5AM - podkastas, kurio tikslas padėti nors vienam žmogui žengti žingsnį į priekį link geresnio gyvenimo.
Esminė mūsų pokalbių vertybė - atvirumas, nes tik taip galėsime sukurti reikšmingus pokalbius, kurie kam nors padės gyvenime.
Kalbinam žmones, kuriais tikim ir kurie tikrai gali padėti kitiems! -
If you want to compete in the coaching industry, you need to be GOOD at coaching.
But there are some things you simply couldn’t know when you were training to be a coach - and while it’s tempting to keep studying, take another course, or dive into a certification program, you really need to build the practical skills and confidence to handle whatever your clients throw at you.
Each week life coach Lindsay Dotzlaf shares stories, tips and advice to continually develop your skills as a coach. She knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and anxious about coaching in the moment, and will teach you why shifting your mindset around your own abilities as a coach will make all the difference.
If you’ve got clients but want to become the absolute best coach you can be, you’ll find answers, advice and support here. Learn more at! -
Goal Diggers is a podcast on strategy, goals, and people management.
With the industry’s experts and greatest thought leaders, we'll cover topics on Objectives & Key Results (OKRs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), strategy, and everything in-between.
This podcast is brought to you by Perdoo: The Performance Management Software to create high-performing organizations.
For more information about Perdoo, head over to: -
Ever wish you had a simple action-by-action roadmap on how to get whatever it is you really want? Do you wish you had a down-to-earth friend with ample experience who could give you tips or guidance? Leslie Levito has climbed the corporate ladder and helped launch more than 50 successful businesses (including three of her own) while raising her own family. And now, she wants to take you Out to Launch.
Bring all of your most overwhelming hurdles and let her help you gain clarity and confidence to get your career, business or just day-to-day life off the ground. -
On The Feminine Millionaire podcast, Success Coach & Intuitive Healer Polly Alexandre shares how to live your wildly abundant life.
This show will inspire, educate, entertain & uplift you as Polly shares the mindset, energy, spiritual and business shifts you can make to create your own wildly abundant life & business.
Understand how to overcome your past, bring your soul's greatest gifts to the world & uplevel your income, impact, joy & happiness... all in a beautiful & feminine way. -
Hey Friend! We’re Sandy & Wade, baby best friends turned husband and wife and business partners. This podcast is for people who desire to build a MAGNETIC, abundant life. We release two quick hitting episodes every Wednesday and Friday, from either Sandy, Wade, the both of us or with a magnetic guest!
Our mission is to take you on a journey with us and empower you to know that you are EXACTLY where you need to be and with vision and intentionality you CAN design the life of your dreams! We hear from absolute world changers through captivating interviews that cover a range of topics within entrepreneurship, network marketing, love, business and building a legacy of impact and purpose. Now let’s Get Magnetic!
To get more info and updates on the podcast: @gettingmagnetic
Follow our personal instagram accounts: @sandyclaus7 @wellnesswithwade
Check out our website for all things Getting Magnetic -
What is the Creator Economy, and why should you care? Welcome to “Everything Is Better With Creators,” the podcast that takes a deep dive into all things Creator Economy. We are on a mission to Liberate the Creative Voice, empowering creators, brands, and platforms to tap new areas of innovation and drive business growth together.
Join us as we chat with the innovators, creators, social platform execs, and business execs shaping the future of marketing within the evolving Creator Economy.
Produced and presented by Whalar. We believe Everything Is Better With Creators.
Learn more at
#creators #creatoreconomy
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6 Figure Wedding Planner is for wedding planners who want actionable steps on how to grow their wedding planning business. Join your host, Halima Hanemann, as we dive deep with wedding industry insiders on how to increase your sales, and up level your wedding planning business. 6 Figure Wedding Planner Podcast is part of The Lively Wed Academy. To be a guest: [email protected]
“Koučingo podcast'as” sukurtas siekiant padėti entuziastingoms ir drąsioms asmenybėms atrasti ir geriau pažinti koučingą bei jo kuriamą vertę.
Jame dalinsimės patirtimi ir praktiškomis idėjomis, kurios padės daug pasiekusiems žmonėms tapti geriausiais koučingo specialistais, kurie prisideda prie sąmoningos visuomenės kūrimo.
Mes esame komanda ir mūsų Vizija - Sąmoninga visuomenė, kurianti vertę bendradarbiaujant, dalijantis žiniomis ir patirtimi.
Būtent koučingo pagalba jos mes siekiam.
Koučingo podkasto įrašuose išgirsite, ką iš tikrųjų reiškia būti vertę dialogo partneriui kuriančiu koučingo specialistu ir kaip Jūs galite tokiu tapti.
Dalinsimės savo patirtimi tokia, kokia ji buvo ir yra iš tikrųjų: su visais parklupimais, noru viską mesti ir atsitiesimu bei darymu ne tai, kas pavyksta, o tai kas reikalinga drąsiems ir ambicingiems tikslams pasiekti.
Čia kalbinsime ir kitus savo srities ekspertus, kurie žino koučingo kuriamą vertę ir taiko koučingo pasaulėžiūrą savo kasdienėje veikloje.
Jei tik pradedate domėtis koučingu - čia rasit daug vertingos informacijos be pagražinimų;
Jei jau esate koučingo profesijos kelyje - tai bus papildomas resursas Jums ir Jūsų klientams;
O jei esate komandos dalis ar komanda seka paskui Jus - čia surasit būdų, kaip koučingo taikymas Jūsų veikloje padės tapti dar geresne asmenybe.
