
  • The Daring Adventures of Crash Murphy is a 1930s style radio play that follows Crash Murphy, his hired thug Tommy Fumes, and his detective in-training Dolly Dewitt. Together they will crack the most complex conspiracies using Crash's unmatched wit, Tommy's immeasurable strength, and Dolly's no-nonsense ferocity. Join our heroes in their newest adventure for more!
    Created by Jonathan Kirkwood ( @jonathan_kirkwood )
    Artwork by Cathleen McRitchie (@but_a_simple_frog)
    Tune in to live shows and podcasts at www.sheridanliferadio.ca
    ( @sheridanliferadio )

  • A series of unofficial audio dramas. Featuring "The Chronicles of Oz" (based on the works of L Frank Baum) and the "Doctor Who Crossover Adventures"