Podcast určený pre slovenské a české publikum, zaoberajúci sa domácou VFX a 3D animačnou scénou z pohľadu tvorcu, z pohľadu biznisu, aj z pohľadu začiatočníka, ktorý hľadá zdroje informácií.
Šou je hosťovaná Michalom Šabíkom VFX artistom pôsobiacim na Slovensku v oblasti celovečerných filmov, krátkometrážnych filmov a reklamy s dedikáciou budovať vlastné VFX štúdio na Slovensku.
Michal: „Sledujem video kanály aj podcasty mnohých tvorcov zo sveta, pracujúcich na úžasných projektoch. Mojim snom však nie je presťahovať sa do inej krajiny, či cestovať po svete. Ak tiež rád niečo buduješ, alebo len potrebuješ začať vo VFX skôr než sa vydáš na svoju púť do sveta, môžeš oceniť informácie, ktoré sú z prvej ruky v našich končinách. Ku tomu ti môže napomôcť aj VFX kanál“
Tento podcast je určený všetkým VFX a CGI tvorcom, fanúšikom týchto oblastí, ale aj marketérom či filmárom, ktorí s nami spolupracujú a chceli by vedieť viac o našej práci. -
Possibly the World's most inclusive art podcast.
Artist & Curator Gary Mansfield talks to emerging, established and world renowned artists each week in his quite unique manner.
Gary's booming Cockney voice and jovial approach, is a breath of fresh air for those within the art world and a beacon to those that thought it inaccessible.
Previous guests include: Maggi Hambling, Mark Wallinger, Gavin Turk, kennardphillipps, Mat Colishaw, Ray Richardson, Camille Walala, Rankin, Keith Brymer-Jones, PureEvil, Tanya Ling, Koestler Arts, Stuart Semple, Richard Wirson RA, Sarah Maple, Jenny Eclair, Katy Wix and Adam Buxton
Feel free to contact Gary with any queries, comments etc: email: All Social Media: @ministryofartsorg To find out more on Gary Mansfield go to:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ever wish you had a photography mentor you could turn to for advice, so that you could learn photography quickly, and without the frustration and overwhelm that often comes with it? That’s exactly what you’ll get when you tune into the Photography Made Simple podcast! I’m on a mission to help photographers just like you grow their photography skills quickly, so you can shorten the learning curve and get photos you love faster. In this show you'll get actionable techniques, helpful insights and practical advice to help you capture the beauty of your everyday with ease. From camera settings, photo ideas and gear advice, to tackling editing, finding your style or exploring different photography genres, I cover it all. Tune in to get inspired, feel more confident behind the camera, and get photos you genuinely love.
Desert X is a contemporary art exhibition framed by the mountains and desert of the Coachella Valley. On this podcast, we’ll introduce you to some of the artists of Desert X 2019. Their site-specific artworks range from murals and projections to large-scale sculptures and virtual installations. And they take on big themes like fossil fuel use, rising sea levels, and class divides. Desert X runs from Feb 9 - April 21, 2019.
The series is presented by Lead Sponsor PROJECT EVELOZCITY, which is creating electric vehicles that will be available by subscription. -
Dávame architektúre zelenú! V podcaste Zelená pre architektúru vytvárame priestor pre rozhovory so zaujímavými hosťami, vždy na aktuálne témy. -
Podcast o arteterapií, veľkých snoch, malých krokoch a zázrakoch.
Viere, nezlomnom Zdroji lásky, o odvahe, uzdravení a priateľstve... a trochu o čare introvertnej povahy.
Miesto pre ľudí, kde budú vedieť, že nie sú sami.
♡ “Umenie nám umožňuje nájsť seba samého a stratiť sa súčasne." T.Merton
♥ A pozor: možno zmení Váš pohľad na život ♡
Spoznajte artezivot lepšie! Choďte na -
Sme Eva a Ema, dlhoročné priateľky, ktoré sa donekonečna vedia rozprávať a filozofovať o umení, zmysle života a vesmíre. Povedali sme si, že by stálo za to, keby sme sa o naše myšlienky podelili s vami- nie preto, aby sme vám naše pohľady a názory vnucovali, práve naopak- aby ste si vytvorili svoje vlastné. Naša vízia je, aby sme sa ocitli vo vnímavej spoločnosti, ktorá má o umenie, kreativitu a ľudskú predstavivosť (a aj potenciál) záujem a pochopenie. Dúfame, že vám naše debaty niečo prinesú, spestria vám deň a obohatia vašu myseľ.
Diskusný formát ROZHOVORY je primárne zameraný na ranú tvorbu, ale i život etablovaných profesionálnych výtvarníkov a teoretikov. Audiozáznam je určený predovšetkým pred študentov a pedagógov Fakulty výtvarných umení Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici. Autorka a organizátorka diskusii je Natália Šimonová, študentka voľného výtvarného umenia na Katedre maľby.
Bringing my passion for filmmaking & travel together in one podcast. Hosted by @sebpic_ a German videographer and content creator based in Vancouver, Canada. I talk about content creation, travel and filmmaking in general. I will be joined by amazing guests that will provide insight in their creative career.
Celebrating Women in Independent FilmI talk to people who are at all levels of filmmaking giving them a platform to talk about their Wins and the hurdles they have had to go thru to get to the next level. We celebrate past artists and enjoy all that it takes to be a filmmaker or artist.Brenda Daly imdbpro Daly Link.tree Webinar From a Famous Hollywood Manager! WENDY ALANE WRIGHT. Support this podcast:
Who is responsible for making a work of art? In each episode of this collaborative podcast series, one anthropologist, specialising in a particular cultural context, has a conversation with an artist of their choosing, exploring issues of authorship and the relational in art. Ranging across geographical locations and creative practices, discussions address and unpack the conceptualisation of the artistic person, authorship as centred upon an individual or bounded group, and the development of responsibility for artworks during and after their making. Every episode brings a fresh perspective on where ideas come from, what agency an artist feels in the creation of their work, and how, and in which contexts, ownership and responsibility for the artwork are claimed. Ultimately, as a collection, the series encourages listeners to think about ‘the artist’ and ‘the artwork’ as dynamic processes in a relationship of authoring. Each series offers a nuanced approach to this relationship. Series one (supported by the AHRC) explores how authorship and responsibility are developed and understood in artmaking. Series two investigates the authoring of artwork as a process of relational creativity. Series three focuses on the intersection of authorship and voice.
Artery is a podcast organised by Iza Kavedžija (University of Cambridge) and Robert Simpkins (SOAS, London).
Music: Footsteps, by Robert Simpkins. -
The Young Director Award podcast series hosted by King She is a no-holds-barred deep dive into all things filmmaking. Eavesdrop on intimate conversations between rising and established directors as they share their take on filmmaking craft, navigating the business of making short form content, and overcoming the hurdles that developing new talent face. Listen in as each guest share their experience and insights around breaking new ground and bringing fresh perspectives to the craft.
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