
  • If you're feeling stuck in your career, constantly repeating the same thing year after year, and feeling like there's no opportunity for growth, then you are not alone! Breaking out of that feeling of being trapped in a box can seem overwhelming, but there's a way forward.
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover how professional coaching can propel your career to new heights.

    Learn how coaching can break through career plateaus and reignite your professional journey.

    Uncover the essential skills needed to excel as a new manager through an engaging workshop.

    Explore the impact of AI on future job markets and how to stay ahead in your career.

    Gain insights into fostering psychological safety in the workplace for a more positive and inclusive environment.

    My special guest is Kim Nicol
    Kim Nicol, an accomplished certified coach specializing in mindfulness, communication, and leadership, brings a unique blend of experiences to the table. From her background as a lawyer to her role as a yoga teacher and meditation instructor, Kim's diverse journey has equipped her with invaluable insights into career transitions and leadership development. As the creator of the essential skills for new managers workshop at General Assembly in San Francisco and the host of the new manager podcast, she has made a significant impact on individuals across diverse industries. With her expertise in cultivating psychological safety in the workplace, Kim offers a fresh and insightful perspective for those navigating career advancements and seeking support.
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introducing the World of Difference Podcast

    00:01:20 - Guest Introduction - Kim Nicol

    00:03:01 - Diversity in Career and Culture

    00:06:33 - Challenges of New Manager Training

    00:13:29 - Importance of Communication Skills

    00:15:09 - Importance of Manager Support and Development

    00:16:38 - Impact of Managers on Employee Experience

    00:19:22 - Career Advancement for Women

    00:21:58 - Overcoming Barriers for Women in the Workplace

    00:26:31 - Importance of Coaching for New Managers

    00:30:09 - The Power of Networking

    00:34:30 - Embracing Humanity in Leadership

    00:37:21 - Overcoming Career Stagnation

    00:42:04 - Finding Support and Tools

    00:45:53 - The Power of Coaching

    00:46:33 - Finding Direction in Life

    00:47:07 - Support in Challenging Times

    00:48:24 - Exclusive Insights with Kim

    00:48:52 - Making a Difference







    https://www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference (Join us for an exclusive EPS with Kim where host Lori Adams-Brown asks her about her life's biggest influence. She shares an inspiring story of immigration and grit from someone very special in her life. Don't miss it!)

  • Are you ready for the unexpected? Dive into the world of adoptee-centered approaches with Cameron Lee Small, a licensed clinical counselor and transracial adoptee. Get ready to be moved as we unravel the layers of grief, loss, and empowerment in the adoptee journey. But that's not all—there's an exclusive deeper conversation waiting for you. Join us in the Difference Maker community to explore how you can be part of making a difference. It's a special place, and we'd love to have you there. So, get ready to join the conversation and make a difference together. Are you in?
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Embracing Grief and Loss: Discover ways to navigate the complex emotions of grief and loss in adoption, fostering empathy and understanding for your child's experience.

    Impact of Transracial Adoption: Explore the profound impact of transracial adoption on an individual's identity, gaining insights to support your child's unique journey.

    Mental Health Support: Learn how to provide crucial mental health support for adoptees, fostering a nurturing environment for their emotional well-being.

    Adoptee-Centered Approaches: Delve into adoptee-centered approaches that prioritize your child's needs and experiences, nurturing a deeper connection within your family.

    Building Empathy: Gain valuable insights into building empathy within your adoptive family, creating a supportive and understanding environment for your child's identity exploration.

    My special guest is Cameron Lee Small
    Meet Cameron Lee Small, a licensed clinical counselor, transracial adoptee, and mental health advocate based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Having been born in South Korea and adopted into a family in the United States, Cameron brings a wealth of personal and professional experience to the adoption landscape. With a background in psychology and counseling psychology, he has channeled his insights into authoring a memoir, "This is Why I Was Adopted," which serves as an interactive workbook for adoptees and families. Cameron's expertise extends to delivering adoption-informed essays, public speaking, and training sessions on adoptee-centered approaches. His work delves deep into the mental health needs of adoptees and their families, offering a compassionate and informed perspective that resonates with those navigating the complexities of adoption. His private practice, Therapy Redeemed, specializes in the mental health needs of adoptees and their families wherever they may be in their own adoption journey.
    His newly released book is The Adoptee's Journey: From Loss and Trauma to Healing and Empowerment.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction and Sponsorship by Betterhelp (10% off your first month of therapy)

    00:01:42 - Cameron's Personal Journey as an Adoptee

    00:02:32 - Cameron's Newly-Releasing Book

    00:09:41 - Navigating Difficult Conversations About Adoption and Race

    00:14:47 - Supporting Adoptees in Navigating Identity and Attachment

    00:16:10 - The Impact of Adoption on Identity Development

    00:18:09 - Challenges of International Adoption Narratives

    00:21:25 - Connecting with Birth Culture

    00:25:54 - Support and Empowerment in Adoption

    00:27:41 - Understanding the Impact of Adoption

    00:31:31 - Exploring Identity and Ambiguous Loss

    00:33:13 - Reconnecting with Birth Family

    00:36:40 - Ongoing Journey of Reunion and Adoption

    00:38:41 - Unresolved Grief and Parenting Strategies

    00:46:19 - Supporting Adoptees Throughout Life

    00:47:09 - Gratitude for the Guest

    00:47:56 - Understanding Grief in Adoption

    00:48:54 - Centering the Adoptee's Experience

    Join to access exclusive content for as little as $5 a month.

    Lori Adams-Brown







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  • Are you ready to uncover the unexpected link between French cuisine, midlife acceptance, and the resilience found in a tiny winemaking village? Join Steve Hoffman, an award-winning writer and memoirist, as he shares his journey of cultural immersion and self-discovery. You won't want to miss the open loop of his unique insights that are sure to stir a sense of wonder within you. Keep an eye out for his upcoming memoir, "A Season for That: Lost and Found in the Other Southern France," for a deep dive into his transformative experiences.
    BIG REVEAL: Get ready to savor the flavors of life and the unexpected truths that come with it.
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Embracing cultural differences to thrive in a new environment.

    Discovering the enriching rewards of extended stays in one foreign location.

    Unveiling the impact of French cuisine on the global culinary landscape.

    Capturing and sharing personal experiences through the art of memoir writing.

    Nurturing and navigating the unique upbringing of third culture kids in France.

    My special guest is Steve Hoffman
    Steve Hoffman, a Minnesota-based tax preparer and food writer, has achieved recognition for his culinary expertise, including the prestigious 2019 James Beard MFK Fisher Distinguished Writing Award. His contributions have been featured in esteemed publications such as Food and Wine, the Washington Post, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. With an upcoming memoir titled "A Season for That: Lost and Found in the Other Southern France," Hoffman provides a unique perspective on cultural adaptation, the global influence of French cuisine, and the complexities of raising third culture kids in France. Through his extensive experience and compelling storytelling, Hoffman offers valuable insights into navigating culture shock abroad and the profound impact of French culinary traditions on global food culture. His expertise and passion for cross-cultural experiences make him a valuable resource for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of cultural immersion and resilience.
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction and Sponsorship

    00:02:05 - Steve's Background and Career Journey

    00:08:59 - Finding Identity in France

    00:11:55 - Embracing Present Circumstances

    00:14:06 - Acceptance and Family

    00:14:54 - The Human Experience and Cultural Influence

    00:16:27 - Analytical Brain and Creativity with Food

    00:19:29 - Influence and Personal Commitment

    00:23:56 - Finding Satisfaction in Deep Commitment

    00:27:48 - Travel Advice

    00:28:49 - Embracing the Unexpected in French Polynesia

    00:30:15 - French Influence in Southeast Asia

    00:32:05 - Exploring Mediterranean French Cuisine

    00:35:10 - Overcoming Culture Shock

    00:37:29 - Embracing Cultural Diversity Through Food

    00:43:01 - The Immersive Read and Deeper Topics

    00:43:23 - The Importance of Pre-Orders

    00:43:46 - Embracing New Cultures

    00:44:51 - Connecting Through Food

    00:51:08 - Final Thoughts and Takeaways

    Join us for an exclusive EPS with Steve Hoffman in our Difference Makers community on Patreon. This exclusive episode isn't available any where else but here: https://www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference

    One way you can make a difference and help people find us is to leave us a review. It doesn't take long, but it really does make a difference! Leave a review here: https://www.aworldofdifferencepodcast.com/reviews/new/







  • If you're feeling overwhelmed and burnt out from the demands of the education system, then you are not alone! Many educators find themselves struggling to navigate the pressures of teaching and managing their own well-being in the midst of it all. The constant juggling act of meeting expectations, dealing with student needs, and managing personal stress can leave you feeling exhausted and depleted. If you're looking for a way to break free from this cycle and find a sense of balance and purpose, then you are in the right place!
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Cultivate inner peace and resilience through transformative inner work practices.

    Discover the profound impact of somatic exercises on mental well-being and emotional balance.

    Enhance your resilience and well-being through personal development strategies tailored for educators.

    Unleash the power of creativity for emotional healing and self-discovery.

    Equip yourself with effective strategies to navigate and prevent educator burnout.

    My special guest is Andrew Lang
    Andrew Lang is an educator in the Pacific Northwest, an alumnus of Richard Rohr’s Living School for Action and Contemplation, and core facilitator of the Inner Work Cohort. He is the author of Unmasking the Inner Critic: Lessons for Living an Unconstricted Life and writes frequently on the importance of questioning the narratives we’ve been handed and how we can bring together our personal inner work with collective activism and healing. You can find more of his work and offerings at www.AndrewGLang.com.
    Giveaway: Sign up for one free spot in the October Cohort for A World of Difference podcast listeners specifically.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction and Sponsorship by Betterhelp

    00:03:53 - Andrew's Journey as an Educator

    00:09:55 - Posture Shift and Personal Development

    00:12:08 - Impact of the System on Educators

    00:13:25 - Transformation and Inspiring Stories

    00:14:45 - The Impact of Narratives

    00:16:36 - Shifting Responsibilities

    00:20:22 - Unpacking Cultural Narratives

    00:24:47 - Fear of Change

    00:26:33 - The Practice of Resilience

    00:29:56 - Grounding Practices for Wellness and Resilience

    00:30:53 - Impact of Somatics and Trauma

    00:32:48 - Providing Tools for Healing

    00:35:31 - The Power of Poetry and Music

    00:43:08 - Inner Work Cohort and Practice-Oriented Learning

    00:44:22 - Embracing the Journey Together

    00:44:49 - Integration of Learnings

    00:46:09 - Exclusive Deep Dive

    00:47:06 - Appreciation for Educators

    00:48:28 - Summer Break and Refreshment

    Resources Andrew mentioned:

    Resmaa Menakem, My Grandmother's Hands

    Gabor Maté, The Myth of Normal

    Mirabai Starr, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics

    Need a little help? Sign up for 10% off your first month at Better Help today at: www.betterhelp.com/difference






  • Does it sound familiar to be promised change in a faith community, only to be let down time and time again? Perhaps you've been told that praying and hoping for change is the answer, but the pain of unfulfilled promises and ongoing trauma lingers. Are you tired of empty words and unmet expectations, especially when it comes to addressing clergy sexual abuse and spiritual trauma? It's time to acknowledge the impact and seek real solutions. Let's dive into empowering advocacy and validation of experiences. Join us in finding healing and change with abuse survivor and advocate Christa Brown in part 2.
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover strategies for surviving clergy sexual abuse and reclaiming personal power.

