts and technological disruptions.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:37) - Embracing change and resistance in leadership

    (1:17) - Understanding and managing resistance to change

    (2:05) - The thought model for behavioral change

    (5:04) - Changing behaviors through intervention and focus

    (8:55) - Addressing resistance and fears in organizational change

    (15:29) - The impact of leadership on business transformation

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “What does honesty mean to me? It means that you admit that you made a mistake.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) discusses the crucial role of humility in leadership, debunking misconceptions and highlighting its importance in accurate self-assessment. She focuses on the 'four A's of humility'—asking for feedback, acknowledging mistakes, asking for help, and actively listening—as key elements for personal growth and successful leadership.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:00) - The humility spectrum

    (3:34) - The four A's of humility

    (6:43) - The importance of acknowledging mistakes

    (9:52) - The skill of asking for help

    (13:09) - Active listening: the key to effective communication

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “We can't control everything in our circumstances (…) but we can control how we react to it.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) discusses the crucial role of embracing change in business growth, sharing insights from escalating Gym Launch to a $40 million company. She emphasizes the importance of leadership in managing change effectively, fostering innovation and steering teams towards success.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:13) - Leadership and change management

    (2:00) - Gym Launch's pivot to overcome market shifts

    (6:18) - The psychological aspects of change

    (8:57) - Strategies for managing change and overcoming resistance

    (15:40) - The power of acceptance in driving forward

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “You need to make it easier to do the new thing and harder to do the old thing.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) shares key strategies for business growth, focusing on a success story from the cosmetic dentistry industry. Insights include the efficacy of strategic leadership distribution, process documentation, talent revamp, and formal training, which collectively led to increased revenue and business scalability.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:44) - The journey of scaling a business

    (3:07) - Identifying and overcoming growth stagnation

    (7:09) - Implementing strategic solutions for business growth

    (9:55) - The power of leadership and processes

    (11:02) - Implementing effective processes and training for success

    (16:34) - The importance of having a training program

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “And by the end of the day, how much better am I than that person has to wait a month?” Today, join Leila (@LeilaHormozi) as she guests on the Think Media Podcast (with Sean Cannell) to share valuable insights on building a billion-dollar business like Acquisition.com through a unique content strategy, skill development, and strategic partnerships. The episode discusses challenges faced by female content creators, ethical ways to build a million-dollar online business, and provides practical advice for beginners on utilizing personal skills for business-oriented content creation.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.

    Follow Think Media Podcast on:

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    Follow Sean Cannell on:

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    (0:41) - Mastering content creation

    (2:39) - Ethical pathways to a million-dollar online business

    (5:51) - Addressing gender representation in business content

    (7:45) - Navigating online harassment

    (12:11) - Reflecting on the content creation journey

    (13:35) - Valuable habits for content creators

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “The amount of reinforcement you provide dictates the strength of accountability in a company.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) delves into the importance of feedback and accountability for business success, highlighting the power of positive reinforcement and the distinction between tactical and developmental accountability. She offers practical strategies for improving team performance and engagement, fostering a culture of accountability, and effectively scaling businesses.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:44) - Understanding tactical vs. developmental accountability

    (1:34) - Mastering the art of positive reinforcement

    (2:25) - Navigating challenges in feedback and behavior change

    (6:58) - Implementing effective feedback strategies

    (10:22) - The accountability formula

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “The more clarity you can provide to your team, the more at ease they feel.” Today, join Leila (@LeilaHormozi) as she guests on The Matt Gray Show to talk about her strategy for integrating efficient content creation into daily business routines. The conversation explores themes of maintaining balance in work and personal life, the importance of effective communication, and insights into personal development in the context of managing relationships.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.

    Follow The Matt Gray Show on:

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    ➤ Check out full episode on YouTube!


    (0:45) - Expanding the media engine: acquisition and plans

    (3:37) - The future of business: media vs. acquisition

    (4:24) - Personal branding and business dynamics

    (9:09) - Developing direct communication skills

    (12:01) - Personal growth and relationship balance

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “Humility is a better indicator of potential than confidence is.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) explores the critical role of humility in leadership, providing valuable insights for building successful businesses. She highlights the dangers of ego, the importance of team over individual success, and the transformative power of humility for effective leadership.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:41) - Learning from the past

    (2:25) - The dangers of success

    (4:40) - Hiring, promoting, and fostering humility

    (8:43) - Identifying and overcoming ego in the workplace

    (14:37) - Growth through humility: Skills over traits

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “You have to be honest with yourself, the problem that you've been avoiding (…) that you continue to let year after year or month after month fester, you need to confront it.” Today, join Leila (@LeilaHormozi) as she guests on the Think Media Podcast (with Sean Cannell) to share insights on achieving business success, scaling businesses, and transitioning creators into successful CEOs while emphasizing the importance of strong leadership and strategic partnerships. The discussion also highlights the necessity of building a self-reflective and authentic personal brand, avoiding burnout among content creators, and the role of equitable contributions in successful business partnerships.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.

