
  • The Saxo strategy team delivers insights and opinions about financial markets three times a week.

    Monday’s episode will focus on the events that have unfolded in the past week and what you should pay attention to in the coming week.
    Tuesday’s episode will focus on equities both in terms of performance and other relevant developments.
    Thursday’s episode will focus more narrowly on a specific topic, which can be everything from earning seasons, to yield curves and oil prices.

    The podcast will feature a wide array of Saxo’s financial experts.

  • Lær at investere og bliv opdateret på aktiemarkederne med vores podcast for begyndere, Ophelia Invest Talks. Podcasten udkommer 1-3 gange ugentligt på mandage, onsdage, fredage og varer ca. 30 minutter. Vi sætter fokus på en masse forskellige temaer under “paraplyerne” investering, opsparing og privatøkonomi.

    Disclaimer: Ophelia Invest Talks er ikke økonomisk rådgiver og dermed ikke ansvarlig for dine økonomiske valg. Investering er risikabelt.

    Ophelia Invest Talks bliver redigeret af Streamline Media