    Explore the profound impact of spiritual abuse within faith communities and find ways to heal.

    Gain insights into the history and current efforts of the Southern Baptist Convention in addressing clergy abuse.

    Learn effective ways to advocate for change within religious organizations and support fellow survivors.

    Uncover the importance of professional counseling in the journey towards healing from trauma.

    My special guest is Christa Brown
    Christa Brown is an inspiring figure who has dedicated her life to advocating for survivors of clergy sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. As the author of the newly released book Baptistland, she bravely shares her own experiences of abuse, betrayal, and transformation, shedding light on the reality of clergy sex abuse and cover-ups within the US's largest protestant denomination. With a background as a retired appellate attorney, a mother, and a grandmother, Christa brings a unique perspective and unwavering determination to demand reforms and bring about change within religious organizations. Her insights and experiences offer valuable knowledge and empowerment to those navigating the complex journey of healing from trauma and seeking justice. Follow Christa on X/Twitter.
    Listen to the first of the 2 part EPS here.
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction and Sponsor Message

    00:02:00 - Trigger Warning and Introduction of Guest

    00:03:13 - Skepticism and Empty Promises

    00:11:37 - Cultivating Skepticism

    00:14:39 - Applause for Perpetrators

    00:16:46 - Lack of Consequences for Harmful Behavior

    00:19:10 - Lack of Change in Leadership

    00:22:23 - Troubling Hotline Operations

    00:25:02 - Spiritual Abuse and Inappropriate Prayers

    00:30:22 - Seeking Accountability and Restitution

    00:34:31 - Challenges of Changing from Within

    00:36:07 - Call to Action and Concerns

    00:37:24 - Importance of Christa's Voice

    00:38:12 - Impact of Christa's Memoir

    00:39:38 - Invitation to Join the Difference Makers Community for an exclusive EPS with Christa Brown and much more

    Check out host Lori Adams-Brown's latest Substack newsletter: The Bully Pulpit
    Why Whistleblowing as a Former Woman Pastor in a Southern Baptist Church Has Nuance







  • Uncover the shocking reality of the Southern Baptist Convention's actions with clergy sexual abuse survivor, Christa Brown. From disturbing cover-ups to unexpected alliances, her story will make you question everything you thought you knew. Stay tuned for a powerful journey of resilience, advocacy, and the quest for justice. You won't want to miss the unexpected twists and turns in part two of this eye-opening conversation.
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the resilience and strength in clergy sexual abuse survivor stories, inspiring hope and empowerment.

    Uncover the lasting effects of spiritual abuse in adulthood and how to navigate healing and growth.

    Understand the role of the Southern Baptist Convention in abuse cover-ups, shedding light on the importance of accountability and transparency.

    Advocate for child abuse survivors and learn how collective action can bring about meaningful change and support.

    Explore the impact of living abroad on worldview, gaining a broader perspective on cultural influences and personal growth.

    My special guest is Christa Brown
    Christa Brown, a retired attorney and a strong advocate for child abuse survivors, brings a wealth of experience and insight to the conversation. With her new book, "Baptistland," she courageously shares her own journey of abuse, betrayal, and eventual transformation, shedding light on the pervasive issue of clergy sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. As one of the top ten religion newsmakers of 2022, Brown's unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth and demanding reforms within the denomination has made a significant impact. Her resilience and determination have not only inspired survivors but also sparked conversations about the crucial role of advocacy and collective action in addressing spiritual abuse.
    X (Twitter): @ChristaBrown777
    Subscribe to In Solidarity on Substack!
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Trigger Warning: Discussion of Abuse

    00:01:09 - Introduction to Christa Brown

    00:03:36 - Living Abroad and Changing Worldview

    00:07:07 - Family Dynamics and Abuse

    00:16:43 - Delay in Reckoning with Abuse

    00:17:54 - The Power of Sharing Stories

    00:19:25 - Southern Baptist Convention's Amicus Brief

    00:21:44 - Lack of Accountability

    00:24:48 - Words vs. Actions

    00:33:26 - Call to Action

    00:34:57 - Importance of Checks and Balances

    00:35:37 - Continuing the Call to Action

    00:36:05 - Sitting in Darkness

    00:37:09 - Preview of Next Week's Episode

    Join our Difference Maker community for an exclusive interview with Christa where she answers Lori's question about which of the 4 deaths were the hardest. Her answer will surprise you. Join here to watch the exclusive episode video: https://www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference






  • Are you ready for a living abroad story with an unexpected twist? What if I told you that a TCK, who has traversed the globe and faced earthquake disasters, is now crowd-funding a memoir that unveils his journey through polarized worlds? This is not your ordinary travelogue. Join me in uncovering the heart-wrenching and inspiring stories that have shaped Michael Sullivan's life. Stay tuned for a peek into a world where personal growth and societal impact collide in unexpected ways. Trust me, this is a narrative you don't want to miss.
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the transformative benefits of therapy for personal growth and self-awareness.

    Navigate the unique challenges and growth opportunities of being a Third Culture Kid.

    Unleash the power of personal storytelling through memoir writing for self-discovery and connection.

    Learn how to build bridges and foster understanding in a polarized world.

    Explore the profound impact of immigration on personal and societal levels.

    My special guest is Michael Sullivan
    As the host of the "Where Are You From? A TCK Podcast," Michael Sullivan brings a wealth of personal and professional experiences to the table. Growing up and living as an expat in different countries, from Thailand to the Philippines, and now residing in Turkey as an English language expert, Michael's journey as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) is both captivating and insightful. His forthcoming book, "Building Bridges: Can We Love and Relate in a Polarized World," dives into the impact of immigration and the challenges of cultural identity, offering a fresh and empathetic take on these pertinent issues. With his unique blend of memoir storytelling and global perspective, Michael is a compelling guest for anyone seeking personal growth, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of the world's diverse cultures.
    We don't have to be completely comfortable with the way other people think, but we certainly can learn something from them. - Michael Sullivan
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction to the Podcast and Guest

    00:01:03 - Sponsorship and Personal Growth

    00:02:40 - Welcoming Michael Sullivan

    00:05:28 - Connection through Global Experiences

    00:12:21 - Immigration and Understanding Perspectives

    00:16:03 - Journey from Venezuela to New Mexico

    00:17:12 - Unresolved Grief and Pain

    00:18:07 - Bridging First and Third Worlds

    00:20:51 - Overcoming Fear and Embracing Differences

    00:31:53 - Hope for the Future

    00:33:25 - The importance of understanding others

    00:34:48 - The necessity of facing challenges

    00:37:03 - The process of healing and growth

    00:40:17 - Finding purpose in adversity

    00:43:53 - Crowdfunding the book

    00:48:02 - Building Bridges and Making a Difference

    00:48:40 - Exclusive Interview with Michael Sullivan

    00:49:15 - Join the Difference Maker Community

    00:49:40 - Connect and Share in the Community

    00:50:28 - Keep Making a Difference
    Follow us:

  • Do you want to understand how survivors of religious trauma are finding the strength to reclaim their lives and make a difference? Join us as we explore a story of resilience, transformation, and healing in the face of religious abuse and domestic violence. We'll be sharing the solution so that you can achieve that result. Get ready to hear a shocking and moving story of how a survivor escaped when her life depended on it.
    Trauma took your past, but it does not have to have your present and your future, too. And you are the one in charge of that. - Tia Levings
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Explore personal stories of escaping Christian patriarchy and find inspiration for your own journey to empowerment.

    Learn about the profound impact of religious trauma on mental health and discover strategies for healing and resilience.

    Uncover the complexities of domestic violence within religious contexts and gain insights into supporting survivors.

    Gain a deep understanding of deconstructing fundamentalism in modern politics and its implications on society.

    Discover effective strategies for healing and recovery from religious abuse, empowering yourself to move forward with strength and confidence.

    My special guest is Tia Levings
    Tia Levings is an insightful writer, podcaster, and speaker, with a focus on the realities of Christian fundamentalism, evangelical patriarchy, and religious trauma. Her expertise has been featured in notable publications such as Salon, the Huffington Post, and Newsweek. As a content strategist, Tia delves into the impact of religious trauma on mental health, domestic violence within religious contexts, and the deconstruction of fundamentalism in modern politics, shedding light on these critical issues. Her forthcoming memoir, "A Well Trained Wife," chronicles her personal journey of escaping Christian patriarchy, presenting a compelling and courageous narrative that promises to resonate with those seeking empowerment and healing from religious abuse. Tia's work is driven by her passion for advocating resilience and recovery from religious trauma. Tia is on Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introducing Tia Levings

    00:01:17 - Trigger Warning and Self-Care

    00:02:25 - Growing Up in Mainstream Fundamentalism

    00:05:22 - Trauma and Dogmatism

    00:07:42 - Effects of Fundamentalism on Women

    00:14:08 - The Influence of High Control Religion

    00:15:34 - The Pressure of Traditional Gender Roles

    00:16:55 - Red Flags and High Control Religion

    00:20:47 - The Manipulative Nature of Patriarchy

    00:25:53 - Addressing Pushbacks and Myths

    00:27:34 - The Incredulity of Religious Trauma

    00:28:22 - Challenges in Seeking Justice

    00:29:26 - Empowering Survivors

    00:32:35 - Finding Solidarity and Community

    00:38:27 - Building Healthy Relationships

    00:41:09 - The Impact of Religious Trauma

    00:43:18 - Coping with Discomfort and Denial

    00:44:50 - Healing from Religious Trauma

    00:46:31 - Advocating for Survivors

    00:53:18 - Taking Action and Making a Difference

    00:56:22 - Understanding Mental Illness and Abuse

    00:57:11 - Seeking Justice for Mica

    00:57:45 - Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence

    00:58:30 - Making a Difference 

    Follow us:

  • Hey there, difference makers and global leaders! Ever feel like you've been told to just "toughen up" when facing life's challenges? Maybe you've tried to push through the pain and suffering, only to find yourself feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? If that sounds familiar, you're not alone. Let's talk about building resilience and embracing vulnerability to navigate life's twists and turns in a healthier way.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Strengthen your leadership skills by building resilience in the face of challenges.

    Unlock your potential for success by cultivating a growth mindset.

    Discover the power of self-care in navigating life's obstacles and maintaining balance.

    Master strategies for overcoming jet lag to make the most of your travels.

    Embrace vulnerability and emotions to unlock personal growth and self-discovery.

    Resilience isn't necessarily about avoiding adversity, because let's just be real. Life has pain and suffering in it. And if we ignore that, that's not increasing our resilience. It's only burying that deep inside our bodies in a way that it will spill out later through some unresolved grief. - Lori Adams Brown

    Building Resilience as a Leader
    Effective leadership involves building resilience to navigate challenges and setbacks. Resilient leaders can inspire and motivate others through their own ability to bounce back from adversity. By embracing vulnerability and learning from difficult experiences, leaders can cultivate resilience that strengthens their decision-making and problem-solving skills.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit www.betterhelp.com/difference for 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp. This offer is specifically for the listeners of the podcast and is a gift from the host to help you understand what it takes to move forward in a healthier way.

