Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U
Preparing for the promise is something that we all have to do. If we are fully transparent with ourselves and each other, this is a concept and practice that is hard to do. In a world where mistakes are a guarantee and experiences either grow or break us - the first thing we always hope for is instant solutions. When we pray to God, we expect instant answers and blessings as well.
But, what do we do and how do we move when our requests are delayed or denied for a better plan that God has for us? How do we remind ourselves to be firm in the faith and move with confidence? The confidence that God has and will never forsake us?
Join me as I open up about preparing for the promise. The promise that God will change our lives for the better. Beyond our wildest dreams. This episode is dear to me, as it speaks to a season in my life where a lot of learning and adapting had to be done. I hope there are gems for you to take, as you continue building your spirituality and relationship with the Lord!
Everything will be yours, in due time. God will make it happen.
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl Sis G.U
Yes, Genge.
It is that time again where I am joined by my best friend, my ride or die, my sister! I am joined by the incredible Nosi Nyatsumba.
This is just those episodes where we check in and chat. No format, no structures. Just a genuine and fruitful conversation between two sisters who have a lot to share and catch up on.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Sho, Genge!Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U.Journey with me, as I open up about PCOS and the experiences I've gone through, since being diagnosed with this syndrome. This is an episode that needed a deeper level of vulnerability to share, but I trust that the words that I have to share will impact someone, within the Genge and beyond, to not fear this syndrome but to embrace it & follow the procedures needed, in order to live your best life with it.Let this episode also be a reminder that we aren't defined by what we have but who we are within and the people we aspire to be. Let this be a reminder that God will always be there for you, no matter what situations are in front of you. Nothing is ever too big for God to solve for you!
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U!
You know the feeling when two great friends finally see each other after a very long time? That feeling is what sums up the vibe and feel of today's episode. I am joined by my dear friend, Nathi Fani.
Fasting is a concept often spoken about within the forms of spirituality. In the same nature, it is still a practice that is hard to master/apply in one's life. We always think about the most basic definition of fasting - but in this episode, Nathi & I really dig in deep into this incredible and life changing experience of fasting & prayer through the experiences and lessons that we're going through/went through.
I invite each and everyone of the Genge to lend an ear to this episode. Whether you're familiar with fasting or not, I definitely guarantee that there are beautiful gems to take from this episode, to help you grow your connection and relationship with the Lord!
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U
First and foremost, compliments of the new year to the Genge. May God bless your year in ways that you cannot imagine. May everything you invest your time into, bring forth results of success and prosperity.
In this episode, I am joined by my sound engineer & music producer, VINO.
The idea, or theory of 'Closing the Door' can mean a plethora of things, depending on where your life is and what you want to change. For me, it really is centered around embracing this new chapter of life that I've stepped into. I reflect, very candidly about my experiences in 2024 and the lessons I've learned.
What makes this episode really special, is that there was no preconceived idea of how the conversation will go. It was a much needed conversation in which there are gems shared from myself and VINO, which I am sure that the Genge can incorporate into 2025.
Allow yourself to step into the new year with a free spirit, letting go of the baggage of the previous year. In order to receive new blessings, you need to first make space. Get rid of what's hindering you. Be honest with yourself on what you want to change and pray to God, to anoint your journey. This year is all about being the best you that you can be!
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U.
Yes, Genge! This episode is a special one, as I'm joined by my fellow content creator, artist and multi-faceted friend, Nompumelelo Lee Ndlovu.
When we speak of content creation, it's rare to hear people speak about how purpose based it is. In the age of social media and entertainment, it's easy to undermine the process of content creation because of how much content is out there. The idea of oversaturation can feel overwhelming - but one thing is for sure: The best content you can create, that people will gravitate towards, needs to be unapologetically YOU & surrounding the things you love. No matter what medium of content or art that you find yourself creating, the process always requires you to be vulnerable, honest and unbiased with yourself - in order to create the best content that you can. This phenomenon is not to be understated, as it involves all sections of you. The spiritual, emotion, physical and mental sections of yourself.
In this perspective, we were able to touch on the factors that arise when creating, how to deal with those moments (whether good or bad) and the overall meaning of really understanding why you've been given the gift to create. From both of our experiences, I know that the Genge will have a vast amount of gems to keep - as this conversation reaffirms, educates and inspires us to create art, from the heart!
