
  • This one of our favourite ways to interact with you, our lovely audience, today we are answering your questions that you’ve sent in to us, again.

    Here are the 5 questions that were asked this week:

    Should I drop out of university if I’m not feeling it? [0:48] What should I do next now I’ve finished my studies? [12:19] How do I overcome resistance when creating? [21:52] How do I overcome social awkwardness while I’m developing my career? [28:15] What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? [37:35]

    These are some super exciting questions that really got us thinking. Alex and Mimi discuss their thoughts and experiences around the questions you sent in. Let’s start!

    Should I drop out of university if I’m not feeling it?

    Mimi drops out of college on 3rd semester What does school mean to employers interviewing for new positions Investing in yourself by saving yourself from huge amounts of debt Being excited about what your studying is the only way to learn Parents usually want status disguised as a college education Possibilities for the education system to embrace the changes in society Building relationships is the best thing about college

    School doesn’t prepare you for a lot of things we need in life, like communication and selling yourself, these are the important things, you’re always selling yourself or an idea” - Mimi - [14:22]

    What should I do next now I’ve finished my studies?

    Following your curiosity, let that be your guiding path Once you’ve found an idea, for results you need to commit to it There’s 1000’s of people trying for the same position, what can you do to stand out? Using your youth as time for experimentation Play risky while you have nothing to lose Entrepreneurship is sexy but not for everyone

    While your in your 20’s, that’s not a time to play safe, that’s a time to be shooting for your dreams” - Alex - [18:19]

    How do I overcome resistance when creating?

    Getting out of your own way is the only way to start creating The perfectionist myth that stops people in their tracks Are you impacting people’s lives in positive way with the content you make The people who keep going are really the only people creating the best stuff Even the best have their insecurities Create a higher purpose around your content creation Do it for yourself not validation

    “It’s sort of like having a treasure, you can keep it to yourself, keep it inside, or you can share it with the world, like giving a gift” - Mimi [25:10]

    How do I overcome social awkwardness as I’m developing in my career?

    Going that extra mile will make people feel special Not every social situation is black and white, be intuitive with interactions Become fascinated and inquisitive with people in general Don’t take it personally when people don’t want to chat Create a vision for yourself for inspiration and how/where you want to be Be yourself and be PRESENT when talking to someone

    What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

    Persistence is genius in disguise for Alex Nike’s JUST DO IT is winning for Mimi Virtual mentorship, soaking up information from everywhere Don’t be delusional, but keep going, even when you don’t feel like! Small steps at a time

    “It’s not because I’m smarter, it’s not because I’m better, it’s because i just do it” - Mimi [41:50]

  • Jim Quick is one of our smartest friends and is one of the world’s leading learning experts and brain coaches. He regularly works with A-list celebrities, movie stars and learns people - how to learn more effectively.

    After suffering multiple brain injuries as a child, he was named the boy with the broken brain. So he had to do one thing to fix himself, he’d become the genie of learning, instead of a wishing for more wishes, he’d grant wishes to learn how to learn.

    “That boy over there is the boy with the broken brain” - Jim’s school teacher

    Having suffered a second traumatic accident as he woke from a coma to einstein's face on a mug of tea, he realised that we aren’t taught how to learn, that just like a super computer we need to learn how to program it. While struggling at college, Jim found a new perspective on his broken brain when a mentor turned him onto reading a book a week. This was the moment where his poor grades at school stopped getting into the way of his education.

    If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them” - Jim Kwik

    His technique for memory development includes building a mind palace, which is a technique used by the ancient greek to remember long speeches and performances. To do this you have to implement 3 things:

    Creativity - the brain learns by being an active creator, not a just consumer Imagination - making the invisible - visible, so dream big! Strategy - planning a route to get there.

    Jim shares some valuable advice on why it’s important to build your memory, including; how the most successful people that get rewarded, ALWAYS remember people’s names. They know the secret; that nothing sounds sweeter to someone than hearing their own name. Try it yourself next time you’re in a coffee shop, but don’t be surprised if you end up getting a discount. People put trust in you when you use this fantastically simple technique.

    Meet Jim’s M.O.M. And remember her…

    Motivation - why would you want to remember anything, the importance of rewards. Observation - it’s not retention that is the problem, it’s paying attention that matters. Mechanics - The tools to remembering - diet, meditation, physical and mental exercise

    Jim treats presence like giving a gift. To be present to someone’s words is like giving them a present. He says the best way to listen is to just be silent and stop thinking of how to add your own piece.

    “Seek first to understand, then to be understood”

    Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly effective People

    You’ll learn Jim’s 10 key tips to super learning and high performance brain function:

    Good brain diet - treat what you read and information you consume as seriously as the food you put on your plate. Killing Ants - “Auto Negative thoughts”, positive environments shape how we remember. Movement - When the body moves, the brain grooves. Brain nutrients - how eating an healthy diet can support brain function. Positive peer group - surrounding yourself with 9 smart people, you’ll become the 10th. Clean environment - a messy house = a messy mind. Sleep - Consolidate your long and short term memories allowing your brain to learn. Sleep - Clean the plaque from your brain. Clear that next day mind fog. Sleep - Dreamers are creators, the best inventions started in the land of Zzzz’s. Protect your brain - wear a helmet when riding a bike, avoid sleeping next to your phone.

    Wow, Sleep snagged 3 out of 10 there, but Jim really does value sleep as a huge import role to brain health, reminding us that we dream for about 3 years of life. Imagine if you started to journal all your dreams, just how much creativity you could manifest. He shares the importance avoiding your phone for the first hour of your day, starting off small with better morning habits. He even recommends the 5-minute journal as a great way to get started in the morning.

    “Technology is meant to be used, when we use technology out of habit or boredom, we have to ask which of us is being used, and who is the tool?” - Jim Kwik

    There’s so much here in this interview, here’s what else we get into:

    Starting out your day without being wired for distraction Begin with the end in mind Speed reading tips from someone who has read a book a day for 6 years Stress management tools How consistency compounds over time Why self-love and self-care are not selfish The importance of teaching what you learn as a way to learn better Doing the difficult thing makes life easier Collective consciousness How your big life questions are probably someone else’s questions What you practice in private becomes what you’re rewarded for in public How knowledge in and of itself isn’t as life changing as you think

    If you fuel yourself on other people’s opinions, you’ll soon run out of gas” - Jim Kwik

    Hope you enjoyed this today’s episode with Jim Kwik, you can find out more about him here:





    Resources and books from this episode:

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Changeby Stephen R. Covey

    Power of Positive thinking - by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

    Mimi’s Morning Routine video

    5 minute Journal by Intelligent Change




    Mimi’s Instagram

    Alex’s Instagram



    Produced by Jason Sanderson - Podcast Tech