    Join the Patreon community Difference Makers at www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference to access exclusive episodes, interact with other listeners, and receive sneak peeks into upcoming events and giveaways. Different tiers are available, starting at $5 a month.

    Share your tips and tricks for building resilience, especially for those who travel and work through jet lag, speak at events and conferences, and maintain connections with family back home. Engage with the community and contribute to the conversation.

    Reach out to the host if you're in a location where she's traveling and would like to meet. Listeners are encouraged to connect with the host during her travels and share how the podcast has impacted them.

    Embrace challenges, cultivate resilience, and discover the strength and courage within yourself. Prioritize self-care and resilience-building, and model this behavior for others to give them permission to do the same. Let the host know how you're building resilience on social media or in our Difference Makers community.

    Resilience isn't just about weathering the storm. It's actually about learning to find joy, and find even joy memories in your own past that can help you walk through that resilience. - Lori Adams Brown
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Embracing Resilience in Life

    00:02:00 - Resilience During Travel

    00:03:07 - Prioritizing Self-Compassion

    00:05:09 - Discovering Inner Resilience

    00:08:15 - Cultivating Resilience

    00:13:23 - Building Resilience During Travel

    00:15:13 - Cultivating a Growth Mindset

    00:19:43 - Building Resilient Communities

    00:21:40 - Finding Joy and Resilience






  • If you're feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of racial justice and faith intersections, and wondering how to truly make a difference, then you are not alone! The struggle to understand the historical context and apply it to modern-day challenges can be daunting. Many may be seeking guidance on how to effectively navigate these issues and create meaningful change.
    Jemar Tisby, the New York Times bestselling author of "The Color of Compromise," is a historian, author, and speaker. His work has been featured in reputable platforms such as CNN, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and the New York Times. Jemar's expertise in addressing the truth about the American church's complicity in racism makes him a significant voice in the intersection of faith and racial justice. As a PhD candidate in history at the University of Mississippi, his commitment to shedding light on historical lessons from abolitionist movements and advocating for social reform through interracial solidarity is evident in his work. Jemar's impact extends beyond academia as he is the founder and president of the Witness of Black Christian Collective and the co-host of the Pass the Mic podcast. His dedication to historical research and advocacy for justice makes him an influential figure in the conversation on racial equity and social change.
    Doug Strong, an esteemed author and professor with a wealth of knowledge in American religious history, specifically focusing on the 19th-century revivalism and social reform, is a vital voice in the discussion of faith and racial justice. With an MDIV and a PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary, Doug's expertise and dedication to understanding the historical abolitionist movements bring valuable insights to the current social and racial justice landscape. As a committed pastor and a professor at Seattle Pacific University, Doug's passion for intercultural learning and his extensive experience in leading students on international trips underscore his commitment to shaping a global perspective on faith and justice. His contributions to the Awakening to Justice: Faithful Voices from the Abolitionist Past project reflect his deep understanding of the impact of historical narratives on contemporary social reform.
    The theological, the Christian principle of loving your neighbor as yourself is still applicable in that situation. And what it forces us to do is to try to perceive the world from another person's perspective, which is what a world of difference podcast is all about. - Jemar Tisby
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Explore the profound impact of faith on driving meaningful change in racial justice movements.

    Uncover valuable historical insights and powerful tactics used by abolitionist movements to inspire modern-day activism.

    Discover the pivotal role of interracial solidarity in advancing social reform and creating lasting change.

    Learn actionable strategies from historical abolitionists to empower and guide today's activists in their advocacy work.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit awakeningtojustice.com for free resources related to the book Awakening to Justice: Faithful Voices from the Abolitionist Past, including a discussion guide, sermon ideas, music suggestions, worship song ideas, and a 35-minute film documentary.

    Order a copy of "Awakening to Justice," at: https://www.ivpress.com/awakening-to-justice and get a discount just for A World of Difference podcast listeners with promo code: IVPPOD20

    Subscribe to Jemar Tisby's substack at jemartisby.substack.com for more of his writing and insights on racial justice and faith.

    The justification follows the action. In the case of us race-based chattel slavery, slaveholders were going to get their money. They were going to find laborers. They were going to increase their bottom line by not paying them. And then they were going to come up with the rationale and the reasoning to justify it. - Jemar Tisby

  • Does this sound familiar? Have you ever felt the pressure of unrealistic expectations weighing you down, leaving you questioning your worth? It's a struggle many of us face, especially as women, and it can be incredibly disheartening. But what if there was a way to break free from the cycle and embrace your true self-worth? Let's dive into how embracing individuality and self-worth through empowering messages in music can transform your life.
    My special guest is Shannan Copland
    Shannan Copland, an indie pop artist based in Portland, Oregon, is recognized for her impactful and relatable music as a singer/songwriter. Born and raised in the SF Bay Area, California, she studied music from a young age, with a strong foundation in piano and vocal training. Collaborating with musicians and educators globally, including ones in Norway, Italy, and Portugal, has enriched her musical style with diverse cultural influences. With a love for piano and voice, she involved herself in every musical opportunity available and her passion for songwriting ignited during her teenage years. After high school, Shannan toured the United States with a group singing in schools and also performed in a theater. Her upcoming release "Enough" is poised to further empower women by promoting self-worth and authenticity. Shannan's music contains powerful messages that resonate with audiences, offering a source of strength and self-acceptance, particularly for women navigating their unique journeys.
    Shannan and her husband spent the first decade of their marriage mostly living abroad in Portugal and Italy where they started a non-profit organization together. Working with talented musicians, artists and individuals from around the globe combined with her experiences living abroad have influenced her perspectives on life and the world around her which also reflect in her songwriting. Now, as she releases her own music, Shannan hopes to encourage, inspire, and provoke deeper thought through her music for listeners.
    Her newest single “Enough” releases on April 12 and serves as the underlying anthem of much of her music. With its driving pop rock beat, “Enough” inspires listeners to be their authentic selves, reject image management, and not let other’s opinions or standards hold them back from achieving their aspirations.
    "You are enough. The world may think otherwise of you, but it doesn't matter. Their opinions do not change your worth. Stand in that worth." - Shannan Copland
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover how Shannan Copland's indie pop music inspires self-acceptance and empowerment for women.

    Explore the profound impact of music on boosting self-worth and confidence for women.

    Uncover the creative songwriting process and inspirational sources behind empowering music for women.

    Understand the diverse cultural perspectives on modesty and beauty and their influence on harmful expectations for women.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Sign up for Shannan Copland's newsletter on her website, ShannanCopland.com, to get an early sneak peek and listen to her new song Enough before its official release on April 12.

    Follow Shannan Copland on Instagram and other social platforms at ShannonCoplandmusic to stay updated on her latest releases and news.

    Listen to Shannan Copland's new song Enough on Spotify or your preferred music streaming platform on April 12, and share it with your friends and family to spread the empowering message.

    Stay tuned for Shannan Copland's upcoming releases, including a fun summer song and an emotional track for Mother's Day, to continue experiencing her meaningful and thought-provoking music.

    "I want people to, after they hear this song, just to feel liberated and feel that they're worthy and that they can go out and face whatever challenges they have ahead in their own skin and be confident in that." - Shannan Copland

  • Unlearning silence isn't just about finding your voice; it's about recognizing the ways we've all been complicit in silencing others. And the surprising insights from a Harvard lecturer will have you rethinking the impact of silence in your world. Join the conversation to uncover the hidden ways we contribute to silence and discover how to foster inclusive communication. It's time to unlearn the silence that holds us back. Stay tuned for the unexpected wisdom that will leave you reevaluating your role in creating a more inclusive world.

    My special guest is Elaine Lin Hering.

    Elaine Lin Hering is a renowned facilitator, speaker, and writer with extensive experience in communication, collaboration, and conflict management. Drawing from her background as a former managing partner of Triad Consulting Group and a lecturer at Harvard Law School, Elaine's expertise spans across various industries and continents, working with corporate, government, and nonprofit clients. Her personal journey as an immigrant from Taiwan to the United States adds a unique perspective to her work, diving deep into the impact of cultural differences on communication and strategies for inclusive leadership. With her compelling insights and vulnerability, Elaine's book, Unlearning Silence: How to Speak Your Mind, Unleash Talent, and Live More Fully, resonates with individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of silence and voice in personal and professional growth.

    In what ways are the often very well-intentioned people around me, such as my manager, who in their heart of hearts wants to support me, actually silencing me? - Elaine Lin Hering

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Embrace the power of inclusive communication and unlearn silence in professional environments.

    Enhance your communication and collaboration skills to foster a more inclusive work environment.

    Explore the impact of cultural differences on communication and how it influences team dynamics.

    Discover effective strategies for inclusive leadership and building stronger team dynamics.

    Understand the role of silence in personal and professional growth, and how it can positively impact your workplace interactions.

    Embrace the Power of Inclusive Communication
    Inclusive communication in professional environments is essential for fostering a sense of belonging and diversity. By embracing diverse voices and perspectives, teams can collaborate more effectively and achieve better results. Creating a space where everyone feels heard and valued cultivates a positive work culture and promotes innovation.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Join the Difference Maker Community at www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference to access exclusive episodes and support the show for as little as $5 a month.

    Follow Lori Adams-Brown on Twitter @loriadbr and on Instagram @loriadamsbrown to stay connected and share your suggestions for future guests on the show.

    Check out Elaine Lin Hering's book Unlearning How to Speak Your Mind, Unleash Talent, and Live More Fully to gain deeper insights into unlearning silence and fostering a more inclusive environment.

    Consider reaching out to Lori Adams-Brown to share your stories and experiences, as well as to suggest individuals who are making a difference and could be featured on the podcast.

    Explore the wisdom and advice shared by Elaine Lin Hering in the exclusive episode available in the Difference Maker Community, where she provides insights on self-care, resilience, and navigating challenging spaces.

    Being explicit doesn't mean that you have to be direct. Being explicit means, 'Oh, read the air. That's what is happening here. Can we name it?' - Elaine Lin Hering

  • Did you know that the Equal Rights Amendment, aimed at guaranteeing equal rights regardless of sex, has not yet been enshrined in the US Constitution? It's a surprising reality, especially when considering the global efforts for women's equality. In this episode, we'll uncover the resilience, setbacks, and ongoing advocacy surrounding the ERA in the United States, while also delving into the international bill of rights for women known as CEDAW. But here's the kicker - despite strides made through international efforts, disparities persist, underscoring the need for continued advocacy and support. Join us as we unravel the surprising history and explore what can be done to champion gender equality. This is a call to action for making a real difference in the fight for women's rights. Stay tuned for an eye-opening revelation that will spark your curiosity and inspire you to take action.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the transformative benefits of therapy for personal growth and empowerment.

    Uncover the profound impact and historical significance of the Equal Rights Amendment.

    Explore the global efforts and impact of CEDAW in advancing women's equality worldwide.

    Learn about the pivotal role of grassroots campaigns in driving political movements for gender equality.

    Understand the vital importance of voting for advocates of gender equality in creating lasting change.

