
  • Your Exceptional Life with Marcus Pearce is a weekly podcast dedicated to helping you RISE to magnificent in each area of your life. Niching your business is one thing, but niching your life is disastrous. Whether it’s the career-minded workaholic who makes no time to invest in relationships, children or a healthy lifestyle OR the busy mum who is too tired to work on the marriage, her friends and the things she truly loves. These are just two stereotypical examples of how we have over-niched our lives and unconsciously allowed mediocrity to become acceptable. Each week Marcus looks at one area of the Exceptional Life – life purpose (career), movement, social, nutrition, love and relationships, growth, wealth and spirit – and discuss small but seismic shifts that can make a massive difference in our quality of life. Up until around 2006, Marcus lived anything BUT the exceptional life. A workaholic smoking, binge-drinking processed food and Red Bull-guzzling TV and radio producer fo