Ironia, sarcasmo, acutilância. As perguntas que marcam o dia são lançadas por Paulo Ferreira e Júlio Magalhães. Todas as manhãs depois das 7, na Rádio Observador.
News on Covid-19 and its impact on health, business and travel worldwide. When there are developments, we will bring you the latest updates. From the Global News Podcast team.
Série semanal da Antena 1, onde Portugal e a atualidade, são vistos por personalidades das diversas comunidades de estrangeiros residentes em Portugal, moderada por Rui Pêgo. Sara Baptista, Ronaldo Bonacchi e Jair Rattner são os convidados residentes. Produção de Carlos Quevedo. Edição de Ana Fernandes.
A compilation of the latest Witness History programmes.
Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Host Manoush Zomorodi inspires us to learn more about the world, our communities, and most importantly, ourselves.
Get more brainy miscellany with TED Radio Hour+. Your subscription supports the show and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/ted -
Conversas com investigadores da rede GPS, dando voz à ciência para furar o ruído da desinformação. Com Carlos Fiolhais e David Marçal.
Henrique Burnay, Madalena Meyer Resende, Bruno Cardoso Reis e João Diogo Barbosa conversam sobre as notícias e temas que marcam a semana europeia.
The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology (and, now, ancient history of the Mediterranean) told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.
The History Extra podcast brings you gripping stories from the past and fascinating historical conversations with the world's leading historical experts.
Produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine, History Extra is a free history podcast, with episodes released six times a week. Subscribe now for the real stories behind your favourite films, TV shows and period dramas, as well as compelling insights into lesser-known aspects of the past.
We delve into global history stories spanning the ancient world right up to the modern day. You’ll hear deep dives into the lives of famous historical figures like Cleopatra, Anne Boleyn and Winston Churchill, and explorations of intriguing events from the past, such as the Salem witch trials, the battle of Waterloo and D-Day.
Expect fresh takes on history, helping you get to grips with the latest research, as we explore everything from ancient Roman archaeology and Viking mythology to Renaissance royals and Tudor kings and queens.
Our episodes touch on a wide range of historical eras – from the Normans and Saxons to the Stuarts, Victorians and the Regency period. We cover the most popular historical subjects, from the medieval world to the Second World War, but you’ll also hear conversations on lesser-known parts of our past, including black history and women’s history.
Looking at the history behind today’s headlines, we consider the forces that have shaped today’s world, from the imposing empires that dominated continents, to the revolutions that brought them crashing down. We also examine the impact of conflict across the centuries, from the crusades of the Middle Ages and the battles of the ancient Egyptians to World War One, World War Two and the Cold War.
Plus, we uncover the real history behind myths, legends and conspiracy theories, from the medieval murder mystery of the Princes in the Tower, to the assassination of JFK.
Featuring interviews with notable historians including Mary Beard, Tracy Borman, James Holland and Dan Jones, we cover a range of social, political and military history, with the aim to start conversations about some of the most fascinating areas of the past.
Unlock full access to HistoryExtra.com for 6 months for just 99p https://www.historyextra.com/join/ -
O HODLcast! é o podcast português sobre Bitcoin, blockchain e criptomoedas. O seu autor, Guilherme Sanchez, acredita imenso no potencial das criptomoedas a longo prazo, sentiu o dever de se focar em ensinar as pessoas a adquirir e armazenar criptomoedas em segurança e escreveu um livro sobre o tema. Quer comprar e começar a ler? Bem-vindo(a)! O HODLcast! foi criado para suportar o livro HODL! e esperamos que goste. Para mais informações visite o website do HODL!: www.hodlthebook.com
Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.
A entrevista de economia da Antena1, numa parceria com o Jornal de Negócios. Domingos depois das 13h com Rosário Lira.
Podcast de debate entre três «indivíduos na casa dos trinta» – Afonso Eça, João Tiago Gaspar e José Maria Pimentel – que se juntam para discutir assuntos políticos e económicos «sem partidarites nem salamaleques». Os autores assumem-se como liberais, embora discordem quanto ao significado desse rótulo, mas não abdicam sua independência. Os episódios são disponibilizados quinzenalmente (agora em parceria com o ECO).
-> Afonso Eça: Nascido em 1987, natural de Lisboa. É empreendedor na área de fintech, sendo um dos administradores da Raize (plataforma de financiamento colaborativo). É também professor convidado na Nova SBE onde lecciona diversas cadeiras do mestrado de Finanças. Na gíria do comentário, em Portugal, seria apelidado de “neoliberal”, mas julga-se apenas um convicto liberal clássico.