    It's time. It's 2024, and all these other countries around the world have signed the CEDAW agreement, and the United States still hasn't. And also, we don't have an ERA for our own constitution, so what can we do? - Lori Adams Brown

    Global efforts of CEDAW
    The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) is an international treaty that aims to end discrimination against women in all forms. Global efforts under CEDAW highlight the importance of gender equality and the need for legislative measures to protect and promote women's rights. Supporting CEDAW initiatives can contribute to creating a more just and equal society for all individuals.
    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit www.betterhelp.com/difference to get 10% off your first month of therapy.

    Donate to Justice Revival at www.justicerevival.org/donate to contribute to initiatives aimed at advancing gender equality, including efforts to promote the ratification of the ERA and uphold the principles of CEDAW.

    Join the #Faith4ERA campaign at Justice Revival with any faith community to bring your experience and perspective around the movement for women's rights.

    Join the Difference Maker community at www.patreon.com/aworldofdifferences to access exclusive episodes, interact with exclusive posts, share your thoughts, and influence the direction of the podcast.

    Support organizations dedicated to the cause of gender equality, such as Justice Revival, by donating and standing in solidarity with women everywhere to ensure that the promise of equality becomes a reality for all.

    Human rights, women's rights, which are human rights, is so important. There's a lot of things we can get wrong, but that should just be a basic foundation. - Lori Adams Brown

    Impactful Equal Rights Amendment
    The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the US aims to constitutionally guarantee equal rights under the law for all genders. Despite facing hurdles and delays, the ERA remains critical in advancing gender equality and ensuring fair treatment for all individuals. Advocating for the ratification of the ERA is essential to promoting equal rights and opportunities for women and girls.

    Together, we can come together with our differences, male allies, women on behalf of our daughters and granddaughters and future generations, but also for us now. - Lori Adams Brown

  • If you're feeling like you're struggling to truly connect with others and make a significant impact as a leader, then you are not alone! The traditional approach of just speaking and not truly understanding others may not be yielding the results you desire. Instead of the impactful leadership and positive change you seek, you might be experiencing a lack of meaningful connections and a sense of frustration in your efforts to influence others.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Mastering the art of active listening to understand and connect with others on a deeper level.

    Enhancing leadership skills through powerful and effective communication strategies.

    Unveiling the impact of body language on successful and impactful global communication.

    Implementing proven strategies to propel global podcast growth and reach a wider audience.

    Harnessing the transformative power of empathy to drive positive social change on a global scale.

    Listening to understand is not just a kindness, but it's actually a superpower for you as a leader, as someone with influence.- Lori Adams-Brown
    Mastering the Art of Active Listening: Truly successful communication revolves around the power of active listening. This skill requires patience, humility, and a readiness to prioritize the narrative of others over personal agendas. When leveraged effectively, active listening can foster fruitful dialogues that enable empathy, mutual understanding, and growth.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Write down a call to action from this podcast and add it as your "plus one" for today. This could be a specific action or behavior that you want to implement based on what you've learned.

    Tell someone else about your call to action from this podcast. Sharing it with someone else increases the likelihood of following through.

    Message the host on social media and share what your call to action was from this podcast. This can help in being accountable and receiving feedback or encouragement.

    Invest in yourself as a leader and influencer by learning how to listen to understand better. This could involve seeking out resources, courses, or workshops on active listening and empathy.

    Keep making a difference wherever you are by actively practicing intentional, empathetic, and open-minded listening in your daily interactions.

    When we hear each other and truly listen to understand, with our differences, we make better decisions, we make greater impact on all the things we're trying to make better in the world. - Lori Adams-Brown

    Enhancing Leadership Through Communication: How one communicates as a leader significantly impacts their effectiveness. Central to this is the ability to listen with intent, as this enables better understanding of diverse perspectives and fosters empathetic collaborations. In honing this skill, leaders can transform their teams and communities, paving the way for progressive dialogue and change.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:01 - Introduction to the Power of Listening

    00:02:05 - The Skill of Listening to Understand

    00:06:59 - The Impact of Listening to Understand

    00:10:05 - The Importance of Body Language in Communication

    00:13:15 - The Power of Listening to Understand

    00:14:07 - Imagine the Impact of Listening to Understand

    00:15:34 - Harnessing the Superpower of Listening to Understand

    00:15:55 - Taking Action and Making a Difference

    00:16:54 - Making the World a Better Place
    Imagine if our world leaders, our policymakers, and imagine our influencers embracing the superpower of listening to understand.
    - Lori Adams-Brown

    Impact of Body Language: Communication transcends the use of verbal language, with body language accounting for a significant part of how messages are exchanged. Nuanced gestures, postures, and facial expressions often speak louder than words, providing insights into one's emotions and intentions. This underscores the need for leaders to be mindful of their body language to ensure constructive, empathetic communication.

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:01 - Introduction to the Power of Listening
    Lori introduces the podcast episode and emphasizes the importance of listening to understand in shaping our world and making a positive impact.

    00:02:05 - The Skill of Listening to Understand
    Lori delves into the skill of listening to understand and highlights the importance of paying attention in a world filled with distractions. She emphasizes the need to go beyond simply hearing words and to listen for facts, feelings, and values.

    00:06:59 - The Impact of Listening to Understand
    Lori discusses how listening to understand can lead to empathizing, suspending judgment, and asking clarifying questions. She emphasizes the importance of deeper relationships and making better decisions through truly listening and understanding others.

    00:10:05 - The Importance of Body Language in Communication
    Lori explores the significance of body language in communication, pointing out that it accounts for 55% of how we communicate. She highlights the complexities of navigating different cultures and the role of body language in diplomacy and effective leadership.

    00:13:15 - The Power of Listening to Understand
    Lori discusses how effective listening can lead to empathy, collaboration, and growth in leadership, diplomacy, and social change.

    00:14:07 - Imagine the Impact of Listening to Understand
    Lori emphasizes the transformative impact of listening to understand in global conflicts, social justice, climate change, and workplace environments.

    00:15:34 - Harnessing the Superpower of Listening to Understand
    Lori encourages listeners to cultivate the superpower of listening to understand and highlights the importance of diverse perspectives in solving global problems.

    00:15:55 - Taking Action and Making a Difference
    Lori motivates listeners to take action by writing down their call to action, sharing it with others, and investing in themselves as leaders and influencers.

    00:16:54 - Making the World a Better Place
    Lori concludes by thanking global listeners for joining the journey of exploration and emphasizes the importance of listening with intention, empathy, and an open mind for making a difference in the world.
    For those who are different and want to make a difference.






  • If you're feeling the weight of past trauma and struggling to find healing, then you are not alone! Many individuals have tried traditional methods of healing without finding the relief they seek. Instead of finding validation and empowerment through conventional means, there's a unique path to healing waiting to be discovered through creativity and art.

    My special guest is Erin Hung

    Erin Hung, an artist residing in Hong Kong, brings two decades of experience in the art and design space, collaborating with prominent global brands such as Chronicle Books, American Greetings, Liberty of London, and Selfridges. Her creative journey, spanning from illustration work to murals and community art, is intertwined with her deep commitment to advocacy. A graduate from Central St. Martins School of Art and Sotheby's Institute in London, Erin's practice now revolves around amplifying voices at the fringes, working closely with mental health organizations and NGOs like UNHCR. Her profound insight into the healing power of creativity, stemming from her own experiences with religious trauma, has led her to spearhead the social media movement "A to Z of trauma recovery," inviting survivors and marginalized communities to heal creatively together. With her compelling art and thoughtful advocacy, Erin is a beacon of inspiration and empowerment.

    Therapy is not just for those who are in crisis, although it's definitely for that. But therapy is also a place where you're just stepping into your own skin, figuring out who you are, what it is you're offering to the world around us, and how you're making the world a better place. - Lori Adams Brown
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover the transformative power of healing through creativity and art for personal growth and emotional well-being.

    Uncover the impact of spiritual abuse on faith and explore ways to navigate and heal from this trauma.

    Embrace the role of therapy as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery, unlocking your full potential.

    Navigate the intricate layers of cultural and religious identity, finding empowerment and validation through self-exploration.

    Experience the profound benefits of somatic practices for trauma recovery, fostering a deeper connection between mind and body.

    Impact of Spiritual Abuse
    Erin Hung shares her candid experiences of spiritual abuse within her faith community, highlighting an issue that is oftentimes overlooked or swept under the rug. Such experiences can cause an individual to internalize pain and shame, profoundly impacting their perceptions of self and their relationship with their faith. As Erin rightly emphasizes, acknowledging and addressing the impacts of spiritual abuse is crucial in the journey towards healing.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Follow Erin Hung on Instagram at @erinhung_studio to see her beautiful art and stay updated on her latest projects and movements.

    Contribute to the A to Z of trauma recovery movement by using the hashtag #AtoZofTraumaRecovery on social media to share your own creative expressions and join the community of healing and support.

    Explore the A to Z of trauma recovery hashtag on social media to view the diverse and impactful artwork and expressions shared by others in the community.

    Engage in right brain activities such as art, creativity, and expression to process and heal from trauma, allowing yourself to explore your own creative impulses and find healing through artistic endeavors.

    Reach out to Lori Adams-Brown to share your thoughts and experiences, and to connect with others who are navigating similar journeys of healing and recovery.

    I think for people, when they say they are not creative or they're not artistically inclined, I want to try and be the person that brings that piece. That's like, maybe if I ignite this match, you might burn a fire. It might kindle a fire that could help you on your way. - Erin Hung

    Transformative Power of Healing
    Art has a powerful potential to heal, as guest Erin Hung explores in her personal journey of self-discovery and recovery. Channeling our creative impulses can serve as a means of processing personal experiences and finding solace, particularly when navigating trauma. As Erin notes, the exploration of art can foster empowerment, liberation, and ultimately, transformative healing.

    If we don't answer to what the creative impulse or the thing that God put inside us and fully explore that, then it's very hard to imagine a way forward for ourselves and for the church. - Erin Hung

    Role of Therapy as Catalyst
    Therapy, particularly non-verbal modalities such as art and somatic body work, can act as a catalyst for trauma recovery. Erin Hung recounted how these therapeutic methods empowered her to process her personal traumas, finding a language for her experiences that words could not capture. As a creative outlet, therapy can enable an individual unparalleled self-expression, providing a pathway towards understanding, acceptance, and healing.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introducing the Podcast and Guest Erin Hung

    00:02:41 - Erin's Journey as an Artist and Advocate

    00:10:29 - Cultural Influence on Faith and Interpretation of Scriptures

    00:14:28 - Decolonizing Scriptures and Cultural Identity

    00:16:17 - Disentangling Cultural Norms and Global Conversations

    00:18:23 - Understanding Family Trauma and Shame Culture

    00:19:23 - Overcoming Shame and Sharing Personal Trauma

    00:20:32 - Decolonizing Faith and Silence

    00:21:10 - Healing Through Creativity and Somatic Work

    00:27:47 - Experiencing Spiritual Abuse and Gaslighting

    00:35:11 - Realization of Making a Difference

    00:36:39 - Healing Through Creativity

    00:39:39 - The Power of Creativity

    00:42:41 - A to Z of Trauma Recovery

    00:49:42 - Embracing Beauty and Joy

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:02 - Introducing the Podcast and Guest Erin Hung
    Lori introduces the podcast and guest Erin Hung, an artist living in Hong Kong, known for her illustration work, murals, and community art. Erin's background in the evangelical faith and her journey through religious trauma is also mentioned.

