Analītiskas un kritiskas sarunas par Latviju mūsu pārbaudes laikā.
Saziņai: [email protected] -
Žurnāliste Alina Lastovska piektdienās stundu garā raidījumā piedāvā karstas un aktuālas diskusijas, kā arī analītiskas intervijas, kas palīdz atrast atbildes uz tik dažādajiem ”kāpēc”, izgaismojot neērtas patiesības, atbildīgo personu patiesās domas un rīcības motīvus, atklājot cēloņsakarības un to, kādas korekcijas nepieciešamas ”kursā”, lai veicinātu Latvijas izaugsmi. Katru piektdienu padziļināta diskusija par nozīmīgākajiem nedēļas notikumiem un procesiem
Tomi Lahren Is Fearless will cover everything from trending political topics to today's pop-culture news, to sports and everything in between. No topics are off limits! Along with her individual commentary and hot takes, Tomi will have a variety of guests across all platforms and all political spectrums to discuss engaging unfiltered topics and get real time reactions. As expected from Tomi Lahren, Tomi Lahren Is Fearless will feature her "Final Thoughts" where she will give her integral take on a hot topic every show.
Uzbrukums Ukrainai ir krasi izmainījis un turpina mainīt Krievijas vietu starptautiskajās attiecībās un Krievijas režīma attiecības ar savu sabiedrību.
Tas ir skaidrs – Ukrainai jāuzvar un jāizcīna sev jauna vieta Eiropas valstu kopībā! Bet neatbildēts paliek jautājums: Kas būs ar Krieviju? Raidījumu ciklā iezīmēsim iespējamos Krievijas nākotnes scenārijus, sarunājoties ar politologiem, publicistiem, politiķiem Latvijā un ārvalstīs.
Kas būs ar Krieviju? Neizbēgamie jautājumi un iespējamās atbildes par mūsu austrumu kaimiņvalsts nākotni. -
Euractiv Events and Euractiv's Advocacy Lab podcasts are the audio version of our policy debates, stakeholder forums, Policy Triangles, and Thought Leadership interviews. These discussions bring together policymakers from EU institutions, industry stakeholders and civil society representatives to discuss EU policy issues.
The University of Chicago International and Area Studies Multimedia Outreach Source is intended as a resource for students, teachers, and the general public. It makes available recordings of conferences, lectures, and performances sponsored and organized by: the Center for International Studies; the Human Rights Program; the Center for East Asian Studies; the Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies; the Center for Latin American Studies; the Center for Middle Eastern Studies; and the South Asian Language and Area Center. It is funded in part by grants from the U.S. Department of Education.
An indentured plebe gives you his comedic spin on the pale blue dot. Based on the internet phenomenon Jeff Bezos calls "who the hell is this and why do you keep calling me?". It's left politics and progressive silliness with undertones of theory and ideally a little education? Visit for more!
"Неделя" с Рафаэлем Сааковым – воскресное ток-шоу из Вашингтона, в котором обсуждаются главные события предстоящей недели сквозь призму того, что уже произошло. Это дискуссия в прямом эфире с экспертами в студии и за ее пределами об американской политике и американо-российских отношениях
THE podcast on institutions. -
In the 20 years since they were launched, the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement have been of assistance to many States responding to internal displacement, and have been incorporated into many national and regional policies and laws. However, the scale of internal displacement today remains vast, and the impact on those who are displaced is immense. This issue includes 19 articles on the main feature theme of Twenty Years of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. See more at: