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  • Lex returns to his discussion of the Dungeon Master’s Guide with an exploration of the astral plane. This is the first part of a two part discussion. We'll go over the basics of the astral plane. We’re not given a lot of details on this plane in the 5e DMG compared to previous editions, so in part two we’ll refer to the Manual of the Planes from 3rd edition to fill in the gaps. This week Lex also discuss some of the spells used to travel the planes--plane shift, gate and astral projection.

  • Did you know that the world we perceive with our five senses represents but a fraction of the reality that surrounds us? Beyond our standard perception lies an infinite realm, with dimensions of time snd space seldom experienced by most people. What would it be like if you were able to see, feel, and hear a metaphysical, phenomenal universe right here on earth? It's hard to imagine something you've not yet experienced, is it not? As we learn from this conversation, just because you can't experience the supernatural, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. In this episode, we explore non-physical reality with modern day shaman and healer Mama Medicine, AKA Deborah Hanekamp. Since she was a little girl, Deborah has been able to see and experience realms of reality seldom perceptible by most people. Over the years she's learned to hone her skills and to channel her healing abilities in the most powerful of ways and to help people work through a vast spectrum of challenges both physical, mental, and spiritual. Her shamanic healing work as a Reiki Master and clairvoyant has gained her much notoriety in the consciousness community of New York City, and beyond. She's facilitated Medicine Reading ceremonies all over the world, in addition to her regular sessions in her Soho headquarters, Space By Mama Medicine. If you've ever wondered if ghosts, auras, and astral travel were merely fantasies of human imagination or actual reality, this mind-bending, soul-healing conversation might be just what the Dr. ordered. Take a deep breath, sit back, and enjoy a journey into the unknown with Mama Medicine. If you know someone who could use some more wonder and magic in their lives, please do them a favor and pass this episode along. The world could use more plenty more beings of light. To your superpowers, Luke

    For more about this episode.

    Topics Discussed:

    How she uses feminine energy as a biz woman vs. trying to compete with the masculine When she realized she was seeing auras as a kid, and how her it was received by friends and family. What the auric field looks like and what the colors and shapes mean How photography never does justice even when it comes to aura photography, and is aura photography actually legitimate? Turns out my aura is pure magenta and she’ll tell us know what that means Using Aura reading to hire the right team as an entrepreneur What it looks like in the auric filed when someone carries a lot of negative energy How she avoids co-dependency and allows people’s karma to workout, and doesn’t try to save or rescue them What it’s like to see ghosts and spirits, and how not get creeped out or scared by it Why spirits tend to get stuck and have a difficult time crossing over when death happens while in high state What happens during her medicine readings, and how ceremonial aspects play a big role Ayahuasca and her initiation into Shamanism What's the feeling of taking Ayahuasca, and how intentionality has all to do with it The Peruvian shaman’s brew that made it possible for her to get pregnant How to discern a real Shaman from a fake ass charlatan The history of Reiki and why it’s such a powerful tool in her arsenal of skills How motherhood was her most powerful right of passage Her own self-care routine as a healer Why you might want to do ritual baths for self-healing Lifestyle recommendations


    ATHLETIC GREENS. As someone who’s been into superfoods, and supplementation for over 25 years, I’ve seen many a trend come and go. One of those

  • What has your spiritual awakening been like for you? Spiritual awakening is different for everyone and there are levels of intensity. There is a darker side to it, too. And sometimes, it can be messy. Join me as I talk about what this journey and process of spiritual awakening could be like and help you get to an understanding of what it means to you.

    In this episode you will learn:

    What is spiritual awakening? Why do some of us get into a slump as we go through the process of spiritual awakening? Why are some of us so driven to find the truth of existence?

    3 Key Takeaways:

    Spiritual awakening is basically about having a new level of awareness and understanding about who you are, about purpose, about a connection to God, about existence, about things that can bring us a lot of joy and love. While you may have these moments in the process of spiritual awakening where you lose clarity, where you are assimilating some new information and may get off-kilter, it’s okay. If we are really understanding who we are, our power and our God connection, that should be a joyful moment and there should be more ease coming into life.

    Action Steps:

    Do things in spirit. If you find yourself in a worse state as a result of truth-seeking, reconsider that and think, “If I were really lining up with the truth of who I am, wouldn’t that mean that life got easier and better?”


    “Always at my root, always at my foundation is my love for people, is my love for life, is my love for myself.”

    “Spiritual awakenings are, in my opinion, a messy, messy work.”

    You might have noticed that there’s a been a temporary shift in the release of podcast episodes. I hope that you guys will tune in whenever one is released. I will do my best to produce as many episodes as possible during this time. I also would love to hear from you, so please feel free to reach out to me.

    Thank you for listening!

    Resource Mentioned:

    Playing the Matrix: A Program for Living Deliberately and Creating Consciously by Mike Dooley

    Past Episodes Mentioned:

    314ACIM: Spiritual Awakening, Dark Nights of the Soul & Depression – Part 1

    319ACIM: Depression, Spiritual Awakening, Dark Nights of the Soul – Part 2

    324ACIM: Spiritual Awakening, Dark Nights of the Soul & Depression – Part 3

    More from Bridgett Tulloh

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  • This transmission is designed to help you experiencing becoming a clear and pure channel for healing energies. These healing energies are transmitted through you and come from the Cosmic Christ Grid which is held by Archangel Metatron and many angelic beings. The space is also held for you by your Higher Self and I Am Presence (Spirit). You can use this transmission to send healing energies to another person no matter where they are in the world. This transmission is designed to send healing for another person who is incarnate. It is better that there is no major emotional issue going on between you, if so then another transmission such as the Ultra-Violet Angelic Transmission would work better. You can use this for a loved one who needs healing. For instance, you may have a good friend or relative who needs healing. You may be a parent of a Starseed who needs some healing help. It is better that you have some emotional connection to the person rather than someone you know through another party. Before the healing work can begin it is important to ask permission of the other person’s Higher Self. This part is included before the transmission to the other begins. You need to tune in and get a sense whether or not you have permission. If you get a sense of no then do not proceed otherwise if the response feels neutral or positive you can go ahead. The work focuses on clearing low frequency energies in the physical body and also the energy fields of another person. This transmission includes space for healing two other people. You can repeat this transmission as often as you wish with as many people as you wish. As you work to clear others you also receive a healing and clearing in the process.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • If you’ve ever felt you could heal, help others to heal, or just wanted to learn about energy medicine, then do we have the hands-on healing show for you!