    00:02:41 - Erin's Journey as an Artist and Advocate
    Erin shares her upbringing in an evangelical family in Hong Kong, her experiences with art and faith, and the cultural pressures she faced as a creative individual within her community. She also discusses the intersection of her faith with her artistic sensibilities.

    00:10:29 - Cultural Influence on Faith and Interpretation of Scriptures
    Erin delves into the impact of cultural undertones in Chinese churches, specifically the concept of Filio piety and its influence on interpretation of biblical teachings. She reflects on the need to challenge traditional interpretations and explore diverse perspectives within the faith community.

    00:14:28 - Decolonizing Scriptures and Cultural Identity
    Erin discusses the concept of decolonizing scriptures and its relevance to her own faith experience, particularly in the context of being Chinese and the impact of colonization on cultural identity. She highlights the growing global conversation around colonization and the need for broader understanding.

    00:16:17 - Disentangling Cultural Norms and Global Conversations
    Erin shares her journey of disentangling cultural norms and understanding the broader historical and global conversations surrounding colonization. She emphasizes the importance of gaining a broader worldview to challenge entrenched cultural dynamics and promote

    00:18:23 - Understanding Family Trauma and Shame Culture
    Erin discusses the intergenerational trauma within families and the shame culture that perpetuates silence about taboo topics, making others uncomfortable and bringing shame onto oneself and the family.

    00:19:23 - Overcoming Shame and Sharing Personal Trauma
    Erin shares her openness about discussing personal childhood trauma, acknowledging the potential shame it brings to friends and family, and the collective nature of shame within the community.

    00:20:32 - Decolonizing Faith and Silence
    Erin delves into the intertwining of faith, church abuse, submission, and shame, highlighting the tendency to silence uncomfortable truths, sweep issues under the rug, and the challenges of decolonizing these ingrained dynamics.

    00:21:10 - Healing Through Creativity and Somatic Work
    Erin shares her journey of healing through somatic activities like art and gardening, emphasizing how these activities helped her process trauma and connect with her spirituality in a new way.

    00:27:47 - Experiencing Spiritual Abuse and Gaslighting
    Erin reflects on her experiences of spiritual abuse, gaslighting, and the struggle to find her voice within church settings, ultimately leading to her pursuit of therapy to gain clarity and language for unhealthy dynamics.

    00:35:11 - Realization of Making a Difference
    Erin reflects on her realization that making a difference does not depend on credentials. She shares her journey of trying to make a difference and the examination of why it wasn't working.

    00:36:39 - Healing Through Creativity
    Erin discusses her artistic expression as a means of healing. She shares her fear of not leaving a mark in the world and the importance of exploring creativity for healing and personal growth.

    00:39:39 - The Power of Creativity
    Erin emphasizes the importance of creativity in finding solutions and moving forward. She encourages people to explore their creative impulses and imaginations, highlighting the need for outside-the-box thinking.

    00:42:41 - A to Z of Trauma Recovery
    Erin introduces the A to Z of trauma recovery movement she started, emphasizing the inclusivity and diversity in the community. She shares how creative expression is a powerful tool for healing and processing trauma.

    00:49:42 - Embracing Beauty and Joy
    The host reflects on the importance of adding beauty, joy, and hope in life to build resilience in facing hard times. Erin's story serves as a reminder of the power of artistic expression in navigating life's challenges.






  • Hey there, are you feeling disillusioned with modern Christianity? Have you been told to just accept the status quo and keep quiet about your doubts and concerns? It can be frustrating to feel like you're not getting the authentic experience you're seeking, especially when it comes to your faith. If you're tired of the ineffective advice to just go along with it, let's explore a better way to understand the history and context of early Christians that can revitalize your faith, whatever your faith background and bring new perspective to your journey. Let's dive into the compelling insights that can reignite your passion for authentic faith, even if that seems a little strange in your current religious context.

    My special guest is Dr. Nijay Gupta

    Dr. Nijay Gupta, a distinguished professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary, is widely recognized for his scholarly contributions to early Christian studies. Residing in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Gupta also serves as a co-host of the acclaimed Slow Theology podcast and is the founder of the influential Crux Sola blog. With an extensive repertoire of published works, including "Strange Religion," and "Tell Her Story," Dr. Gupta's comprehensive understanding of the historical and cultural context of early Christianity renders him a leading authority in the field. His latest book provides an insightful examination of the ways in which early Christians diverged from the prevalent religious and cultural norms of the Roman Empire, offering a compelling narrative that enriches our understanding of this pivotal era.

    I want to believe that is a great and beautiful thing for anyone who feels like their movement has gone astray, whether it's a political movement, a religious movement, a social movement, we can always say, what are the good and beautiful and true things that made us who we are at the beginning? How can we come back to that now? - Dr. Nijay Gupta

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Embrace the uniqueness of early Christian teachings to deepen your understanding of faith and spirituality.

    Experience a paradigm shift in your perception of religion by exploring the roots of early Christianity.

    Explore the profound impact of early Christian theology on modern belief systems and moral values.

    Challenge yourself to embody the concept of loving one's enemies and understand its significance in daily life.

    Discover the importance of prioritizing self-care and well-being through the lens of early Christian teachings.

    Experience a Paradigm Shift
    The early Christian revolution led to a paradigm shift, moving from power-driven religious practices towards a focus on goodness and authenticity. It revolutionized societal perceptions, promoting a familial relationship with God over a hierarchical one. This shift redefined societal values, placing emphasis on the inherent dignity of every individual, thus influencing modern perceptions of self-worth and individual rights.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Check out Nijay Gupta's latest book Strange Religion: How Early Christians Contrasted with Roman Religion and Culture available from Brazos Press for a deep dive into the contrast between ancient and modern perspectives on Christianity.

    Join the exclusive Difference Maker community on Patreon at www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference to access deeper conversations with guests like Nijay Gupta and enjoy exclusive content, including videos and interactions with the host.

    Connect with Lori Adams-Brown at Podcast Movement Evolutions in LA at the end of March and attend her breakout session on having a global podcast.

    Listen to the Slow Theology podcast co-hosted by Nijay Gupta and Dr. AJ Swoboda for discussions on deconstruction, faith, and navigating a complex world.

    Engage with the World of Difference podcast by reaching out to Lori Adams-Brown on social media to share how the podcast has impacted your life and work.

    Check out Nijay Gupta's latest book Strange Religion: How Early Christians Contrasted with Roman Religion and Culture available from Brazos Press for a deep dive into the contrast between ancient and modern perspectives on Christianity.

    Join the exclusive Difference Maker community on Patreon at www.patreon.com/aworldofdifference to access deeper conversations with guests like Nijay Gupta and enjoy exclusive content, including videos and interactions with the host.

    Connect with Lori Adams-Brown at Podcast Movement Evolutions in LA at the end of March and attend her breakout session on having a global podcast.

    Listen to the Slow Theology podcast co-hosted by Nijay Gupta and Dr. AJ Swaboda for discussions on deconstruction, faith, and navigating a complex world.

    Engage with the World of Difference podcast by reaching out to Lori Adams-Brown on social media to share how the podcast has impacted your life and work.

    Let suffering speak for the atrocities that are done then and now in the name of Jesus by Christians who should know better. But there's so much in scripture that has done so many good things for the things we take for granted right now. - Dr. Nijay Gupta
    Embrace the Uniqueness
    Embracing the uniqueness of early Christianity involves accepting its inherent non-conformity, individuality, and authenticity. It requires acknowledging the contrast between early Christian ideals and the current negative perceptions that have tainted the contemporary church. This embrace urges us to strive for a return to the faith's original, 'weird' roots, without the distortions prevalent in current mega-church culture.
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction to the Podcast

    00:01:05 - Sponsorship and Therapy

    00:01:27 - Introduction of Dr. Nijay Gupta

    00:02:23 - The Concept of "Strange Religion,"

    00:11:43 - Contrasting Ancient and Modern Religious Practices

    00:14:24 - Early Christian Environment

    00:17:29 - Religion in the Ancient World

    00:19:47 - Gods and Fear

    00:21:42 - Paradigm Shift

    00:26:39 - Christianity's Evolution

    00:29:47 - The Challenge of Loving Your Enemies

    00:32:40 - Divisions and Unity

    00:33:22 - Suspending Judgment

    00:34:23 - Uncovering the Original Message

    00:40:39 - The Impact of Early Christians

    00:43:12 - Excitement for Podcast Movement Evolutions

    00:43:36 - Meeting Listeners

    00:43:56 - Gratitude and Encouragement

    00:44:20 - Shoutout to Nijay Gupta

    00:44:45 - Closing Remarks

    Experience a Paradigm Shift
    The early Christian revolution led to a paradigm shift, moving from power-driven religious practices towards a focus on goodness and authenticity. It revolutionized societal perceptions, promoting a familial relationship with God over a hierarchical one. This shift redefined societal values, placing emphasis on the inherent dignity of every individual, thus influencing modern perceptions of self-worth and individual rights.
    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:02 - Introduction to the Podcast
    Lori Adams Brown introduces the World of Difference podcast and its focus on those who are different and want to make a difference. The podcast is sponsored by Betterhelp, emphasizing the importance of therapy for personal growth and understanding strengths.

    00:01:05 - Sponsorship and Therapy
    Lori highlights the role of therapy in personal development and offers a 10% discount for Betterhelp. She encourages listeners to consider the benefits of talking to a professional about life's challenges and self-discovery.

    00:01:27 - Introduction of Dr. Nijay Gupta
    Lori introduces Dr. Nijay Gupta, a professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary, highlighting his expertise and previous works. She previews the discussion of his latest book, "Strange Religion," and its focus on early Christians contrasting with Roman culture.

    00:02:23 - The Concept of "Strange Religion,"
    Dr. Nijay Gupta explains the concept behind his book, "Strange Religion," drawing parallels between the unique individuality of Portland, Oregon, and the early Christians' commitment to a different way of living and beliefs. He emphasizes the need to rediscover the original, revolutionary essence of Christianity.

    00:11:43 - Contrasting Ancient and Modern Religious Practices
    Dr. Nijay Gupta discusses the differences between ancient Roman religion and modern Western views of religion. He highlights the public, obligatory, and practical nature of ancient Roman religion, contrasting it with the optional and personal approach often seen in modern

    00:14:24 - Early Christian Environment
    Dr. Nijay Gupta discusses the environment in which early Christians grew up, where religion was an obligation and a question of power and obedience to gods.

    00:17:29 - Religion in the Ancient World
    Gupta compares the saturation of religion in the ancient world to modern sports culture, highlighting the obligatory nature of religion during that time.

    00:19:47 - Gods and Fear
    Gupta explores the fear and power dynamics associated with the gods in the ancient world, and how early Christians rejected this paradigm by emphasizing a loving parental relationship with God.

    00:21:42 - Paradigm Shift
    The conversation delves into how early Christians shifted the religious paradigm from power and coercion to one of inherent dignity for all individuals, leading to a different socio-economic outlook.