-> João Tiago Gaspar: Nasceu em 1990 e cresceu nas imediações da Serra de Aire. Trabalha na Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (uma instituição respeitável que não é para aqui chamada) enquanto politólogo (à falta de melhor palavra) e editor. Em tempos idos licenciou-se e completou o mestrado em ciência política na Universidade Católica, tendo sido estudante visitante na Universidade do Colorado, em Boulder, e na Universidade de Oxford. Diz identificar-se com o liberalismo social, uma ideologia reformista que não tem muitos adeptos em lado nenhum, por isso escusam de contar com ele para morrer pela causa.
-> José Maria Pimentel: Autor e anfitrião do podcast "45 Graus". Da colheita de 1987 e natural de Coimbra, é economista de formação, com mestrado pela Universidade de Tilburg, na Holanda, e um MBA (“Lisbon MBA”). Tem carreira profissional no sector financeiro e actividade docente no ISCTE-IUL (anteriormente, também na Nova SBE). Tem coração liberal -- e isso nota-se -- mas tenta ir à procura da razão onde ela estiver, seja na direita tradicional, na esquerda clássica ou na nova esquerda da justiça social (ou isso, ou -- como há quem tenha dito -- gosta simplesmente de ser do contra). -
Spanning history, religion, culture, science and philosophy, In Our Time from BBC Radio 4 is essential listening for the intellectually curious. In each episode, host Melvyn Bragg and expert guests explore the characters, events and discoveries that have shaped our world. History fans can learn about pivotal wars and societal upheavals, such as the rise and fall of Napoleon, the Sack of Rome in 1527, and the political intrigue of the Russian Revolution. Those fascinated by the lives of kings and queens can journey to Versailles to meet Marie Antoinette and Louis XIV the Sun King, or to Ancient Egypt to meet Cleopatra and Nerfertiti. Or perhaps you’re looking to explore the history of religion, from Buddhism’s early teachings to the Protestant Reformation. If you’re interested in the stories behind iconic works of art, music and literature, dive in to discussions on the artistic genius of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel and Van Gogh’s famous Sunflowers. From Gothic architecture to the works of Shakespeare, each episode of In Our Time offers new insight into humanity’s cultural achievements. Those looking to enrich their scientific knowledge can hear episodes on black holes, the Periodic Table, and classical theories of gravity, motion, evolution and relativity. Learn how the discovery of penicillin revolutionised medicine, and how the death of stars can lead to the formation of new planets. Lovers of philosophy will find episodes on the big issues that define existence, from free will and ethics, to liberty and justice. In what ways did celebrated philosophers such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Karl Marx push forward radical new ideas? How has the concept of karma evolved from the ancient Sanskrit texts of Hinduism to today? What was Plato’s concept of an ideal republic, and how did he explore this through the legend of the lost city of Atlantis? In Our Time celebrates the pursuit of knowledge and the enduring power of ideas.
After 25 years at the Late Night desk, Conan realized that the only people at his holiday party are the men and women who work for him. Over the years and despite thousands of interviews, Conan has never made a real and lasting friendship with any of his celebrity guests. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Deeper, unboundedly playful, and free from FCC regulations, Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend is a weekly opportunity for Conan to hang out with the people he enjoys most and perhaps find some real friendship along the way.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend ad-free and a whole week early.
Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting siriusxm.com/podcastsplus. -
Ana Galvão, Joana Marques e Inês Lopes Gonçalves são as “As Três da Manhã” na Renascença. Trazem-lhe boa disposição, desafios diários e a melhor informação, de segunda a sexta, das 7h às 10h
O presente e o futuro do projecto europeu, à luz dos grandes desafios que a União enfrenta.
O podcast Prova Virtual traz-te conversas com os atletas ,profissionais ou amadores, que te podem ajudar a evoluir nas tuas rotinas de treino e até na vida pessoal.
Com foco na corrida, ciclismo e triatlo, este é o lugar para os apaixonados pelo desporto de endurance nos contarem as suas experiências na primeira pessoa, e nos mostrarem como chegar a um estado de forma fisico e psicológico de excelência.
A conversa é conduzida pelo jornalista desportivo e praticante de triatlo amador Pedro Filipe Maia. -
Um programa da jornalista Maria Flor Pedroso com Marisa Matias e Carlos Coelho. Mais análise do que opinião, mais explicação do que defesa de pontos de vista contraditórios. Um contributo para a formação de uma cidadania responsável e informada.
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