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U
This episode is centered around my trip to London and my experiences during my ten day stay. When you're able to travel and see the world, not only are you exposed to the new landscapes and activities around - you're also exposed to a different change of cultural and communicative climate.
It is in these moments that I was able to draw up comparisons between my time in London against my life, here in South Africa. In these differences, came a lot of appreciation for where I've come from and the path in which I am currently travelling in. It is an experience in which I wish, for each and everyone in the Genge!
Above all, I hope you have some gems to take from this fun-filled episode. May your October be a prosperous and beautiful month.
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U
Today, I am joined by the talented artist, songwriter and record producer, Verge!
As we celebrate the release of his anticipated album, 'To Girls With Finesse', I had the lovely chance to sit down with Verge, to discuss the process of the creation of his album and the lessons he learned during the journey.
In this essence, it is critical to note that his artistry is a blend of lyrical prowess that syncs with his knack for infectious hooks and gorgeous melodies. In this album, his growth as a top tier artist takes center stage, as his presence commands your full attention through his music.
We also had a chance to expand more beyond the artistry of Verge, and delve into the influences and environments around him, that helped shape the sound he has built and the artistry that is taking him to the forefront of the industry. This is a conversation that celebrates artistry and the requirements it takes, to make a beautiful and honest body of work.
Please make sure to stream Verge's latest offering, 'To Girls With Finesse', on all music platforms, now!
Sho, Genge!Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.UWhat does it mean to be a Shining Star? One may define it as someone who has reached their full potential or has entered their prime in whatever gifts that they have to share, with the world. One may define it as a personality that can light up even the darkest of places. One may even go as far as connecting the term to artistic excellence and celebrity status - amassing influence and inspiration among others.My guest encompasses all of these factors, and more! Today, I had the incredible honour of sitting down with the extremely talented, award winning singer & songwriter, Elaine.Like every episode, the core aim is to get to the personal conversations that inspire growth. Join me, as I get candid with the superstar about her journey leading up to Elements and life after Elements, the upcoming debut studio album along with her experiences dealing with the industry, spirituality as well as incredible, fun filled & inspiring conversations surrounding what makes Elaine who she is, beyond the music.Make sure to listen to Elaine's new song, 'Waiting on You', out now!
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U
This is the first instalment from the Nike Well Series - in Newtown, Johannesburg, in which I conducted a live podcasting conversation with phenomenal athletes and trailblazers who are pushing the envelope forward when it comes to the world of health, fitness and wellbeing. This was the first of its kind and I am excited to share this, with you.
Today's guest is the Founder of Nuru House - Tiffany Lekuku. It is such an honor to have her join me as we delve into the history of her life and the factors that helped her on this journey of wellbeing and starting Nuru House.
I hope this episode carries gems that you can incorporate into your everyday life. May this episode encourage you into doing your best for your wellbeing. Health is wealth, and there is NEVER enough wealth. So, let's get well.
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U
There comes a time where one has to just sit and acknowledge what's going around them and within them. This episode, is that very process, for me.
It's so easy to get caught in all the formalities and responsibilities that a day can have - and to repeat that formula, every day, can cause you to forget to sit and reflect. To take things in and just speak about whatever's within one's heart.
This is my diary entry, in which I speak freely, about what's within my mind, without any plans or scripts. Just me, talking and having a conversation, with the Genge!
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U.
One of the most beautiful things about love is knowing when you're being loved, in full capacity. It is this very feeling, that is a part of the best things you could ever experience, in life. To know, that someone loves you and chooses you with everything they have? Magical. You could even call it poetic, if you want to liken it to that level.
But, what happens when you're in a situation or relationship where you can feel that the love just is not enough? Is it fair to stay, in the name of struggle love, to hopefully get what you deserve? Or, maybe it's just a situation where you're banking on potential? All of these are situations we all have been through. You can feel your person of interest having a liking towards you, but it's not enough to build on. You don't feel your person giving their all, into what you two are hoping to achieve.
And, this is what this episode is about! Join Solami and I, as we speak about this phenomenon of navigating situations or relationships where you're not getting enough of what you deserve and how to deal with that. We have some lovely pointers, in which we hope, you keep as you're finding your special person!