    00:26:39 - Christianity's Evolution
    Gupta reflects on the need for Christianity to constantly evolve and change for the better, drawing inspiration from historical figures like Dietrich von Hoeffer and emphasizing the importance of returning to the core ideas of the faith.

    00:29:47 - The Challenge of Loving Your Enemies
    Dr. Nijay Gupta discusses the difficulty of Jesus' teaching to love your enemies and how it applies to our world today, especially in the face of political strife.

    00:32:40 - Divisions and Unity
    Dr. Gupta talks about how divisions exist not only in the political sphere but also in various parts of the world and emphasizes the importance of loving our enemies as a way to overcome these divisions and unite people.

    00:33:22 - Suspending Judgment
    The conversation delves into the challenge of suspending judgment, especially in today's society, and how it relates to the teachings of Jesus in the Bible.

    00:34:23 - Uncovering the Original Message
    Dr. Gupta shares the importance of revisiting the original teachings of Christianity and scripture, encouraging readers to look beyond the negative aspects and discover the timeless truths within.

    00:40:39 - The Impact of Early Christians
    The conversation concludes with a discussion on the impact of early Christians in history and how their values and ideals continue to influence social change and justice movements today.

    00:43:12 - Excitement for Podcast Movement Evolutions
    Lori shares her excitement for attending Podcast Movement Evolutions in LA and meeting up with listeners. She mentions the opportunity to meet Amy Poehler and her previous experience of hearing will Ferrell.

    00:43:36 - Meeting Listeners
    Lori expresses her eagerness to meet listeners of the podcast at the event and encourages them to come up and say hi. She values connecting with her audience and appreciates their support.

    00:43:56 - Gratitude and Encouragement
    Lori expresses gratitude to the listeners for taking the time to tune in and emphasizes the importance of self-care. She encourages everyone to keep making a difference in their own way, wherever they are.

    00:44:20 - Shoutout to Nijay Gupta
    Lori acknowledges Dr. Nijay Gupta and his perspective shared in the conversation, thanking him for his insights and contribution to the episode.

    00:44:45 - Closing Remarks
    Lori wraps up the episode with a reminder of the value each listener holds and encourages them to continue making a positive impact in the world.

    Impactful Theology
    Early Christian theology was transformative, marking a stark departure from the ancient Roman religious practices and fostering a culture of empathy and love. The teachings of Jesus, particularly those focused on love and compassion towards one’s enemies, remains relevant even in today's divisive world. Through a careful examination of our attitudes towards others, especially those with differing ideologies, we can more fully embody these teachings, fostering social transformation and bringing about meaningful change.






  • Hey, have you ever felt like you're trying to do the right thing in your business, but it just feels like too much? Like you want to merge profit with purpose, but it seems overwhelming. You're not alone. Many leaders struggle with this, and it can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Let's tackle this together and find a way to align your values with your business practices without feeling overwhelmed.

    My special guest is Bessi Graham

    Today, we are honored to have Bessi Graham as our guest on the show, joining us from Melbourne, Australia. Bessi is a highly respected entrepreneur with over two decades of experience working closely with business owners, government entities, and major funding bodies. Her extensive involvement ranges from grassroots initiatives with business owners in the Pacific Islands to impactful contributions at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva. Bessi's unparalleled perspective and deep understanding of merging profit and purpose have made her a sought-after authority in the realm of ethical and sustainable business practices. Her commitment to guiding individuals in aligning their values with their business endeavors has led to the creation of impactful legacies. With her wealth of experience in ethical and purpose-driven enterprises, Bessi brings invaluable insights to our discussion today.
    I think regardless of where your leadership position is in the organization, it's starting with those pieces of where do I have decision making control, or at least some influence, and then how do I shape things from there towards this idea of business where we're unapologetically pursuing both? - Bessi Graham
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Discover how to merge profit and purpose for a more sustainable business model.

    Explore the importance of authentic leadership values in driving organizational success.

    Learn the benefits of embracing diversity in decision-making processes for better business outcomes.

    Humanize your leadership style to create a more inclusive and empowering workplace environment.

    Find out how to effectively balance profit with social impact for a meaningful and successful business.

    Diversity in decision-making
    Diversity fuels creativity, fosters a broader perspective, and aids in making more informed decisions. Bessi advocates for diverse perspectives in decision-making processes and leadership roles, believing it leads to a more inclusive and effective work environment. She stresses the value of stepping out of one's comfort zone to gain a deeper understanding of various contexts, making decision-making a shared and holistic process.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Visit Bessi Graham's website at Bessigraham.com to learn more about her work and access valuable resources.

    Download a free resource from Bessi Graham's website that includes five essential questions for decisive leaders to gain clarity on important decisions.

    Join the Patreon community at www.patreon.com/aWorldofDifference to access an exclusive interview with Bessi Graham, where she delves deeper into self-leadership and resilience for leaders.

    You need to apprentice with the problem. Don't just assume you understand something. Don't think that good intentions are good enough. - Bessi Graham

    Authentic leadership values
    Leadership, as per Bessi, should echo authentic values. It is important that leaders' actions align with their stated values to build trust, credibility, and influence. Moreover, these values should inform decision-making processes ensuring organisational integrity and fostering a culture of honesty and transparency.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Bridging Profit and Purpose

    00:06:49 - Impact of Living Abroad

    00:10:14 - Humanizing Leadership

    00:14:06 - Influence of Values

    00:15:14 - Meaningful Values

    00:16:04 - The Importance of Core Values

    00:17:10 - Aligning Values with Action

    00:18:11 - Core Values in Organizations

    00:19:03 - Decision Cascade and Clarity

    00:25:00 - Bridging Systemic and Grassroots Perspectives

    00:31:08 - Apprenticing with the Problem

    00:36:17 - Balancing Purpose and Profit

    00:39:57 - Shaping Decision-Making

    00:42:19 - Purpose and Opportunity

    00:43:44 - Connecting with Bessie

    00:45:55 - Learning from Experience

    00:46:32 - Resilience and Self-Leadership

    00:47:07 - Taking a Break without Compromising Impact

    00:47:45 - Embracing Individuality

    We need to hold these two. This goes back to your both and mindset. Right. So as a leader, being able to hold two things that seem contradictory and say they're equally true. - Bessi Graham

    Merge profit and purpose
    Bessi Graham emphasizes that profitability and purpose are not mutually exclusive. One can create a business model that aligns with personal values, promotes social impact, and ensures financial success. The trick lies in understanding customer value, and in finding ways to create and capture said value while benefiting society.

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:02 - Bridging Profit and Purpose
    Bessie discusses the importance of merging money and meaning in business. She emphasizes the need for leaders to uncover their unconscious beliefs about the purpose of business and how it impacts decision-making.

    00:06:49 - Impact of Living Abroad
    Bessie shares how her experiences living in different countries shaped her perspective as a leader. She highlights the value of diverse perspectives and the importance of intentionally seeking out different viewpoints in leadership.

    00:10:14 - Humanizing Leadership
    Bessie delves into the concept of humanizing leadership and the need to treat employees as more than just cogs in a wheel. She emphasizes the importance of integrating purpose into business decisions and creating a more holistic approach to leadership.

    00:14:06 - Influence of Values
    Bessie discusses the influence of values on decision-making as a leader. She emphasizes the need for leaders to understand and articulate their values, and how values drive behavior in business settings.

    00:15:14 - Meaningful Values
    Bessie explores the deeper meaning of values in business and challenges the superficial approach often taken. She emphasizes the importance of values as a guiding force in decision-making and living authentically as a leader.

    00:16:04 - The Importance of Core Values
    Bessi discusses the significance of identifying and living by core values. She emphasizes intentionally cultivating conditions that allow individuals to live in alignment with their values, leading to better decision-making and natural best performance.

    00:17:10 - Aligning Values with Action
    Bessi emphasizes the need for values to inform decision-making and actions. She highlights the importance of having values as filters for decision-making, particularly in fast-paced environments, to maintain integrity and alignment.

    00:18:11 - Core Values in Organizations
    Bessi stresses the need for clarity in company core values, cautioning against superficial or simplistic lists. She emphasizes the importance of aligning values with behavior and action, not just as aspirational values, to build trust and integrity within the organization.

    00:19:03 - Decision Cascade and Clarity
    Bessi introduces the concept of the decision cascade as a tool for unlocking clarity and decisiveness, particularly around values. She explains how breaking down decisions into primary, secondary, and tertiary levels can lead to smoother decision-making and prevent costly missteps.

    00:25:00 - Bridging Systemic and Grassroots Perspectives
    Bessi shares her experiences working at both grassroots and systemic levels, emphasizing the importance of understanding broader systems while still being connected to the ground reality. She highlights the value of expanding perspectives to bridge different worlds and drive innovation in leadership.

    00:31:08 - Apprenticing with the Problem
    Bessie shares Pamela Hardigan's advice to "apprentice with the problem," emphasizing curiosity, asking questions, and having conversations rather than assuming we know best. She also highlights the importance of holding seemingly contradictory ideas in our minds and working towards a balance.

    00:36:17 - Balancing Purpose and Profit
    Bessie discusses how many leaders feel overwhelmed by the idea of adding purpose to their business, seeing it as a distraction or expense. She challenges this perspective, encouraging leaders to merge money and meaning by pursuing competitive advantages that add value and relieve pressure.

    00:39:57 - Shaping Decision-Making
    Bessie emphasizes the importance of shaping decisions and influencing outcomes, even for middle managers. She encourages leaders to create psychologically safe spaces for their teams, shape how directives are shared, and cultivate a culture of unapologetically pursuing both purpose and profit.

    00:42:19 - Purpose and Opportunity
    Bessie speaks about the belief that money and meaning can be merged, leading to a self-reinforcing loop of delivering and capturing value. She encourages leaders to shift their perspective, innovate in their business models, and create win-win situations that relieve pressure and stress.

    00:43:44 - Connecting with Bessie
    Lori thanks Bessie for sharing her unique perspective and encourages listeners to visit Bessie's website for more resources and insights. Bessie offers a free download of five essential questions

    00:45:55 - Learning from Experience
    Lori discusses the value of sharing knowledge and learning from others, highlighting Bessi Graham's extensive experience working at the UN headquarters and in diverse locations like the Pacific islands and Melbourne, Australia.

    00:46:32 - Resilience and Self-Leadership
    The conversation delves into the importance of resilience and self-leadership, offering insights on how to navigate difficult circumstances and make congruent decisions to alleviate burnout.

    00:47:07 - Taking a Break without Compromising Impact
    Lori emphasizes the significance of taking breaks and self-care while continuing to make a difference in the world, encouraging listeners to stay true to themselves and bring their unique contributions to the table.

    00:47:45 - Embracing Individuality
    The episode concludes with a reminder to embrace individuality and show up authentically, highlighting the importance of being true to oneself and making a difference in the world. Lori urges listeners to take care of themselves and continue making an impact.







  • Uncover the unexpected impact of the Trump campaign on the evangelical community as NPR journalist Sarah McCammon shares her personal journey. Her book delves into the complex experiences of those navigating a transition away from evangelicalism, offering a raw and empathetic perspective. Join us as we explore the surprising insights and vulnerabilities that shape this compelling narrative. Stay tuned for a revealing conversation that will leave you with a fresh perspective and a newfound appreciation for diverse religious experiences.