    Follow Think Media Podcast on:

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    ➤ Check out episode on YouTube!

    Follow Sean Cannell on:

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    (0:39) - The creator's dilemma: from burnout to CEO

    (2:16) - Embracing challenges beyond content creation

    (5:01) - The art of finding the right business partner

    (6:45) - Navigating partnerships and equity in business

    (9:11) - The critical role of due diligence in partnerships

    (12:15) - Marriage and business: a delicate balance

    (14:53) - Confronting partnership challenges in marriage

    (18:11) - The power of brand in business and content creation

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “The reality is that a lot of people are very good at doing business, but they're not teaching people how to do business.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) addresses four common misconceptions hindering business growth, providing practical strategies to overcome them. She emphasizes the importance of understanding market potential, effectively scaling services, mastering business operation duplication, and decisively managing personnel issues for businesses with revenues between $250,000 and $20 million.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:54) - 1st Lie: “My market is too small.”

    (6:34) - 2nd Lie: “My service can’t be scaled.”

    (10:14) - 3rd Lie: “I can’t duplicate myself.”

    (14:12) - 4th Lie: “I can’t fire that one employee.”

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “I think that it's a very tedious job to be a leader of people (…) You have to have a really high threshold for boredom and repetition.” Today, join Leila (@LeilaHormozi) as she guests on The Graham Cochrane Show to discuss the challenges of solopreneurship, the complexities of team building, and the balance between autonomy and micromanagement. The conversation explores the intersection of business and personal growth, especially in the context of marital relationships, and imparts a lasting piece of advice about leaving a positive impact.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.

    Follow Graham Cochrane on:

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    ➤ Check out full episode on YouTube!


    (0:26) - Embracing solopreneurship and its challenges

    (2:04) - Navigating the complexities of team building and leadership

    (11:04) - The marriage of business and personal growth

    (17:09) - The golden rule: leaving a lasting impact

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “Reinforce the behaviors that you want in your team.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) highlights the crucial role of accountability in business success, providing practical strategies for instilling a culture of accountability within teams. She offers valuable advice for enhancing operational efficiency, reducing churn, and improving team performance, all crucial factors for businesses looking to avoid the common pitfalls that lead to failure.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:21) - Accountability defined: the key to business success

    (2:51) - The soft skills gap: leadership and accountability

    (3:28) - The real-world impact of accountability on revenue and team dynamics

    (8:14) - Transforming business culture through accountability

    (9:39) - Practical steps to implementing accountability

    (11:35) - The psychology of accountability and positive reinforcement

    (18:53) - Encouraging positive behavior in teams

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “Make the content that you want to consume.” Today, join Leila (@LeilaHormozi) as she guests on the Think Media Podcast (with Sean Cannell) to emphasize the crucial role of consistent content creation and personal branding in business growth. The discussion explores overcoming fears, balancing CEO responsibilities, and integrating content creation into business strategies for enhanced leadership effectiveness and success.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.

    Follow Think Media Podcast on:

    ➤ Spotify | Apple

    ➤ Check out episode on YouTube!

    Follow Sean Cannell on:

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    (0:46) - The power of consistency in content creation

    (2:03) - Navigating business challenges while creating content

    (4:13) - Developing mental toughness and resilience

    (6:34) - The why behind investing in content creation

    (9:16) - Content strategy for business growth

    (14:13) - Addressing the challenges of busy business owners

    (15:58) - Overcoming fear and self-doubt in leadership

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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  • “If job expectations are better than job conditions, then you get somebody who's discontent. They regret their decision.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) talks about the importance of effective onboarding and retention strategies in business success and team performance enhancement. She provides practical onboarding tactics like setting proper expectations, comprehensive orientation, and aligning processes with role expectations to foster a positive work environment, minimize employee churn, and build efficient teams.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:39) - Expectations vs. actual job experience

    (1:03) - Mastering employee onboarding and retention

    (5:38) - Setting the right expectations for your employee

    (12:02) - Creating a context-rich environment for success

    (17:19) - Onboarding done right: matching expectations with reality

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | Acquisition 

  • “The reason that they're leaving, it's never because the job is awful. It's because it does not maximize their skill set.” Today, join Leila (@LeilaHormozi) as she guests on The Matt Gray Show to talk about the characteristics of top talent and the importance of aligning roles to maximize their skills. The conversation explores strategies for business growth, emphasizing operational efficiency, talent recruitment, and a focus on customer lifetime value. Leila underlines the role of constructive feedback, effective hiring decisions, and the power of curiosity in leadership, with a recurring theme of prioritizing personal excellence and growth over financial gain.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.

    Follow The Matt Gray Show on:

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    ➤ Check out full episode on YouTube!


    (0:42) - The essence of leadership and team dynamics

    (1:13) - Identifying star performers: traits and values for success

    (6:36) - Hiring for excellence: strategies and real-world applications

    (12:27) - Leveraging brand strength for talent recruitment and growth

    (18:52) - Operational excellence and scaling from millions to billions

    (25:11) - Fostering a positive work environment: accountability and feedback

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | Acquisition