Konst – Indien – Nya podcasts

  • Nostalgia!!

    Things that I enjoyed while growing up, everything from Grandma's stories to games to radio to TV to social situations of my times and before; that I think Next Gen may never understand.

    Trying to give that experience to my daughter by walking down the memory lanes along with her.

  • Newly married women express her emotions for not living with husband


  • Words are just the evidence of life and I'm converting it into poetry.. So live, love & laugh with me.

  • Hey ! Thats my first beatboxing in this app . So please guys like . If you learn beatbox please dm me on insta my insta account name _.foxer_.

  • Each day we perform a series of dad jokes to brighten your day any time!

  • Its about different moments in life in the form of hindi poetry,1 poem is for the special one rest will be about different topics related to life and feelings of people

  • Nazm, Ek Koshish is a podcast dedicated to poetry. We will take you on a literary journey where you can enjoy Hindi and Urdu- both classical and contemporary--as well as English poems spanning the centuries. Join Fb Group ( Flash ) rjamit.co/fbgroup for all the latest updates.

  • "Voyage of the Scarlet Queen" was a classic old-time radio adventure drama that captivated audiences with its exotic locales and thrilling maritime narratives. The show first aired in 1947 and continued until 1948, offering listeners a blend of mystery, adventure, and action set against the backdrop of the Asia-Pacific region shortly after World War II.

    Overview and FormatThe series followed the adventures of Philip Carney, the master of the sailing ship Scarlet Queen, as he navigated through the treacherous waters of the Pacific. Each episode began with the ringing of a ship's bell and the captain’s voice declaring, "Log entry, the catch Scarlet Queen, Philip Carney, master." This would set the stage for the episode's story, often involving intrigue, treachery, and exotic ports of call.Characters
    Philip Carney (played by Elliot Lewis): The capable and experienced captain of the Scarlet Queen, Carney is both the protagonist and narrator of the series. His character is tough, resourceful, and often finds himself entangled in dangerous situations as he and his crew voyage across the Pacific.Red Gallagher (played by Ed Max): Gallagher is Carney's first mate, a dependable and loyal companion whose Irish heritage is often highlighted in his dialogue and interactions. Together, Carney and Gallagher face various adversaries and navigate complex plots.Writers and Creators"Voyage of the Scarlet Queen" was written by Gil Doud and Robert Tallman. Their writing effectively combined action-packed adventures with tight, dramatic scripting that allowed the characters' personalities to develop through their interactions and the challenges they faced. The show was produced by James Burton and directed by Elliott Lewis, who also played the lead role of Philip Carney, adding a personal touch to the character with his robust performance.

    Signature ElementsThe series was notable for its vivid settings and atmospheric details, which transported listeners to various ports across the Pacific, from Honolulu to Singapore and beyond. The episodes were structured around the voyage's overall goal: to find a mysterious treasure, which added an overarching purpose to Carney's travels.

    The show's tagline, "The ship with the scarlet sails and the quest of the golden fleece," added a mythical dimension to the Scarlet Queen’s journey, blending classical allusions with modern-day swashbuckling adventure.

    Legacy"Voyage of the Scarlet Queen" remains a celebrated example of maritime adventure in radio drama, renowned for its rich storytelling and atmospheric production. Its combination of adventurous plots, intriguing destinations, and character chemistry between Carney and Gallagher made it a memorable part of radio history. The show's use of location-based adventures set a standard for how radio could evoke vivid imagery and excitement through sound alone, influencing future productions in the genre.

    for more https://www.quietperiodplease.com/

  • Dhaak means drums in Bengali, and we intend to drum-roll for anyone who wishes for a Shoutout of her/his ideas. From creative domains to social causes to current affairs, we bring you the most curated content from across the globe. This podcast is hosted by your friendly neighborhood Tushar Sen (instagram: https://instagram.com/tusharsarojsen). Stay tuned and stay connected.

  • Olá eu sou a maestrina Ester Freire e vim te convidar para o meu novo do podcast FERMATAEsse é o ponto zero e se você chegou por aqui fique a vontade para ouvir essa nova temporada em uma sequência ou no modo aleatório.Em sua nova configuração Teremos encontros semanais, uma versão solo por enquanto e eu chamei essa jornada de Fermata vou te explicar o porquê:Fermata –segundo o dicionário. Significa:Suspensão é um símbolo usado em notação musical e que significa parada em italiano. Trata-se de um sinal colocado sobre uma nota ou pausa, indicando que devemos sustentá-la à vontade além de sua duração normal. O prolongamento "à vontade" pode variar de acordo com o estilo, o andamento, a estética ou interpretação do executante.Escolhi esse título, pois meu desejo é que esses episódios sejam um convite a uma pausa no seu dia e que juntos possamos criar momentos para reflexão, uma prolongamento a nossa vontade . sob a nossa batuta.

  • Introducing 'BIG Bite' – where every morsel tells a story! Embark on a flavorful journey through Tamil Nadu's rich culinary tapestry, steeped in centuries-old traditions. From the aromatic spices to the heartwarming tales behind each dish, we delve into the soul of Tamil cuisine. Join us as we celebrate the art of serving – a true service to humanity!

  • Hello guys, get to know about life and lifestyle. I’m going to share all my experience. Stay connected, stay cool 🤩😍