    My special guest is Sarah McCammon

    Sarah McCammon, a national political correspondent for NPR and co-host of the NPR Politics podcast, is recognized for her extensive coverage of political, social, and cultural divisions in America, specifically delving into the intersections of politics and religion, reproductive rights, and the conservative movement. With past experience as NPR's lead political reporter during the 2016 election cycle, assigned to the Donald Trump campaign, she offers a comprehensive understanding of the impact of Trumpism on evangelical communities. Her upcoming book, "The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church," draws from her personal background growing up in white evangelicalism in the Midwest, providing a firsthand perspective on the subject matter. Sarah McCammon's authoritative insights, coupled with her personal experiences, contribute a significant and authentic viewpoint to the discussion.
    Don't be afraid of questions. Try to find trusted people, whether that's people in your church or outside of it, people who are of goodwill and that love you and tell them what you're thinking about. - Sarah McCammon
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Unpacking the challenges of an evangelical upbringing - understanding the complexities and impact on personal identity.

    Exploring the influence of Trumpism on evangelical communities, shedding light on shifting ideologies and values.

    Understanding the evolving demographics of American Christianity and its implications for society and culture.

    Embracing inclusivity and diversity in religious spaces, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding for all individuals.

    Analyzing the role of media in shaping evangelical narratives, providing insight into the power of storytelling and representation.

    Evolving Demographics of American Christianity
    The landscape of American Christianity is undergoing a marked transformation, with shifts in demographics and the growing influence of social media. As Sarah emphasizes, these changes may result in a more liberal, secular, and diverse religious demographic. Recognizing and embracing these shifts is crucial for evolving religious spaces and fostering inclusivity and diversity within such communities.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Preorder Sarah McCammon's book The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church releasing on March 19, 2024. Preordering helps support the book's sales and ensures you receive it as soon as it's available.

    Follow Sarah McCammon on Twitter at @sarahmccammon for updates, insights, and discussions on her work and the topics she covers.

    Subscribe to Sarah McCammon's Substack Off the Air for nuanced conversations, personal insights, and behind-the-scenes stories from her experiences as a journalist.

    Join the Difference Makers community on Patreon to access exclusive, in-depth conversations with guests like Sarah McCammon, where you can engage with others and learn how to make a difference together.

    Engage with Sarah McCammon's work and share your thoughts on her book, her insights, and the topics discussed in the podcast to continue the conversation and contribute to making a difference.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction to the World of Difference podcast

    00:00:44 - Benefits of Therapy and Betterhelp

    00:01:17 - Introduction of Sarah McCammon

    00:02:27 - Sarah McCammon's Background and Book

    00:03:00 - Personal Vulnerability in Writing

    00:14:09 - Finding Inner Strength

    00:16:34 - Impact of Trump Narrative

    00:19:52 - Pressure for Perfectionism

    00:23:08 - Understanding Exvangelical

    00:27:43 - Impact of Evangelical Movement

    00:28:58 - Rise of the Nones and Impact on Politics

    00:29:36 - Factors Contributing to Change

    00:30:15 - Church Response and Criticism

    00:32:24 - Intimate Perspectives and Voices

    00:35:22 - Inclusivity and Diverse Perspectives

    00:43:25 - The Impact of Gen Z in the Election

    00:44:25 - Future of Exvangelical Movement

    00:46:08 - Evolving Religious Spaces

    00:47:28 - Connecting with Sarah

    00:48:23 - Sarah's Writing and Impact

    I think it's okay to pray anytime you want. And I don't think you have to know exactly what you think about that. - Sarah McCammon

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:02 - Introduction to the World of Difference podcast
    Host Lori Adams Brown introduces the podcast as a platform for those who are different and want to make a difference. She also mentions the podcast's sponsor, Betterhelp, and the benefits of therapy for personal growth and self-discovery.

    00:00:44 - Benefits of Therapy and Betterhelp
    Brown discusses the benefits of therapy for personal growth, self-discovery, and mental well-being. She highlights the role of therapy in understanding oneself and making a positive impact on the world. Lori Adams-Brown also promotes Betterhelp as a resource for professional therapy.

    00:01:17 - Introduction of Sarah McCammon
    Brown introduces Sarah McCammon as a national political correspondent for NPR and co-host of the NPR Politics podcast. She outlines McCammon's work focusing on political, social, and cultural divides in America, including the intersections of politics and religion, reproductive rights, and the conservative movement.

    00:02:27 - Sarah McCammon's Background and Book
    Brown discusses McCammon's upcoming book, "The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church," highlighting McCammon's personal experience growing up in white evangelicalism in the Midwest. Brown also mentions McCammon's diverse media appearances and her current residence in Norfolk, Virginia.

    00:03:00 - Personal Vulnerability in Writing
    Brown and McCammon discuss the personal vulnerability of writing about one's experiences, with McCammon sharing her

    00:14:09 - Finding Inner Strength
    Sarah shares a spiritual moment of finding inner strength in a challenging situation outside the church. She discusses the evangelical expectation of spiritual moments and the concept of loving one's enemies.

    00:16:34 - Impact of Trump Narrative
    Sarah discusses how the Trump narrative of labeling reporters as the worst people has affected the perception of evangelical whistleblowers reporting spiritual or sexual abuse in churches. She highlights the importance of criticisms from within the evangelical community.

    00:19:52 - Pressure for Perfectionism
    Sarah reflects on the intense pressure for perfectionism and behavior management of children within evangelical spiritual formation. She shares her experience of feeling the responsibility to be a witness for Jesus through her family's appearance and behavior.

    00:23:08 - Understanding Exvangelical
    Sarah explains the term "exvangelical" and addresses misconceptions about the group being exclusively non-religious or secular. She emphasizes the common experience of stepping away from evangelicalism and the complexity of the journey.

    00:27:43 - Impact of Evangelical Movement
    Sarah discusses the well-established impact of the evangelical movement on American politics and society. She also explores the broader societal and cultural impact of the exvangelical movement, highlighting its role in the larger shift away from religion.

    00:28:58 - Rise of the Nones and Impact on Politics
    The conversation delves into the growing demographic of the Nones and its potential impact on American politics, as well as the erosion of the Republican base and the rise of a more liberal and secular movement.

    00:29:36 - Factors Contributing to Change
    Demographic changes, social media, and the impact of Trumpism are discussed as factors contributing to the shift in evangelicalism and Christianity, with implications for both politics and culture.

    00:30:15 - Church Response and Criticism
    The conversation explores the responses of churches and prominent pastors to the move away from evangelicalism, as well as the criticism from Christian evangelical thinkers and the need for churches to become more open to diverse points of view.

    00:32:24 - Intimate Perspectives and Voices
    The dialogue emphasizes the value of intimate perspectives and granular insights from individuals raised in the evangelical world, shedding light on experiences and perspectives often overlooked in academic conversations.

    00:35:22 - Inclusivity and Diverse Perspectives
    The conversation highlights the need for inclusivity and the elevation of voices of people of color and women in evangelical spaces, as well as the potential impact on shaping priorities, theology, and perspectives on scriptures.

    00:43:25 - The Impact of Gen Z in the Election
    The conversation begins with a focus on Gen Z's influence on the upcoming election and their diverse upbringing in the digital age, reflecting on the changes happening in society.

    00:44:25 - Future of Exvangelical Movement
    Sarah discusses the challenges faced by younger exvangelicals in forming their own religious identity and the need for more inclusive religious spaces. She also explores potential future trends in an increasingly diverse and secularized society.

    00:46:08 - Evolving Religious Spaces
    The discussion shifts to the evolution of religious spaces, with a particular focus on churches genuinely welcoming non-traditional beliefs and the need for meaningful connections in an evolving society.

    00:47:28 - Connecting with Sarah
    Sarah shares her presence on various social media platforms, emphasizing her engagement with Substack for more nuanced conversations and insights into her life as a journalist and a mother.

    00:48:23 - Sarah's Writing and Impact
    The conversation concludes with a focus on Sarah's impactful writing, her vulnerability in exploring personal narratives, and the importance of amplifying her voice and perspective in the media and journalism industry.

    I think there's something like that, particularly in an increasingly diverse and secularized society. I think people are always going to need connection and look for meaning, but where they find it, I think might change a little bit. - Sarah McCammon






  • Want to learn the key to supporting survivors of sexual assault and making a real difference in their lives? Rowena Chiu shares her powerful insights and experiences, shedding light on the path to understanding and supporting survivors. Stay tuned to discover how you can be a part of the change and make a positive impact in the lives of survivors.

    My special guest is Rowena Chiu

    It's an absolute pleasure to introduce Rowena Chiu, an extraordinary survivor and advocate joining us today. Rowena's journey, from being an assistant to Miramax CEO Harvey Weinstein to bravely sharing her experience of sexual assault, is nothing short of inspiring. Her powerful voice has not only contributed to the #MeToo movement but has also sparked crucial conversations about power dynamics and influence in sexual assault cases. With a rich cultural heritage and a global perspective, Rowena brings a unique blend of insight and empathy to the table. Her unwavering commitment to advocating for survivors and fostering change makes her an invaluable voice in our ongoing dialogue about abuse. We're truly privileged to have her with us today.

    Rowena Chiu worked as Assistant To Harvey Weinstein in 1998. After leaving the film industry, she has worked in the fields of management consulting (for Accenture in London, McKinsey & Company in Silicon Valley, and PricewaterhouseCoopers in Hong Kong) and international development (for the World Bank in Ethiopia, South Sudan & Washington DC). Rowena holds an MA in English Language & Literature from the University of Oxford, an MSc in International Management For China from the University of London, and an MBA from London Business School. She lives in Silicon Valley with her husband and four young children and is currently working on a memoir and a screenplay about her experiences in the film industry.
    "Sit with a survivor. Hear their story, acknowledge their grief. Let them own that space. Give them the space to talk about it. Say all the things that Lori was gracious enough and kind enough to say just now. 'I believe you. I'm here for you. I will listen for as long as it takes for you to come out with your story. I will be that safe space for you.'" - Rowena Chiu
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Explore effective strategies for advocating for sexual assault survivors.

    Discover the importance of cultural sensitivity in addressing sexual assault.

    Understand power dynamics and influence in sexual assault cases.

    Uncover the impact of media portrayal on sexual assault survivors.

    Learn how to create a trauma-informed and survivor-centric society.

    Address with cultural sensitivity
    Understanding cultural nuances can deeply impact how we approach conversations about sexual assault. For instance, in cultures that value collectivism like Rowena Chiu's Chinese background, the individualistic approach often adopted in the West of isolated support may not be as effective. Instead, broader family and social context need to be taken into account, which demands a healthy dose of cultural sensitivity when providing support or addressing potential impediments to speaking out.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Join the Patreon community called Difference Makers at www.patreon.com/aWorldofDifference to watch the exclusive video episode where Lori Adams-Brown and Rowena Chiu discuss organizations that Rowena supports and get a call to action to make a difference together.

    Follow Rowena Chiu on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to stay updated on her speaking engagements, advocacy work, and upcoming memoir.

