Skönlitteratur – Kenya – Nya podcasts

  • Radar Peak is the first Three-Body Problem Podcast discussing Liu Cixin's The Three-Body Problem and its real life parallels. Join us for a new episode every Wednesday as we make our way through Cixin Liu's Hugo-Award Winning Sci-fi Series The Three Body Problem. 👽📡

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Uploads from my Youtube channel Scary Stories To Sleep By where I narrate Creepypastas, scary stories, and haunted histories. Please join me and let me lull you into a slumber. Stay spooky, and you're worthwhile.

  • Sankara Sarma speaks to his son about Corona virus

  • A student in Berlin discovers a secret about himself and his past. Two brothers, a death and a COURTCASE.

  • Speaking on any and all views, that may be knowledgeable but uncomfortable for some.

  • adventure novels:
    The Fur Country By: Jules Verne (1828-1905)
    Roughing It By: Mark Twain (1835-1910)
    The Enchanted Castle By: Edith Nesbit (1858-1924)
    Plague Ship By: Andre Norton (1912-2005)
    The Man in the Iron Mask By: Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)
    An Antarctic Mystery or The Sphinx of the Ice Fields By: Jules Verne (1828-1905)
    South! The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917 By: Ernest Shackleton
    The Book of A Thousand Nights and a Night By: Anonymous (1821-1890)
    Riders of the Purple Sage By: Zane Grey (1872-1939)
    Kim By: Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
    The Aeneid By: Publius Vergilius Maro (70 BC - 19 AD)
    The Lone Star Ranger By: Zane Grey (1872-1939)
    The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders By: Daniel Defoe (1659/1661-1731)
    Dead Men's Money By: Joseph Smith Fletcher (1863-1935)
    The Water-Babies By: Charles Kingsley (1819-1875)

  • The Savvy Creative with Christina Castaneda features award winning audio fiction with magic, Romance and dark thrillers, fully produced by indie writers and creative talent. We also celebrate indie authors, screenwriters, playwrights and creatives who produce and publish their stories with writer interviews.

  • Storyteller Caitlin Hicks, (playwright, performer, author, actor) describes the stories in these podcasts that explore the grief of life as well as the meaning, the humour, the redemption.

    The series features a variety of first-person character stories in a number of episodes from her international theatrical touring shows: Mother Love, Next of Kin, The Trouble of Christmas, The Life We Lived.

    Hicks will also share chapters from her novel," A Theory of Expanded Love". But here, she shares a short story from The Trouble of Christmas episodes, called Read Island Santa.

    The introduction to the series itself begins this podcast, so please listen, even if it's summer outside!

    The voices of Sunshine Coast residents and old timers, Cynthia Culbard Jones and Diana Culbard Peters are combined in this short about their first Christmas in the 30s at Read Island – so far away that Santa would never find them. And yet, a man named Mr. Green visits their school house on Christmas Eve and surprises everyone, ‘even the old bachelors'. It’s a charming story about the blissfully gullible time of being children.

  • Welcome to Fall Asleepwith Motiversity, the podcast that transports you to a world of tranquility through soothing sleep sounds and enchanting bedtime stories. Immerse yourself in a cocoon of relaxation as we blend gentle whispers, calming melodies, and captivating tales to help you unwind and drift into a restful slumber. Join us each episode for a blissful journey to dreamland, where the worries of the day melt away, and peaceful serenity takes over. Sweet dreams.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • I will be telling stories that I made up and seeing if you can guess whats next.

  • One thing always remains the same: Population.

  • The people of Barthos are suffering. Not long ago, everyone had plenty to eat and plenty to trade. Then — with the disappearance of a very special prisoner — everything changed.

    A contemporary fable about loss, sacrifice, and ordinary magic, told by four criss-crossed souls.

  • A show where two literary critics go through all of Kurt Vonnegut, and then Chinua Achebe, novel by novel, periodically interrupted by talking about The Sopranos.

  • The Wild Duck (1884) (original Norwegian title: Vildanden) is by many considered Ibsen's finest work, and it is certainly the most complex. It tells the story of Gregers Werle, a young man who returns to his hometown after an extended exile and is reunited with his boyhood friend Hjalmar Ekdal. Over the course of the play, the many secrets that lie behind the Ekdals' apparently happy home are revealed to Gregers, who insists on pursuing the absolute truth, or the "Summons of the Ideal". Among these truths: Gregers' father impregnated his servant Gina, then married her off to Hjalmar to legitimize the child. Another man has been disgraced and imprisoned for a crime the elder Werle committed. Furthermore, while Hjalmar spends his days working on a wholly imaginary "invention", his wife is earning the household income.

    Ibsen displays masterful use of irony: despite his dogmatic insistence on truth, Gregers never says what he thinks but only insinuates, and is never understood until the play reaches its climax. Gregers hammers away at Hjalmar through innuendo and coded phrases until he realizes the truth; Gina's daughter, Hedvig, is not his child. Blinded by Gregers' insistence on absolute truth, he disavows the child. Seeing the damage he has wrought, Gregers determines to repair things, and suggests to Hedvig that she sacrifice the wild duck, her wounded pet, to prove her love for Hjalmar. Hedvig, alone among the characters, recognizes that Gregers always speaks in code, and looking for the deeper meaning in the first important statement Gregers makes which does not contain one, kills herself rather than the duck in order to prove her love for him in the ultimate act of self-sacrifice. Only too late do Hjalmar and Gregers realize that the absolute truth of the "ideal" is sometimes too much for the human heart to bear.

    View our full collection of podcasts at our website: or YouTube channel:

    This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain.

  • An unlikely duo with NO MICS set out to give unconventional teachings in a bid to help you learn, relearn and unlearn things they have little to no knowledge about.