Skönlitteratur – Sverige – Nya podcasts

  • Din nya favoritpodd har landat! Tre roliga typer tävlar i att få varandra att skratta. I en battle royal får de handlöst hoppa in i varandras scener och försöka hålla masken. Den som skrattar mest förlorar! Programledare och enväldig domare är Hampus Berglund Svensson. Producerat av Älvnära Media.

  • "A good old fashioned love story between a workaholic submissive, who has her whole life planned ahead of her, and a Dominant who would take every day as it comes, if she weren't so terrified that everyone will one day leave her."

    This is the audio version of Where It All Started, a novel written by J. Allison Baird and illustrated by S. M. Shifflett which is being released online for free, one chapter a week in both text and audio format. At the end of which a limited physical print run is planned for those who enjoyed the novel and wish to support it. Or just want it as a very pretty book they can hold in their hands.

    Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and see for the illustrated text version.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A fictional podcast covering files over the paranormal and supernatual.

  • Seven chuckleheads goofing off, telling stories, and laughing way too loud, usually while playing D&D. This podcast features our stories that all take place in the interconnected world of Avantris. Even if you know nothing about tabletop games, we think you’ll enjoy the improv, comedy, narrative, voice acting, drama, and friendship along the way.

    Our Curse of Strahdanya campaign lives in its own podcast, but here is where you can find everything else from our nearly six years of telling stories, including Once Upon a Witchlight!

  • When Lucas moves into a NYC boarding home to start a new life, he discovers decades-old diary cassette tapes left behind by his room’s first occupant. The tapes foreshadow tragedy, but they also lay out a beautiful path of invaluable advice for building a new life in the city. And Lucas uses them to do just that, embarking on his own journey... of life, work, friendship and love.

  • Under the spell of the moonlit mountain town, join Dante Emberwood on WPRM 88.5 for the ultimate late-night radio experience in Whispering Pines. It's not your average radio show. We take you beyond the realms of the ordinary into the extraordinary, where mysteries are unwrapped, local tales are unveiled, and the magic of the town comes alive. Every evening from 11 pm to 3 am, Dante invites you to share your unique stories, discuss captivating topics, and tune into the melodious harmony of Whispering Pines' favorite music. Tune in to Emberwood's Night Hour and let the nocturnal spirit of our mountain town speak to your soul.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Join Vin, Varren, Mia, and Freya on an extraordinary journey through the mysterious Missing Moment in the captivating Pathfinder 2e adventure path "Gatewalkers." Get ready for thrilling encounters, epic quests, and unimaginable discoveries. Don't miss a single moment of this thrilling show!

  • Vad är egentligen ett gott liv? För dig, idag? För dig, imorgon?
    Det goda livet är en fiktiv podcast som utspelar sig i framtiden. År 2050 har Europa blivit koldioxidneutralt. Skåne ska stå värd för världsutställningen 2055, på temat "Det goda livet". Som ett led i förberedelserna ger sig tre programledare ut i det skånska landskapet för att undersöka vad ett gott liv egentligen är; konstnären Esarosa, kändiskocken Enkido och den välrenommerade kulturjournalisten Johanna.
    Det goda livet produceras av Umami Produktion tillsammans med forskarnätverket Climaginaries vid Lunds universitet.

  • Through the remnants of 12 years of broadcasting their signal from the wasteland, Through the Aftermath is back with the quirkiest post-apocalyptic news that's usually centered around Fallout or some obscure B movie.

  • - 1000+ audiobooks, all ad free!

    Madame Blavatsky is perhaps most well known as a scholar of Theosophy and co-founder of the Theosophical Society. Her studies of religion, mysticism and philosophy converges in this collection of weird fiction, stories that Blavatsky considered lighter fare compared to her usual writing. In this strange collection, you will find the story of a living ghost tormenting an ex-lover from hundreds of miles away, a revelation of a murder in a most unusual way, a tale from the far east of a seer who allows the visualization of events happening from afar, an unexplainable event from the icy wastes and a gruesome story of a violin imbued with the shrieks of the dead.

  • The Jewel of Seven Stars (also published under the name: The Jewel of the Seven Stars) is a horror novel by Bram Stoker first published in 1903. The story is about an archaeologist's plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy.

