Die Vorlesung stellt grundlegende Techniken und Programmierschnittstellen zur Entwicklung von Multimedia-Anwendungen vor. Behandelt werden Grafik-, Sound-, 3D-, und Multimediaschnittstellen. Die Übungen werden mit unterschiedlichen Frameworks, Sprachen etc. durchgeführt werden. Darunter z.B. Python und Java FX. Die Materialien (Folien) sind in englischer Sprache, der Votrag (Audio) in deutscher Sprache.
Join obstetrics and gynecology specialists as they discuss their approaches to diagnosing, treating and supporting women in a range of clinical situations. The conversations explore optimising maternal outcomes, managing severe PHH, and best practices for OBGYN procedures.
This independent medical education podcast is for HCPs with the ultimate goal of improving care for their patients. For more information, visit -
Coffee Break English is a podcast which will help you learn English in regular 15-minute episodes, perfect for your coffee break! Find out more about Coffee Break English at .
Coffee Break English can help you improve your English with short lessons - the perfect time to enjoy a cup of coffee while learning. The course is presented in slow English which is easy to understand. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word, it’s more important to get the general meaning. Season one is at A2 level. This course is for you if you learnt some English at school or if you want to review the basics. Coffee Break English can help you improve your accuracy and understanding of English, to prepare you for many situations like using English at work, visiting an English-speaking country, taking exams, or talking with English-speaking friends. In each episode of the audio lessons, one of our colleagues from an English-speaking country tells us about an aspect of life or culture in their country. In season one, we hear from our friends in the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia, helping you understand lots of different accents and varieties of English.
Mark and Josie guide you through the text, explaining the language and helping you understand it better. Each text focuses on a specific language point, including tenses, prepositions, phrasal verbs, and much more.
In addition to the main audio lesson, the course contains lesson notes, which explain the language in the lesson in more detail and provide a transcript of the text; practice exercises; a video version of the lesson; bonus audio episodes; and vocabulary lists in many different languages. Find out more at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Spora część mojego życia to tzw. seria fortunnych zdarzeń. Chciałem zostać lekarzem, a zostałem fizykiem. Pojechałem zwiedzać Wiedeń, a poznałem żonę. Chciałem robić doktorat i wyjechałem na prawie 4 lata do największego centrum naukowego w Europie. Chcieliśmy powiększyć rodzinę i urodziły się bliźniaki. W końcu wróciliśmy z emigracji, żebym mógł zostać naukowcem, a zostałem dziennikarzem.
Nazywam się Tomasz Rożek. Z wykształcenia jestem fizykiem a z zawodu dziennikarzem naukowym. Kieruję działem naukowym w tygodniku Gość Niedzielny. Współpracuję lub współpracowałem z wieloma mediami z redakcjami: Pytanie na Śniadanie, Teleexpress, Dzień Dobry TVN; Wiedzą i Życiem, magazynem National Geographic, Gazetą Wyborczą, Rzeczpospolitą, magazynem Focus. Byłem autorem oraz prowadzącym program Sonda2 w TVP2. Wspóltworzyłem programy radiowe: „Pytania z kosmosu” oraz Klub Trójki.
Piszę nie tylko dla periodyków. Moja pierwsza książka „Nauka – po prostu. Wywiady z wybitnymi” (2011, Demart) została uznana za najlepszą książkę popularno-naukową sezonu 2010-2011. W 2012 roku napisałem „Nauka – to lubię. Od ziarnka piasku do gwiazd” (WAB). W 2014 roku ukazała się moja książka „Kosmos” (WAB). W 2015 roku ukazał się „Człowiek” (WAB). To dwie części pop-naukowej trylogii. W trzeciej części opiszę mikrokosmos.
Prowadzę pop-naukowego vbloga Nauka. To lubię i facebookowy fanpage Nauka.To lubię. A od teraz także podcast.
Jestem obecny w dyskusjach na Twiterze oraz Instagramie.
Jestem szczęśliwym tatą bliźniaków Zuzi i Janka, oraz mężem Ani. Mieszkamy na Śląsku. -
RN to mądre rozmowy o naszym świecie i nas samych. O próbach zrozumienia rzeczywistości na najgłębszym poziomie. Rozmawiam z naukowcami i naukowczyniami, którzy - fenomenalnie! - opowiadają o swoich badaniach i dziedzinach wiedzy. Dyskutujemy nie tylko o tym CO wiemy, ale też SKĄD to wiemy. Zobacz nasze Wydawnictwo RN: 👉 Zostań Patronem: 👉 Wesprzyj jednorazowo: 👉 Więcej: 👉 Sprawdź nasze WYDAWNICTWO RN, audiobooki dla naszej publiczności taniej, skorzystaj z kodu: sluchamRN
Strefa Psyche Uniwersytetu SWPS to projekt popularyzujący wiedzę psychologiczną na najwyższym merytorycznym poziomie. Odkrywa możliwości działania, jakie w różnych sferach życia daje psychologia. Jego założeniem jest udostępnienie rzetelnej wiedzy psychologicznej, do której można sięgać niezależnie od miejsca i czasu, w jakim się znajdujemy. Więcej o projekcie:
Chalk Radio is an MIT OpenCourseWare podcast about inspired teaching at MIT. We take you behind the scenes of some of the most interesting courses on campus to talk with the professors who make those courses possible.
Our guests open up to us about the passions that drive their cutting-edge research and innovative teaching, sharing stories that are candid, funny, serious, personal, and full of insights. Listening in on these conversations is like being right here with us in person under the MIT dome, talking with your favorite professors.
