
  • After Jesse tells a crazy story about his new life as a Brooklyn socialite, the hosts talk Jason Stanley’s SAT scores, PJ Vogt’s return to podcasting, and Taylor Lorenz’s article about the woman behind Libs of Tik Tok. To discuss this post with premium subscribers, click here.

    Show notes/Links:


    Crypto Island:

    Review in Vulture: https://www.vulture.com/2022/04/crypto-island-podcast-pj-vogt.html

    Reported pieces on the controversy:



    Jesse’s paywalled newsletter piece:

    Libs of Tik Tok:

    If we can’t trust Libs of TikTok to bring us accurate news, all is lost:

    New Right: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/04/inside-the-new-right-where-peter-thiel-is-placing-his-biggest-bets

    Curtis Yarvin on murdering kids: https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/2011/07/right-wing-terrorism-as-folk-activism/

    On the guy who figured out who Libs of TikTok was: “Travis Brown meticulously tracks all my public posts, likes, and shares across all social media platforms (Github, Twitter, etc.), archives them permanently (without my consent, and against the terms of service of these organizations, and against data protection laws in some countries), and then posts them online with his own grotesque and twisted interpretations.”

    Taylor Lorenz’s article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/04/19/libs-of-tiktok-right-wing-media/

    Image of the Libs of TikTok logo is from Wikipedia.

    This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.blockedandreported.org/subscribe
  • Katie’s true reason for dressing up as a horse all those years ago is finally revealed. An old friend of the pod returns for his revenge. A heart-wrenching story involving a 10-year-old rape victim seeking an abortion turns out to be fake, but then turns out to be real anyway. Jesse discusses a viral internet rumor involving trans kids in Leon County, Florida schools and explains how indignant he is he had to do one of his least favorite things — “work” — in order to debunk it.



    Katie has a crush on Jesse confirmed:


    Katie’s initial attempt to seduce Jesse, c. 2010:

    Prof. Stuart Reges sues University of Washington with FIRE’s backing:


    Last episode on Reges’ case (skip to 3:48):

    The Victim That Was(n’t?)

    Indiana Star story about the 10-year-old:


    Indiana’s new abortion law:


    Megan Fox (no, not that one) expresses skepticism, does some digging:

    The WSJ is incredulous:


    The Washington Post’s semi-skeptical column (paywalled, but only on desktop for some reason):


    Ladies and gentlemen, we got him:


    Rebecca Fishbein uses this to dunk on her political outgroup:

    Mike Daisy, who QRT’d this tweet, was himself caught fabricating a story:


    Fox grabs the political football, scores some political points for the right:


    Bethany Bruner was the only one in the courtroom as the perp was arraigned:

    Asheville Watchdog:


    Leon County:

    Jesse’s story:

    A screenshot of the Tweet that started all this (deleted):

    The Tallahassee Democrat story that it linked to:


    Kaitlyn Greenridge, features director of Harper’s Bazaar, on how this may represent an irreversible step towards fascism:

    Leon County School District’s LGBTQ Inclusive guide with amendments — old version before the final amendments that was linked to in the Democrat piece:


    Chase Anderson, child and adolescent psychiatrist, on this policy (deleted):

    NBC repeats the claim from Twitter:


    Vanity Fair then repeats the claim from NBC from Twitter:


    Turns out the guide was actually written by a PFLAG activist:


    In Leon County, even the Republicans are liberal:


    The lawsuit that got this policy rewritten:


    Leon County’s reaction to the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill:


    Previously, Leon County school board got their salaries withheld by the state gov’t over their mask policy:


    The journalist fact-checking this story:


    Image: DAYTON, OHIO, UNITED STATES - 2022/05/14: Protesters hold placards expressing their opinion at a pro abortion rights rally. People from many different cities gathered to support and rally for abortion rights. In light of the Supreme Court decision that could overturn Roe v. Wade that leaked roughly two weeks ago, hundreds of people in Dayton, spoke and marched for abortion access. (Photo by Whitney Saleski/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

    This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.blockedandreported.org/subscribe
  • After Jesse issues a very deep and personal apology about an egregious error, the hosts discuss the endlessly swirling media shitstorm surrounding Felicia Sonmez. To discuss this episode with other premium subscribers, click here.

    Show notes/Links:

    JournoList: https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2010/06/the-washington-posts-dave-weigel-resigns-following-strange-semi-scandal

    Emily Yoffe on Jonathan Kaiman: https://reason.com/2019/08/23/im-radioactive/

    Anna Merlan on Emily Yoffe on Jonathan Kaiman: https://jezebel.com/emily-yoffe-is-back-on-her-b******t-heres-what-an-alleg-1837679900

    Felicia Sonmez on Emily Yoffe on Jonathan Kaiman:

    Anna Merlan: “'Is the UVA Rape Story a Gigantic Hoax?' Asks Idiot”: https://jezebel.com/is-the-uva-rape-story-a-gigantic-hoax-asks-idiot-1665233387

    Kobe Bryant thing: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomspiggle/2020/02/04/what-felicia-sonmezs-recent-tweets-about-kobe-bryant-tell-us-about-the-free-speech-rights-of-employees/?sh=270e72ca73af

