In the not too distant future, a ragtag group of movie fans awaken from a nuclear nightmare, only to discover that the world they once knew has become a barren, movie-less wasteland. Broadcasting from the last surviving video store on the planet, listen to host David Snider and his cinephile friends as they take it upon themselves to educate the inhabitants of this post-apocalyptic hellscape and bring the lost art of cinema back to the Wasteland. Welcome…to Apocalypse Video!
פודקאסט שבועי על היקום הקולנועי של מארוול, ומדי פעם גם על קולנוע וטלויזיה.
בהגשת אסף זינגר ושי עסיס ואורחות ואורחים נוספים.
עקבו אחרינו בטיקטוק:
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לאתר שלנו: -
Jonny is a filmmaker and Si is a 3D graphic artist.
We are two brothers who love films. If you do as well, maybe you‘ll enjoy listening to us discuss movies, good and bad, while we relive our childhoods, deconstruct them and go off on tangents.
Be advised, this podcast contains strong language, including sexual swearwords. -
Every season, I - Mr paradox - and my sister Ruby Paradox, will come together to talk about a movie.
Which movie? We don't know, as we pick one from old classics to one you probably forgot out!
We will share our opinions, some facts, a lot of pointless recap, So join us as we go through culture to catch up to movies.
You can find us here - -