And because each of our guests shares teaching materials on OCW, it's easy to take a deeper dive into the topics that inspire you. If you're an educator, you can make these teaching materials your own because they're all openly-licensed.
Hosted by Dr. Sarah Hansen from MIT Open Learning.
Chalk Radio episodes are offered under a CC BY-NC-SA license ( -
Take your Italian from learner to local with Matteo and Raffaele. Immerse yourself in authentic Italian as we share the ups and downs of daily life, interesting stories, and things that will surprise you about Italy. Plus, as a member, you’ll get interactive transcripts with a translation of your choice; bonus content; early access; and our magical vocabulary helper that shows you minute-by-minute translations while you listen. Com'è facile!
Learn Portuguese with teacher Rafael and his student Ava. Each lesson is like going for a coffee with your friend who happens to speak Portuguese and is helping you learn in a relaxed, enjoyable way.
Coffee Break Portuguese does not focus on European or Brazilian Portuguese specifically: instead you'll be learning to use Portuguese in a way you'll be understood throughout the Portuguese-speaking world. Rafael, our main teacher, is from Brazil, but you'll also get to know Catarina from Portugal in our episodes.
Coffee Break Portuguese is not a simple series of "listen and repeat" audio programmes: in each lesson Rafael explains how the language works, helping Ava - and you - to manipulate the language and use it in practical situations. As a learner Ava asks questions, and makes mistakes, so through Rafael's explanations, corrections and pronunciation tips you'll build your confidence and begin to understand and speak the language.
You'll also build your cultural knowledge with the help of our cultural correspondent Catarina who shares information on cultural and linguistic points from around the Portuguese-speaking world.
In the same time it takes you to sit down and enjoy a coffee in your favourite coffee shop, you can make progress with your Portuguese. Our 20 minute lessons are perfect to keep you focused and let you develop your confidence in regular sessions.
You can find support materials for Coffee Break Portuguese in the online course by clicking here here.
Would you like a free Portuguese lesson and language learning tips in your inbox every week? Sign up for the Coffee Break Portuguese newsletter.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
For practicing acupuncturists, each episode in this weekly podcast explores needling technique, indications, and clinical applications for a set of five individual acupuncture points. Over 300 points are discussed in detail.
The conversation is based on the personal experiences of two seasoned practitioners, each with over 30 years of clinical practice. For acupuncture continuing education credits, view these classes online at
Dr. Daoshing Ni is the co-founder of Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and chair of the Doctoral program in Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. James Skoien is an international lecturer on the topic of Chinese Medicine with over 33 years of teaching experience. -
What is the nature of the human mind? The Emory Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture (CMBC) brings together scholars and researchers from diverse fields and perspectives to seek new answers to this fundamental question. Neuroscientists, cognitive psychologists, biological and cultural anthropologists, sociologists, geneticists, behavioral scientists, computer scientists, linguists, philosophers, artists, writers, and historians all pursue an understanding of the human mind, but institutional isolation, the lack of a shared vocabulary, and other communication barriers present obstacles to realizing the potential for interdisciplinary synthesis, synergy, and innovation.
It is our mission to support and foster discussion, scholarship, training, and collaboration across diverse disciplines to promote research at the intersection of mind, brain, and culture. What brain mechanisms underlie cognition, emotion, and intelligence and how did these abilities evolve? How do our core mental abilities shape the expression of culture and how is the mind and brain in turn shaped by social and cultural innovations? Such questions demand an interdisciplinary approach. Great progress has been made in understanding the neurophysiological basis of mental states; positioning this understanding in the broader context of human experience, culture, diversity, and evolution is an exciting challenge for the future. By bringing together scholars and researchers from diverse fields and across the college, university, area institutions, and beyond, the Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture (CMBC) seeks to build on and expand our current understanding to explore how a deeper appreciation of diversity, difference, context, and change can inform understanding of mind, brain, and behavior.
In order to promote intellectual exchange and discussion across disciplines, the CMBC hosts diverse programming, including lectures by scholars conducting cutting-edge cross-disciplinary research, symposia and conferences on targeted innovative themes, lunch discussions to foster collaboration across fields, and public conversations to extend our reach to the greater Atlanta community. Through our CMBC Graduate Certificate Program, we are training the next generation of interdisciplinary scholars to continue this mission. -
Bred to Perfection is a podcast that will help you to master the art of selective breeding, and become a master breeder of chickens and gamefowl. The podcast is hosted by Kenny and Nancy Troiano. Kenny Troiano has more than 40 years of experience, and has authored two books on the subject of breeding. If you are interested in creating, maintaining, and improve your strain, this is the place for you.
While the scientific disciplines in which networks occur are diverse, the needs for analysis are similar and may be dealt with by using the same or similar quantitative methods and models. These include methods and theories ranging from mathematical graph theory and statistical network models to visualization techniques in computer science. The Research Focus Quantitative Network Science intends to bundle the different activities within network science at the LMU Munich and brings together mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists with empirical scientists from a wide range of disciplines in order to advance the field of quantitative network science.
„ - Nauka” to baza wykładów zrealizowanych we współpracy z prestiżowymi instytucjami naukowymi. Wśród naszych partnerów znajdują się Festiwal Nauki w Warszawie, Muzeum Ziemi PAN, Kampus Ochota UW, Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. Nenckiego PAN oraz kawiarnie naukowe. nagrywa też własne rozmowy z ludźmi nauki. Projekt realizowany jest przez Fundację Wspomagania Wsi. Do korzystania z naszego serwisu zapraszamy wszystkich, którzy cenią sobie rzetelną wiedzę oraz ciekawe dyskusje. Zapraszamy też na nasz drugi kanał " - Historia".