
  • Det er bare å beklage, men i denne podkasten risikerer de fire jentene jentene - som til daglig dirver fÆbrik sammen - å ødelegge sitt gode rennomé som prektige syjenter med høy moral. Programledere: Jenny Skavlan, Mari Nordén, Ingrid Bergtun og Ingrid Vik Lysne Produsent: Øystein WeibellBare å beklage er produsert av Bauer Media. Vil du annonsere i podkasten? Ta kontakt med [email protected].

  • Plutselig Barneteater er improvisert teater for barn. Tre syngende skuespillere og en pianist spinner videre på kjente og ukjente eventyr etter forslag fra lytterne. Plutselig Barneteater er Henrik Horge, Andreas Cappelen, Benedikte Kruse og Lars Andreas Aspesæter.
    Annonsering: [email protected]

  • Barnas verden er en podcast der programleder Per Myrstad Kringen snakker med barn om ting voksne lurer på.

  • Sikksakk er en podkast for deg som liker å sy, strikke, veve eller tekstilhåndverk generelt. Vi snakker om å sy sin egen hjemmelagde garderobe og intervjuer spennende folk og entreprenører som har et bevisst forhold til egne klær! Vi utforsker temaet bærekraft i tekstilbransjen, og lærer underveis!

  • Learn the technical information you need to sew successfully and have some fun with Zede and Mallory Donohue of SewHere.com

  • Punk Frockers is a podcast for garment sewists that would like to participate in the sewing community through monthly themed challenges.

  • Clothes Making Mavens is a sewing podcast about handmade fashion. Helena and Lori discuss their favourite pastime--sewing clothes--and talk to other people who are also passionate about sewing. For information and episodes, visit ClothesMakingMavens.com.

  • - Do you love sewing, AND are passionate about fighting the climate and ecological crises?
    - Are you wondering if your sewing could be made more sustainable?
    - Do you want to enjoy your creative passion in a way that really reflects your values?

    Join Zoe Edwards, a sewing nerd and creator of Me-Made-May, on her journey to explore how to sew (and live!) more sustainably.
    In this podcast we discover ways to sew with sustainability in mind, by flexing our creativity and resourcefulness in new and exciting ways. Check Your Thread’s goal is to show that sewing more sustainably can be fun and fulfilling, (HOLD the side order of guilt, eco-snobbery and FOMO.)

    Topics covered include:
    -Mending and garment repair
    -Upcycling and refashioning
    -Natural fabric dyeing
    -Fibre and fabric selection
    -Slow stitching
    -Zero Waste sewing patterns
    -The social and political dimensions of sewing
    -Craft as activism

    Find out more...

  • Jennifer Rosbrugh hosts discussions on fabrics, patterns, techniques, special guest interviews, and sewing motivation to help you in your historical costuming journey and inspiring joy in your creative life.

  • The podcast for people who love to sew – from the people who love to write about sewing!

    Brought to you by the editors of Threads magazine, this insightful podcast takes on topics important to sewing enthusiasts. Listen in for humor, wisdom, and opinions from expert guests and the Threads staff as they discuss sewing techniques, fashion design, fitting conundrums, and more.

    Use your ears to become a better sewer! Hear the talent behind the world’s top garment-sewing magazine.

  • Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with Adult ADHD takes a street-smart approach to managing adult ADHD. This is THE podcast for busy professional adults, including business owners, entrepreneurs, CEO's, marketing and creative professionals and even PHD's with demanding workloads.

    The podcast is an excellent resource for any adult, especially individuals looking for strategies and tactics to create better circumstances in their professional lives.

    If you're a small business owner with ADHD and other life responsibilities, this is the perfect podcast to help you navigate the ups and downs of business and life with ADHD.

    Every week host David Greenwood, author of the book by the same name, has experts in the field of adult ADHD as well as other entrepreneurs with ADHD. Every episode is packed with solutions and methodical approaches to having a better life with ADHD.

    The podcast covers productivity, navigating workloads, how to manage yourself in a chaotic work environment, and burnout. And MUCH more!

    Entrepreneurs and business owners with ADHD share their insights and approaches with Dave regularly on the podcast. How did they do it and what do they need to have in place to be successful? Those answers can be found in the podcast.

    There are also many episodes with just Dave, who shares his thoughts as a busy entrepreneur with ADHD. Dave Greenwood has been both an entrepreneur for decades and an executive at one of the most recognized brands in the world, doing it all with ADHD.

    This is not a Q&A or a stuffy podcast. Every time you hit the download button, you'll feel like you're having a cup of coffee or a pint of your favorite beer with Dave and/for his guests.

  • Here to bring peace to the hectic life of moms with active kids or active daydreamers

  • Drawing on years of experience working with families, Parenting Coaches Siope Kinikini and Kimber Petersen share how families can improve, heal, and find success using the proven methods of the Teaching-Family Model. Visit smarterparenting.com to learn more.

  • Practice flexible thinking about ADHD. If an idea presented contradicts something you’ve heard elsewhere, rather than rigidly arguing about which viewpoint must be the correct one, ask yourself, “Is there a way both of these could be true?” This podcast invites you to think optimistically about who you are and what you are capable of. You may at times resist this invitation, worrying that if you think only of the positive you won’t take responsibility for impulsive behaviors. Ask yourself, “Is there a way I can reframe my impulsiveness and still take responsibility for my behavior?” Push yourself to find ways to think in terms of “both/and” rather than “either/or.”