    Today I’ll be talking with William Bengston, PhD, sociology professor, self-proclaimed skeptic, President of the Society for Scientific Exploration, and a leading researcher into the mystery and power of energy medicine, and the author of a must-read book, The Energy Cure.

    Today we’ll talk about hands-on healing, what it is, what it looks like, what the studies show, and how we can all do it.

    That plus we’ll talk about vaporizing clouds, God in a Bottle, why table tennis isn’t for tortoises, turning down flat screen TV’s, the power of charged cotton, and why in the world you don’t have to be from Alpha Centauri, in order to help others heal.

    The Energy Cure Self-Help and Self-Improvement Healing Topics Include:

    Who was Bennett Murrick What’s the Boggle Effect? How healings on people began How William’s chronic back pain was healed for life How people began to heal, and what they could heal from? How Bill ended up healing rats How people went into ‘spontaneous remission’ for cancer What were early experiments done in the lab? How were mice healed from cancer and inoculated from cancer Can healing be taught? Why intention isn’t necessary for healing What is the Bengston Energy Healing Method? What is ‘cycling’ and why is it so powerful? What’s a powerful past law of attraction method – that changes your brainwave patterns How cycling can change your brainwave patterns What it means to go from mindfulness to mindlessness How can this be turned or reverse engineered into a conventional therapy What he’s doing across the country to put ‘healing in the cloud’ To find out more about the Energy Cure and for the CD set ‘Hands on Healing, a Training Course in the Energy Cure’ or to do it live go to

    William Bengston PhD Shares Energy Healing Scientifically Proven to Cure Illness & Cancer! Alternative Medicine | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Health | Inspiration | Inspirational | Motivation | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

    For More Info Visit:

  • Most people avoid the feeling of emptiness like a plague. And that’s for very good reasons. However, if you’re on a spiritual path of sorts, I want to tell you that your relationship with emptiness is actually one of the most important spiritual skills to master. Having a “friendly” relationship with that seemingly horrible void is a sign of spiritual maturity. And the emptiness can teach you so much about the nature of existence, and transform your life into a more empowered one. 

    In this episode of the School of Intuition, I talk all about emptiness. What it is. What it’s not. Why most people avoid it. What you can do to develop a healthy relationship with it. We’ll also do a meditative practice together to enter the state of emptiness. 

    * * *

    Who else in your life need to listen to this episode? Send them a screenshot or the episode link.

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  • Last week I got this message from a listener, “I love, love your power mornings course...I’m doing your clarity finder exercise to connect with my higher self. But I don’t know if I’m doing it right. How do I know the information I get is real?”

    This is actually a common thought most of us have when we get an intuitive message-- "Is this for real or am I making shit up?" 

    In this episode, I talk about two approaches to resolve this question. The first approach works for almost everyone. The second approach does not. But if you really get the second perspective, you will never have to wonder about the validity of your intuition ever again.

    Signup for the Power Mornings audio course at 

    Join the True Voyage community on Soundwise:   

    Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache 

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  • Have you heard of the an-empath-walks-into-a-bar joke? Me neither. Probably because walking into a crowded space is no joke for empaths / energetically sensitive beings. Because you're easily overwhelmed by other people's energy, an empath's instinctual response when walking into a room is often times to hide and to shrink. The reasoning is that if you take up less space, others won't come mess with you and it's less likely to be overwhelmed. But that strategy rarely works. You end up feeling out of place and defeated, and missing the chance of making meaningful connections with people.In this episode, I talk about an alternative strategy-- the right things to do when you try to navigate a roomful of people, so that you not only feel comfortable and less overwhelmed, but also attract the right people to you. This is a great approach especially if you're energetically sensitive. But even if you are not, the practices I mentioned in the episode will still help you to own the room.

    Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION (FREE EDITION) on Soundwise

  • You're having a thought. Is it a divinely inspired intuition? Or is it random mind chattering? Many people ask me how they can learn to trust their path and not freak out when things don't seem to go their way. I always tell people to start by learning to differentiate real intuition from other thoughts which we all have a million of every day. That will help you a great deal in terms of building the trust and faith in your higher self and your destiny.But how do you do that?In this episode of the True Voyage, I will teach you what real intuition is not, and how you can tell you're getting an intuitive message from your higher self by discerning the feelings that comes with the message.

    Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION (FREE EDITION) on Soundwise

  • Being able to intuitively read other people's energy is useful in so many situations. No matter whether you're just meeting someone at a cocktail party, or trying to make significant decisions about the person, e.g. deciding if to hire them, date them, become their business partner, knowing "what the person is about" intuitively will help you make better decisions and have better relationships. In this episode, I'll tell you a simple 4-step process to read others' energy quickly. As any skills in life, it does take practice to develop. And the #1 principle of developing any kind of intuition is this: the more you respect your intuition, the more intuitive you get. Listen to find out what I mean. If you like this episode, don't forget to check out my audio course: How To Get Anything You Want: A Course On Inner Mastery

    Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION (FREE EDITION) on Soundwise