Ruthless Compassion with Dr. Marcia Sirota is a podcast about people who've turned their emotional shit into fertilizer for success. It's about seeing our darkest moments as opportunities for learning, growth and transformation. We'll cover topics like addiction and mental health, isolation, and loneliness, narcissism versus self-care and difficult family and work relationships. For more, visit
Dr. Marcia Sirota is a board-certified psychiatrist practicing in Toronto, Canada. She has more than 25 years of experience and specializes in health and wellness, healing trauma, unblocking creativity and empowering people to be their best self. She is the author of 5 books and an instructor of Udemy online courses. In her spare time, she enjoys screenwriting, yoga and working out.
The Keisha Tower Show encompasses a wide variety of topics that include recovering from childhood trauma, struggling with body image, setting boundaries, holding space for your children while healing, anxiety, maternal mental health, and so much more!
FACEBOOK - Keisha Tower
INSTAGRAM - keishanicolet -
Hello! Welcome to the Juice Plus Partner Stories UNCUT Podcast.
These are the untold truths from leaders, corporate heroes and snippets from calls with our partners around the world.
If you are thinking of joining the Juice Plus+ family, a newbie to the team or on your way to become a future leader, this podcast is packed full of inspiration and golden nuggets. -
Fertility and the first 1,000 days is a podcast aimed primarily at women who are trying to conceive. It is for you if you are on a fertility journey of any kind, whether you have struggled with infertility, have conditions that impact fertility such as PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, have suffered miscarriage, undergoing IVF, or just thinking about having kids in the future. This includes primary and secondary infertility. It is also for you if you're currently pregnant, in the postnatal period or have children under 2 (that’s what is meant by fertility and the first thousand days). It is also for you if you work with women, early years, or have an interest in such topics. Episodes will always be titled accordingly so you can listen to what suits your needs.
It is designed to be accessible for people who are busy and short on time with episodes under half an hour.
If you've felt overwhelmed with information and want simple answers to specific questions and issues around fertility, pregnancy and early motherhood then this aims to give you simple answers and quick wins.
If you want to be part of a supportive community, and you want to hear from somebody who is listening, I will always create episodes based on the needs of my listener. -
In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles darum, wie Kinder ohne strikte Ernährungsregeln und Verbote ein gesundes Essverhalten entwickeln. Du erfährst, warum du dem inneren Ernährungskompass deines Kindes vertrauen kannst – und wie dein Kind von diesem Vertrauen ein Leben lang profitieren wird. Als Mütter haben wir selbst lange darunter gelitten, dass unsere Kinder nicht so gegessen haben, wie es die Ernährungspyramide vorgibt. Heute stellen wir die innere Stimme unserer Kinder über gesellschaftliche Zwänge zum Thema Ernährung - und laden dich ein, uns auf diesem Weg zu mehr Vertrauen und Gelassenheit am Esstisch zu begleiten. Schön, dass du zuhörst! Katharina und Julia von confidimus
A culinary dietitian's mission to translate health benefits into delicious meals you actually want to make. You'll enjoy this podcast if you need help solving common cooking dilemmas, meal planning, interpreting recipes, answering your sizzling recipe questions and want to create excitement around cooking food for wellness.
Following on from series one of the previously named ‘Redefining Parenthood Podcast’, host Becky of DefiningMum is joined by co-host Hayley King of All Things Donor Conception to form the ‘Paths to Parenthub podcast’. Sharing perspectives as parents to donor-conceived children, and in Hayley’s case being a donor-conceived person herself, they focus on conversations about some of the more complex, nuanced aspects of donor conception. With the hope of providing different perspectives, information, reflection, and validation as they openly discuss different topics, share stories and ask listeners for their input.
Have you ever wanted to fall asleep to the sound of thunder, rain, and ocean waves? You're not alone. If you're one of those people who can't sleep without the noise of the storm outside your window, Thunderstorm is for you. Thunderstorm, a podcast by Hazed Media, offers sleep and relaxation ideal for those who suffer from Acute Insomnia or General Insomnia. It's also great for those who just need to relax.Available everywhere you listen to your podcast!
Ernährungsexpertin Verena Dickson spricht mit anderen Experten über gesunde Kinderernährung und "Body Positive Parenting". Kinder Nutrition steht für evidenzbasiertes Fachwissen, umgesetzt mit ❤️.
Verena Dickson ist zertifizierte Ernährungswissenschaftlerin, die bereits unuzähligen Familien geholfen hat ein gesundes Essverhalten aufzubauen und ein starkes Selbstwertgefühl bei Kindern zu fördern.
Im Kinder Nutrition Podcast geht es um positive Ernährungsstrategien, achtsames Essen, und darum, unseren Kindern zu helfen das Vertrauen in den eigenen Körper zu finden und zu fördern. -
Tierarzt Thomas Backhaus spricht gemeinsam mit seiner Tochter Helen Backhaus über alle Themen der Tiergesundheit. Dabei teilt er sein Wissen aus 40 Jahren Tiermedizin. Der Podcast ist für jeden geeignet, der sich für Themen der ganzheitlichen Gesundheit interessiert oder ein Haustier hat, was er ganzheitlich gesund halten möchte. Viel Spaß beim Anhören :)
Beyond the Routine, hosted by well-known performance trainers and health and wellness experts Betina and Nic Shimonek, takes listeners beyond the workouts and gets real about life. The husband and wife duo go deep into their health and wellness practices, how they find balance and joy as a growing family, and share their knowledge as experts at the top of their field. From training professional athletes to chasing a toddler around airports, they keep things fun and informative. On this weekly podcast, listeners discover tips for leading a healthier life, hear interviews with leading experts, get inspired by Betina and Nic’s parenting and relationship stories, and follow their career journeys.