  • When it comes to ADHD, there is no shortage of confusion.

    Through interviews with experts in their field, parents, and children and adults affected by ADHD, this podcast will try to help all of us understand the condition a little better.

  • One of the common misconceptions about ADHD is that it occurs only in children. The reality is that ADHD can affect people of all ages. It is estimated that in the United States alone, nearly 8 million adults have ADHD. While inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are the same hallmark features of both child and adult ADHD, these symptoms often manifest quite differently in adults. For example, hyperactivity in the child may be excessive running and climbing, while in the adult it is driving too fast. Impulsivity in the child can show up as blurting out answers in class, whereas for the adult interrupting colleagues during a business meeting would be likely. Recognition of the symptoms of ADHD that impact everyday life—at home, at work, and socially—is critical. The good news is that adult ADHD is a treatable medical condition, when recognized and addressed with an eye toward optimal management. Current data suggests that further continuing education and professional development is warranted to address clinical practice gaps related to diagnosis and management of ADHD in adults. In this neuroscienceCME Live and On Demand activity, expert faculty will explore best evidence to help clinicians achieve best practice as it relates to assessment, diagnosis, and management of adult ADHD. This activity also includes a special "After the Show" segment during which the faculty answers additional audience questions in an informal Q&A session.

  • Productivity, Parenting, and Education for Moms with Adult ADHD

    Are you overwhelmed by the never-ending to do list of motherhood? Are you burnt out and barely keeping your head above water? Are you confused and frustrated by how all the other moms make it look so easy? And somehow you're still floundering despite trying even harder...

    Your purse is as overflowing as your mind, you never feel like a good enough mom, and you don't dare have anyone over to visit to witness your messy home. You just want the best for your kids, but you can't figure out how to manage the chaos, both in your mind and in your house.

    Oh, I've been there, mama. Some days, I'm still there. Parenting with ADHD is hard!

    We want to be structured for our kids, yet we can't seem to stay consistent even for ourselves. But I'm letting go of everyone else's perception of a "good mom" and stepping into loving who I am a little more each day. Will you join me?

    Whether you have ADHD like I do, or think you might, here is your permission slip to let go of the pinterest worthy visions of organization and structure fit for everyone else. Let's do life like our brains do life: creatively, lovingly, and with all your might. Moms with ADHD have a superpower of always trying their best, even when it doesn't pan out.

    How do I know? I have known about my ADD for over twenty years, and I want to share all of this hard-earned ADHD knowledge with you, making your adjustment a lot easier and faster than mine was.

    What does Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder look like in women? We'll dive into emotional regulation, motivation, executive function, hormones, medication, and natural treatments. Women with ADHD share their diagnosis stories with us, whether inattentive, hyperactive or combined, from childhood through adult diagnoses. We also talk about ADHD's so-called friends like depression, anxiety, addiction, disordered eating, other learning differences, and what I've learned through therapy and CBT.

    Science is my jam and learning about how our brains work through the lens of scientific research helps us understand who we are. ADHD is not just for little boys; it looks different in girls.

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurological medical condition, not an excuse for lazy, stupid, unmotivated people to not live up to our potential. Let's agree to throw that thought in the trash.

    Once we understand how our brains work, we can dive into the practical strategies like structuring our day, minimalism, money, nurturing our relationships, daily rhythms, using a planner, and improving our sleep. I want to help you build your version of a joyful family life.

    We talk about everything from ADHD to Zebras, because that is how Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder works: to us, our thoughts are clearly connected, but non-linear to everyone else. I want you to love being a zebra in a world full of horses. We were born as unique, gorgeous creatures, not meant to blend in with the usual nor mundane.

    When we embrace who we are and how our brains work, we can figure out how to live out lives successfully and in turn, lead our families well.

    At the end of the day, we just want to be good moms. Spoiler alert: you are already a great mom.

    If you're ready to see that with your own two eyes, hit play and listen in as we love ourselves a little more each day of our ADHD lives. ADHD does NOT mean you're doomed to be a hot mess, mama!

    You CAN rewrite your story from shame spiral to success story, and I'll be right here beside you to cheer you on!

    With love, Patricia Sung, a fellow mama with ADHD

    Free Resources and Transcriptions at: motherhoodinadhd.com

    Connect with Patricia Sung on Instagram: www.instagram.com/motherhoodinadhd

    Join like-minded mamas in our Successful Mama Meetups online community: https://www.patriciasung.com/meetup

    Sign up for community, courses, coaching, and tons of free resources to learn about ADHD: www.patriciasung.com

  • Welcome to The Autism ADHD Podcast, your go-to podcast for neurodiversity-affirming, insightful, and practical support. We discuss mental health, emotional regulation, social interaction, academics, independence, and more! Whether you're a parent, therapist, or educator, you'll find knowledge, evidence-based tips, and real-life stories to empower Autistic and ADHD children and teens to live a life they love.
    Sincerely, Holly Blanc Moses - The Mom/Neurodivergent Therapist

  • Hey everyone,
    I'm Susy, I'm an author, blogger and ADHD mama and I'm passionate about educating, supporting and inspiring parents to see ADHD as a positive trait.
    I believe that with the right guidance, diet, love & understanding we could be holding the the key to future stars in the making!
    Grab a cuppa, put your feet up and listen to these incredible interviews of mums, authors, experts and sooooo many awesome humans!

    You can follow me on instagram for more updates @susyohareofficial and my website www.susyohare.com for more resources.
    Susy x