Are you feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the clutter in your home? Have you lost yourself in motherhood, putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own? Is your home in a constant state of disarray leaving you feeling guilty and disappointed with all that’s still left to do at the end of the day? Are you so busy focusing on what others need and taking care of everyone else that you go days without showering? Do you feel like you never have the right things to wear, so you just wear whatever is easy and still fits even if you know it’s not flattering on your mom-bod? Do you have a closet full of clothes you never wear, because you don’t know how to dress yourself for mom life, so you let your kids dress better than you do? Are your kids (or your hubby) wearing clothes that are ripped, stained, or just don’t fit, because there’s no system for removing items that no longer work making it impossible to keep up with the laundry?
Well, I am here to help! As a mom of 4, I realize how quickly things can get out of control, and how important it is to have systems in place so that when life gets busy, we don’t let it overwhelm us. Let’s dig through the clutter and make space for the things that are really important! It’s time to let go of the things that are holding you back and keeping you from being the mom you’ve always wanted to be!
After conquering the clutter and finding freedom from the chaos in my own life, I started helping friends and family, and have since become a professional organizer and capsule wardrobe stylist, functional home designer, and clutter coach! And I am here to teach you everything I know about how to create beauty from the chaos in your mama life!
Inside this podcast, I teach you how to simplify, organize, and optimize your home, wardrobe and workload. I will teach you how to make simple changes that have a big impact on how your home functions and how it makes you feel! Share tips and tricks on how to style yourself and your home, get organized with simple systems, and manage the sometimes overwhelming stresses a mama has in her every day life. Getting organized is about decluttering the things that are inessential, finding ways to simplify the process, and making space for the things you really value. You can be stylish, your home environment can be serene, and you won’t have to scream. ❤️
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How do you become an explorer? And what does an explorer do? These are questions we get all the time.
In this National Geographic Kids podcast, we’ll talk to eleven explorers who contribute to science and exploration through different fields. Learn about the challenges and inspirations they find along the way.
From digging for ancient artifacts to gazing at the stars, these National Geographic Explorers have had adventures in the farthest-flung reaches of the world, and in their own backyards. They are scientists, explorers, and leaders who took risks and overcame problems to become who they are today.
We want to share some of their amazing stories with you—and show you How We Explore. -
Prenumeruok „Spotify“: MAMOS tinklalaidė – ieškančioms tikrų, nuoširdžių pokalbių apie motinystę ir šeimą.Prenumeruok KALBA MAMOS ir klausyk pilnų pokalbių, prisijunk prie palaikančios, sąmoningų mamų bendruomenės, dalyvauk Discord'o pokalbiuose, KNYGŲ KLUBE bei kitose, tik bendruomenei skirtose, veiklose. Visą informaciją rasi
Hank the Cowdog (Matthew McConaughey), the self-declared “Head of Ranch Security,” finds himself smack dab in the middle of a host of tangled mysteries and capers that span the universe of the Texas Panhandle cattle ranch Hank calls home. Hank is joined on these tail-wagging, tongue-slobbering adventures by a motley assemblage of characters, not least of which is his less-than trusty sidekick, Drover, a small but uncourageous mutt. Listen in as Hank the Cowdog always claims to know the answer, is the last to realize he doesn’t, but is the first to run headlong into tales of courage, loyalty, and friendship. Hank the Cowdog podcast stars and is executive produced by Academy Award® winner Matthew McConaughey. Written, directed and executive produced by Jeff Nichols. Also featuring performances by Jesse Plemons, Cynthia Erivo, Kristen Dunst, Leslie Jordan, Joel Edgerton, Scoot McNairy, Michael Shannon, and John R. Erickson. Presented by H-E-B Proudly serving Texans since 1905. @HEB
Вітанні! Ад сёння байкі можна тут паслухаць. Як і на Spotify, Apple, Google і Yandex-падкастах. За навінамі -- на Facebook, Іnstagram, Тelegram. Звяртаюся да ўнукі сваёй далёкай. Да тых, хто даведацца пра Беларусь хоча. Каго цікавіць мова беларуская. Знаёмлю з мясцінамі, асобамі, прадметамі ўнікальнымі. Запрашаю сябрам/сяброўкам лінкі перасылаць.Як за “падабайкі”, так і за “няпадабайкі”, шчыра ўдзячны буду. Хто ж ініцыятыву падтрымаць схоча, ці дадактовыя матэр’ялы зпампаваць, запрашаю на платформу Patreon да ліку патронаў далучацца Алесь.
All ages are invited to listen as Miss Allison reads a few chapters a week from an elementary level book. For the fifth and final season the selection is Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh. Previous seasons include: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (Season 1), The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Season 2), the second book in the Wizard of Oz series The Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Season 3), and The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (Season 4).
Pet Tip Of The Day
Pet parents can pick up quick and useful tips to improve the lives of their pets. Sam, The Queen of Rock 'n' Roll Dogs is the host of Vegas Rock Dog Radio. -
Imaginable Futures and UNICEF present Learning to Overcome, a podcast series that features discussions with educators, innovators and entrepreneurs on strategies for ensuring equitable access to quality remote learning and supporting students’ well-being through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
During its peak, around 1.5 billion children and young people—or 91% of students worldwide—had been impacted by COVID-19. As the pandemic continues, schools around the world have had to delay opening this fall or implement a remote learning strategy. This abrupt shift has disrupted learning and upended lives, especially among the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. Still, real-time responses during and after COVID-19 can provide catalytic opportunities to take a collective leap forward towards providing more inclusive and equitable quality education for all children. This time also unearths challenges we need to overcome to ensure children can continue learning. -
Imagine for a second, you’ve just been the most important job of your life. Everything you do, say, and feel will have a profound affect on another person for the rest of their lives. That’s right...You're a dad! Becoming A Great Dad is a podcast dedicated to fathers who want to go from being good too great. Dads who need practical strategies for raising kids in today world and advice on real world problems and situations that fathers face every day. Strap in because your dad skills will sky rocket, your kids will love you, and you'll grow into the dad you’ve always wanted to be. Support this podcast:
Tai podkastas nėščiosioms, jų partneriams ir visiems kitiems, kuriuos domina nėštumo, gimdymo ir ankstyvosios motinystės bei tėvystės temos. Čia išgirsite gimdymo istorijas tiesiai iš gimdžiusiųjų lūpų.
Kiekviena moteris TURI teisę pasirinkti kas tinkamiausia jos nėštumui ir gimdymui, o kiekvienas kūdikis turi unikalų atėjimo į pasaulį kelią.
Gerbkime ir švęskime vieni kitų istorijas.
Podkastą veda Greta Nakliudaitė-Perez, tinklaraščio kūrėja.