
  • An overview of the Hekate and the Wheel of the Year Research Project, with a discussion on the historical origins of Hekate's Wheel, Hekate as Soul, the history of Hekate as Gatekeeper (Propylaia), and a summary of the astrology of 2021 in general, and how to use it to deepen your understanding of yourself and Hekate. Includes a month-by-month guide.

    Whether you're deep into your studies with Hekate or simply curious, you'll learn about her history through my exploration of her different roles and epithets as they relate to the lunar months, sabbats, seasons and the astrology of the new year. An excellent way to go deeper with Lesson 7 from the Keeping Her Keys book.

    Mythological consciousness, the mysteries, the call of the rebel soul, and the courage to climb higher are the major themes of 2021. However, we haven’t spontaneously ascended. It’s more like we’ve been given the keys to the Temple Gate. The choice to enter is ours. We can become the High Priestess (or other sacred title of our choosing).

    Watch the video version: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG-Ug14JBIA&t=6s

    Apply to become a student in my school, The Covina Institute: members.covinainstitute.com