Leiskitės kartu su mumis į šią įkvepiančią kelionę geriau pažįstant ir labiau praktikuojant koučingą.
Pasauliui reikia daugiau šviesių lyderių, užsidegusių aistra kurti pokyčius. Ir mes raginame tais lyderiais būti Jus. -
Want to be Confident but don‘t know where to begin?? You‘ve come to the right podcast! Confident as F*ck is just as it sounds. Alicia Lechuga talks through EVERYTHING from everyday life situations to showing up in a bikini, and how to navigate them confidently, NO MATTER YOUR WEIGHT!
The LiberatED Podcast tells the stories of the entrepreneurial parents and teachers who are creating innovative K-12 learning options across the US and expanding education options for families.
This twice-weekly podcast is hosted by Kerry McDonald, a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education and leader of the Education Entrepreneurship Lab. A regular contributor at and The 74, Kerry is the bestselling author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Chicago Review Press, 2019), and the author of the forthcoming book, Joyful Learning: How To Find Freedom, Happiness, and Success Beyond Conventional Schooling (Hachette, 2025). She has a BA in economics from Bowdoin College and a master’s degree in education policy from Harvard University. A mom of four, Kerry lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter at -
Hosted out of the Student Affairs and Success divisional office, UCSC Slugcast is a way for students to learn more about campus resources, services, and student stories no matter where they are. Join our team of student podcasters every week to hear interviews, news, and stories about slug life at UCSC.
Welcome to the 99 Projects Podcast, a weekly show that deep-dives into creative and enterprising projects. Each week we uncover insights from the people behind intriguing ventures – and discuss the results, outcomes, and, most importantly, the lessons learned.
I’m David Richardson, an acoustic engineer, musician and AI student. I’m curious about why and how people do what they do. Join me as I track down the creators, experimenters and outsiders behind smart ideas, innovation and invention – and explore real stories of endeavour, trial and error.
A hybrid of guest interviews, recordings from the field and insight sharing – episodes typically last for around 30 minutes and new shows are added every Tuesday.
You can find this podcast across all usual platforms. Feel free to subscribe wherever you’re tuning in from and stay up to date with new episodes. If you’d like to get in touch or ask us a question, visit There, you’ll also find our blog, where we document and share resources related to this podcast, links to social media and bonus material.
Thank you for listening
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Книга, которую прочитал Я.
Поделюсь с тобой своими выводами после прочтения книги, выпишу и расскажу самые интересные моменты, инсайты и аналогии, пришедшие мне на ум. Саморазвитие, личностный рост, путь к себе, только ты можешь его пройти и то, что я увидел в книге, ты можешь пропустить, и так же я могу чего-то не заметить, что заметил ты! Если ты стремишься к знаниям, то нам с тобой по пути.
A ”No-Nonsense” Guide For The Modern Day Beautypreneur! Are you ready to build a killer beauty career? Do you crave more out of your current business? If so, you are not alone. At Shut Up and Start we take a no nonsense approach to building a profitable, pleasurable and sustainable business in the modern day beauty industry.
Welcome to The Human Design Profiles, a conversational podcast where host Chantelle Andercastle speaks with each guest about how their personal profile lines influence their business journey.
We’re all about sharing honest impressions of our hd charts and giving you insights you can apply based on your own profile.
Have a listen as today’s guest shares their story while YOU read between the lines.
Connect with Chantelle...
On Instagram: @clearquartzcreative
Listen to my other show: The Aligned Action Podcast
Check out the website: -
Wavy Days is the podcast you didn't know you were missing from your roster.
Allison James shares her life experiences as an artist and generally a person with too many feelings. She gives her insight and advice as a lover of business and ex-retail girl. And, maybe most often, she opens up as someone who can't seem to stop talking about themselves for the sake of your own growth, helping you work towards the version of yourself that you like the best.
You can find her words doled out with a loving edge and a lot of laughter. Because when things get tough, you better learn to ride the wave, baby!
Where you can contact us [email protected]
Where you can find Allison on Instagram and TikTok
Where you can find Allison’s work online
Theme music by The Brook & The Bluff
SUBSCRIBE and leave a rating if this show spoke to you! We greatly appreciate your support. -
Heather Allison is the Sacred Feminine, Soul + Shamanic Guide for women who are here for something MORE. A Destiny Accelerator, she helps her clients step into the lives, the Love, the Success, the Magic and the experiences they have always been meant for.
Her work has been described as “unimaginable transformation,” “revolutionary,” “whole-life changing,” and “by far the most important work I’ve ever done” by the women who have experienced it.
She is an Activator of those who are here to be Activators. The Divine Feminine guide for Divine Feminine guides. And a mentor for every woman who desires to walk a path full of Miracles, and live a life of Beauty and Purpose.
Through her signature Mystery School, Golden Goddess, Heather teaches the principles and practices from her reality-changing methodology called Sacred Harmonic Energetics™ (S.H.E.). These are Energetic, Shamanic, Emotional, Subconscious, as well as highly-practical and real-life tools that support everything we crave as humans: Deep Love, Soul Aligned business and success, clear Intuition and guidance, personal Power, Harmony, and the fulfillment of our Sacred Destinies.
Enter the Sacred Feminine Mysteries with her here on The Golden Path — and go deeper into the More you're meant for at ( -