
  • Want to learn more about Human Design and being a Manifestor? Head to ⁠Moonrise⁠, Sam and Nadia's newest dedicated Human Design venture with tons of free resources to learn more:

    ⁠Moonrise Human Design Podcast⁠ ⁠Moonrise Human Design YouTube Channel⁠ ⁠Moonrise Human Design Instagram⁠

    Manifestors are the only energy type in Human Design that hold the creative vision and contain everything within themselves to get their ideas started. Other types need to wait for something whether it’s an invitation (Projectors), something to respond to (Manifesting Generators and Generators), or a full lunar cycle to drop into their unique energy (Reflectors).

    Manifestors don’t need to wait for anything, they receive the lightning bolt of inspiration within themselves, all they need to do is “inform” or let people know where they’re going.

    Manifestor energy is incredibly powerful and self-contained and it’s our deep belief that we need more empowered and creatively inspired Manifestors on the planet right now to cultivate collective growth and healing. We reframe and evolve the traditional language that Manifestors are “repelling” and instead empower Manifestors to observe the way they impact people around them.

    In this episode Sam and I interview our dear friend Carolyn who introduced us and kicked off our co-creation a little over a year ago. Talk about getting things started! We interview her about her unique Manifestor energy. For those familiar with Human Design, Carolyn is a 2/4 Emotional Manifestor born under the right angle cross of penetration.

    We cover a lot of ground in this episode, including:

    What does a Manifestor urge feel like? How can Manifestors understand their closed (opaque) and impactful aura? What does Manifestor anger feel like and how can Manifestors work with it in healthy ways? What are the common Manifestor wounds and challenges? How can Manifestors learn to trust the rest to recharge their undefined Sacral motor? Bonus: Inner inquiry prompts to understand the type of impact you are designed to make in this lifetime

    If you are a Manifestor, we hope you take this episode as an invitation to trust and move toward the creative inspiration that flows through you unimpeded. Play big! Take up space! Go where you wanna go and be who you wanna be! We’re all waiting for your inspiration to get us all started. Sending you love on your journey of self-reclamation and inner power.


    Interested in diving deep into all the nuances of Human Design? Open enrollment for the Spring '23 cohort of Human Design Training is now open. You can reserve your spot at nadialast.com/humandesigntraining.


    About Nadia: Nadia Last is an intuitive therapist, spiritual mentor, and host of The Current podcast. Nadia also co-teaches Human Design Training alongside Sam (learn more about Sam below). You can book a reading with Nadia or learn more about 1:1 mentorship at www.nadialast.com.

    About Sam: Sam Pfotenhauer is a healer, coach, human design reader and psychic channel, as well as the host of the Wild River podcast. She is one of Nadia’s closest friends and they co-teach Human Design Training together. You can find her on Instagram at @wildriver and learn more about her offerings at wildriver.live.


    Website: nadialast.com

    Instagram: @nadialast_

    Music: Chihiro by Yoste

    Photography: www.mandeerae.com