    View our full collection of podcasts at our website:
    or YouTube channel:

    Check out our ad free subscription: for our Premium, 10 Hour Sounds

  • De historier vi ska berätta är otroliga men ändå sanna. Här finns sanna historier om spionage. Förräderier, mord, dubbelagenter, manipulationer, avkolonisering, CIA, KGB, DGSE, BND, MI6, MI5, FBI: detta är hela den samtida historien sedd genom dess mörka sida, underrättelsetjänsten och dess hänsynslösa universum. Vi berättar bakom kulisserna om hjältarna och de anonyma kämparna i detta skoningslösa krig om information, desinformation och makt som stormakterna för mot varandra. I denna kamp finns det inga vinnare eller allierade, utan en rad diskreta segrar och ännu mer hemliga misslyckanden. Operation Fortitude, Red Orchestra, Dusan Popov, alias Tricycle, Double Cross-systemet och många andra hemliga historier presenteras för dig.

    Spioner är den nya produktionen Studio Minuit.

  • Det här är en dokumentärserie om människorna som ställer till det för oss andra.

    Tack vare Kjell Eriksson och hans AI är det nu möjligt att få höra de drabbade, de skyldiga och experterna i ämnet.

    Varning: Eventuella likheter med verkligheten är endast en slump. 

    OBS! Programmet är fiktion men produceras av en riktig människa.

    Fotnot: Den du alltid hör i programmet är Kjell Eriksson och hans riktiga röst.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Podden för dig som längtar efter mer magi i vardagen. Amanda berättar sagor om det som har hänt, det som är och det som kan bli. Med klingande dalmål målar hon upp världar du för en stund kan förlora dig i.



    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A dark comedy audio drama that looks behind the doors of your friends and neighbors. In the aftermath of a hurricane, Joan's family and others like her on the lower ridge have lost almost everything, while Katie and her fellow residents of Cypress Creek on the upper ridge emerged unscathed. An HOA election could change everything, making sure the community resources go to those in need. But only if Joan can defeat Katie, the ultimate "Karen" of the neighborhood. The epic battle that will ensue between them will put them and the residents to the ultimate test... and everyone might not make it out alive. BIG LITTLE LIES meets DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES in a post-hurricane suburban neighborhood.

  • Fantasy and LitRPG Story called "Worlds Beneath the Shadows"

    We follow the compelling journey of Valenus, a person burdened by the weight of personal challenges, most notably the illness of their father. At home, Valenus is engulfed in a sea of guilt and responsibility, constantly struggling to find a balance between their personal anguish and the needs of their family.

    Amidst this emotional turmoil, Valenus seeks a momentary escape from the oppressive realities of his situation, tirelessly searching for something, anything, that could provide a distraction, yet each attempt seems to lead nowhere.

    In an unexpected turn of events, Valenus encounter a seemingly ordinary video game, discarded and forgotten on the ground. Driven by curiosity and a desperate need for distraction, Valenus takes the game home. Little do they know, this game is far from ordinary.

    Upon starting the game, Valenus is suddenly and inexplicably transported into its virtual world. This is no mere coincidence; the game, as if alive with purpose, has chosen Valenus.

    Now, within this new reality, Valenus is forced to adapt to an environment where fantasy and danger coexist.

    In this game world, Valenus faces a myriad of challenges and formidable monsters.

    Each obstacle pushes Valenus to the brink, demanding ingenuity, courage, and resilience.

    "Worlds Beneath The Shadows" is a story of escape and return, of facing one's fears in a world where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, and where a person's true strength is often found in the most unlikely of places.

  • Hi, I'm Shrapnel and welcome to Battletopia. I'm just a guy with a microphone, sound effects and a love for sci-fi and stuff.
    Battletopia is home to the your favourite tabletop and gaming universe's histories and stories. From Battletech, Fantasy, 40K and many other sci-fi and fantasy settings.

    Want to help out the channel and support new stories, then you can become a Patron here:

    Or buy me a recharge here:

    Follow me on Insta :

  • An actual play D&D podcast where a group of diverse comedians play as the ADHDest party in the history of fantasy. Listen as they fumble and giggle their way through grand adventures in the magical kingdom of Illandra for your entertainment and theirs. New episodes every second Tuesday.