Bästisarna Klara Elvgren och Alice Stenlöf möts i studion varje vecka för att prata om livets kontraster och sanningar. Klara skildrar verkligheten bakom karriären och familjelivet, vad innebär det för Klara att hon nu ska bli tvåbarnsmamma samtidigt som karriären stegrar som snabbast? Alice navigerar det nya kärlekslivet och det inte alltid så glammiga influenceryrket samtidigt som hon är uppstartsfasen med sitt nya klädvarumärke. Hur håller dom alla bollar i luften samtidigt? Går det? Det är högt i tak när tjejerna kliver in i studion för att spela in nya avsnitt om vad fan var det som hände? En podcast om livet, karriärer, relationer, sex och kärlek. Avsnitt släpps varje onsdag.
Klipps av Victor Ganguly
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast dziewczyny po trzydziestce.
Jakiś czas temu przeczytałam komentarz, że moje życie i moje problemy są niepoważne. Prawdopodobnie z powodu braku męża i dzieci. Ponieważ mój podcast nie traktuje o cenach pieluch, ani przepisach na kotlety dla umęczonego pracą i życiem małżonka.
Moje życie wygląda zgoła inaczej. Miałam okres bawienia się w dom, przez 12 lat.
Zatem podcast ten dedykowany jest wszystkim dziewczynom, które tak jak ja, są wolnymi duchami, randkują, uprawiają seks, bawią się, ale też płaczą z powodu złych wyborów i niewłaściwych mężczyzn, a czasem po prostu tęsknią za bliskością.
Mam tak samo jak Ty.
Jeśli te tematy nie są Ci bliskie, to nawet nie włączaj tego podcastu, bo się rozczarujesz.
A queer comedy podcast that asks "whose fault is it that you’re gay?" And if you’re straight, why are you so obsessed with us? Comedian Eric Williams is joined by queer friends and straight allies about the moments that gayed us and the traumas the bind us. It's honest, it's hilarious, it's a Gay Ass Podcast.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Produced by Toppie Smellie, a fifty two year old gay guy who lives in upstate New York, The Smellcast is an audio podcast that defies being categorized or labeled.
Tune in and listen as Toppie enhances true tales spun from the grist of his own self-described failed life with moments of pure fun and fiction.
Topics range from his mundane day to day life to the national news and wondrous happenings from around the globe and all the amazing people who inhabit it.
Fascinated by the minute and the grandiose, becoming acquainted with The Smellcast is to experience real life in all its forms with flourishes of Toppie's curious flights of fancy.
An authentic gay personal journal podcast that collides with fantasy! FUN! ENTERTAINING! MYSTERIOUS! -
Die prickelnde Wundertüte für die Ohren. Zutaten: Robin, Ralph und Philipp (drei junge Studierende in der Blüte ihrer Jugend: straffer, gestählter Körper, messerscharfer Verstand, flinke Zunge, loses Mundwerk und immer einen Schalk im Nacken), Kitsch, Kokolores und ein bisschen Feenstaub. Alternativ auch in den Geschmacksrichtungen Hackbraten, Zuckerwatte und Currywurst erhältlich. 100% BIO(-logisch und soziologisch). Sinn- und glutenfrei. Von führenden Knollenexperten empfohlen. Kann Spuren von Humor enthalten und bei übermäßigem Konsum abführend wirken. Wer da nicht einschaltet, ist selbst schuld. Oder hat was Besseres zu tun.
Warnung: Nach dem Hören der Trailerfolge werden Sie Ingwer nie wieder unschuldig konsumieren können. Anhören auf eigene Gefahr!
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This show is about the stories that define our friendships. An interview style storytelling podcast about the friendships that shape who we are. The good, the bad and the ugly anecdotes that we share with the people we are closest to. Every episode will feature someone who is talented, entertaining and compelling.
Welcome to Wormhole, with Max Dickins and Jack Barry. Yes, more white men with a podcast. Question, have you ever popped onto the internet to check Bruno Mars' height and then inexplicably 3 hours later you're watching an Estonian guy analysing military weapons? This may be the podcast for you. Join the boys down the wormhole as they answer the questions NOBODY is asking...
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Listen, fam. Jeannie Mai (The Real, Hello Hunnay), is out to discover what makes the world tick. She sits down to interview everyone from sex therapists to divorce lawyers, morticians to crime scene investigators, (and so much more!) to understand the journeys of the heart of the human being behind the career. No topic is too taboo, no subject too risqué. Jeannie wants to get to the truth in every person's story. So LISTEN, HUNNAY.
We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:
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The Save Your Sanity podcast offers episodes filled with the expert insights, validation, strategies, and support you need to recognize, manage, and recover from relationships with the relentlessly difficult, toxic--and often disturbing--people that host Dr. Rhoberta Shaler calls Hijackals®.
She offers invaluable help to stop the second-guessing, undermining, and crazy-making traits, patterns, and cycles you have encountered in relationships with folks like those. Understand the ways, whys, and hows that verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and spiritual abuse affect you over time. Whether the Hijackal is a partner, parent, ex, or colleague, what you will learn here will strengthen and empower you to step up, speak up, and stand up for yourself in healthy, assertive ways.
Many Hijackals have behaviors that are considered the same as those who are diagnosed as narcissists, borderlines, psychopaths, sociopaths, and histrionic personality disorder. These insights will help you to make the changes--and good decisions--to move from pain to power, and that's exactly what you want to do! Listen now.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Georgie Leahy is as unpredictable as she is down-to-earth. Sometimes life can be a scary and depressing place but in her world anything can happen. Join her each week as she catches up with some of the magical people who have touched her life because you never know what adventure awaits when you get out of the house and connect with the world.
Chłopaki, imprezy, randki, romanse, związki, wpadki, dramy, rozstania i powroty... Z perspektywy osób, które sobie w życiu nie żałowały niczego z powyższych, a teraz zostało im tylko o tym opowiadać 🍌 ZAMÓW NASZĄ KSIĄŻKĘ TUTAJ:
Opowiadają, knują i się śmieją: grabari i Irené. -
Український подкаст, в якому кожен випуск присвячений діалогу з людиною, яку сміливо можна називати королем для свого міста. Загальна ідея проєкту - пізнання, розвага та натхнення. Ведучий подкасту - Gera Gerc, разом із гостями обговорюють актуальні теми, діляться історіями з життя та особистим досвідом.
Welcome to our podcast where we dog moms discuss modern, enlightened dog parenting! Each week, we’ll take a dive deep into the human-dog connection and explore strategies that will inspire you to create connection and cooperation with your obedience training needed!
We meet up at the intersection where training and behavior meet Heart and Soul...and where we leave behind the 'power over' obedience training paradigm we inherited and lead the way to an enlightened 'power with' approach. Join us for an inspirational and educational journey as we explore what living in cooperative partnership with our beautiful dogs looks like in real life.
Brilliant Partners are kind, loving, calm, clear, confident, and cooperative ... and when WE learn how to be a Brilliant Partner, our dogs do too.
Kathy Kawalec is an author, writer, the founder of Dancing Hearts Dog Academy and creator of the Brilliant Partners Academy, The Foundation Formula, Herding Partners Academy, and Creative Alchemy Passion Plan. -
Failing Forward is a podcast all about the times when everything goes wrong. Some stories are funny, some are sad, and some are motivational. And sometimes they're even heartwarming. Whoever the guest, comedian Steve Hofstetter will take you on a journey through failure, rejection, and sometimes...thankfully...success.
We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:
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