    Reach out to Lori Adams-Brown on Twitter at @LoriAdBr or on Instagram at @LoriAdamsBrown for support, prayers, or to share your thoughts on the episode.

    Show support for Rowena Chiu by attending her speaking engagements, especially if she is in your area, and by engaging with her content on social media.

    Consider sitting with a survivor, hearing their story, acknowledging their grief, and offering support by saying, "I believe you, I support you, and I'll sit with you as long as it takes for you to tell your story."

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction and Therapy Benefits

    00:01:00 - Sponsor Promotion and Trigger Warning

    00:03:00 - Guest Introduction and Cultural Background

    00:07:49 - Impact of Sexual Assault on Community and Family

    00:11:18 - Rowena's Story: Assault, NDA, and 20 Years of Silence

    00:14:15 - The Trauma of Speaking Out Publicly

    00:15:10 - The Importance of Speaking Out

    00:16:32 - Impact of Sharing Personal Story

    00:19:34 - MeToo Movement's Impact on Workplace Conversation

    00:24:43 - Centering Survivor Stories

    00:28:24 - Women's identification with survivors

    00:29:42 - Survivor representation in media

    00:30:36 - Bringing generational change

    00:33:01 - Speaking out against powerful figures

    00:38:20 - Myths about survivor success

    00:43:20 - The Neat Bow in Allyship

    00:45:02 - Finding Rowena

    00:46:43 - Sharing Your Story

    00:48:16 - Finding Healing

    00:49:40 - Supporting Rowena

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:02 - Introduction and Therapy Benefits
    Lori introduces the podcast and its sponsor, Betterhelp, emphasizing the benefits of therapy for personal growth and self-understanding, not just crisis intervention.

    00:01:00 - Sponsor Promotion and Trigger Warning
    Lori promotes the sponsor, Betterhelp, offering a discount for first-time users. She also provides a trigger warning for sensitive topics related to abuse and sexual assault.

    00:03:00 - Guest Introduction and Cultural Background
    Lori introduces the guest, Rowena Chiu, an abuse survivor and advocate. Rowena shares her cultural background as a British-born Chinese and discusses the significance of Lunar New Year and the challenges faced by abuse survivors in communal cultures.

    00:07:49 - Impact of Sexual Assault on Community and Family
    Rowena discusses the collective impact of sexual assault on survivors and their communities, emphasizing the communal nature of Chinese culture and the importance of addressing the broader impact on families and communities.

    00:11:18 - Rowena's Story: Assault, NDA, and 20 Years of Silence
    Rowena shares her personal experience of being sexually assaulted by Harvey Weinstein, reporting the assault, signing a nondisclosure agreement (NDA), and being silenced for 20 years. She highlights the complex reasons for her delayed decision to speak out publicly.

    00:14:15 - The Trauma of Speaking Out Publicly
    Rowena discusses the distinction between private and public trauma when speaking about a difficult experience on a wide platform, such as a TV show, compared to sharing with close friends and family.

    00:15:10 - The Importance of Speaking Out
    Rowena emphasizes the difficulty of speaking out, but also stresses the importance of doing so, particularly for those who have not yet shared their experiences with trusted individuals.

    00:16:32 - Impact of Sharing Personal Story
    Rowena reflects on the personal and professional impact of sharing her story, drawing inspiration from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and highlighting the strength derived from fellow survivors.

    00:19:34 - MeToo Movement's Impact on Workplace Conversation
    Rowena discusses the MeToo movement's role in exposing power dynamics and inequalities in the workplace, emphasizing the need for societal change and true equity.

    00:24:43 - Centering Survivor Stories
    Rowena addresses the media's tendency to center the perpetrator in narratives, expressing the challenges in getting survivor stories featured and the need for a more survivor-centric approach in media and society.

    00:28:24 - Women's identification with survivors
    Rowena discusses the difficulty for women to identify with sexual assault survivors like Laura Madden, Rowena Chu, and Zelda Perkins, compared to high-profile figures like Jodie Cantor and Megan Tui. She highlights societal treatment and media depiction of survivors.

    00:29:42 - Survivor representation in media
    Rowena critiques the two-dimensional portrayal of survivors in media, emphasizing the need for a more comprehensive depiction. She points out the survivor-centric nature of "she said" but notes the focus on journalists rather than survivors.

    00:30:36 - Bringing generational change
    Rowena expresses the need for generational change in societal attitudes towards survivors. She acknowledges the difficulty of having conversations about sexual assault and the discomfort survivors bring, emphasizing the importance of creating a better world for future generations.

    00:33:01 - Speaking out against powerful figures
    Rowena addresses the challenges of speaking out against powerful individuals, such as pastors or influential figures in the entertainment industry. She encourages finding allies and emphasizes the impact of one's voice in inspiring others.

    00:38:20 - Myths about survivor success
    Rowena discusses common myths about survivor success, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and sitting with survivors' grief. She challenges the notion that personal success in career or family can compensate for the trauma experienced.

    00:43:20 - The Neat Bow in Allyship
    Rowena emphasizes that anyone can be an ally of the MeToo movement, and shares that sitting with a survivor, hearing their story, and acknowledging their grief is the most impactful way to support them.

    00:45:02 - Finding Rowena
    Rowena shares where people can find her on social media platforms, talks about her upcoming book, and discusses her speaking engagements in various settings to open up a dialogue about sexual assault and survivorship.

    00:46:43 - Sharing Your Story
    Lori acknowledges the difficulty of sharing abuse stories and offers love and support to listeners who may have been inspired by Rowena's journey of speaking out after years of silence.

    00:48:16 - Finding Healing
    Lori reassures listeners that they are not alone, encourages them to seek healing, and highlights the importance of sitting with survivors and supporting them through their journey of healing.

    00:49:40 - Supporting Rowena
    Lori urges listeners to support Rowena in her advocacy work, shares information about exclusive content on Patreon, and emphasizes the impact of being a part of the support network for survivors like Rowena.







  • Uncover the shocking truth behind a pastor's arrest and the toxic systems in faith communities. Join me as we delve into a Twitter thread that reveals the dark underbelly of abuse, manipulation, and cover-ups within religious institutions. You won't believe the tactics used to protect the abuser and silence the whistleblowers. This eye-opening discussion will leave you with a newfound understanding of the challenges survivors face and the importance of dismantling toxic systems. Stay tuned to unravel the unexpected truths and be part of a community where your voice matters.
    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Recognize signs of abusive pastors within faith communities to protect vulnerable members.

    Uncover tactics used to silence victims and empower them to speak out.

    Center survivors and support whistleblowers to create a culture of trust and accountability.

    Identify patterns and toxic systems in faith communities to foster healing and change.

    Learn how to create safe spaces for victims within faith communities to promote healing and restoration.

    "It's heavy. It's a lot to take in. And if you're in a faith environment right now, listening to this, where things seem not right, things seem like there's a lot of red flags. You're not sure how to process it. Maybe a pastor has been accused of abuse or even arrested for crimes, and you're hearing these narratives. I just want to say, I'm sad with you that that's happening, and I hope you get to a place of safety." -Lori Adams-Brown

    Uncovering tactics used to silence victims is a critical part of creating safer faith communities. These strategies may include deflecting blame onto whistleblowers, encouraging unification around the abuser, and invoking notions of spiritual warfare to foster loyalty. Awareness of these tactics can encourage conversations about abuse and discourage the protection of abusers.
    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    Join the Difference Maker community on Patreon at www.patreon.com/aWorldofDifference to access deeper episodes and discussions with guests.

    If you need to talk to a professional, consider signing up for therapy with Betterhelp at www.betterhelp.com/difference for 10% off your first month.

    Take a deep breath, look around the room, and notice five things that you see to use grounding techniques for processing heavy emotions.

    The Twitter/X thread where Lori lists the common statements she hears from churches with "predapastors" who have abuse allegations and even at times crimes: https://x.com/loriadbr/status/1753526994979934418?s=20

    "Centering survivors should be number one. But I just almost never hear it in these cases." - Lori Adams-Brown

    Recognizing signs of abusive pastors can be challenging due to their position of authority. However, patterns often emerge including the protection of the pastor over the well-being of the congregation. This emphasis on shielding the pastor can lead to harmful practices like silencing victims, minimizing the severity of the abuse, and even blaming those who speak out.

    Survivors of abuse should be treated with respect and care. Instead of centering the narrative around the abuser in times of crisis, communities should prioritize listening to and supporting survivors. Creating a culture that truly supports survivors can help dismantle toxic systems and create an environment in which truth and transparency prevail.
    "I hope you get to a place of safety. I hope you get to a place where your voice matters. And I hope you can find the freedom and the love that you deserve to thrive with your spirituality in a place where it's safe to be you and to speak the truth out loud."-Lori Adams-Brown
    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:02 - Introduction to World of Difference Podcast

    00:01:40 - Processing News of Pastor Arrest

    00:03:52 - Grooming and Gaslighting in Faith Communities

    00:07:14 - Patterns of Abusive Leadership

    00:13:57 - Distracting from Abuse with Grandiosity

    00:14:46 - Downplaying Abuse and Crime

    00:15:30 - Unifying Around the Abuser

    00:16:41 - Spiritual Warfare and Manipulation

    00:18:07 - Silencing and Control

    00:19:55 - Finding Safety and Support

    Timestamped summary of this episode:
    00:00:02 - Introduction to World of Difference Podcast
    Lori Adams-Brown introduces the podcast as a platform for those who are different and want to make a difference, sponsored by Betterhelp for therapy and personal growth.

    00:01:40 - Processing News of Pastor Arrest
    Lori shares her personal experience of processing the news of a pastor's arrest on 35 counts of sexual assault and how it resonated with many listeners on Twitter.

    00:03:52 - Grooming and Gaslighting in Faith Communities
    Lori discusses how faith communities often groom their members to protect abusive leaders, focusing on the abuser rather than the victims, and using psychological tactics like gaslighting.

    00:07:14 - Patterns of Abusive Leadership
    The conversation delves into the common patterns of abusive leadership in faith communities, including the use of coercion, betrayal blindness, and centering the abusive leader while disregarding the victims.

    00:13:57 - Distracting from Abuse with Grandiosity
    Lori highlights the tactic of using grandiosity, such as claiming "God has big plans for the pastor," to distract from the abuse and crimes, and redirect focus to the size and success of the ministry.

    00:14:46 - Downplaying Abuse and Crime
    The conversation starts with a discussion on the tactic of downplaying sexual abuse as merely a sin, minimizing the severity of the abuse and crime.

    00:15:30 - Unifying Around the Abuser
    The tactic of using unity language to silence whistleblowers and center the focus around the abuser instead of the victims, creating a cult-like environment.

    00:16:41 - Spiritual Warfare and Manipulation
    Manipulative tactics of framing the situation as a battle between good and evil, pressuring individuals to support the abuser and silencing conversations about safety within the faith community.

    00:18:07 - Silencing and Control
    Addressing the tactic of silencing and controlling the narrative within religious environments to maintain image management and prevent conversations about abuse and misconduct.

    00:19:55 - Finding Safety and Support
    Offering support and empathy to individuals in faith environments where abuse and red flags are present, encouraging them to seek safety and speak the truth.