Nic Shimonek is a sports performance coach, former NFL quarterback, father, and husband. Betina Gozo Shimonek is a Nike global trainer, fitness and wellness expert, mother, wife, 2x women's strength training book author, prenatal/postpartum fitness specialist, and proud Filipino. -
I’m Dr. Cara Goodwin, child psychologist and mom of three.
Parents, here’s the problem. We face questions each moment of the day about what is best for our children but we lack the time to research each and every question we face. My primary goal is to get research-backed information into your hands that is accurate, relevant, and helpful.
As a parent of four young kids, I am definitely “in it” myself. Parenting Translator is where we share all the research that is important to me as a psychologist and mom and explain it in an unbiased way that can change your life and your kids’ lives today. -
Baby Steps Nutrition, created and hosted by Argavan Nilforoush, a mompreneur and pediatric dietitian, is your go-to resource for an integrative approach to health and wellness. Whether you're a parent, caregiver, or simply looking to improve your well-being, this podcast delivers actionable steps to enhance your health and the well-being of those around you.
Each episode provides practical insights and inspiration to help you feel more confident and in control. We cover a broad range of topics, from nutrition to overall wellness, offering expert advice, strategies, and tips for people of all ages and stages of life.
Join us for conversations with leading experts as we explore how small, intentional changes can create lasting, positive impacts in your everyday life. -
Zusammen führen Annina und Lena mit Expertise und Charme durch den Dschungel der ersten Mahlzeiten. Sie sprechen die Hürden der Kinderernährung an, räumen mit hartnäckigen Lebensmittelmythen auf und teilen offen und ehrlich ihre eigenen Ups und Downs während der Beikostphase. Mit ihrem Fundus an Expertise und persönlichen Anekdoten servieren sie nicht nur wertvolles Wissen, sondern auch leicht verdauliche Informationen, die frischgebackenen Eltern helfen, den Essensalltag mit Kindern sorgenfrei zu gestalten. Neue Folgen jeden Dienstag.
Hosted by former telly bird from the 90s, Sarah Cawood and Louise Mitchell, not Telly Bird but normal life bird, this podcast explores all things MIDLIFE. Every week the girls chat to a lineup of fabulous guests to discuss hormones, perimenopause, relationships, sex, health, wellbeing and much more, all whilst diving deep into the highs and lows of their midlife journey’s and and exploring their sometimes hilarious Hormonal Horror Stories and Meno Moments!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ja dann…wollen wir mal durch unsere Brille auf den Hundesport, das Hundetraining und das Zusammenleben mit Hunden blicken.
Da dieser Blick sehr herzlich und emotional ist, haben wir uns gedacht, nennen wir den Podcast mal: ja dann mit Kopf!
Wir sind einfach zwei Hundemenschen, die sich viele Gedanken machen, vielleicht auch manchmal zu viele, aber wer weiß das schon…
Auch wenn wir noch lange nicht die Ausbildung, Erziehung und das Zusammenleben mit Hunden bis ins Detail verstanden haben, sind wir uns bei einer Sache sehr einig:
„Es muss nicht perfekt sein, um stolz zu sein.“ -
Deuxième Shift est le podcast qui parle de la vraie vie des working moms
Tous les lundis, une nouvelle interview d'une femme, qui jongle chaque jour entre sa vie de femme active et sa vie de maman. Mes invitées nous racontent la trajectoire qu'a pris leur vie professionnelle après l'arrivée de leurs enfants et comment elles gèrent au quotidien une vie en double shift.
Des témoignages authentiques sur les réussites et les galères familiales et professionnelles des working moms d'aujourd'hui.
Pour suivre l'actualité du podcast, des invitées et ma propre expérience de working mum, rejoignez la communauté Deuxième Shift sur Instagram ( !
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Podcast MissFIT by Mariana Rocha", um espaço de partilha para pessoas ativas, que procuram um lifestyle saudável.
Em cada episódio respondo às vossas perguntas, de forma sincera e sem tabus, sobre temas relacionados com a maternidade, alimentação e exercício físico.
Uma conversa aberta sobre vida real. A minha a e vossa! -
„Eric erforscht“ - der Wissens-Podcast für Kinder mit Eric Mayer von PUR+, dem beliebten Entdeckermagazin im ZDF und KiKA.
Im gemütlichen Tonstudio quetscht Eric die coolsten Leute aus: über pupsende Aliens, leuchtende Tiefseefische oder atemberaubende Spaziergänge durchs Weltall. Außerdem gibt es in jeder Folge ein geheimnisvolles Geräuschegeschenk, das WOW-Wissen und natürlich ist Erics Hund Caramelo auch mit von der Partie.
Lustig, schlau und spannend - genauso ist auch die gleichnamige Buchreihe „Eric erforscht“ aus dem Carlsen Verlag, in der Eric von noch mehr Wissensabenteuern und erstaunlichen Fakten erzählt. Bücher und Podcast ergänzen sich super, können aber auch unabhängig voneinander gelesen bzw. gehört werden. Mehr zu den Büchern findest Du hier:
Tauche ein in neue Welten - gemeinsam mit Eric! Denn Wissen macht stark - und zwar im Kopf!