
  • In this special episode of What Catholics Believe, Father Jenkins answers viewer questions and discusses current events from a traditional Catholic perspective: First, Pray for Tom and the Neagele family, who are ill, and for a young mother who suffered a serious car accident and in need of surgery — pray for her and her family; pray for the souls of Fr. Dolan, Fr. Cekada, and Fr. Randolph. A viewer asks how to answer the accusation that the SSPV is in schism and that to participate is to put your soul in danger; schism, to cut oneself off from the authority of the Church, is objectively a mortal sin; Church approved theologians — material schism, being separated from a true reigning pontiff from ignorance, can be inculpable; the real question — is the SSPV, or any traditional Catholic group or priest, in schism?; if you are following Catholic tradition it is impossible to be in schism; whether those who don’t follow tradition are in schism; to break with tradition is to break with the authority of the Church; to break with tradition is to break from the Holy Ghost; Francis’ “God of surprises” and new doctrines; Catholic tradition — popes or supposed popes can go into schism; Francis’ repeatedly breaking with tradition is obvious; Francis does not believe the traditional Catholic catechism. A viewer asks, Can I be the godmother for a baby baptized in the “old rite” from a non-traditional priest?; the phrases of “old rite” vs. “new rite — meaning traditional rite vs. Novus Ordo rite (a better way to express it); Novus Ordo priests (FFSP); practicing the traditional Catholic religion in the Novus Ordo?; accepting responsibility impossible to fulfill as a traditional Catholic; Thuc-line priests. A viewer asks, Is it okay for a Catholic man to marry a never-married single mom? A viewer asks whether there is special penance that needs to be done for the sin of abortion; Pro-abortionists’ call to assault churches in the face of the leak about overturning Roe v Wade and the insurrection against the judiciary branch of the United States; Alito’s summary and analysis of Roe v Wade; Investigating the leak; the Traditional Catholic perspective about what is happening to our country; Justice Roberts taking the slow road against Roe v Wade?; the Roe v Wade decision in 1973 — our country lost its soul; “Potential life” — constitutional law or bad philosophy?; deciding who is human; Ruth Ginsberg and Biden originally — Roe v Wade a legal mess; the danger of politicians in the courts — negotiation instead of principles; pray for the justices that they would decide rightly on principle; Biden’s nominations are political activists; outstanding questions about Biden’s “election”; argeting Catholic Churches as oppressive to women “The Handmaid’s Tale” — the democrats and Jeffery Epstein?; bright people can think, speak, and act stupidly; the treatment of women outside the influence and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ; “Ruth sent us”; the Novus Ordo not a great obstacle to legalized abortion; Novus Ordo bishops — abortion “not a Catholic issue”; Vatican II the Great Reset in the Church; recognition of the historic Catholic Church as the great enemy of evil; pro-abortion — hatred of Christ; the malice of pro-abortion women manifests ugliness and the demonic; invading the Churches on Mother’s Day — hatred of motherhood; Lilith festivals; being complicit in child-murder; “they want to abort it because they know it is a child”; anti-rationality and sin against the Holy Ghost; abortuaries as essential services during lockdowns; Mary Elizabeth Williams in Salon Magazine: “So What if Abortion Ends Life?” — “all life is not equal” — “I would put life of a mother over the life of a fetus every time”.

    This video was livestreamed on 5/10/2022.

    Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!

  • In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele begin with sad news: On the day of the recording, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Fr. Dolan passed away; Fr. Cekada passed away in 2020; please pray for these priests. Father then addresses the following viewer questions: Is it sinful to speak negatively about politicians?; the sins of detraction (telling secret faults) and calumny (slander) can be mortally sinful; obligations of justice and charity; the character of a politician is of public concern; revealing others’ faults out of necessity; the right to know others’ faults; example — mortally sinful not to reveal to the priests an impediment to marriage; the obligation to reveal faults of politicians; requirements of evidence; motivations of malice. In the crucifixion, did our Lord bear the Father’s wrath or Satan’s wrath?; the Father’s love for the Son and for us; the Son's love for the Father and for us; our Lord did take upon Himself God’s wrath, but this is not to be understood in the Lutheran sense; the Father’s love for His Son, even as man; Christ’s devotion to the Father’s will, as man; Christ paid the price for our guilt; God hates sin because it is contrary to His love; we must hate sin out of love for God; mortal sin — ordering God out of the soul for the love of a creature; those who love God hate sin; the wrath of Satan who knew the promise of a redeemer and the threat to his dominion; Satan in the desert — “if you are the Son of God …”; Satan blinded by malice; tormenting our Lord in the garden. Did God will Judas to betray our Lord?; nothing can happen without God’s consent; God gives existence to all that exists; God’s absolute will and conditioned will; God’s designed will and resigned will; God can cause evil and sin to result in a greater good; St. Augustine — felix culpa; God’s infinite power to bring about good; Judas’ responsibility; Pilate’s responsibility; the Old Law imperfect — why?; the wrath of the people against Moses and the wrath of the pharisees against our Lord. Was Benedict XVI’s assassination prophesied in the 3rd secret of Fatima?; Karl Rahner — leading modernist in Vatican II and Joseph Ratzinger Rahner’s protégé; Ratzinger seems conservative only by comparison; can a person hold to Modernism and be a Catholic?; the assassination prophecy genuinely part of the 3rd secret?; the Great Apostasy; Ratzinger supports Francis; grasping for explanations of the current crisis; the devil using controversies to distract the faithful; the main issue — follow tradition; real Mass, real sacraments, real priests; legitimate to ask whether Francis is really the pope; not legitimate to bind the consciences of others. Can tap water be added to holy water?; depends upon how much; the custom; divine grace cannot be diluted. And finally, a warning about U.N. vote on amendments that would obligate the U.S.A. to the World Health Organization; pray and be faithful to Christ the King, who has absolute VETO power; pray the litanies of the Holy Name, of Mary, and of St. Joseph; our Lady — health of the sick; trials permitted for the manifestation of the power of God.

