Peace Within The Wild Heart
Sept. 1st-5th (Labor Day Weekend)
with Andrew Chapman, Mikey Noechel, & Marika Maypop
William J. Kelley Retreat Center
Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi
Presented by Flowering Lotus Meditation
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Wild Heart Meditation Center in a non-profit Buddhist community based in Nashville, TN. https://www.wildheartmeditationcenter.org
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In this episode Mikey Noechel offers a talk and meditation on metta (loving kindness). This talk is part of a series on the bhramaviharas or the heart practices. These heart practices are: metta (loving kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (joy), upekkha (equanimity).
Mikey offers a guided loving kindness meditation at the end of this talk. The phrases he uses are:
May you be at ease
May you be at peace
May you be kind and gentle with yourself
May you be filled with loving kindness
Wild Heart Meditation Center in a non-profit Buddhist community based in Nashville, TN. https://www.wildheartmeditationcenter.org
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This talk was recorded at Wild Heart's Memorial Day Loving Kindness Retreat on May 27th-30th at Heartwood Refuge in Hendersonville, NC. Mikey Noechel offers a Dharma talk on developing a kind and compassionate view of the world through loving kindness (metta.)
Wild Heart Meditation Center in a non-profit Buddhist community based in Nashville, TN. https://www.wildheartmeditationcenter.org
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wildheartmeditation
In this episode Mikey Noechel and Andrew Chapman team up to offer a talk on the 4 Noble Truths and a guided meditation on R.A.I.N.
The Four Noble Truths are:
1. There is pain and difficulty in life. Embrace this truth.
2. Reactive and repetitive craving is the cause of suffering. Let go of reactivity.
3. There is an end to suffering. See the freedom.
4. The eightfold path is the path away from suffering. Act in accordance to the eightfold path.
R.A.I.N. stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture. Peace & Love. Enjoy!
Wild Heart Meditation Center in a non-profit Buddhist community based in Nashville, TN. https://www.wildheartmeditationcenter.org
DONATE: If you feel moved to support WHMC financially please visit:
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WildHeartNashville/
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