
  • Carol Look on How to Make Yourself a Magnet for Abundance

    I looooove Carol Look. As soon as she and I started to do calls together, I just couldn't get enough, and in fact I did many different calls with her over the years. I'll be sure to post my favorites below. For the record, however, the call you're about to hear is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites because this conversation marked a significant change in my life.

    During this call, Carol shares some exercises to raise your level of abundance and unblock the negative thought patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back. When I did that exercise, I made a conscious and powerful decision to upgrade my life. I'll share the whole story on the podcast before I introduce the call, but I'm dusting it off my shelf and sharing it again because for me, this call was a game changer for my level of prosperity and personal freedom, and so I hope it can be that for you, now, too!!

    Here's What You'll Learn In This Call: How do you get into the state of abundance. Just looking around the room to find what’s not working, o How to dramatically simplify the law of attraction jargon. Little tiny exercises you can do to improve your situation. How to do things out of inspiration instead of obligation! Why scarcity comes across in what you do, and how to act from an attitude of abundance. Carol’s story and how she began using EFT for the laws of abundance! How to release limiting beliefs and self-sabotage to let abundance move in! How to use EFT About Carol Look

    EFT Master, Carol Look has been a pioneer and leading voice in the EFT community for 17 years. Before becoming an EFT Master, Carol was trained as a Clinical Psychotherapist and earned her Doctoral Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy. She has worked in the mental health field for over 20 years.

    Carol is known for combining her distinguished background in traditional psychotherapy with “energy medicine” for unprecedented innovations in the application of EFT. Carol is recognized and respected around the globe as a premier success and abundance coach, inspiring people to attract abundance into their lives by using EFT and the Law of Attraction to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance and build prosperity consciousness.

    A highly sought after international speaker and workshop leader, Carol authored the popular books, Attracting Abundance with EFT, and the bestselling Amazon Kindle books “Stop Feeling Lazy: How to Break the Procrastination Cycle” and “Enough Is Enough: How to Stop Emotional Overeating”.

    She has led workshops in Australia, Canada, England, France, and Brussels and all over the United States; she has been a popular guest on the industry’s leading Healing Tele-summits. She has taught EFT workshops at numerous prestigious organizations and hosts her own workshops several times a year.
    Known for her clarity, focus and direct teaching style, Carol is a featured Energy Therapy expert in the field’s leading DVD documentaries about EFT: “The Tapping Solution” and “Operation: Emotional Freedom.”

    In addition to mentoring thousands of energy practitioners worldwide, Carol recently launched her Abundance Coaching Program for practitioners who are passionate about coaching others to lead lives of exceptional success. You can learn a whole lot more about her here.