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U
During the month of June, attention is dedicated to the mental wellness of men, across the globe. The purpose of Men’s Health Month, is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.
Today, I am joined by my sound engineer, Kelvin Chilezi, as we have a brief conversation around Men's Mental Health and the awareness around it.
Sho, Genge!Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.UThis is the second episode of the second instalment of the The Assembly - Junior Year, recorded live in Cape Town.In this episode, The Genge & I, Pt.3, Katlego and I have a sit down in which we go through the questions received from The Genge. As always, this is always a fun and fulfilling way of connecting with my audience in a way that's interactive and informative, at the same time.In retrospect, these are the moments that remind me of how far I've come and the many people that have joined me on this ride, as I navigate what life has in store, for me. I hope this episode helps you with 'pearls' you can keep as you navigate your life and work in your purpose!
Sho, Genge!
Welcome back to ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.U. This is the first episode from the Cape Town leg of The Assembly - Junior Year.
It was such a pleasure to be with The Genge, all the way in the Western Cape. Let me share a Bible verse that speaks to the core of this episode from Isaiah 43:19
"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
This episode is a full circle moment, for me. I remember some of my worst moments in my life were experienced in Cape Town. To come back here, hosting The Assembly with my team? Feels like a victory lap in which God takes all the credit. When we analyze the Bible verse above, we're being reminded of how God's power surpasses all. He makes a way where our eyes and our minds cannot see or fathom. We all have moments where we're lost within the wilderness or the desert. It somewhat feels like there is no clear way forward, but I am a testament of the fact that God's plans for you will supersede anything beyond your wildest dreams.
Join me, as I share gems around the different aspects of life, that I have learned about. Through the concepts of spirituality, friendship, relationships and personal growth. It's going to be an amazing ride, so I suggest you 'Put On Your Seatbelt'
Sho, Genge!Welcome back to another episode of ASIAS, with your girl, Sis G.UThis is the second episode and the second instalment of the The Assembly - Junior Year, recorded live in Johannesburg.In this episode, The Genge & I, Pt.2, Pearl and I have a sit down in which we go through the questions received from The Genge. As always, this is always a fun and fulfilling way of connecting with my audience in a way that's interactive and informative, at the same time.In retrospect, these are the moments that remind me of how far I've come and the many people that have joined me on this ride, as I navigate what life has in store, for me. I hope this episode helps you with 'pearls' you can keep as you navigate your life and work in your purpose!
Sho, Genge.Welcome to the new season of my podcast, After School is After School with Sis G.U!Writing this comes with the goosebumps that one would have, when starting a new school year - along with a new school curriculum. There's a lot of anticipation, excitement but most of all? An immense feeling of gratitude. This season's curriculum is bigger and better - as we're growing together in experience and faith. I have no doubt in my mind that the lessons and discoveries that I have to share, in this new season, will be beneficial to the Genge in our own personal capacities. We're kicking off the new season, within the conforms of my annual event, The Assembly. It's always an incredible blessing to be with my tribe, in which we can fellowship together and connect in synergy. With that being said, this episode is a reflection back into the season that was and my growth from where I was. The perspective I chose to observe this retrospect in, is through the old adage of, "To Whom Much Is Given, Much is Tested". The more blessings that God bestows on us, the more we have to let go of what we know and trust in Him, completely. Although, this is easier said than done, we can rest assured knowing that God has plans that is bigger than us. Plans that bear fruits of prosperity, within our purpose.I trust that this episode has some beautiful gems from my experiences that you can implement in your own life, as people on the quest to fulfil their purpose, in faith.
Sho, Genge! Welcome back to another episode with your girl, Sis G.U!
The older we get, the more serious life becomes. With that old adage, it’s no surprise that our late twenties are probably the most uncertain times of one’s life. The constant tug between feeling like you’re advancing somewhere & feeling like you’re uncertain about where and how your life is taking shape. It’s in these moments where nostalgia can hit you like a truck, making you really reminisce on how life once was and how easier things were - being early in our youth.
In this episode, I am joined by my dear friend, Yanga Magic, as we share time speaking about what the late twenties entail and the growing pains of it. Join us, as we share laughs, memories and experiences in which we hope you can take as you journey in your own path - navigating your late twenties.
Always remember, you got this! You are where you need to be. Everything will come together, just as God intended! - Visa fler