    Letter of support signed by Weigel and many others: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ErQ7bN352jQZ0Ka8kCzAW8CWr2zEnUIvms5BG2Kdt1E/edit

    Sonmez statement:

    Policy reversal: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/washington-post-reverses-prohibition-on-reporter-from-writing-about-sexual-assault/2021/03/29/c0ee3be0-90c5-11eb-9668-89be11273c09_story.html

    Lawsuit: https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/22/media/washington-post-lawsuit-felicia-sonmez/index.html


    Result: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21523815-sonmezvwprlg032522


    Initial Sonmez complaint about Weigel:

    Jose A. Del Rel criticizes her approach:

    Weigel apologizes:

    Breanna Muir inserts herself:

    He already apologized:

    Coverage of firing: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/09/felicia-sonmez-fired-by-the-washington-post-00038622


    “And then you have Felicia, who is essentially pouring gasoline on every fire and inviting people to watch.”: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/06/inside-the-washington-posts-social-media-meltdown

    Image source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/how-the-new-washington-post-building-ushers-in-a-new-era-of-journalism/2015/12/10/656c248a-9ea9-11e5-9ad2-568d814bbf3b_video.html

    This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.blockedandreported.org/subscribe
  • After dissecting their experiences doing a live show at the Heterodox Academy conference in Denver, the hosts talk about Emily Bazelon’s “controversial” New York Times Magazine article about youth gender transition and a mind-melting controversy over a West Philly coffee shop. To discuss this episode with other premium subscribers, click here.

    Show notes/Links:

    Bazelon’s article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/15/magazine/gender-therapy.html

    Thank you to all the Dave Robertses:

    Mina’s World:



    Eater profile: https://philly.eater.com/22517795/minas-world-west-philly-sonam-parikh-kate-egghart

    Hostage Video 1:

    Hostage Video 2:

    Accountability Video:

    Image of the NYT building comes via Wikipedia.

    This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.blockedandreported.org/subscribe
  • Als Jugo ist man es gewohnt, für latent kriminell gehalten zu werden. Böser Blick, Messer in der Tasche, zack ist das Schutzgeld erpresst. Doch abseits rassistischer Klischee hat der Balkan natürlich auch wirklich ein Problem mit organisierter Kriminalität. Und zwar ein gewaltiges.

    In dieser Episode schauen wir uns speziell zwei Länder an: Serbien und Montenegro. Denn viele wissen zwar, dass es hier so etwas wie eine eigene Mafia gibt, aber das war es auch schon. Dass tatsächlich einer der größten Kokain-Händler Europas aus Montenegro stammt und derzeit unter recht komfortablen Bedingungen mal wieder einen Prozess in Belgrad erwartet, dürfte hingen im Westen den Wenigsten bekannt sein. Ebenso die Hintergründe eines Streits zwischen zwei Klans aus einer montenegrinischen Kleinstadt, der in Europa schon gut 50 Menschenleben gefordert hat. Und natürlich hat das ganze auch mal wieder ganz viel mit Politik zu tun.

    In dieser Folge also werfen Danijel und Krsto einen Blick auf die Strukturen, die Hintermänner und ihre Kontakte in höchste Regierungskreise. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von Jelena Radivojević, Reporterin des Investigativportal KRIK aus Belgrad.

    Nebenbei erfahrt ihr, warum die beiden Moderatoren mal wieder klandestin in einem Hotelzimmer hocken, welchen Verkaufswert Koks in Brüssel hat und warum wir uns schweren Herzens von einem liebgewonnenen Balkan-Despoten verabschieden müssen.

  • Das ist der zweite Teil meines Gesprächs mit Tobi von AlpineFex. Im ersten Teil (ulligunde.com/episode52) haben wir über seine achtwöchige Auszeit in den Westalpen gesprochen und darüber, wie es war, so ganz ohne Kamera unterwegs zu sein, obwohl er doch Deutschlands größten Bergsportkanal auf YouTube betreibt. In der jetzigen Folge sprechen wir darüber, was er in diesen Wochen über sich gelernt hat, welche Konsequenzen er daraus zieht und wie er künftig leben wird. Wird, nicht will - denn Tobi hat - konsequent wie er nun mal ist - Nägel mit Köpfen gemacht und einen Schlussstrich gezogen.

    Links zur dieser Folge:

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    (P)lauschfolge #19 (2020) mit Tobi

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  • Neste gjest ut var en av stjernene i tredje sesong av SKAM, nemlig Henrik Holm! De snakker om hvordan de møttes første gang, om å gå inn i roller og Henrik mener Bønna er den fødte skuespiller.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Wer nicht hetero ist, hat es schwer auf dem Balkan. Psychische und physische Übergriffe sind an der Tagesordnung, doch die Polizei schaut oft weg und solidarisiert sich mit den Tätern. Schwule und Lesben verlassen die Region, weil sie es nicht mehr aushalten, so auch Ivan. Mit ihm haben wir über die Lebensrealität von Schwulen in der serbischen Peripherie gesprochen.
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