    This video was livestreamed on 4/26/2022.

    Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!

  • Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele discuss: Omniscience and Christ’s human nature — did Christ know the fig tree He cursed was barren? God gave the power, and it returned nothing; our Lord’s parables about the vineyard and its fruitfulness; Israel’s rejection of our Lord. Benedict XVI’s resignation invalid due to substantial error? — was the error because of Vatican II? Could we use this situation to overturn Vatican II? — Benedict XVI’s motives for resigning; the homosexual mafia; the resignation coerced?; Vigano on reexamining Benedict XVI’s resignation — what is to gain?; the motive to invalidate Francis; the merits of the sedevacantist position; do you need to have the Catholic faith to be the pope?; Catholic position — no manifest heretic can be the pope; dogmatic sedevacantism and the authority to bind consciences; dogmatic anti-sedevacantism contradicting Catholic tradition; both dogmatic positions commit the same kind of error. Fr. Jenkins calling Daniel Dolan “Father” rather than “Bishop” and whether he took the vaccine; Fr. Jenkins — “Might have taken”, not “did take” the vaccine — asking the question; did not know Fr. Dolan’s position on the vaccine; the death toll from the vaccine; some strongly against the vaccine still take it; little information still on cause of Fr. Dolan’s death; controversy about Terri Schiavo’s death; SSPV does not accept the legitimacy of the Thuc consecrations and certainly valid and Catholic; “Archbishop” is Vigano’s public title in the Novus Ordo – not the same as a Catholic Archbishop. Messianic Jews — Jews who accept Jesus as the Messiah but promote the Jewish festivals; similarity to the Novus Ordo; not licit to celebrate the shadow when the reality has come; St. Paul and the Judaizers; St. Peter and the first general counsel in Acts 15 — converts and the law of Moses; St. Paul — we are not saved by the Law of Moses; Martin Luther adulterating Scripture about “law” and “faith”; Christ is the fulfillment of the Law; inserting mosaic judaism back into Christianity. The supreme court leaked draft on Roe vs. Wade; authentic but not final; who leaked it — collusion by one of the justices? Leftist leak to rally pressure against it?; Majority vote against Roe vs. Wade in draft; Politico — Justice Alito author of the draft; the count of those who had access to the draft keeps growing; the democrats’ opposition to the filibuster; the democrats’ fear of states in the union that will outlaw abortion; controversy about the legality of the leak; death of truth by experts; the media and stoking revolution; conservative call for investigation; legalizing the murder of babies — the beginning of the end for the U.S.A.?; Our Lady of Fatima — sin is the fundamental issue; the loss of faith; the faithful must not be intimidated; meekness — humility about our own opinions, but having a lion’s heart for the honor of Christ; the democrats’ double standard about “insurrection”. How to practice meekness when gravely wronged; extremely difficult; our Lord — forgive if you want to be forgiven; what others do to us vs. what we have done to our Lord; being wronged is a great opportunity; not against the law of Christ to seek redress; against the law of Christ to be moved by malice; is there something to gain by confrontation?; victory over ourselves for the sake of Christ is an amazing gain; opening the floodgates of God’s forgiveness and mercy by being merciful. Great emotions of sorrow and joy when praying the Rosary — is this normal?; extreme emotions not necessarily a sign of holiness; extreme emotions not wrong if it does not draw attention to the person; preachers of old moved people to tears or great joy; be careful of mistaking emotions for the essence of prayer — raising the mind and heart to God.

    This video was livestreamed on 5/3/2022.

    Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!

  • In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele begin by discussing the Russia-Ukraine war as it has developed over the past week. Topics include: separating fact from fiction in the news; the use of international crises by governments for their domestic agendas; the World Economic Forum behind the scenes; Nazi influences in Ukraine; Our Lady of Fatima speaks about world wars; Putin’s motivations; calamities are the result of sin; we need to pray fervent prayers of repentance and of thanksgiving for God’s continued mercy and hold to Catholic tradition. Father also answers viewer emails: is “green” burial (burial in a wooden casket without embalming) licit for Catholics?; Novus Ordo priest Chad Ripperger on the validity of the new rites and liturgies; the new theology behind new rites; giving to the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The video concludes with some instruction about Lent: we need to do penance; how do we know if we are fasting?; the only motivation that counts is love for God; faith, hope, and charity are the greater gifts!

    This video was livestreamed on 3/08/2022.
Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!